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New Ocean Island

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Man, I have (at least) 2 great ideas for usage of multiplay in this island.

First off, a SWAT type mission. Maybe a coop raid on the chinese restaurant or the biker bar? I've actually done it in singleplay already, but the AI teammates are a bit boring, as they go thru walls etc.

Secondly, a RPG. Just imagine it, there are lots of "jobs" and stuff. Like a factory worker, a McDonald's waiter, waiter/cook in the chinese restaurant, a cop, a car salesman etc.

And of course we can always create large street fights between some gangs smile_o.gif

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Ich just downloadert der Ocean Island, und what is up with dieser readme?

Quote[/b] ]From the creator of "Y2K3 mod", "Lethal migranes" and "the Third Reich", Pappy Boyington brings you yet

another peice of joy for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance.


more houses ( Ca. +3)

more buildings including previously unused ones ( Including +3 houses, which is about it )

a port ( with bad clipping )

an airport ( with working ILS landing & take-off for AI, but no real design visualisation )

a factory ( where they make addons for me to steal )

a national gaurd base ( made out of carboard boxes )

and one of the houses has a new computer! smile_o.gif:):) ( with low end, so you can play my map )


building without a lobby now has a lobby with MUCH thanks to ag_smith.

I am no longer a boy, with MUCH thanks to Dr_Schnippensaur for the sexchange operation.


Dont play this map without these awesome addons!

Donkey Kong Country - Kong has gone bananas, does Diddy have what it takes to stop his rampant ways?

Miss Octobers big rig - Big boobs for everyone ( and me thanks to implant technology )

drinking fountain v2 - No supprise here

Oh wait, these addons dont help. Forget what I said. Just dont play the map!

Mein mutter gesagen hast that this is Communist Propoganda. unclesam.gif

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^ I think I speek for everyone on the forum when i say... WTF!?

Clown, after reading your posts you can say I got really pissed off with your childish attitude, take it back to the CS community why dont you. Okay, its fine if you point out bugs, things that need to be improved, yeh fine with that, but theres no need to go all "mines beter than yours so ha ha haha ha" on us. After that attitude I'm supprised people do help you out. The two islands can be as good as each other in different ways. Like you said you where going for a more Mexican/Texas feeling, well if Papy wasn't does that make your island better? No.

I would like to say that both islands are as good as each other, but because of your attitude I wont even bother to download your version, which is a pitty, but hey, thats what you get for treating people like they are the shit on your shoes.

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^ I think I speek for everyone on the forum when i say... WTF!?

Clown, after reading your posts you can say I got really pissed off with your childish attitude, take it back to the CS community why dont you. Okay, its fine if you point out bugs, things that need to be improved, yeh fine with that, but theres no need to go all "mines beter than yours so ha ha haha ha" on us. After that attitude I'm supprised people do help you out. The two islands can be as good as each other in different ways. Like you said you where going for a more Mexican/Texas feeling, well if Papy wasn't does that make your island better? No.

I would like to say that both islands are as good as each other, but because of your attitude I wont even bother to download your version, which is a pitty, but hey, thats what you get for treating people like they are the shit on your shoes.

OHNOE! ILL POST IT! PLEASE PLAY MY MAP!  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  tounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Ich just want an expanazieren for der readme. I am unsure how install, thank you. You people are so nice, americans. Yes. biggrin_o.gif

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To install the map put the island .pbo in your addons folder in your operation flashpoint directory.

German: (I used a free translator so its not my fault.)

Um die Karte zu installieren, stellen Sie die Insel. pbo in Ihrem addons Ordner in Ihrem Betrieb flashpoint Verzeichnis.

Ach und übrigens, Sie nicht jeder auf hier ist Amerikanisch

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Ich just downloadert der Ocean Island, und what is up with dieser readme?

Quote[/b] ]From the creator of "Y2K3 mod", "Lethal migranes" and "the Third Reich", Pappy Boyington brings you yet

another peice of joy for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance.


more houses ( Ca. +3)

more buildings including previously unused ones ( Including +3 houses, which is about it )

a port ( with bad clipping )

an airport ( with working ILS landing & take-off for AI, but no real design visualisation )

a factory ( where they make addons for me to steal )

a national gaurd base ( made out of carboard boxes )

and one of the houses has a new computer!  smile_o.gif:):) ( with low end, so you can play my map )


building without a lobby now has a lobby with MUCH thanks to ag_smith.

