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miles teg


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Hey guys. The Lost Brothers is proud to present our Addon Pack #2. In this pack are the following units:

-1.IDF infantry (New)

a. New Sniper units in infantry, airborne, and police forces using-M82A1,SR-25, and Galat'z rifles.

b. Two new dedicated sniper units with face veils and the above weapons.

c. Updated units with bug fixes.

d. New pistols.

e. New Counter Terorrism unit (S'13 with ski masks).

f. Soldiers with clown hats (all the snipers wear the clown hats).

g. M4's/CAR-15's updated so that now they are properly sized.

-2. Egyptian Infantry (new)

a. Egyptian Frontier Corp (two versions)

b. Egyptian Task Force 777 Counter Terrorism force (with body armor).

c. Bug fixes on old units.

d. New weapons for CT units. Mostly HK weapons such as the MP5 and PSG-1.

-3. Unarmored ground/sea vehicles

a. S'13 Fast Attack Boat

b. Toyota "technical" fast attack vehicle (used by Frontier Corp).

c. Israeli M35A3 and M939A2 trucks

d. Zodiac boat

-4. Egyptian Air

a. Mi-8 (armed transport and Special Operations version).

b. AH-64D Apache gunship

c. Mirage V fighter bombers

d. Updated C130

e. CH-47D Chinook

-5. Israeli Airforce

a. AH-1 Cobra gunship

b. UH-1N (two versions)

c. CH-53

d. Kfir fighter bomber

e. Updated C130

-6. Egyptian Armor

a. M60A3 MBT

b. M113A3 APC

c. BMP-1 (Guard and Regular)

d. YPR-765 IFV

e. M1A1 Abrams MBT

d. updated SA-6

e. fixed ZSU-23

f. armored radar vehicle

IDF Armor

a. Magach 6 MBT

b. Puma Combat Engineering Vehicle(CEV)

c. Anti-mine rollers

d. Merkava Mk2 MBT (two versions- regular and one with .50 cal. HMG mounted on barrel.)

e. Merkava Mk3 MBT (early model similar to Mk2 but with 120mm cannon and autoloader).

f. Merkava Mk4 MBT (two versions- regular and "Bullet Sponge").

****IMPORTANT**** Some of these addons will overwrite your old LoBo .pbo files as they are updates to the old versions.

I'd like to give a big thanks to the Lost Brothers Team including Calm Terror, Uziyahu, Hooahman, Mayhem, and anyone else I may have forgotten. But also I must give a HUGE HUGE thanks to all of the addon makers and mod teams who helped us with many addons in this pack by generously allowing us to use and modify their addons for our mod. There were a couple of addon makers that we tried to contact but were unable to and I hope that it is cool with them that we credited them fully for their hardwork.

If there is anyone we left out of our readme credits by mistake please let me know and I'll be sure to give your proper credit on the next update which should be coming along shortly (as most of addon pack #3 is already done).

Anyhoo...without further adoo, here are the links so far for these packs:

From OFP.info:




From our good buddy Hooahman we have:


Here are some pics:






I hope you all like these addons and make some great missions with them. If you all make some good missions with these addons, please let me know.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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a nice start..still could use ALOT of work though:

-the huey and hip have missing textures on the MG

-the flight model for the CH-53 is horrible(it yaws really easy)

-the Kfir roll rate might be too high also and it could also use new textures or a new model all together(have yall thought of contacting someone like Footmunch for help on aircraft..just a thought)?

-the infantry units are textured all right but all could use alittle more work

-the Sinai map is definately TOP NOTCH though..I don't know if this was included in the pack but I just went to yalls sight and downloaded it..it looks like yall modeled it pretty good and is only missing a MUCH needed anim..

again great start just needs more work...

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there are no missing textures on the MG's you have ot have the whole pack for everything to work.

the CH-53 is how that beast flies or atleast as close as we cna get in OFP.

the Kfir still needs tweakign and no footmunch will nto work on it since faulkland mod will NOT let anyone use the mirage III footmunch made for them.. the textures are VIT's. jsut with minor tweaking. they are nto really that bad.and actual pretty light on size i think it has a total of 4 textures. it doe sneed mroe LOD's tho. and besides we are nto great textures. my skills are limited there but we might be gettign a new texture artist..

oh btw DON'T fly any of our jets with a joystick.

they are mouse only. that might be the problem witht he Kfir

and wich verion of the sinai you get? the old one or did miles release 1.4?

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Love the overall look , and thats an impresive list of units added .

Bullet sponge smile_o.gif

Are you planing to do all the Merkava's ?

The technical looks too small IMO . It should be larger overall with a higher ground clearance .

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i like this pack

but im getting missing textures/model for the snipers in my comp

is it just me or is it a bug?

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e. Merkava Mk3 MBT (early model similar to Mk2 but with 120mm cannon and autoloader).

Are you sure the Merkava Mk3 is equiped with an autoloader as T-64/72/80/90 or Leclerc ?

