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Pappy Boyington

Y2K3 Version 7.3

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Ok a few problems.

On a few missions I get missing scripts

And how the hell are you supposed to shoot down choppers with your Strela when they have countermeasures?

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Speaking of Y2K3 weapon errors... I'm getting this one at the main menu...

No entry 'Y2K3 Custom-PE-XB-TR.bin/cfg weapons.M16mag'.

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Ok a few problems.

On a few missions I get missing scripts

And how the hell are you supposed to shoot down choppers with your Strela when they have countermeasures?

you know, i bet that same question has arised from every anti aircraft soldier luging one of those large launchers around

you do it like they do in real life. for planes you need to hit them from the front. for choppers, the same but usualy the flares catch the missle so dont lock on to your target. the helo is attacking you, its gonna make passes at you. eitehr straight on or slow moving. you need to practice with this and learn where to aim. i played defender in red hammer campaign where u shoot down the CH47s. got the one as he was coming in and the other as he hovered. both times unguided. the flares only work when u lock on to the target.

now vehicle mounted AA missles like the mcar and the SA11 gadfly vehicles are more effective then shoulder launched weapons. as they are in real life too.

about the missing scripts, that means you didnt use the extra file installer that installs that @ECP mod folder, you get those erros cuz even thou i went out of my way to delete ALL ECP shit somehow it searchs for those scripts. i dont know why. it just does. so go back to my site and download the extra file installer

that m16mag error is from another addon.

when Y2K3 7.0 went out it was error free. from start up to mission play there wasnt a single error.

now if you get an error like what you speak of there, it is related to a poorly configured addon that is NOT Y2K3 related

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Back with another question.

Used the 7.01 patch (thanks to everyone involved!) to get the leaning capabilities. Worked like a charm while standing, as did the crouch walk, but leaning while crouched doesn't seem to work. (Sprint+sidestep (Shift+A/D by default) right?)

Just seeing if it was implemented or I did something wrong. No biggie if it isn't, not exactly a herculean effort to press Q to stand, then lean. smile_o.gif

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flip back a few pages i posted a download link for 7.101 with that crouched lean implemented

the config that i posted for download is the exact same config im using, i test it, it works, i rar the config and say "here you go" which is why ive only been handing out the exploding bodies config cuz thats the one i use. i give you what i have

ill repack it with the latest version of your animation pbo file to make sure people are using the right one.

my guess is they arent using the updated version, or they installed the pbo into the wrong folder


there download that again, and install the Config.bin into your Y2K3\Bin folder and the locke_anims.pbo into your Y2K3\Addons folder, for good measure i included an editable config this time so you can double check it yourself

see  smile_o.gif

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ok folks there was a minor bug with the 7.1 patch with the M1A2 where the commander hovered above the tank.

i belive i fixed it now but the fixed config wont be released until locke's next animation update, and please watch his thread cuz the new Y2K3 config with that fix and the animation updates wil be released by locke with his animation modhack. thank you

if you cannot wait that long then open up the editable config and find


and change it to


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Hey Pappy,

I'm getting the following error message when i try to run a cti game (mfcti116) on my dedicated server:

"Error loading data3d\vlajkstozar.p3d (Magic)"

It's a complete fresh flashpoint install and there are no other addons installed. When I run the server without your mod it's working, so there must be a problem with y2k3.

Any idea what it is and how to fix it?

PS: Besides that your mod is great smile_o.gif

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you simply remove the "Data" and "Data3d" files from the Y2K3\DTA directory along with the subfolder hwtl and that will resolve that smile_o.gif

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OK, will do that, thanks a lot biggrin_o.gif

But I'm curious: Aren't those files there for a reason? I mean if you obviously don't need them why are they installed at all rock.gif

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custom skys

thats what they are. they are the prepacked files with the custom day and night skys in'em

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with the release of of sanctuarys animation pack 1.6 i have looked into it and honestly i wasnt as happy as i was with his 1.5 pack. but there were some minor improvments that i did like.

then i went animation searching to compile the most realistic and decent looking animations i could find.

based on sancuarys 1.6 Patrol Animation pack i made the following changes:

-reverted the prone crawling animation back to the one with the rifle resting on the arms

-changed the static "Safe" aka "rifle on back" animation to a more casual one, one that isnt confirmed to a rifle, so that if you have a pistol the animation blends nicely. there is a lil minor warping with the rifle but its really not as bad as you might think.

-changed the salute animation to the one from dreamy knight

all in all i think this is a very nice animation pack. but this will ONLY be released in the Y2K3 Version 7.1 Final Patch.

right now 7.1 was a "beta" patch. Final will include the abrams fix, and the final version of locke's animation mod. the updated abrams and AH64 files and naturaly this animation pack made exclusivly and solely for Y2K3ers.

and if you dont wish to use this animation pack then please back up your current one or use which ever you please



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ok as you know im waiting on locke to finish his animation mod

so while i wait ive started work on some other tweaks to make OFP grand.

what i have done thus far is i got the CWC hospital to ofer healing ability. so now if ur hurt on an island like everon or malden and you are near the "hospital" fear not for it can heal you.

and the repair shops, will repair your broken down arse now tounge_o.gif

and if luck goes my way, which is mot likly wont but eh what the hell it might tounge_o.gif im gonna see about them tank/ammo/garage/storage bunkers to get thier ladders working as such in the mapfacts editor upgrade thing. apperntly they (the ladders) are defined in the default config, i need to look closer and find out why they dont work yet but thats my aim is to get them working.

until then rest safe knowing that the repair and hospital houses now heal you. it will say "Heal at House" or "Repair at House" because in the config they arent defined to show up thus they arent named. im not gonna mess with it too much. i got what i wanted done with it so far so good.

so yea that the update of the moment smile_o.gif

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ok i got the ladders working like they do in the mapfact Editor Update addon. which also means u mound the ladder bass ackwards but with a lil skill you learn how it works. you climb the ladder til your feet are slightly above the steps. then you "drop ladder" and viola.. you land on teh steps allowing u acess to the roofs of the garages.

and while i was tinkering with those.. i remembered something else from playing a red hammer mission. the BIS street lamps.. or should i say spot lights that light up half the damn island are a tad on the annoying side eh?

so i went ahead and tweaked the street lamps of the CWC to the "real lights" color and ambiance settings.

heres a pic of Morton on everon at 2 in the morning


beautiful huh?  smile_o.gif  and realistic too. now the morton doesnt illuminate the surrounding forest. there is one tiny catch however. in some instances like montignac.... where theres only one light, its barely enough to light up half the town. but the fact remains its realistic and looks nice.

any comments on the "CWC-real lights" tweak? if i dont get too many complaints then this will be in the final 7.1 patch.

edit: note that i can change the ambiance lighting figures higher or lower too. so its not a "this or nothing" kinda thing i could tweak those more if anyone has any complaints

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ive tweaked it an itty bitty bit since i took that pic but i think ive found the point of brightness for the streetlamps from CWC thats a perfect balance between lighting and realistic.

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that will be great papy, maybe u should add some streetlights in more streets to make it more realistic, each streets should be illuminated. Besides this lightning is very cool smile_o.gif

that s just my view, if it can help tounge_o.gif

in ur final patch, will u include modification for animation pack 1.6 ?

edit : i forget : what is the .pbo file containing the M4A1 SOPMOD , tounge_o.gif

i want to put it in personnal mission.

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i will be including my own custom animation pack based on sancuarys 1.7 patrol animation pack

adding more streetlights means editing the island, this i cannot do. (well i can but i wont)

the weapon u speak of is in the INQ_Weapon_Pack.pbo

99% of all the weapons used in Y2K3 come from that pack. with the exception of the M1911, M82, and M21. all the rest are INQ.

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ok thanks smile_o.gif

great work papy - keep on working for our pleasure tounge_o.gif

du you know a russian weapon similar (or nearly) of the M4 sopmod ?

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check the Suchy/Earl USMC pack. the Russian Naval Infantry has some weapons that might be useful (note: Y2K3 Includes that addon so check your editor)

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Hows the custom animation pack going to work?

Oh, and maybe I missed out on something, but I downloaded 7.1 and I don't get the kneel and lean animation (but I do get the stand and lean, and the roll). Was that taken out?

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ok love the y2k3 mod love it biggrin_o.gif  but iv been haveing problems with the lagg bad vary bad like on the new agent smiths afgan map it should not bee so laggy at all for just a few men and 1 choper. what it is, is that i made an mission simple mission at that and i get to the bad guys part in an town and like my choper gos down some times and when it does it gets laggy and frezzs for an min and then laggy for an sec then ok, a lot thought is most of the time it just frezzzs up and i got to restart my comp been doing that a lot now rock.gif i got an good 3.0 intl and an 5700 g-force ultra so its all good on that point just dont know why im getting this frezzing comp all the time on my missions, i get it alot on just about all of them crazy_o.gif the flash fxru that thunder bird made have know problems with it like this. just whant to know why it is doing this it takes me some time to make an mission then when i get to the good part of the mission the killing its frezz time and have to restart crazy_o.gif see like i just play like some missions and it does this not all. like the ORCS RF AirborneTroops Pack & ICP Weapon Pack v2.0 it gets realy laggy and when like big booms and choper gos down it frezzes on me crazy_o.gif stuff like that. could it be these units because i used other units like Lsr and no problem at all same mission just not useing the ORCS units what could it be plzz help me out wink_o.gif or try the ORCS units out on y2k3 and see what im talkeing about plz biggrin_o.gif

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