I am no longer a boy, with MUCH thanks to Dr_Schnippensaur for the sexchange operation.


Dont play this map without these awesome addons!

Donkey Kong Country - Kong has gone bananas, does Diddy have what it takes to stop his rampant ways?

Miss Octobers big rig - Big boobs for everyone ( and me thanks to implant technology )

drinking fountain v2 - No supprise here

Oh wait, these addons dont help. Forget what I said. Just dont play the map!

Mein mutter gesagen hast that this is Communist Propoganda.  unclesam.gif

Ahahah, i just keep reading that over and over!! Hahahahah!

*Thumbs up* biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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rock.gif How Ich bin supposed to read der German? I am from Jemen, India! Ich just dont speak der Americanzi language not well, because they are capitalist who steal our oil. xmas_o.gif

I do not have this 'operation flashpoint' directory you speak off, how I install map for UNREAL TOURNAMENT 2004?! blues.gif

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hmmm... what language do you speak?

if you speak german i could help you better as you don't understand english very well it seems.

wenn du deutsch sprichst könnte ich dir da weiterhelfen smile_o.gif

und nein, nicht jeder hier ist Amerikaner, ich bin zum beispiel deutscher

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And no, im not 13 you fuckin brat.

Hahaha, a brat? That makes me laugh kid, really, it does.

Why don't you go take your "I'm so fucking cool" attitude and shove it up your ass wink_o.gif

Earn some respect, and maybe hit your teens.

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And no, im not 13 you fuckin brat.

since you can't follow forum rules, i think it's better that you not post here. your posting will be blocked for sometime until there is a decision reached.

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didnt know you had trainstations in your ags industrypack... hmm.. witch version?

In this version.... (v3.0 - the latest one).

st_toxic, don't know how you got here... but you can NOT use this island in Unreal Tournament! crazy_o.gif

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Man, I have (at least) 2 great ideas for usage of multiplay in this island.

First off, a SWAT type mission. Maybe a coop raid on the chinese restaurant or the biker bar? I've actually done it in singleplay already, but the AI teammates are a bit boring, as they go thru walls etc.

Secondly, a RPG. Just imagine it, there are lots of "jobs" and stuff. Like a factory worker, a McDonald's waiter, waiter/cook in the chinese restaurant, a cop, a car salesman etc.

And of course we can always create large street fights between some gangs smile_o.gif

theif!  tounge_o.gif no no if you can make these missions please do, im sure they will be better then mine.

i just completed 3 missions. gonna fine tweak them tonight with custom music and then release in an hour or so.

Mission 1:

Police Shoot Out: playable 1 to 4 players (individual) you are a police oficer outside the chinese resturant. armed gunmen (wyw_opfor) have takin over the resturant and have hostages. you job is to rescue those hostages.

catch: civilian causulties are not permited.. so no rambo, watch your fire. u kill a hostage its game over.

Mission 2:

Biker Brawl:

police dont know what to do, and the gunmen have takin over the flaming wheels biker bar! while those stinking cops sit on thier hands we are gonna take back whats ours!

playable 1 to 4 players (individual) with 4 bikes or one car (lincon bad mutha). simple enough kill all the gunmen. the mission isnt all that great but with team work you can accomplish it.

both missions are simple and rather easy, yet a little hard if your not careful. just enough to have fun.

and completed is Mission 3:

National Guard:

playable 1 to 4 players (individual) with 60 enemy randomly spread about the town. mission is daytime stormy weather. if you play in multiplayer mode you have the option of the 4 roles: (each slot differnt gun)

Soldier (M16)

Soldier (G36)

Soldier (M60, or M249 if you use Y2K3)

Soldier (XMS, or M4A1 Scope if you use Y2K3)

vs 50-60 wyw olive drab opfor. included is a one minute intro with music. this mission is a modified version of streetfight.noe from the SES member December. its an old mission, and i do have his permission to use this modified version. and this mission is a touch more difficult, even with 4 players. but with skill you can beat it. also it utilizes all of the downtown area, and one enterable house in the residential area (the one with the computer in it)

i need to get back to work on the other 2 to make sure everything works.