My sources stated only a system to help in the loading of shells. The crew is still composed of 4 men.

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e. Merkava Mk3 MBT (early model similar to Mk2 but with 120mm cannon and autoloader).

Are you sure the Merkava Mk3 is equiped with an autoloader as T-64/72/80/90 or Leclerc ?

My sources stated only a system to help in the loading of shells. The crew is still composed of 4 men.

Does OFP allow for a 4 man tank crew? rock.gif

Just imagine being the loader as player. Mighty boring.

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Yeah I'm not for certain what the exact system is on the Mk3 as it is an intermediate stage in the Merkava design.  Furthermore the one we have is a VERY early Mk3 without the big clumps of extra armor added on the later Mk3 tanks being used presently in Israel.  We need some skilled addon makers to help on making a late model Mk3 tank.  Bizaroid was a god-send with his Mk4 tank he made and we were able to further work on his Mk4 to make it more accurate in realism and fix up some of the bugs on it.  But he did an excellent job.  I'm going to try and see about getting him to join our team but I think he's probably too busy with his French addons and working with French mod teams.

Currently all the Mk2 variants are there and the main Merkava variants we're missing now are the later model MK3 variants.

As for the Toyota Technical, again this is based off of Lt. Dammage's Toyota Hilux however we purposefully made its ground clearence lower as the majority of Toyota pickup trucks in the Middle East don't have oversized tires and are just stock pickup trucks of 80's/early 90's vintage that are really nothing special other then being 4x4.

On the missing textures...hmm...as Calm Terror stated, make sure you installed all of the addons in the pack.  The pack was tested in a seperate mod folder and by several beta testers but I will check again on these issues as maybe we missed something or something got mixed up when I was assembling the pack.  That can happen when you're putting together a pack of addons this large.   So we will look into these.  But fear not... our addonpack #3 will be out very soon and any bugs will be corrected in that pack with updates.

As far as criticisms, absolutely many of the addons require alot of work, but as Calm Terror said, on some of these addons we kinda hit a limit on what we can do. The Kfir is based off of Vit's Kfir but modified.  There are some problems with the model and most certainly the flight characteristics are not optimal.  If footmunch volunteers to help fix it up we would certainly welcome his assistance, but he has already helped us alot by being generous enough to allow us to use some of his other aircraft addons that you will see in Addonpack #3.   He also is already helping many other mods so he's a busy man.   But if we find anyone else to help us we will certainly update the Kfir.  Future IDF aircraft from us however will have better flying F-16 (Egyptian and Israeli) and F-15 aircraft so don't sweat it.  Our primary concern was that the AI fly these aircraft ok (although they still fly into the ground while bombing sometimes).  

As for the CH-53, as many addonmakers will tell you, good flying characteristics on large helicopters is difficult in OFP.  The flying characteristics you see in ours is actually improved by Calm Terror from that of the original model we used by Scorpio and Adammo.   It is not perfect, but again, the AI can land and disembark troops with it and that is our primary criteria.  Its very flyable by human pilots.  I admit however that I wish it was a little funner to fly but its no little bird.  

Speaking of Little Birds, our addonpack #3 will have MD-500 Defenders based on the BAS Little Birds (with permission from BAS) so all your heli flying thrills will be found in those little guys which will come in TOW and rocket versions.

I also hope that you guys enjoy our UH-1N Huey which I think is pretty fun to fly.

Regarding the Sinai map, yeah Calm Terror he's talking about the old one cuz I haven't released the new version yet.  

But now that the cat's out of the bag, yes we have a MUCH MUCH MUCH improved version of the Sinai map done by Calm Terror that absolutely blows away the old version.  It is about 80% compatible with the old version however so some missioms will have to be modified to work on the new version.

But once you see the new version you will see that it will be worth it.  

Right now I just need to get the pack of necessary addons together with the map and get it all RAR'ed up and then test it all to make sure it works properly and that nothing is missing.

But back to the bugs...can anyone else confirm the missing MG textures on the Mi-8 and UH-1N doorgunners?

Also anyone else have the missing sniper textures?

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Wow ...Lots of good stuff Lobo. Thx alot fellas....I am getting a non textured machine gun on one of the tanks ....I put all of Addon pack 2 into a mod folder ...do I need addon pack 1 aswell??. Again gj fellas ...keep up the good work


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Ok... I'm looking into this bug.  Addon pack #1 has the Zelda APC's which this one doesn't have.  That may be where some of the missing textures are.  If you download and install addonpack #1 please make sure not to overwrite any of the .pbo files from addonpack#2 if it asks you to do so.  The ones in addonpack#2 are newer and more up to date. However the Zelda APC's are well worth downloading addonpack #1 for. 

Which tank did you get the missing MG texture on?  

Thanks for the bug reports.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I noticed the same bug in first person as before - The wrist is still messed up. Other than that, really nice update.

