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Project UK Forces

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working on it mate... not sure whats going on, but we're trying to get to the bottom of it...

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its really strange Dan mate as im not even recieving images of any of PUKF dev sigs also on these forums. Mine are also missing. Its like the server that our forums is on is not able to send anything in this area even though some of you guys are receiving the forums. Im in northamptonshire, what about sniper and BK?

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sound more like your ISP is playing up with caching the site... i had that for a couple of days with BT...

getting the server guys to have a sniff around anyway and make sure everything is working as per.

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Could have something to do with NTL, but i have used other computers in and around Northants and they all seem not to be able to display the pages...

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Its working now for me, wasnt earlier but when I tried it there now it worked.

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For those who missed the message on our front page today, we've decided to move hosts and domain names (for ease) to try and fix the recent problems with certain ISP's and people reaching the site and the forums, including our developers.

hopefully our site demon benny will be able to get things moved across quickly, easily, and without much fuss, but please do bare with us, and expect a few teething problems.

on the upside, this new host will allow us finally have our ukf emails again, so we have a central email for all bugs, comments, questions etc.

thanks for your patience.

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Just a quick and random question, will the DPM 2 pack feature the new Osprey and Krestel Body armour our chaps seem to be getting? smile_o.gif

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thanks Messiah for that wonderfull news about hosts hopefully that will solve the ntl bug

keep up the great work


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Just a quick and random question, will the DPM 2 pack feature the new Osprey and Krestel Body armour our chaps seem to be getting? smile_o.gif

we've just found the first 'extensive' library of photos with troops using the new osprey armour, so more than likely, yes.

the kestrel we see little requirement for, as its only used as a 'top cover' role, not on front line troops.

And in other news, we've moved hosts!


all our old directories should auto redirect, but any loose ends you find, please contact us!

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pinzgauer + thor + starstreak any chance that it will make a release with you guys?? or any starstreak systems for that matter

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AFAIK the Thor system hasn't been ordered by the British Army so it's highly unlikely that UKF'll make it unless the MoD decide to procure it.

Other Starstreak systems that are in service, have been suggested in the past, none are being worked on at this time as right now, current projects have priority over new projects.

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PUKF team,

i'm very curious about your challenger 2, maybe you could give me/us a progres report, or even pictures?  icon_rolleyes.gif


your all team's work is inlove.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Thank you. With regards to the chally ,when we want to show something, we will show something. That's the way PUKF always have worked, that's the way we always will.


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perhaps a news post is overdue though - lol - watch this space, we'll see what happens

and thanks for the compliments smile_o.gif

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hello , just wanted to congratulate you guys on your excellent work ! and ask if you are still releasing the DPM 2 pack ?

congrats and keep it up, also will your team be moving over to Arma ?

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ArmA is on the cards, for sure. I think i can speak for us all when i say we are pretty excited about it, just got to get my hands on ArmA and some mod tools for it and then i will be away. tounge2.gif

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Just wanted to make sure the team was releasing it, not when it was releasing it lol. Excellent, thanks for the notice i needed. Cheers. tounge2.gif

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Does this still mean we will see DPM 2 pack soon? tounge2.gif

No tounge2.gif . Lol. Really, it depends, apparently, from what i've been told, theres not a great deal of compatability with solider models between OFP and ArmA, and so it's pointless to waste effort (i'm smack bang in the middle of exams and coursework for university too right now) on them right now until i can get my hands on ArmA and it's tools, see what is what for myself. When that's clarified i'll see what i can do thumbs-up.gif

At the moment i'm focusing on passing my degree.

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Ahh I see, Thanks for the Info. I am hoping DPM 2 eventually gets released in OFP. I liked DPM 1 but... 2 is so much better looking for a modern British kit in OFP. Anyways, Cheers in School. biggrin_o.gif

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that's disappointing, i thought you may have one last release for OFP

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