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Bn880's Tracers V1.0

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BN_tracers 1.24

V1.24 Changelog:


Fixed ricochet sometimes causing damage to firing unit who has very large recoil. (Modded weapons)

V1.23 Changelog:


Fixed ricochet floating down from barrel in burst fire at very close range targets. (thanks to Terox of Zeus for bug report)

Improved mission editor's ability to override settings bn_trcolor[side] and bn_trrhit.

Added visible tracer functionality in intros and outtros. (thanks to Killswitch of Zeus for pointing this out)

This release will not add any CPU, Network, or Graphical load over version 1.22.

V1.22 Changelog:


Small improvement to make AI spawn manager scripts more reliable with the tracer initialization.

V1.21 Changelog:


Improved CPU useage somewhat through more function/trigenometry optimisation.

V1.2 Changelog:


Fixed: Vehicles which started empty always inherited civilian tracer color.

Fixed: Very rare occurance of an exploding tracer on target.

Fixed: MP code reworked for client issues including a null speed reading.

V1.1 Changelog:


Added default config to PBO and optional boolean parameter to use mission config.

Removed tracers from rifle grenades (slow projectiles).

Removed a reported reflector light from the tracers.

Fixed ricochet synchronisation code on dedicated server.


[*]2 colors, green and redish (more like red/yellow)

[*]true bullet trajectory path and speed (no adjustments allowed)

[*]realistic and complex ricochet physics (for the most part of course)

[*]ricochet does some damage (optional)

[*]ricochet synchronized across MP (without any additional network load)

[*]tracer frequency adjustment (every which bullet)

[*]tracer color adjustable per side, memory for weapon types

Enjoy, hope it's allright.

Readme inside.

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hey grate!

Dl'ing now!

I'm wondering if there is this any different from the Wolfsbane addon? I guess I'll have to test it and find out smile_o.gif

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By reading the features it should already tell you, they are tottally different. A different way, differnt style etc. smile_o.gif The main thing I like in these over WB's is the proper trajectory, and just more proper physics.

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Very nice.

Excellent work Bn, nice job.

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Yes, I indead read the munual and it looks different too. But I know shit about scripts so for me a tracerscript is just a tracerscript.

Very nice looking ingame though.

Quote[/b] ]There are no size configurations, at least not yet

I hope you will add this. The tracers look a bit small to me, but can be clearly seen and work very well. But for larger weapons like the .50 it's just too small. For soldiers it's a great addon.

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Well, these are two different styles like I said. My tracers should be better visible in low FPS environments.

Which is _better_, neither, both have advantages and dis-advantages. It is up to you to decide.

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Does having tracers increase lag by much?

Got about 1700 mhz to work with and Ge-Force 3.

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Yes, I indead read the munual and it looks different too. But I know shit about scripts so for me a tracerscript is just a tracerscript.

Very nice looking ingame though.

Quote[/b] ]There are no size configurations, at least not yet

I hope you will add this. The tracers look a bit small to me, but can be clearly seen and work very well. But for larger weapons like the .50 it's just too small. For soldiers it's a great addon.

Yeah? I dunno, they seem quite big already to most people who fired or saw these IRL. Of course, this is on the list though. Sizes would probably be 3 or 4 different ones tops.

Another suggestion is to have X bullets with no tracers then Y with tracers. Again, on the list, but a bit of work, don't hold your breath for either.

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well for your master man class you could do

class eventhandlers


init = "[_this select 0,2]call loadFile""\bn_tracer\addTracerUnit.sqf""";


And in your mission you must still place the .cfg file.

But you would ideally want different settings for different soldiers, so do an init EH for each.

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Thanks for the positive feedback BTW. biggrin_o.gif

I was expecting more "meh, it will do..." tounge_o.gif

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and how to choose the color of the tracer ? rock.gif

Based on side, configurable in the .cfg file placed in a mission.

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Of course, but then the mission editor has no options...

I can tell you how to do that for personal use, if you want to play like a campaign with the tracers.

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I would have liked to know how to introduce your script to be able to play missions and campaigns, I would like to also know if you allow that I use your script in the config FlashFX so that the players can benefit from it

Thank you in advance smile_o.gif

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Extract PBO

move tracersettings.cfg in root of addon folder

modify addTracerUnit.sqf line 16

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">call loadfile{tracerSettings.cfg};to<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">call loadfile{\bn_tracer\tracerSettings.cfg};

re-PBO and you are done.

I should have made that a parameter. I will next time.

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I prefer Wolfbane's visually, but can someone tell me if bn880's ones are better in terms of CPU load.

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They are not really better CPU wise. smile_o.gif Probably evens out.

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