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AH-64 Pack Release

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I think the textures of this pack are based on the BIS AH-64.

And since I replaced my BIS AH-64 with a black one, I have black Apaches in the Pack.

MfG Lee

yea it wasnt until i went to prove you all wrong about there not being a black one that i realized, there isnt a green one in the pack... which it then donned on me that is because i used sisealians black AH64 textures on the orginal AH64D replacment for Y2K3 and was still using them for this replacment.

hence the reason my AH64 turns green when shot up... actualy green and black and that looks kick ass

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In the version 1.1 the green textures are revised, sry due to DXDLL are not noticeable.

I work on the version 1.1 dor all lack hopefully then will be repaired at present already



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This is what I was talking with the Shark Teeths


Edit: A version like this shark eyes and teeths textures would rock wink_o.gif

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Made a quick test and it looks great wink_o.gif

here is a pic how it looks


I can send you the shark eyes and teeth texture in paa format if you want it m8 wink_o.gif

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Please no redneck sharkteeth on the Apache sad_o.gif

They belong on an A-10. IMO they look just stupid with the TADS-pod infront.

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Please no redneck sharkteeth on the Apache  sad_o.gif

They belong on an A-10. IMO they look just stupid with the TADS-pod infront.

1 version with shark teeth's on it would be cool I dont say put it on all apaches only 1 version wink_o.gif

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Please no redneck sharkteeth on the Apache  sad_o.gif

They belong on an A-10. IMO they look just stupid with the TADS-pod infront.

as extractoin said.. only one version like that. (well one set)

but the shark teeth are on everything from trucks to helos. i havnt seen them on the UH60, but ive seen then on everything fron the UH1 to the 5ton

they kick ass smile_o.gif

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Please no redneck sharkteeth on the Apache sad_o.gif

They belong on an A-10. IMO they look just stupid with the TADS-pod infront.

Why do they have to be "redneck" sharkteeth? As a southernor, I find that term to be derrogatory, and insulting. Surely, you can express your distaste for something without needlessly denegrating people? rock.gif

And actually, I agree with your general assessment, I'd prefer a decent texturing job, without poorly painted sharksteeth.

It actually cheapens the tradition of the Flying Tigers.

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Why do they have to be "redneck" sharkteeth? As a southernor, I find that term to be derrogatory, and insulting.

Sorry, not my intention to insult anyone.

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somebody got a chip on thier shoulder, but yeah the shark teeth makes the bird look like crap, even more so its not military regulation. No nose art allowed on Million dollar aircraft because people in the Pentigon thing its offensive having nude women on bomber noses. Nose art went out in the early 80s. Bet didn't even notice that the teeth were done with chalk. so it could be washed off. Cause some brass sees that on there its gonna be somebodies ass in a sling.

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No nose art allowed on Million dollar aircraft because people in the Pentigon thing its offensive having nude women on bomber noses. Nose art went out in the early 80s.

This is not true.

There are specific regulations as to what is and is not allowed to be painted on the noses of military aircraft.

A good example of recent paintings are:


A B-52H at the Malta international Airshow - note this scheme was NOT applied specially for the show.


B-52H with artwork applied for Operation Enduring Freedom.



B-52H in 2003.


B-52H at Miramar, 2003.


B-1B in 2001.


B-1B in 1999.

The "Lets roll" logo, as applied to many aircraft throughout the USAF after 9/11.

And so on.

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somebody got a chip on thier shoulder, but yeah the shark teeth makes the bird look like crap, even more so its not military regulation.    No nose art allowed on Million dollar aircraft because people in the Pentigon thing its offensive having nude women on bomber noses.   Nose art went out in the early 80s.  Bet didn't even notice that the teeth were done with chalk.   so it could be washed off.    Cause some brass sees that on there its gonna be somebodies ass in a sling.

and thats why hundreds of british and american aircraft had nose art in the 1991 gulf war  rock.gif

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and thats why hundreds of british and american aircraft had nose art in the 1991 gulf war rock.gif

They also had nose-art in the 2003/2004 Gulf "War"

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For the topic, nose-art is not common on Apaches.

As long as there is atleast one AH-64D without nose-art I'll be happy.

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i guess he'll follow your orders big Shadow biggrin_o.gif

it's a great pack, and i think, if that nose art is already done or if he's goiong to do it, he'll make the versions with and without it.

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Ok i have to note.