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Thanks....yeah the wrist texture problem is always difficult to fix...but I guess I'm so used to seeing it in many addons from different mods that I didn't really notice it enough to try and fix that. But I'll try to remember to take a look at that to see if anything can be done about it.

I just checked through the test mod folder I made again I was able to confirm the missing textures on the M240 MG's on the UH-1N's and the Mi-8 Commando helis. I'm not sure how that snuck in there as I never noticed them before but we'll get that fixed. However I was not able to confirm the missing sniper or sniper rifle textures or missing textures on any of the tank MG's after going through all the snipers and tanks and looking at them from many different views. If anyone finds these bugs please tell me in detail whether the missing textures are in 1st person or 3rd person views and where the textures are missing. A screenshot would help even more. If you don't have a place to post the screenshots they can be emailed to me at:

[email protected]


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thanks....yeah the wrist texture problem is always difficult to fix...but I guess I'm so used to seeing it in many addons from different mods that I didn't really notice it enough to try and fix that.  But I'll try to remember to take a look at that to see if anything can be done about it.  

I just checked through the test mod folder I made again I was able to confirm the missing textures on the M240 MG's on the UH-1N's and the Mi-8 Commando helis.  I'm not sure how that snuck in there as I never noticed them before but we'll get that fixed.  However I was not able to confirm the missing sniper or sniper rifle textures or missing textures on any of the tank MG's after going through all the snipers and tanks and looking at them from many different views.   If anyone finds these bugs please tell me in detail whether the missing textures are in 1st person or 3rd person views and where the textures are missing.  A screenshot would help even more.  If you don't have a place to post the screenshots they can be emailed to me at:

[email protected]


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

will u be able to make a patch? because i like those helicopters a lot but it takes the fun out of it if my mg is white. Thx

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Yeah I'll see about re-releasing the updated heli .pbo's. I was thinking about waiting until the addonpack #3 is ready, but I'm not 100% sure how long it will be until its ready as there are still a few stumbling blocks on a few addons and I don't want to rush things or put too much pressure on Calm Terror who's been doing an awesome job.

So yeah a heli pack with updates is probably the best way to go. Maybe I'll see also if we can make a quick IDF Apache to stick in there as part of the update as basically its identical to the Egyptian Apaches except for the roundels and markings (and pilots).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Oh.... I just found the problem with the heli MG's.  Its an easy fix....download the Addonpack #1 and install ONLY the Zeldas (not the other older addons).  In other words only unRAR the file:  Lobo_Zelda.pbo     into your mod/addons folder.  This will fix the missing M240 MG texture on all of the helicopters.  Plus you need the Zeldas for the mission in the pack#2 anyways.  smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Oh.... I just found the problem with the heli MG's.  Its an easy fix....download the Addonpack #1 and install ONLY the Zeldas (not the other older addons).  In other words only unRAR the file:  Lobo_Zelda.pbo     into your mod/addons folder.  This will fix the missing M240 MG texture on all of the helicopters.  Plus you need the Zeldas for the mission in the pack#2 anyways.  smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

thx dude. great pack btw one of my fav's

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I love this pack! Thanks! biggrin_o.gif

I have a few bugs tho, for the kfir and mirage you can see half of the tire protruding from the cocpit, and with the mirage the pilot's head is sticking out a bit.

Then for the IDF snipers with the desert eagle, they dont have any bullets or they just wont fire for some reason.

For the egyptian infantry, when you are the rifle grenadier and load a rifle, your sweet camoed ak turns into the standard bs one and as soon as u fire it turns back into the lobo camo ak.

Besides that awesome job.

I have a question, for your next mission pack will you make the m-4 car-15 series based on flipper's m-4's? Cause I think they would look allot better if they werent based on the bis xm-177.

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Thanks guys.  Hmm...yeah I forgot to check the desert eagle as I don't often bust out the pistol unless I'm out of ammo or I'm doing close quarters.  Yeah its just an ammo bug...something got messed up in the .cpp of either the weapons.pbo or on the soldier himself.  In the next update we'll get that fixed.  Until then if you're going to do close quarters either blast away with the M82A1 or pick up an assault rifle, SMG, or a different pistol from a dead body if you're going to go Rambo on the enemy.


As for the M4/CAR-15's actually they are not based on any of the BIS rifles. Ours are original models made by Vipersheart (although he may have had some assistance on these a looooong time ago from SBJ as they used to work together on stuff).

Flippers looked great texture-wise but I always found them to be too bulky looking. In this pack we attempted to size the M4's/CAR-15's more like the Digital Grenade M4's in their USMC Assault pack.

That size is very accurate. Ours however do not have their folding stock fully extended. Improvements in the future may include an extended stock and also a second magazines tied to the one in use as in real life where magazines are attached to each other in this way in order to provide quick reloading in close quarters combat.

On the Egyptians, yeah there's that little LOD bug on that grenadier.  We'll get that sorted out in the next update as well.  Thanks for spotting those bugs!  Much appreciated.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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