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Don't know if anyone has noticed but same tower from df2:


Delta Force 1

EDIT: Responding to the post below... whoops your right, only looked at it for a few seconds and saw the tower. Didn't realize what map it was or the changed layout *fixed*.

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I think the most striking similarity between this game and OFP is the VSS in this screenie:


The one it the VITAPC pack looks exactly like that, or vice versa...though it's probably a CS import to begin with tounge_o.gif

And BTW Jakerod, that's DF1....I remember it well...

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Yea i noticed the tower and the Uaz... wink_o.gif I should hope they are their own original models, but this game doesnt look like its going anywhere anyways.

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Looks to me more like a modern version of Hidden & Dangerous 2. smile_o.gif

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I think the most striking similarity between this game and OFP is the VSS in this screenie:


The one it the VITAPC pack looks exactly like that, or vice versa...

Is it possible that two games could have a very detailed model of exactly the same game and come off looking almost the same?


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I think it could turn out very nice, and if they keep the big vehicals out the MP could turn out decent, some light vehicals would be fine but for the rest i like the SF type of stuff wink_o.gif .

The theme seems decent to me and im all nut for the desert too, those screens look low rez but seeing how low the specs are im sure most could run it at good detail, seeing the crap nature of most games being released now this one could be interesting to me, im not expecting it to be OPF, i already have OPF wink_o.gif . Im wondering how good colision detection and physics are too, those fps weapon toggles could use some beefing up though.

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What does he mean? "One shoot one kill"? another novalogic type??


Quote[/b] ]EQUiNO-X

Joined: 18 Jul 2004

Posts: 5

Location: SLOVAKiA Re: It s a realistic game?rock.gif



Originally posted by Robineau:

hi evryone

It is a realistic game?One shoot one kill or are u using the common system

head 100 leg and arms 25 and chest 50??  

I hope it was more realistic  


i hope it was a bloody game too( more than ravenshield and america's army)  


Yes, gameplay is designed for "One shot one kill.



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I saw that and i dont think hes an official rep so i wouldn't count on him. I think that he ment it's not like some games where not even a head shot will kill, at least i hope that you would not be able to kill some one with one shot to the foot crazy_o.gif

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So many possibilitys for a game about Spetsnaz and they make something like this  sad_o.gif

I rather take a game with a "Vietcong" style fighting in the mountains of chechnya

Ah yes, but vietcong was also very small, map wise if the game features big terrain and maps it will be so much more interesting, Afghanistan in the 80's would be great, wonder if we can dress like the locals to keep a low profile rock.gif .

Even if this turns out a budget game it still makes me wonder why this concept isnt used more instead of the usual quake3 WW2 FPS'ing crap. We need more tact sims that take advantage of terrain!!!

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Even if this turns out a budget game it still makes me wonder why this concept isnt used more instead of the usual quake3 WW2 FPS'ing crap.

A) Most people wouldn't know how to say the name.

B) Russians and Germans are ALWAYS evil, most important rule for any game or movie!

C) OMG d3lta f0rce is t3h l33t 0nz lolzor cuz bl@ck hawk down d00dz specnaz stUp1d omg omg lol

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There doesn't appear to be an iron sight view...(which is enough reason for me not to buy a game whistle.gif )

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Only thing that reminded me of OFP was the Russian voices sounding sorta like Guba icon_rolleyes.gif

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I just read the funniest user review at their forum biggrin_o.gif .

I remember the game was made by... 3 people, so i wouldnt judge it too hard wink_o.gif .

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I tried that game on weekends.

I have one word - poop. wow_o.gif

Performance is so bad. Also, movement is too slow. Maps are big.

Teammates AI are uber dumb. Shooting is not really enjoyable, no iron sights, etc.

Don't buy it unless you're into fetish.

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I tried that game on weekends.

I have one word - poop.  wow_o.gif

Performance is so bad. Also, movement is too slow. Maps are big.

Teammates AI are uber dumb. Shooting is not really enjoyable, no iron sights, etc.

Don't buy it unless you're into fetish.

What kind of fetish?

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SpecNaz?? I have this game - I never seen before stupid game as SpecNaz. Ugly graphic, AI and engine - I can say one word: "disgust" crazy_o.gif

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Yes, I tried it too. Sad story. I wouldn't even have released it if I were the developer or publisher. I think the engine has some potential and I can sense there were some ideas behind this game but that seems to be lost somewhere on the way of its developement. confused_o.gif


No Joke! They announced Specnaz 2. Who do they expect to buy this game???

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Looks more like an arcade shooter Å• la Delta Force: Black Hawk Down than tactical simulator.

They most obviously used a Spetsnaz special forces theme to make it look "exotic" amongst bad computer video games.

For the lads commenting against World War II games, I'm more against bad WWII themed games than good ones. How many good ones made it out of the hundreds ? 3 ? Same for the Second Indochina War, only one I found great was Vietcong and its expansion pack.

Medal of Honor series, Call of Duty series and Battlefield 1942 were pretty good. Hidden & Dangerous 2 was quite decent as well. But it stops there. crazy_o.gif

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Medal of Honor series, Call of Duty series and Battlefield 1942 were pretty good. Hidden & Dangerous 2 was quite decent as well. But it stops there. crazy_o.gif

Red Orchestra wink_o.gif

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How can you call MOH, COD and BF good and HD2 only quite decent, it was the best WW2 FPS ever! And it's still my 2nd favorite game of all times.

At least DF: Black Hawk Down had ironsight view wink_o.gif

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How can you call MOH, COD and BF good and HD2 only quite decent, it was the best WW2 FPS ever!

I agree, that game was great. I never tried the expansion though.

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Just read this on their forums....

Quote[/b] ]My First Day In Specnaz


“Welcome to Specnaz soldier now quickly onto your training. I want you to run around this abandoned complex and shoot some paper targets, Drive a Jeep and blow some stuff up, the lifeblood of a specnaz soldierâ€

“Sir these weapons seem un-accurate can you give me some instruction?â€

“No Soldier, specnaz men must work things out for themselves, that is realistic ballistics for youâ€

“Sir where are my iron sights?â€

“Quiet soldier Specnaz men fire from the hip and hit with every shotâ€

“Sir I cannot aim at the target, it’s as if my arms are crippled and I can only shoot in 5m incrementsâ€

“shuffle about a bit on the floor it’s the specnaz way…â€

“… Here’s some teams mates for you, go kill those generic infantrymen and be quick about it if I have my way you’ll have met over a thousand by the time I’m done with youâ€


“ A word of warning like all generic infantymen theses men shoot weapons in which only every 4th bullet is real, you may be hit by the first three but will suffer no ill effects. Now Onward!â€

“ Sir the team is dead…killed by the generic infantrymen…<cough> ….and well actually I don’t think I want to join specnatz anymore. Are Rainbow Six and Raven Shield are still recruiting? Even Delta Force may still have some positions openâ€

“No Soldier onto your first mission you’re qualifiedâ€

First Mission

“Eeek a generic Infantymanâ€


“That was Closeâ€




In retrospect…avoid like the plague


Lmao....guess it isn't what it was made out to be....there is no MP mode either i believe.

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