USAF have different rules then the US army.

that is why there is nose art on USAF but not on US army..

you all have to realize that. you can't jsut go look see see the airforce has nose art. the airforce it not the army and apaches are US army..

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the air force isn't odfficially allowed Nose Art anymore either, they got around it by putting the art in the inside of the inspection and access panels. Not one plane on the airbase has nose art but some of the aircraft grandfathered because they had it before the ban, once the plain get repainted it has to be removed. So they take really good care of the planes that still have artwork on them.

One problem is usualy any decent nose art, the artists moves on to a new posting or leaves the service the image is veruy hard to keep looking good and offten weathering will ruin it in time.

Subject matter, most military bases are Coed, thus gone are the days of having nude women as nose art.

Character copyright issues are also something the military kind wrinckle their nose about. Hell Disney tried to sue a day care center for having their characters painted in a mural on the wall.

Gone are the days of having Snoopy on your bird or Wild E Coyote as your mascot. The brass now consider it defacing of Gov proporty and really can get bent out of shape cause they wanna porty some new image and think US tax payers will not like having multiy million dollar equipment defaced with nose art.

Hows the cammo gona work if a nakid girl with huge breasts spread eagle on both sides of the vehicle is gonna beable to hide anywhere.

Hell, all it takes is one person these days to file a complaint that something offends them then it becomes a federal case. I've seen it happen a number of times in the military as I was coned into doing military mural illustrations for area beautifcation and some twerp had a hair across his hole to be a goober. Too bad nobody really got to enjoy the works cause they shotry closed Ft Dix after I did all that painting. =P

First of all going on the internet for images of equipment, most pople don't even know when the pic was taken and what the situation on said equipment. IE training equipment, often will be a issue vs actual combat equipment.

Even more so RI and Cadre equipment might have art on it so it can be spotted easilly in the field. Artwork might be cause maintaince applies it to better keep track as equipment actulally is given pet names by the repair crews.

Vehicles often used for display or show details might be allowed to show art on them seeing they spend a lot of time in the eye of the public. They were lucky to get a really good artists, to do works on something it will be kept as moral enhancing propaganda.

Drawback is most nose art ithese days usualy ends up looking like crap grafitiee or just plan tagging. Last thing most brass wanna see if gansta scrawling on a 12 million dollar Stryker APC.

Usualy if anything gets away with something painted on a AH64 its something in black on the transmission engine coveres in flat black like the aircrafts pet name or unit call sign and a silloett of something like a team mascot. Heck maybe a few aircraft here with nose art on this base here, only cause somebody painted it on the AC130A back when it served in Nam and they keep the art in respect for the crews that served her over time.

None of the A10s here have any art showing on them in all of the 355th, nore the F16 group on the base, nore the squadron that uses the international airport to fly ot of. The Army airpark, None of the UH60s got anything the few UH1Hs they still got nadd, noe of the Marine helios AH1Z, CH53, Ch46s or the UH1Ns. Hell still a few AH1S they keep for training birds no art. Soem OPFOr units mostly grimreaper and the skull and cross bones on the doors but those are nto combat vehicles and usually have the word _threat_ above or below the Red Stars

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Hows the cammo gona work if a nakid girl with huge breasts spread eagle on both sides of the vehicle is gonna beable to hide anywhere.

to be completly honest... the "camoing" of an aircraft, other then black on a stealth, or dark paint scheme on a night-fighter aircraft (helo or plane) i find camoing of aircraft virtualy pointless.

on the ground to "hide" it from satilites or from prying binocs... i hate to tell you this but other then hangers or underground caves.... hiding a very large, very deadly, very armed, aircraft is not humanly possible, unless the klingons sold you some cloaking technology.

"hidding" the aircraft while in flight from AA gunners... also impossible. as you have an aircraft flying pretty damn fast, making a helluvalot of noise with its large turbine engines, flying in a sky with more colors then your photoshop pallete is pretty visable. and i assure you that on a plan, a brightly colored picture of "pin-up" girl, will not "give away" the planes location in the sky since the enemy already see's a grey, green, or tan blur flying at them.. a reltivly small picture on the side isnt gonna blow its cover.

