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/DRF mod: Specnaz

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the camo texture has a gloss effect, it would be good if u could tone this down smile_o.gif

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It doesn't look shiny to me unless you mean the wrinkles. Personally I think the wrinkles look great. I like it!

I hope also that some assault versions will be made with heavy assault helmets and heavy body armor (with the large ceramic/steel plates).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Nah, Earl devastated all competition wink_o.gif .

Yeah thats what i think too , if anyone wants to STILL make spetznatz they'd better top earls work or else they wont find a place in my addon folder sorry.

The problem with SUCHEY&Earls Spetznatz are that they are naval Spetznatz. RHS is making GRU Spetznats, and this brat feller, seems to be making early Spetznatz guys.

So they are all different kinds of troops smile_o.gif

Looking good by the way! Keep it up.

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I think they are looking great so far.

But only a beta release will tell for sure. wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

good suggestion wink_o.gif. After seeing that the uniform is reversible I must say this looks amazing. Most photos I have seen are usually of the darker side. It is always a good day to see more Russian troops in the making.

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The uniform looks 'glossy' like it is reflecting something. Other than that, I cant wait to see these guys in my OFP... Good luck! smile_o.gif

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Looking good. The under shirt looks much better now with the bigger lines on it.

You might try making the hands lighter colored. They look a little cartoon like compared to the soldiers face.

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Great work! If you have time a little update wouldn't hurt... It has been a while since the last and I am really hoping to see these guys!

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hope the Us combat boots sole textures will be changed, its a blanding bad error for russain units other than some did purchance foring made boots because they were comfortable.

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The latest screenshots look really great, the new tone of green camo is not making them too easily targetable as it was in the screenshots of the first post.

Good work icon14.gif

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Brat says that the addon needs to be binarized. And he doesn't know how to do it. Please help him binarize this great addon so that we can start playing with it.

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I have some nice links since I made a little research. I will realy like new russians from 1985 - especialy specnaz, airborne and naval infantry for our campaign (Project name Op85).

KZS -succesor of KLMK used in 85s.



Brown woodland worn by Soviet naval infantry,naval spetsnaz,80's airborne units.



Airborne from 80. illustration (KLMK,KZS brown woodland)

[ig]http://munchstudios.wz.cz/RuCamo.gif[/img] >100kb

Equipment Soviet/Russian:


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Can't someone who knows how to do it help brat to binarize this addon? Or did everyone just miss the post about it?

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