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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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i havent dlled any patches since 1.2 or 1.3 runs perfect on my system.. 1.6 dont got much more laggy scripts no ?

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cannot download the patch.

error 403: Forbiden access

Do you have any other links?

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cannot download the patch.

error 403: Forbiden access

Do you have any other links?

works fine here rock.gif and im still dlling it.. so worked 30sec ago

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cannot download the patch.

error 403: Forbiden access

Do you have any other links?

Far off question, but you havn't been banned from any Filefront sites have you? If you have then that might be the case.

Probably not the problem though.

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those AI scripts really cause lag.but it's really usefull

my opinion is define another class of soldier like West/Men(CQB)/xxx,the same like what I do in PLA addons,you can see my cpp file.it's means you can make our own choice about using Normal AI or CQB AI in Mission Editor.

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i havent dlled any patches since 1.2 or 1.3 runs perfect on my system.. 1.6 dont got much more laggy scripts no ?

Yes, this patch isn't lagy , I've removed all the scripts which occur the lag... smile_o.gif

@TonyRanger: yeah sure the AI script is good but it's very lagy

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Currently downloading from filefront @ 100k/s smile_o.gif

Edit: Great job !! I love it ! Sounds are a lot much better, overall sounds better too smile_o.gif

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Hi, did you encounter problems with the EffectPack, i´ve modified or with the included config.bin?

I havn´t had any problems at all. All you have to do is to add

"_this exec ""\EffectPack\tankeffect\init.sqs""" to the init-line in the class tank eventhandler and, of course, use "my" version of the effectpack. So you got a much better tank explosion with less debris and less framerate drop.

Of cousre, only if you like the effect wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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ok, here goes..

since 1.3 i get a error message when i start the game, it´s not the same message everytime, but last time it was No Entry 'config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2/turret.minElev'.

and later when i started the first mission with a BMP2 it was No Entry Config.bin/CfgVehicles/BMP2/turret.gunAxis'.

i also get with T72 sometimes (same messages just T72 instead of BMP2)

i have no clue where these errors come from.

and they dont seem to make any difference.

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is there anyone else who've this message of error ?

when do you exactly have this message ? rock.gif

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@psychonaut : Your effects are great so I'll use them in the incoming patch wink_o.gif

@shadow : I've tried 2 missions using the BMP2 and the T72 and I haven't any error crazy_o.gif

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one more thing... one of the Black Ops (named Black Op in the editor) has a standard BIS XM177.

maybe you want to take a look at that? ;)

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Y2k3 - ok until some resistance mission (texture error)

FlashFX - doesn't even start (standart WIN XP error message)


P4 2.8C HT

1024 DDR 400

9800 PRO

fresh OFP install

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@gordy : you may at first download the full pack 1.0 and after that you can download and install the patch 1.6

@shadow : I'll go to take a look

I've just finished to playing the campaign Red hammer using my mod , I didn't find any error or CTD

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@gordy :you are so messed up.  sad_o.gif

What's your problem dude?


I did install v. 1.0 and ran it. Crash

Patched to 1.6 and ran it. Crash

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You said that you just intalled ofp (again....).

If you did that and only installed FlashFX replacement mod then you should be able to play it.But you're not,are you?

Then something must be wrong.I don't exactly know what. sad_o.gif

As for me,i haven't got any errors with this mod yet.

I have played with it since thunderbird made it.

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Anyone got a link to the old soundpack? Been looking around but I can't seem to find one sad_o.gif

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You said that you just intalled ofp (again....).

If you did that and only installed FlashFX replacement mod then you should be able to play it.But you're not,are you?

Then something must be wrong.I don't exactly know what. sad_o.gif

As for me,i haven't got any errors with this mod yet.

I have played with it since thunderbird made it.

I can play clean OFP and Y2k3 mod.

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Hello Thunderbird.

Is it a mistake if i say that you have not still replaced the Bis XMS ? I have always the bis XMS, perhaps i have forgotten something.

I think that Inquisitor weapons pack in PAA forma has the XMS.

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Verry nice mod!

I like the smoke effects (can they be more wind affected?)

I also like your motto to stick to 1985!)

No Bugs so far and good frame rates.

My wish list:

-Make planes explode and disappear! I hate these bouncing planes. (there are never too many planes in a mission there should not be lagg)

-Water explosions/splashes (think I have seen them before?!)

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@ebn72 : it may be this one

@eric51: salut, sorry there's not yet a good xm , the weapon wich is in the pack of InQ is the M4

@spy17 : thanks , I've already introduced this effect but it made the game very lagy , I've removed it . smile_o.gif

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Hello Thundrbird

I've used your mod from the very beginning and I love it.

It rocks. smile_o.gif

The latest versions are pretty stable on my machine.

Just one question:

During a campaign I recently finished, in some russian spec ops missions the character was replaced by an american looking one (woodland camo, US helmet and hood). He used a suppressed HK too.???

I wondered wether it was linked to the choices of the mission maker or a config tweak in your mod.

Keep it up man, you bring the fun back to an old game.

Salut  smile_o.gif

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@eric51: salut, sorry there's not yet a good xm , the weapon wich is in the pack of InQ is the M4

Yes there are..  wow_o.gif  there is 1 made.. AWESOME guns.. M16, M4  XM, al all.. what was the name of it again................aww. give me 2 mins.. im gonna give you a link- hang on

edit.. if i dont remember wrong i think King Homer made it..... still looking for it.. it got sniper rifles. M16. M4. XM and all this gr8 guns.. all high detailed... if it was not KH who made it. sry to the author  tounge_o.gif

**still looking**


it was Cheeky Monkey  who made it.. im looking for a link-.. hang on


Here is the first version... and here is the patch?.. patch or  another pack.. dunno. at least.. dl them both and look  wink_o.gif


edit4: maybe that was a M4 lol.. whatever... still looks a bit like the XM tounge_o.gif

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