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D.murphy man

The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

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The tough part will be making an animation where the T-Rex eats people.  LOL!  But yeah so far it really looks amazing what you guys are doing.  Dino hunting  isn't my cup of tea, but still I could imagine some pretty good missions with them if the dinos were made to be dangerous and difficult to kill.

The humans need one of those 20mm rifles like that one in Jurassic Park 3 (I think it was 3) that those mercs had.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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What!? Video was getting so good and it ended mad_o.gif Good video, I am really looking forward to seeing more by this mod. Reminds me of '93, still remember it coming out on VHS. By now it is falling apart sad_o.gif

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WOW! Impressive movie if you have in mind how old this mod is it's even more impressive. Anyway keep up the good work!Looking great. biggrin_o.gif

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I was impressed, now im looking forward to seeing the T-Rex animations smile_o.gif

just got a mail from one of my addon makers with the t-rex AND animations.. i'll try making a movie of it..

it can't eat people yet though it can kill you by hitting you with his head smile_o.gif

cheers !!

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cul, cant wait to see it. biggrin_o.gif

Question: Are you going to be making characters from the films, ie: Dr Grant, his bitch, Hammond, malcolm, muldoon, Ingen personnel etc?

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and Tim and his sister bitch. biggrin_o.gif

naa.. I'll find the real names

Dr. Alan Grant

Dr. Ellie Sattler (bitch mentioned in post above)

Dr. Ian Malcolm

John Hammond

Robert Muldoon

Donald Gennaro

Tim Murphy (child)

Lex Murphy (child)

Ray Arnold

Henry Wu

Dennis Nedry

Gerry Harding

Juanito Rostagno

Lewis Dodgson

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You may want to make the humans one side, the carnivorous dinos the other, and maybe the herbivorous dinos Resistance so that the carnivores will eat the herbivors...

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hmm the Tyrannosarus running anim is to slow.

othervise evrything looks great

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Nice job with the T-rex, keep it coming biggrin_o.gif .

Its kind of funny that back when jurassic park was made they portrayed the T-rex as a savage killing machine capable of chasing down its prey, But now scientists have discovered that it was a slow clumsy scavenger.

I still prefer the first portrait of it though, more exciting

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they can't now that? that's a theory not fact. there for example they had very very big leg muscles. and it would be wierd if they had them to run away from other dinosaurs. and if it ate dead dinosaurs their big mouth wouldn't have been needed. whats the point with a big body when u can't use it. I mean they could have attakced from a forest. then it's pretty easy to supprice and panic. well enyway it's just theory not fact. if u would prove that theory u would need DNA there is no DNA left. tounge_o.gif

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very very big leg muzzles

ermmmm, you mean muscles? wink_o.gif

Back on topic, these movies look great, keep'em coming!

Edit: Got you, placebo, I just thought it was funny. Sorry, though.

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ag_smith English is not his first language so it's quite impolite to point out spelling mistakes, as English is not your first language so it would be impolite of me to point out the error in your last post, let's just stick to discussing the mod smile_o.gif

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i saw finaly this last JP vids, and i must say i didnt thought it will look so cool, sad they were so short.

long, long, time ago Gemenis from Silent War mod showed me this:

11ox.th.jpg     34pv.th.jpg     49xa.th.jpg

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

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they can't now that? that's a theory not fact. there for example they had very very big leg muscles. and it would be wierd if they had them to run away from other dinosaurs. and if it ate dead dinosaurs their big mouth wouldn't have been needed. whats the point with a big body when u can't use it. I mean they could have attakced from a forest. then it's pretty easy to supprice and panic. well enyway it's just theory not fact. if u would prove that theory u would need DNA there is no DNA left. tounge_o.gif

well if thats the case then its also a theory that they were a hunting carnivore. and its quite easy for them to calculate the velocity of the creature, and the large leg muscles and bone size would be required to just move the huge body, at not a very fast rate. Also what use would a big mouth be? To bite dinosaurs? do they bite live ones differently than dead ones? Also they probably couldn't have attacked from a forest as they're too bulky to hide and stalk, and due to body mass have crap acceleration, they would also be breaking alot of undergrowth on their approach, warning their potential "prey". Thats not my theory, its a combined theory of many professional Paleontologists

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ag_smith English is not his first language so it's quite impolite to point out spelling mistakes.

English is not my first language either, but I wouln't start to cry if someone pointed out I mispelled word, i'd much rather start to memorise the correct spelling.

But, about the mod:

It's a great concept, However, how do you expect to bring a good jungle feeling to OFP? Those forests have to be Farcry quality atleast! Swaying palms are possible, swarms of bugs are most likely possible, but for example tall grass and jungle forests are going to take allot of time and effort to set up in an intresting way...

Did you think about all these things? and how will you solve them?

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But, about the mod:

It's a great concept, However, how do you expect to bring a good jungle feeling to OFP?  Those forests have to be Farcry quality atleast! Swaying palms are possible, swarms of bugs are most likely possible, but for example tall grass and jungle forests are going to take allot of time and effort to set up in an intresting way...

Did you think about all these things?  and how will you solve them?

I am making the Jurassic park island and i will try to make the jungles as realistic as possible. I will put in lots of high grass and trees on the island. If all goes well it should live up to your expectations(though i'm not sure about swaying palm trees).

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Same thing happened not that long time ago with Star Wars mod for Battlefield 1942.

Actually, the Galactic Conquest mod continued to grow, prosper and flourish (and it features space battles, something not covered by SW Battlefront tounge_o.gif ).

Back on topic, a question, do you guys have any ties to the Far Cry Jurassic Park mod?

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they can't now that? that's a theory not fact. there for example they had very very big leg muscles. and it would be wierd if they had them to run away from other dinosaurs. and if it ate dead dinosaurs their big mouth wouldn't have been needed. whats the point with a big body when u can't use it. I mean they could have attakced from a forest. then it's pretty easy to supprice and panic. well enyway it's just theory not fact. if u would prove that theory u would need DNA there is no DNA left. tounge_o.gif

well if thats the case then its also a theory that they were a hunting carnivore. and its quite easy for them to calculate the velocity of the creature, and the large leg muscles and bone size would be required to just move the huge body, at not a very fast rate. Also what use would a big mouth be? To bite dinosaurs? do they bite live ones differently than dead ones? Also they probably couldn't have attacked from a forest as they're too bulky to hide and stalk, and due to body mass have crap acceleration, they would also be breaking alot of undergrowth on their approach, warning their potential "prey". Thats not my theory, its a combined theory of many professional Paleontologists

as the other theory as well. but enyway. u can't be shure of enything enyway since it's just bones and nothing else... what if it sounded like a cat tounge_o.giftounge_o.gif . this is a stupid discusion enyway tounge_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Wow that T-rex reminds me of trespasser I played a long time back. Nice pics. wink_o.gif

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Wow mods really coming along nice... now if only the fences looked like the ones in the movies... sad_o.gif

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