nose art on a helo: same goes for the helo as for the plane minus the "fast blur". helicopters fly low and collow the contours of the earth. uses the ground for its cover. aside from that, im gonna assume you actualy heard an AH64, AH1, UH1, UH60, CH46, ect ect ect. they arent exactly CIA wisper quiet. to give you an example, i live in Pittsburgh PA, with a C130 base nearby in moon township, i see quite a few aircraft from KC135's to UH60's flying overhead. the other day a single UH60 fly over, now i have a nice veiw up the monagihela (sp?) river so my viewdistance is quite a ways. now this single UH60 was flying ad average cruising alt i guess you could say, flew by. i heard it about 2 minutes before i could see it, once it was close enough i could make it out with a pair of binocs i could see an OD UH60 flying under a clear blue sky. now if he was trying to hide from me, he didnt do so well. and im pretty sure that if he had a picture of britney spearks spread eagle touching her boobies on the port side cargo door, i would have barely made out the shape.

and again a helo on the ground isnt gonne be hidden all that well due to the fact that its a big ass helicopter and the terrign where feild bases are established, is a forever changing color.

"camoing" an aircraft is by far the most pointless thing in the world. not im not saying they should all be unpainted. but the idea that thier paint scheme is "camoflauge" is just plain riduculous.. and so is my spelling, but anyway.

in my opinion nose art wasnt just to make the plane look nice, but in a time when noseart was allowed, it was done more as pyscological warefar agasint the enemy, IE: shark teeth on a P40 or a UH1, messes with your head when you see it coming at you. and it also inspired confidence in the men (and now women) that fly the birds and sometimes from those on the ground.

we all know of squad XML logos right? well when my logo is working, and im playing in MP editor so that it will work, i feel much more confident knowing that babe is on the side of my aircraft, more confident, more fearless, more powerful just having it there. now those that know me, and my skillz as an OFP pilot, seeing that logo as i fly low, or land in a heated LZ to pick up wounded troops, see that logo and confidence is instilled in them, confidence that they know.. they arent getting on any helo... they are getting on MY helo.

anyway since i have an answer for everything, and a comment about something noone thinks about... theres my $1.25 in the matter smile_o.gif

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Sorry to keep dragging this off-topic, but why Bobcatt, if artwork is "banned" were hundreds of aircraft painted with special artwork for Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF from now on) little more than a year ago? AND a lot of the artwork featured scatily-clad women, thus:


(They even felt it good enough to make an entire book of the stuff)

And this page shows examples of artwork painted on the outer skin of the aircraft:


If I had access to my Air Forces magazines, I'd be able to show you reams and reams of photos of aircraft with noseart applied in the last year.

More example pics:



Quote[/b] ]"This is a photo of me re-touching the nose art on 13 April 2003. Note that over the course of just 5 days, the combination of low-quality "paint-pen" pigment on the art, the intense sun and heat of the Middle East, and the sandblast effect of all the dirt over there has caused the paint to fade. This is most noticeable in the red checkerboard panel - the red squares have been retouched and the "pink" ones are simply faded. Note also the dark brown color of the left glove which I'm retouching in the photo and compare that to the pale tan of the right boxing glove. Both of them had been this dark when I originally painted them less than a week earlier!" (Col. Keith Coln, 379 AEW Vice Commander at Al Udeid, via Haskin)


Quote[/b] ]F-15E 88-1687. Art by SSgt. Jason Henton, and flown by Stinger and Junior as wingman to Shangri-La II on 8 April 2003.


"Lets Roll" as applied to almost every aircraft that saw action in Afganistan or Iraqi.

Air Force Technicians applying artwork to the nose of an F-15E

Three Aircraft (F-15E, F-16 and Tornado GR.4) with various bits of noseart

And the list goes on.

Whilst it may only be applied with "paint pen" that does wash off, it still proves that artwork IS applied to aircraft.

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to be completly honest... the "camoing" of an aircraft, other then black on a stealth, or dark paint scheme on a night-fighter aircraft (helo or plane) i find camoing of aircraft virtualy pointless.

I don't think so. For AA guns it might be equal how a plane is paitned, since the plane is always a silhouetta the bright sky. But for example in air-to-air fights it indeed does make a difference, since in dogfights you have to track your enemy with the eyes, and if you're looking down on a plane below you it _does_ make a difference if the plane is light grey or green-brownish. That's also the reason why high-altitude AA jets are often painted grey, while anti-tank aircraft like the a10 are rather painted in green and brown (depending on site, situation and the enemy's forces)

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It can show a bit more about nose arts treatment.

Well, nose arts and pilot's "logos" have almost 100 yeart of tradition, so banning them is plain shame.

But now back to topic.

Is it possible to make this paintings the way roundels r made in some addons? If u want one, just put command in init field...

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