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Cz Recruit video

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This is just a cool recruitment video I found for the Cz army. Im not cz but make me wanna join up tounge_o.gif


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Better than the ads we have in Australia. smile_o.gif Ours are or where people talking. Our old ones where better. They had a midnight oil song on it biggrin_o.gif

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Good eye candy for that add. But I still prefer a good old United States Marine Corps commercial over that flashy stuff biggrin_o.gif

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Last I recall it was the one where this guy was climbing up this rock formation and he stumbles and regains control and it gives you all this imagery about how the marines make you a stronger more confident person, and it pans out to the side of the rock formation and it has oversized images of marines all fancied out doing their marine stuff and then it cuts to another shot where it says the marine tagline.

... I think. It wasn't as jerry bruckheimer as the CZ ad. Both are pretty good at accentuating the cool/positives and avoiding the negative. tounge_o.gif

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to be on topic:

tounge_o.gif thats really a good comedy. every coldwar veteran who saw it was laughing. playing on soldiers. believe me, i wouldnt supply heroic czech army with live rounds wink_o.gif

as for the part with mi-24. maybe theyve shown all flyalbe pieces they have. wink_o.gif

im not saying some elite units didnt maintain the high standart they had in CSLA but most of army is breaking apart(speaking about equipment). its very sad to see what the state of airforce is. sad_o.gif

insufficient funds. and they waste money on this commercial?

btw one czech games server wrote that they were not sure if it isnt OFP2 trailer smile_o.gif

more interesting version(8MB). maybe not directed by Renc, but it maintains the same realism level as the official one wink_o.gif

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Well,we are small country so we dont need some "super army".

Just our army become "professional" so they do this video for recruits.

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Best recruitment advert ever was the British Army one where it starts off like a driving lesson, then the instructor goes "GET OFF THE ROAD, INTO THE TREES!!" when a truck comes around the next corner. "KILL THE LIGHTS! RIGHT! RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT!!"

Not because it was a great advert, but it makes me want to scream "Kill the lights! Right! Right right right RIGHT!!" when I'm sat in a Land Rover on squad nights biggrin_o.gif

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whats the USMC add like rock.gif

Extremely low key, are they're shown few and far between.  The most recent one is a man climbing up a vertical slope to a plateau.  (He was climbing a butte I belive it's called.  Similiar to this.)  Each peice of the way as he climbs you can see a transparent image of a Marine from some period of time encouraging him upwards.  Sort of saying that when you become a Marine, you have the support of every Marine before you to finish the task.

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I think all the Czech Army needs to do is show that picture of that Czech Army babe with her hands up against the tree, like she's happily waiting to be frisked. That alone would make me want to join the Czech Army. The Czech Republic seems to have the world's most beautiful women in it.

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The Marines typically haven't done a lot of TV advertisments. When they do though they usually are well done.

The ones that crack me up are the United States Air Force ones. At the end they say "When you step into the blue every things new, especially you." Good god, it's like Dr. Seuss's Cat in the hat or something. No wonder members of the other three services make fun of them all the time.

     That being said, the Army's "army of one" campaign is pretty damn obnoxious. It smacks of reality TV. They are always promoting these stupid videos. "go to army of one dot com and see how you can obtain a free video that will show you what real soldiers do in their free time.". Gimme a break. They should go back to the old "Be all you can be." ads. They were corny but at least they had a better punch line " Hey kid be all you can be" as opposed to "Hey kid be an army of one, yeah that's right an army of one just like Rambo, screw your comrades they are just a bunch of kill stealing bitches any how who needs em.".  

     The navy didn't used to have ads much when I was growing up, maybe they did I just don't remember them. The ones now though are decent. I like the one where at the end it shows a battle group sailing directly at the screen with Godsmack blaring in the background and a F18 takes off and flies right at you as the narrator says "Life, justice, and the pursuit of all who threaten it." or something like that. It's a good advertisement it sends the message of " We are the Navy we sail around and kick ass." Unlike the Air Forces "Hey we can Rhyme in time, just like Dr. Seuss, Jesus (read the Jesus as Hey Zeus)".


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to be on topic:

tounge_o.gif thats really a good comedy. every coldwar veteran who saw it was laughing. playing on soldiers. believe me, i wouldnt supply heroic czech army with live rounds wink_o.gif  

as for the part with mi-24.  maybe theyve shown all flyalbe pieces they have. wink_o.gif

im not saying some elite units didnt maintain the high standart they had in CSLA but most of army is breaking apart(speaking about equipment). its very sad to see what the state of airforce is. sad_o.gif

insufficient funds. and they waste money on this commercial?

btw one czech games server wrote that they were not sure if it isnt OFP2 trailer  smile_o.gif

more  interesting version(8MB). maybe not directed by Renc, but it maintains the same realism level as the official one  wink_o.gif

Well I thought it was a good production. I also think the czech military is better equiped than the one here in Canada, at least in terms of over all equipment. Well our navy is better, but we're not landlocked.

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@Verbal: We all know Czech Army has to undergo a major changes to actually work like the army. Regarding the "playing soldiers" issue you mentioned - just remember the movie was made by the man who knows hell good about PR, making movies etc., but does not have deep insight into army.

As I guess for the reactions in this thread, the video serves its purpose. Simply said, before you start the changes in army, you have to convince the people (including politicians, children, pacifists, women, economists etc.) that the army has the potential. The army is the same as the image in our minds. Cr*p image - cr*p army; good image - good army.

I know what you meant and I highly respect your opinion. I also hope this movie is not a singe effort, but the indication that some changes are on the way. smile_o.gif

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omg I'm totally gonna lose control of myself when I see stuff like this. I still have 168 mornings left before I start my military service and I just can't wait crazy_o.gif

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I think all the Czech Army needs to do is show that picture of that Czech Army babe with her hands up against the tree, like she's happily waiting to be frisked. That alone would make me want to join the Czech Army. The Czech Republic seems to have the world's most beautiful women in it.

That's it, I'm joining the Czech Army. They have women as well as helicopters! biggrin_o.gif

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Well I thought it was a good production. I also think the czech military is better equiped than the one here in Canada, at least in terms of over all equipment. Well our navy is better, but we're not landlocked.

and your opinion is based on the first version or the second one? biggrin_o.gif

2 Edge: maybe we could discuss it on ICQ. Svejk RULES!!!(so much for army image) wink_o.gif

2 Uziyahu: most beautiful women and best beer in the world! its not bad living here smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]most beautiful women and best beer in the world! its not bad living here  

As a german I must disagree. Neither the first nor the second is appealing to me. I am sure there are beautiful women around but unfortunately the cheap chicks you see at night basically EVERYWHERE ruin the image. Many of them WOULD realy realy look sweet if they wouldnt desperately try to look "hot".

And about the beer... (anyway, I would be too proud to admit your beer is very tasty)    biggrin_o.gif

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most beautiful women and best beer in the world! its not bad living here smile_o.gif

I agree! smile_o.gif

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most beautiful women and best beer in the world! its not bad living here  smile_o.gif

I agree!  smile_o.gif

Please send more to the US, it is much appreciated. smile_o.gif

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