Guest The Cobra Posted January 31, 2005 I don´t think it´s the most beautiful game of all times, but the gameplay makes the game better so you don´t have to really care about the graphics. My friend told me that OFP has very poor graphics (he play CS by the way  ). What do you think? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blanco 0 Posted January 31, 2005 I think the bad lighting makes the graphics poor, but I can live with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acecombat 0 Posted January 31, 2005 Tell your friend that CS's candyish graphics arent much better then OFP , and niether does getting shot through walls and boxes in CS maps helps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HOBOMAN 0 Posted January 31, 2005 Tell your friend that CS's candyish graphics arent much better then OFP , and niether does getting shot through walls and boxes in CS maps helps  Have you scene the CS: Source graphics, they are much better than ofp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Status_cz 0 Posted January 31, 2005 Tell your friend that CS's candyish graphics arent much better then OFP , and niether does getting shot through walls and boxes in CS maps helps Have you scene the CS: Source graphics, they are much better than ofp. But he said just CS I´m sure OFP2 will be better in CS:S in so many ways. Anyway,OFP graph. is old (year 1999-2001?) you can´t compare old game(ofp) with the new one(cs:s). Ofp dont´t support pixel shader,that´s sad. and original (ofp:cwc) textures have max res 256px,Also models are not so much detailed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted January 31, 2005 so were not talkin about addons here ? pure ofp surely does look old, but you still cant max out the graphix on any average comp. so everytime you upgrade your pc you also update your ofp´s graphics a little bit  i must admit that sometimes even the old cwc stuff looks simply impressive & breathtaking. it just depends on where you are, what time and weather it is... (or how long you haven´t played ofp  ) and suddenly this old fashioned game looks like something you´ll never find in any other game! ofp all the way  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USSRsniper 0 Posted January 31, 2005 I agree that OFP has poorest graphics... but i'm not playing OFP becaiuse of graphics.. gameplay rocks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShadowY 0 Posted January 31, 2005 I don´t think it´s the most beautiful game of all times, but the gameplay makes the game better so you don´t have to really care about the graphics. My friend told me that OFP has very poor graphics (he play CS by the way  ).What do you think? U always use OFPscreenshots as sprays in CS and say "now thats a real game"...well that`ll keep`m busy for a while :P Nah i never liked CS...I boughted Half Life Generation and only played it twice, now I have HL II for free via steam. I play CS source for fun upthere(on a good server), but thats only because its fun with the guys and nice looking, not that it is a good game or something. OFP=still #1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WTE_Grendal 0 Posted January 31, 2005 The graphics in OFP are showing their age compared to a few of the newer games especially as it doesn’t support some of the newer graphic tweaks available now with newer hardware and dx9. But also remember that most of the new games (HL2, D3, AA, CS-S etc) still don’t do what OFP does so well: have an open, realistic landscape! HL2’s graphics are very nice but remember how often it loads new level as you travel from section to section. Also, most of the other FPS games use a highly saturated palette of colors which gives them rich but cartoon like images. OFP has chosen a more realistic palette to represent the landscape and lighting to enhance the “realism†of the simulation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acecombat 0 Posted January 31, 2005 Quote[/b] ]i must admit that sometimes even the old cwc stuff looks simply impressive & breathtaking. it just depends on where you are, what time and weather it is...(or how long you haven´t played ofp ) You said it Burns And Hoboman try comparing OFP with CS not CS:S that wouldnt be a fair comparison. CSS is new OFP is a good 5 years old nearly now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llauma 0 Posted January 31, 2005 OFP is a totally different game than CS which has a total map size of a OFP town. This goes to most of the games. Either they're small or they are built like a corridor. Also they make one map for one mission while OFP makes a realistic outdoor environment where the mission makers can make hundreds of different mission where none is like the other. OFP is a old game so it doesn't really feature all the effects and advantages used by new games but it's more that it's the later DirectX that makes the big difference and not the games itselves. Last but not least keep in mind that OFP was never meant to be a close combat game.. The infantry part wasn't even in the game at start. It's not a infantry game but a full scale battlefield sim/game. If he still wants to compair the soldier models in CS with the ones in OFP I would like him to show how good a landscape screenshot from 500m's height looks in CS? ...see, you can't compair the games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted January 31, 2005 Tell Your Friend To Download Kegetys DXDLL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted January 31, 2005 As Llauma said. There is no other game like OFP available today. So OFP has(with addons) the best graphics you can get in a game with "maps" sized up to 50km x 50km. MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted January 31, 2005 I play only 3 videogames regularly : Daggerfall , Master of Orion 2 and Operation Flashpoint. So all i can say about graphics is i don't care of them, but i find Operation Flashpoint very pleasant in the esthetism departement (especially while using some personnal replacement mods). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakerod 254 Posted January 31, 2005 Quote[/b] ]where the mission makers can make hundreds of different mission where none is like the other. Not hundreds, not thousands, not millions but something that is close to a few trillion. Think of how many addons there are. How many meters on a map and how creative you can get in ofp I think that prooves it. Graphics aren't great in ofp but I do love the game still because no other game can beat it in what it does. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UKFMav 0 Posted January 31, 2005 I find that I am never impressed by graphics in other games, for example CS source, yes it looks nice but it's not the same as OFP. But OFP just has something different about it, nobody can say that this is bad graphics: Awe inspiring Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D34N 0 Posted January 31, 2005 OFP is not a bad looking game, its a mediocre looking game that is good enough till OFP2 comes out.. I am not sure if OFP2 will have the same engine longitivity as OFP will though. Quote[/b] ]I find that I am never impressed by graphics in other games, Oh yeah? Then have a lookie here at Unreal 3 engine photos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebns72 0 Posted January 31, 2005 Those graphics are unreal I think the ofp engine has mediocre graphics, I mean it is nothing terrible. There are far worse games out there. However I wish CWC could be a bit more colorful. I mean go outside, look at the bright and lush green vegetation out there...nogova seems so depressing. I mean it is nothing compared to CS:S but ofp graphics are still alright. I don't think it is poor looking by any standards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WTE_Grendal 0 Posted January 31, 2005 Oh yeah? Then have a lookie here at Unreal 3 engine photos Yep nice looking. But I bet you won't be able to leave one castle, walk/ride 15km to the next castle and explore it's cellar... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USSRsniper 0 Posted February 1, 2005 is this actually screenshots without any photoshop work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cain2001 0 Posted February 1, 2005 its funny, if you ran into a barrel, it would fall and that was almost 4 years ago. Now games like Farcry,hl2 uses that type of effects, but they are way behind. when ofp was released it was released for the comming future, thats why it still is playable. Its funny how you all say ofp looks shiit without addons. I can agree that the trees on everon looks like shit, but the objects are still very sharp and on Nogova its really good. When playing a game like Doom3, it really isnt a diffrence having 16AF and 8AA when playing. When your in game you really dont use that good looking, you cant see it. So OFP naked stands good compared to 1-2 year older games. Atleast what i think what would be fair is to compare VBS1, but isnt that like 2 years now too? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Heart 0 Posted February 1, 2005 Of course you could make a game with graphics that look like modern animation movies but with OFP's 2-5+ kilometers of visible terrain and hundreds of objects to render (all the trees, bushes, houses, characters, tanks etc), there is no computer and video card that could do that in realtime, so there has to be a compromise between graphics quality vs frame rate and visibility. With that in mind OFP graphics are still okay, even compared to some new outdoor games like FarCry and Söldner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted February 1, 2005 I am extremly happy with OFP's graphics, considering the flexibility the game engine gives us - large maps, towns, land, sea and air vehicles, weather. No one comes close. You wanna laugh? Just look at WWII OnLine. It's depressing. I'd rather play Novalogic's old pixilated Delta Force 1. Now it's true that COD and MOHPA have outstanding graphics but you're so limited in what you can be and do. Not so in OFP. BIS did there best at minimizing the graphics compromise in order to retain a large as life game. Who can look at the OFP Combat Photography thread and walk away unimpressed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benu 1 Posted February 1, 2005 I don't know why people measure games depending on their graphics. For example the animation of characters in unreal tournament is so shitty that i can't really get into the game. It looks like they are gliding on ice. The movement of the legs has no relation to the distance they move, sometimes they even run on the spot. This kills a game faster for me than graphics. It kills the atmosphere and immersion. And i just looked at the u3 engine pics and while it is really beautiful on a technical level it looks really "unreal". The monster looks like it is carved, not like a living being. Somehow it doesn't looked organic. And the levels in the next pics looked sterile too. I liked the graphics of hl2 much better. Or those of battlefield 2. Although i think gameplay is most important, ofp2 has to be on a much higher level graphically than ofp1. As hl2 and bf2 and maybe even stalker are the kind of graphics you get now and it will supposedly at least a year til ofp2, those are the kind of graphics i am expecting from ofp2 too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunderbird 0 Posted February 1, 2005 after 3 years and a lot of enhancements , OFP is for me the best military simulator , if offers a lot of choices ... It offers many possibilities that none another game can offer, the campaigns are fascinating, the community of OFP is strong, it's full with promptness and of creativity, that makes possible the simulator to continue and to still live... I really don't need OFP 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites