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USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

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Quote[/b] ]I think it's better to post the contents of it here instead of linking to it.

You´re quite a while around here...why don´t you just waste a second and read the forum rules ? They´re pretty clear on quoting and linking to press articles.

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Hi all

The US Tax Debt (Deficit) is set to reach $10 trillion. Making TBA and this Republican ruled congress and senate the biggest government spenders in US history.

The NeoConMen are largely seen as the cause of runaway US Tax Debt. The NeoConMan run TBA claim to be tax cutters but like any debt one has to pay it off or at least service the interest payments. With rising interest rates the US economy may along with those in the housing bubble be about to go into negative equity.

Tax breaks paid for by deficits are as any housewife wary of maxed out credit cards, and bank loans will tell you are a load that break you household budget and leave you out on the street. And taking out loans to give your buddies present as TBA does in the form of Tax cuts and grants for big oil is just plane daft.

Any single mum who was spending her social security cheques on presents for her rich friends would probably be having a visit from social services but Dick Cheney gave his old firm the biggest social security cheque in US history when his old bankrupt company Halliburton was given $10 billion in no bid contracts?

Yet the NeoConMen controlled White House, Senate and Congress continue to overspend.

Quote[/b] ]Tax-cut plan: economic boon or deficit disaster?

By Seattle Times news services

WASHINGTON — By week's end, Republicans in Congress are expected to send President Bush a $69 billion package that will extend lower tax rates for investors and temporarily spare millions of middle-class Americans from a creeping alternative minimum tax.

It also has heated up a recurring debate: Have the president's tax cuts been the salvation of the U.S. economy, or will they combine with spending policies to sink it?

That debate has divided starkly along partisan lines, with Republicans crediting tax cuts, first enacted in 2003, with a surging economy, millions of new jobs and booming tax revenues. Democrats counter that the tax cuts favor wealthy investors, do not have economic benefits as great as advertised, and will reduce revenues precisely when commitments for Social Security and Medicare benefits explode.

Meanwhile, the House is preparing to raise the federal debt limit for the fifth time in four years and the second time this spring, this time to nearly $10 trillion. That's almost double the $5.7 trillion gross federal debt of fiscal 2001, when Bush took office. The Senate hasn't scheduled action on the debt limit, but many economists fear a looming debt crisis that could menace the U.S. economy.

"I support a low capital-gains tax. It's hard to argue with amending the AMT [alternative minimum tax]. The problem is that it's not offset in any way. This failure to make choices is what is driving the budget deeper into the red," said Robert Bixby, executive director of the Concord Coalition, a bipartisan budget-watchdog group.

"We've got to make some very hard choices in the not-too-distant future," said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's Economy.Com, a consultancy. "I don't think they'll be made by President Bush, but they will have to be made by whoever is going to be the next president."

"If you do the math," Zandi added, "under any kind of reasonable economic assumptions the budget deficit will be 10 percent of gross domestic product 20 years from now. That's untenable. The economy will break before we get there."...

http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html....11.html Follow link for full story

It is this profligacy of giving presents to big oil with not just this years tax payers money but the next few decades tax payers money that so sickens US voters and makes them ask the question:

"With the untrustworthy NeoConMan entryist group in control of the US Republican party creating bigger and more controlling government, how can any one feel safe to vote republican?"

Kind Regards Walker

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Today I read that the Bush Family is now en route to make Jeb Bush the next president of the USA. George W. Bush the current president spoke of Jeb as great senator with a lot of leadership-potential. His father Bush sr. has the same opinion and would welcome another Bush as the world`s most influencial man.

I wouldn`t vote for a Jeb Bush, if I was a US citizen... huh.gif

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Today I read that the Bush Family is now en route to make Jeb Bush the next president of the USA. George W. Bush the current president spoke of Jeb as great senator with a lot of leadership-potential. His father Bush sr. has the same opinion and would welcome another Bush as the world`s most influencial man.

I wouldn`t vote for a Jeb Bush, if I was a US citizen...  huh.gif

Where excatly? I do recall him denying that he wanted to run in 2008 in 2004 but things can change.. yay.gif

Wonder how that latino-friendliness sits with the certain part of the base though.. whistle.gif

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There is an article on www.n24.de. It`s a german news website. Unfortunately I`m in a little rush, otherwise I`d translate the article for you. Sorry, duty calls. sad_o.gif

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Hi All

If you live in the USA and you make a phone call from AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth it is now monitored and data mined to see who you phone. Fact.

Details such as your political and social affiliations are now fully able to be monitored.

And did TBA get warrent for this? No. They say it is legal. After all they are the government they can make anything they want legal or illegal. This not a slipery slope this is a vertical fall of the edge of a cliff into big brother.

Joe Stallin would be rubbing his hands in glee. Only the NeoConMen with their bolshevik background and strausian texts would have the gall to say "You only have to worry if you are a terrorist or have done something wrong or have connections with terrorists." Ever hear of six degrees of seperation? Even Avon is no more than only six phone calls from Osama Bin Laden.

Awaken America the reds are in the White House bed.

Quote[/b] ]NSA secret database report triggers fierce debate in Washington

Updated 5/11/2006 11:29 PM ET

By Susan Page, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — A massive government database containing the phone records of tens of millions of Americans — reported by USA TODAY on Thursday — marks the modern intersection of two powerful emerging forces: terrorism and technology.

And the firestorm sparked by disclosure of the National Security Agency project mirrors a debate that dates to the nation's founding, and before, over balancing the interests of the government with the rights of individuals.

"It's an issue of our times — a huge issue," said Clayton Northouse, editor of Protecting What Matters: Technology, Security, and Liberty since 9/11, published last month.

"In the lead-up to 9/11, a lot of the terrorists left a lot of information trails that could have potentially been tracked down. ... But then we bump up against the need to protect civil liberties in this new environment. How can we maintain people's privacy while maintaining the usefulness of the information?"

The White House moved quickly to try to shape the debate. President Bush appeared before TV cameras midday Thursday to say the administration has always acted within the law and protected Americans' privacy while doing everything possible to prevent terrorist attacks.

"Al-Qaeda is our enemy, and we want to know their plans," Bush said before heading to Mississippi to give a speech on Hurricane Katrina relief. He didn't provide any specifics about the program, however, and walked away without responding to questions from reporters.

On Capitol Hill, Democrats expressed outrage over the secret project, and some leading Republicans — House Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio and Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania among them — expressed concern.

"Are you telling me tens of millions of Americans are involved with al-Qaeda?" Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, railed at a morning hearing. "These are tens of millions of Americans who are not suspected of anything."

Specter said he would call executives from AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth — the companies that supplied to the NSA their records on cellphone and land-line calls made from millions of homes, businesses and government offices — "to find out exactly what is going on." ...

http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2006-05-11-nsa-reax_x.htm Follow link for the full story

Is any wonder that US voters are asking:

"With the untrustworthy NeoConMan entryist group in control of the US Republican party creating bigger and more controlling government, how can any one feel safe to vote republican?"

An Angry Walker

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Today I read that the Bush Family is now en route to make Jeb Bush the next president of the USA. George W. Bush the current president spoke of Jeb as great senator with a lot of leadership-potential. His father Bush sr. has the same opinion and would welcome another Bush as the world`s most influencial man.

I wouldn`t vote for a Jeb Bush, if I was a US citizen...  huh.gif

Where excatly? I do recall him denying that he wanted to run in 2008 in 2004 but things can change.. yay.gif

Wonder how that latino-friendliness sits with the certain part of the base though.. whistle.gif

I've also read that Jeb Bush may become the next president. He's gonna have to work hard if he's gonna do as bad as G.W. Bush...but hey, for a Bush, everything seems to be possible confused_o.gif

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AP shills for Ahmadinejad

Quote[/b] ]VIENNA, Austria - As the United States toughens its stance on Iran’s nuclear program, and bitterness toward America hardens on the streets of Tehran, many people can’t help but wonder: Why don’t the two countries hold face-to-face talks to ease the crisis?


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Wow so that AP is hoping that cooler minds prevail and that the war hungry Bush Admistration doesent start another war.

The war Iraq is already a quagmire already we don't need another war with a country with 4 times the amount of area of Iraq. Which we dont have enough troops to control Iraq. By they way almost every military expert thinks that if strike Iran it would not destroy their nuclear capabilities but they will also retaliate and how do think that makes troops in Iraq feel.

Bush couldnt even finish his term in Air National guard but he wants to stress the military even more. This man has never sacraficed. mad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Details such as your political and social affiliations are now fully able to be monitored.
Then Bush must know how much of a dumb ass I think he is. rofl.gif

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Hi all

*** Breaking News ***

There are reports that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is focusing now on Dodgy Dick Cheney in the tratorgate trial.

Quote[/b] ]CORRECTED: CIA leak case court filing focuses on Cheney

Sun May 14, 2006 10:20am ET

Corrects sixth paragraph to say In the article, Wilson wrote)

By Kevin Drawbaugh

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. prosecutor in the CIA leak case has told a court he plans to use as evidence a newspaper article with notes that he says were hand-written by Vice President Dick Cheney referring to Valerie Plame shortly before she was exposed as a CIA operative.

The notes show Cheney and his former chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, were "acutely focused" on the July 6, 2003, article written by Plame's husband, Bush administration critic and former U.S. ambassador Joseph Wilson, said Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald in the pre-trial filing made on Friday...

http://today.reuters.com/News....reuters Follow link for full story

The filing for new court action comes after a recently discovered hand written note by Cheney that implicates him.

Quote[/b] ]...Fitzgerald is probing who blew Plame's cover.

The copy of the article where Fitzgerald said Cheney made his notes ask if it is ordinary for former ambassadors to travel for the government to check out reports. "Or did his wife send him on a junket?" asks one notation.


The charges of conspiracy under the Covert Agent Identity Protection Act is obviously now possible. It is far easier for a prosecutor to obtain a conviction for conspiracy in such cases.

Such a possibility was always on the cards but the filing by the Special Prosecutor now makes it very real.

Is any wonder that US voters are asking:

"With the untrustworthy NeoConMan entryist group in control of the US Republican party willing to risk national security for petty political gain, how can any one feel safe to vote republican?"

Kind Regards Walker

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Another witch hunt to go through.

Isn't this fun?  

How many is this now?  I've lost track. goodnight.gif


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Another witch hunt to go through.

I am sure he shall be vindicated just like Abramoff, DeLay and Cunningham were.. oh, never mind. yay.gif

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Shell exist still, they had an add campaign like last year or the year before about "the new look of Shell" or some crap.

As for some of the Oil companies listed in that little snippet, some of them don't import oil from the middle east. I use to have a list of various Oil companies who didn't buy their oil from the middle east. I tried to get friends and family to only buy gas from those companies stations. They just called me a hippy or were indifferent. basically the idea went no where.

That was back when I was idealistic and had the foolish notion that I could change the world, if only in a small way.

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I'm from Texas and I don't speak like that. Besides, Shell doesn't exsist anymore.

No only Bush speaks like that because he murders the southern accent and the english language. whistle.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'm from Texas and I don't speak like that. Besides, Shell doesn't exsist anymore.

Royal Dutch Shell is one of the largest oil companies in the world, owns the rights to the Texaco brand and currently has its U.S. headquarters in Houston, Texas. It's the second most profitable oil company in the world, and you're saying it doesn't exist anymore?

You are quite right however to complain about the vernacular involved in that "message from the President".

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Quote[/b] ]You are quite right however to complain about the vernacular involved in that "message from the President".
That was prolly the must stupid comment ever to make.

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Hi all

There is an increasing belief among the media that Karl Rove and Dodgy Dick Cheney are engaged in an open civil war in TBA. Talking points and briefings have already begun in the republican blogs of using the removal of Dodgy Dick Cheney as a scapegoat to recover dwindling support from the electorate. Dodgy Dick Cheney's biggest fear is that Karl Rove is about to or has already turned states evidense in the traitorgate trial using Cheney as the scapegoat.

It is already known that Libby's goose is cooked. Richard Armitage is to testify against Libby and it now apears two senior CIA officers will also give evidense that Libby was fully briefed as to Valerie Wilson nee Plame's status as NOC agent on at least two seperate occasions one month before he claims he was informed by journalists that are also testfying members of TBA told them Valerie Wilson nee Plame was a CIA NOC agent.

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann reports on Countdown.


Also in the New york Daily News


It all just points out why so many US voters are asking this question:

"With an untrustworthy NeoConMan entryist group in control of the US Republican party willing to put petty party political point scoring above national security, how can any one feel safe to vote republican?"

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

Libby has now also started pointing the finger at Dodgy Dick Cheney.

Quote[/b] ]Libby Told Grand Jury Cheney Spoke of Plame

Vice President May Be Called as Witness

By R. Jeffrey Smith

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, May 25, 2006; Page A01

Vice President Cheney was personally angered by a former U.S. ambassador's newspaper column attacking a key rationale for the war in Iraq and repeatedly directed I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, then his chief of staff, to "get all the facts out" related to the critique, according to excerpts from Libby's 2004 grand jury testimony released late yesterday by Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

Libby also told the grand jury that Cheney raised as an issue that the former ambassador's wife worked at the CIA and that she allegedly played a role in sending him to investigate the Iraqi government's interest in acquiring nuclear weapons materials. That issue formed the basis of former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV's published critique.

In the court filing that included the formerly secret testimony, Fitzgerald did not assert that Cheney instructed Libby to tell reporters the name and role of Valerie Plame, Wilson's wife. But he said Cheney's interactions with Libby on that topic were a key part of the reason Libby allegedly made false statements to the FBI about his conversations with reporters around the time her name was disclosed in news accounts.

"The state of mind of the Vice President as communicated to defendant is directly relevant to the issue of whether defendant knowingly made false statements to federal agents and the grand jury regarding when and how he learned about Ms. Wilson's employment and what he said to reporters regarding this issue," he said.

The prosecutor also left open the possibility that Cheney will be called as a witness at Libby's trial, scheduled to begin next year, and denied an assertion last week by Libby's lawyers that Cheney would not be called.

Fitzgerald was appointed in late 2003 to investigate the disclosure of Plame's name to the media after the CIA complained that it was an illegal act because she was an undercover officer. His probe has led to a series of disclosures about efforts by the White House to rebut Wilson's published critique, but no official has been directly charged with leaking Plame's name...

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn....r=email Follow link for the full story

Libby has been pointing the finger at Journalist Tim Russert, a well known confident and friend of Dodgy Dick Cheney, as the source of the leak. However CIA testimony mentioned in my previous post put a scotch to that since the briefings were one month before Libby gave testimony that Tim Russert told him about Valerie Wilson nee Plame's CIA status.

That said the links between Tim Russert and Dodgy Dick Cheney are now the obvious line of enquiry that the special prosecutor is pursuing. So much so that when Tim Russert was interviewed recently and passing question to Valerie Wilson nee Plame was made to him he was reduced to a stammering jibbering wreck.

This comes after weeks of briefings against Dodgy Dick Cheney in Republican leaning press and blogs as well as reports that Karl Rove wishes to use Dodgy Dick Cheney as the scapegoat for TBA's electoral problems.

It all just points out why so many US voters are asking this question:

"With an untrustworthy NeoConMan entryist group in control of the US Republican, how can any one feel safe to vote republican?"

Kind Regards Walker

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