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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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Ok, answer this for me. If i was to install it again, were to save it to ?

and should i use the program FlashGet ?

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ok, well... do u know what is making 3.5 doing that ?

to be true, no idea sad_o.gif

just install it into your root ofp directory, but make a backup of the worlds folder before, it would be a good idea anyway to make a backup of flashpoint if you have the space

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Please stop downloading the FFUR 3.5 and its patch 4.5 , the incoming FFUR 5.0's imminent.

Just wait a bit mates smile_o.gif

Best Regards


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i thought it was june 7th...?

Oh, now you got me excited biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Please stop downloading the FFUR 3.5 and its patch 4.5 , the incoming FFUR 5.0's imminent.

Just wait a bit mates smile_o.gif

Best Regards


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argh , those are really minor things , especially the thing with the UH-60 for the Cwc , look , we'll gonna play again all these campaigns and try to get down all the bugs.

btw the sniper thing isn't a bug , it's real cuz if you wear the same Guillie uniform you won't see clearly around ya.


I hope this bugs will be correct in the incoming version, because personnaly, I install conversion mod only to replay BIS campaigns smile_o.gif

An uh60 with FFAR in 5.0 would be great smile_o.gif

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Yes , it would be really great if the CSLA mod'd release its stuff ASAP, they have several interesting High quality addons.

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EvEnLeaSe44 that happens with me. you must wait ages but it will eventually finish so be patient!

Thunder??? Are you releasing it today?rock.gif? biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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EvEnLeaSe44 that happens with me. you must wait ages but it will eventually finish so be patient!

Thunder??? Are you releasing it today?rock.gif? biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

emmm, let me think about it

no tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

nah seriously, only few bugs left to wipe out smile_o.gif

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heheh, telling me to be patient.... funny man,

So, when is this "release" coming, i mean really man,

this is my fav. mod, dont screw it up. biggrin_o.gif

"only a few bugs to wipe out" So, when u say wipe out, do u mean

just select them and press "DELETE" <<<<---- that works with me.... unclesam.gif

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Hey buds,

It seems that ECP and EECP will be released shortly, so we won't release the pack for another few days so you can play those first .

We've still got the installer to do, which will take a few days anyway.

ps : we'll try to put some grass on islands though. smile_o.gif

Best Regards


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hey ummm, EECP wont come out yet, he said this.

I'm almost done moving EECP over to ECP 1.079. I'll probably finish tonight or tomorrow night.


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hey EvEnLeaSe44 if you mean it wont work becuase it frezzes i have this problem just leave it until it works just need to be patient but no need 5.0 will be out soon but im trying to make a valuable decisson

EECP or FlashFX5.0 well also thats the new EECP when ever that comes out

I play with EECP now because its alot less laggy. but will decide from screenshots and when will be some more out

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why not both of them ? of course not at the same time...

EECP and FFUR are alot different , not the same era , effects totally different , each mod's its own qualities.

btw we'll do our best to release the FFUR 5.0 at soon as possible.



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that grass addon does look very good how about putting iton all te default islands instead of just desert island it will feel so much better running from patch of grass to the ther decking it for cover.

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about grass on island how about like most part of an island be grass on like the BAS desert island make it like all grass or something like that, just an small part of an island wink_o.gif like the grass on ww2 mod there grass not like talll talll grass just knee high grass to walk through.it would bee cool if the BAS desert island was all grass and a little trees would be vary good because u got Afghanistan island by agent smith for an desert island why not make BAS desert island all grass and trees wink_o.gif I know dob made an island but it has no grass just trees and green patches wink_o.gif

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A desert island with grass wouldn't be a desert island now, would it? tounge_o.gif

The grass looks ok, but some of the blades are as tall as the soldier. Whats up with that? Also, add textures next to the grass so it won't look like they come out of the ground, like they look now.

Learn from the I44 grass xmas_o.gifblues.gif

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yes I44 but i ment as an little island like BAS desert island make an all grass land and tress just an small island because there is an agent smiths island that does it for desert islands wink_o.gif

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If there's on thing I've learned about patches and updates it is: DON'T RUSH THEM! Release 5.0 when you are good and ready and have tested it sufficiently. Otherwise release it as a beta and have us test it for you ;)

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