Quote[/b] ]Thanks Ralph.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

i second that, i thank you for your swift and just action here, and i hope that my replys to his immaturity did not contribute negativly in any way, i tried to restrain myself better then i normaly do this time.

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Ocean Island V1.0 Mission Pack

Quote[/b] ]Needed Addons:

Troublemakers_MC.pbo - Troublemakers Malden Biker Gang


WYW_Opfor.pbo - Generic Opfor by Newiy


and the Addons Included with the Ocean Island Update

Mission Info:

Mission 1:

Police Shoot Out

Players: 1 to 4

Type: coop

Role: You are a police oficer outside the chinese resturant

Situation: armed gunmen have takin over the resturant and

have hostages. your job is to rescue those hostages.

Warning(s): civilian causulties are not permited.. so no rambo, watch your fire. u kill a hostage its game over.

Aide: Selectable Weapons at breifing= M4 (xm_177e2) with 4 magazines, and 1 revovler with 4 magazines.

Mission 2:

Biker Brawl

Players: 1 to 4

Type: coop

Role: your a biker angry about the gunmen using your hangout as thier base

Situation: police dont know what to do, and the gunmen have takin over the flaming wheels biker bar!

while those stinking cops sit on thier hands we are gonna take back whats ours!

Warning(s): civilian casulties are unacceptable, so watch your fire.

Aid: 4 bikes and one car (lincon, bad mutha). simple enough kill all the gunmen.

also breifing selectable weapons= kozlice shotgun with ball ammo

Mission 3:

National Guard

Players: 1 to 4

Type: coop

Role: you are a National Guard Soldier putting in your one weekend a month

playable postions are as follows:

Soldier (M16)

Soldier (G36)

Soldier (M60, or M249 if you use Y2K3)

Soldier (XMS, or M4A1 Scope if you use Y2K3)

Situation: terrorist gunmen have takin over downtown and one house in the residential neighborhood, now we go in and take it back!

Warning(s): AI are very skilled and very stratigicly placed

Aide: humvee, and 5 ton truck driveable. M113 Ambulance should u be injured

Extra: a one minute intro with music

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I was toying with the concept of a scripted multiplay adversarial mission in which you have two bases, consisting of the Triads at the chinese restaurant and the bikers and perhaps you have to go around picking up unaligned civilian "workers" that are changed to whichever side your team is on. They then work the streets and make you money to buy arms.

Perhaps stealing cars that spawn for money as well.

Doolittle's multiplayer adversarial on a smaller scale I guess is what I was thinking. Only with the ability to pick up things like illegal booze or drugs and sell them all whilst competing with a rival faction or something. That would be cool.

Something a little more subtle than just running to a rival base and stealing a flag or something. For indirect conflicts that culminate in smaller random attacks at economic targets instead of just rushing an enemy base.

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One of the addon requirements for the mission seems to be giving me trouble... like I can't start OFP if it's in the Addon folder... sad_o.gif Anyone got any clues as to why that is?

WYW_Opfor.pbo - Generic Opfor by Newiy

The missions sound great though.

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One of the addon requirements for the mission seems to be giving me trouble... like I can't start OFP if it's in the Addon folder... sad_o.gif   Anyone got any clues as to why that is?

WYW_Opfor.pbo - Generic Opfor by Newiy

The missions sound great though.

The "WYW_Opfor.pbo - Generic Opfor by Newiy" needs Earl & Sucheys Marine addon + BAS Delta Ranger pack dunno why but without those it will crash.

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i downloaded the updated pack but when i try to use them, the body of them is invisible and some untextured canisters are floating were his beltline is, anybody know why this is?

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WI and I have teamed up and are continuing the New Ocean Island project.

we plan on the following thus far:

minor tweaks at the airport in terms of radar and parking area

minor tweaks at the port

overhaul of the factory

NG base redone with mapfacts barracks

farm houses out where the forest is

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If you can fix the cinema it has flickering faces wink_o.gif

I mean the faces where the movie pictures are wink_o.gif

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