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Horse with rider

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Master Chief:- thanks for the tips. I do agree that its only good to use the best WORKING horse to justify this limitation as it will be probably be downloaded by almost everyone. But no worries, there can always be more than 1 horse type in the ofp world. Looking forward to your release of script and horse when it's ready.  tounge_o.gif

Kaitnieks:- as it is, smokedrib's current script can be use for any vehicles, provided the addon is specially created for it.


-300m long aircraft carriers of both wars

-topedo(created as ship) launched from aircraft

- sci-fi crafts, eg:- attack of the clones chopper

-mafia cars shoot-by

-bismarck class ships with multiple guns

-and anything else the mind can think of....mind you..its only just this script, and heck!!!..there are many other scripts which if perfected, can be use for a whole lot of other things.

The only thing is - will anyone make them?

Mind if I ask you if you could try this script/theorie on the standard BIS jeep? So that the cargo could shoot out?

If you could do that then it would be awesome.


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sheesh! thats easy...i mounted 2 mg onto the west open truck and had a great time using it to break thru an eastern road block.

Would love to have a missle gun boat though.....then them pesky SU wouldnt be so trigger happy tounge_o.gif

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Hi Phil ...Luv your work....great job ....If you want you could take the aa launcher from the nimitz and mount that to a boat ...then you would have your missile boat


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hehe...good idea zulu.. tounge_o.gif ...them Su are now gonna think twice b4 they think my boats a sitting duck.

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Phil: You mentioned Mafia car-shooting. So could it be possible to have a guy shooting out of a window? Woah, a car chase in the making!

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Phil, would the script be difficult to implement on the rear gunner of the IL-28 Beagle? It would be awesome if you could get Footmunch's rear gunner position working on his IL-28 Beagle. It would be a good test bed to see how well the script works for such a purpose.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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from land calvary to air calvary, the pic says it all  tounge_o.gif


the gunners will fire, all 4 of them

they move together with the chopper, all of them

up and down, left and right movement, it follows

but sigh.........when chopper dips to speed up, the model goes outta wack....perhaps some scripter can solve this problem? I'll try on my end to see if anything can be done to the model to solve it..( no worries, i'll use my own model, no harm will be done to other's hardwork! tounge_o.gif )

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This is going to put all my work in the garbage, but who cares...

Perhaps putting a gamelogic in the chopper model where the

soldiers have to be, and modifying the script so it takes into

consideration this gamelogic (which will return a position) ?

I've played a little with this script placing an M2 machinegun

(I used the one mounted on Sigma's M1) on a BIS M1A1: it's

great, except you need to know where the tank main turret is

pointing to place correctly the machine gun. But placing a pair

of gamelogics on the turret and make them solid with 'otocvez'

should solve the problem: infact you then position the machinegun

relative to the gamelogics position. You'll need a script to manage

the gamelogics (each time smokedribs's script is executed it needs

to call a function returning the gamelogics position).

I bet Unnamed is already on it...

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Mind if I ask you if you could try this script/theorie on the standard BIS jeep? So that the cargo could shoot out?

actually I don't think this 'shoot from a vehicle' thing would be possible. The thing that makes the horse work is that the rider's geometry doesn't touch the horse's geometry. If they do touch, it is death for the rider. Basically by setposing a unit into a moving vehicle, ofp still calculates the speed of the vehicle and the speed of the soldier (which would be 0) so it determines that the vehicle is crashing into the soldier.

You could remove the vehicle's geometry from the area where you want the soldier to be setposed, but then you would be able to walk through the vehicle model. Thats the only way it would work. BTW this script is nothing new at all, it is Col. Klinks script that would add turrets to planes and add soldiers to the sides of helicopters. but even then it is not really good because the plane's speed is too great for setpossed objects to really keep up.

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Mind if I ask you if you could try this script/theorie on the standard BIS jeep? So that the cargo could shoot out?

actually I don't think this 'shoot from a vehicle' thing would be possible. The thing that makes the horse work is that the rider's geometry doesn't touch the horse's geometry. If they do touch, it is death for the rider. Basically by setposing a unit into a moving vehicle, ofp still calculates the speed of the vehicle and the speed of the soldier (which would be 0) so it determines that the vehicle is crashing into the soldier.

You could remove the vehicle's geometry from the area where you want the soldier to be setposed, but then you would be able to walk through the vehicle model. Thats the only way it would work. BTW this script is nothing new at all, it is Col. Klinks script that would add turrets to planes and add soldiers to the sides of helicopters. but even then it is not really good because the plane's speed is too great for setpossed objects to really keep up.

But what if you would have a backup script and a check script running behind the main procces? so I example:

You add a gunner with the script to a plane and the plane reaches a certain amount of speed, now the script has a hard time to catch up the plane right? but now what if you make the check script check evry time asoon a certain speed reached if it's needed to correct the script and for that process you could have a second script running wich will do the following: It will do exact the same thing as the first script except it thinks before the first script so that the script is always one step faster then the plane, Result: Good placed gunner even in a plane.

Could you test this?

Thanks smile_o.gif

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hehe the mysterious cow-rider...



I edited the script with some height above sea level type stuff so now you can ride over bridges (before you couldn't)

The above sea level stuff will be very very handy for the standard towing scripts, raised roadways are a problem I dont think has been solved till now.

It will mean we can finally take trailers over bridges and onto multi deck ships.

Edited to take pics down

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I 'm following all this with lots of interest but i don't have much time to help right now. I've made an experiment with riding horses some time ago but i'm really bad with scripting tounge_o.gif I leave here my testwork so anyone can improve. Hope It might help to get a full working horse man soon smile_o.gif




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900 points, 20 skins, some not great or need work. not animated yet, but its going to be the first real usable horse for ofp (hopefully)

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looking good MASTER_CHIEF i am trying migs mule out the 1776 men don't have to walk anymore, i have 5 horse skins you want them they are for paint shop pro

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sa8gecko:- thanks and great idea there!...no worries about losing your end of developement, do continue. Each step we make is a step into the further developement of ofp1. There are many ways to 'skin a cat'. wink_o.gif  18 months to ofp2! sheesh!...almost the time a draftee completes his draft sad_o.gif

Master chief:- from my model test...actually its only the roadway Lod that will cause the 'instant' death of the rider. The rider must be on a platform more or less a few cm (5?) above the roadway. Thats why it would need new models for the attach scripts to work or at least on old models with an open area for the rider to be standing on. Therefore anyother area that the rider wont be using can be set up with geometry,thus u will still have collision detection.

I have tested the current smokedrib script with the MG gun on an open 5t truck, as it has an open area - it follows everymovement of the truck except uphill, but if we use a separately created model with a 'keep height' selection, the up and down movements will be licked.

will show more pics later on further developement. Do not lose hope guys, a new useful dawn is comming to ofp1, thanks to folks like masterchief, mig, sa8gecko, unnamed, col klink, bobcatt, tsalagikola and the many others who have attempted one way or another. All the best!

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Rock On Philcommando!!! I can't wait to see the fully scripted rider on a horse! Nice horsies Masterchief! I see they are um... anatomically correct. LOL!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Some test with the currently avaliable smokedribs script:-


I use the attached MG w/gunner to spring some captives from jail, zig-zagging outta the compound..it stays with the truck in all movements.


For lack of a good seating down rife shooting position, i use the fixed crouch law gunner as example in a jeep...it fires and follow the jeep


voila!!..the one a lot has been asking for in the past..now thanks to smokedribs script, the gunner can face the back, fire, and follow every turn and bank..only that a new model must be created for the script with the geometry and roadway correct.

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Master_Chief - VERY impressive modle and textures!!!!!!!

what do you plan to do about animations?

I suggest you change the riders stance.......the rider looks like it is standing over the horse rather than siting down on it

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Philcommando for a chopper could you make it work for a tailgunner?



This chopper has problems with it's tailgunner, I would be intrested to know if it's posible to make it work.


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Master_Chief - VERY impressive modle and textures!!!!!!!

what do you plan to do about animations?

I suggest you change the riders stance.......the rider looks like it is standing over the horse rather than siting down on it

Agreed, the model and textures look fantastic. If you were to change the riders stance, perhaps bend the knees a little if it is possible, then it would give a more natural look. I find this an amazing addon in the making, no matter how long it takes to perfect. Simply amazing to see a possibility of this in OFP.

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