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Blackblood's desert grunts

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Everyone leave this topic and the guy alone and let him work this out in his own time.

No pressure Blackblood mate , carry on easily and fine tune these grunts and when your ready release it , dont get bullied in to releasing them by the over zealous people who want them here , a question for you all dying to get your hands on these addons, what will you do if he releases them now? I hardly see anyone whos dying to get them actually use them in a mission. The best you all will do is go in the editor plop them up against a few OFPOR a few bullets exchanged and thats it. crazy_o.gif

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come on guys give him a brake will ya he is doing all he can to get this done perfectly so just wait and one day he will release them and they shall be perfect (as far as perfect exsists offcourse)


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Allright, we're now bloody repeating ourselves 20 times.

The conclusion is we all support blackblood and think he should release it when he thinks they are ready. Now let's wait and stop repeating eachother.(did i repeat myself here? wink_o.gif )

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Quote[/b] ]Allright, we're now bloody repeating ourselves 20 times.

The conclusion is we all support blackblood and think he should release it when he thinks they are ready.

Seconded mate... smile_o.gif

BB keep up the ace work wink_o.gif

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I think he shouldnt ever release them so RAAB will be the only ones to ever play with these beauties  biggrin_o.gif

Seriously, these look the bollocks (i never got to use em as im in bloody Ecuador! but ive heard lots of good things), and i think, as an addon maker, that you should get them 100% perfected before releasing. It doesnt matter how long it takes, ignore anyone whinging for release. Just release when they are ready.

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Strunta i de där tjat-majorna! Dina snubbar är förbannat sköna o vi vill alla ha dem, men fan; vi har ingen rätt att tjata om dem. Vi borde alla vara jävligt tacksamma för att du överhuvudtaget tar dig tiden till det här! wink_o.gif

Nah, I'm not gonna translate it. *plrfft!*

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Well considering this is an English only speaking board, you better translate or your breaking forum rules wink_o.gif

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a question for you all dying to get your hands on these addons, what will you do if he releases them now?

Upload it to the RAAB server, edit the missions to use the updated version, upload them and have a few games. That a good enough answer? tounge_o.gif

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Strunta i de där tjat-majorna! Dina snubbar är förbannat sköna o vi vill alla ha dem, men fan; vi har ingen rätt att tjata om dem. Vi borde alla vara jävligt tacksamma för att du överhuvudtaget tar dig tiden till det här!  wink_o.gif

Nah, I'm not gonna translate it. *plrfft!*

cough toss*r

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*cricket* wow it got real quiet in here real fast but i just had to give me word in here that ilttl be relesed when hes done which may be tomorrow sense he hasent said anything all day but its cool i can wait no whinnign here blues.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Dude, i hardly see people really whining. The world is really looking forward to this addon, and most people who post here think it's too bad the units aren't finished yet, but they are at the same time understanding of the fact why they are not ready for release and support blackbloods decision.

I saw a number of people posting as if something was owed to them and they were acting impatient and self centered. This is what is ruining a lot of addon threads when it comes to focusing on a release date and not the addon. I was talking about the people who "werent" being understanding obviously.

Quote[/b] ]Embarrising to read? If that's the way you see it.

Yes, yes i do see it that way.

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personally i'd like to see these held back a few more weeks so blackblood can iron out all of the little niggles with them and get the random script to work correctly in MP.

no point in pressuring the guy to release you'll only get a buggy and rushed addon

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personally i'd like to see these held back a few more weeks so blackblood can iron out all of the little niggles with them and get the random script to work correctly in MP.

no point in pressuring the guy to release you'll only get a buggy and rushed addon

I totally agree. wink_o.gif

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Strunta i de där tjat-majorna! Dina snubbar är förbannat sköna o vi vill alla ha dem, men fan; vi har ingen rätt att tjata om dem. Vi borde alla vara jävligt tacksamma för att du överhuvudtaget tar dig tiden till det här! wink_o.gif

Nah, I'm not gonna translate it. *plrfft!*

I'll do the translation then ;)

" Ignore these naggers! Your dudes are damn groovy and we all want the, but hell, we have no right to nagg about them. We should all be damn greatful that you even take your time to do them."

Geocider, don't try to hid behind swedish, thats just bad manors. tounge_o.gif

Blackblood, these units look good so take the time you need to polish them. smile_o.gif

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There really is nothing like good quality well polished units

Cant wait to see them.. but take the time you need mate smile_o.gif

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Good morning...

First of all, thanx for the kind words. This massive feedback really moves me - and occasionally gives me an ulcur.

About the pistol anim issue. It's in the model. I have not made a custom pistol anim. Just trying to make it work with standard anims.

F***ing typical this is.

There's a saying in my neighbourhood:

"When things look dandy - hell reigns on BB."

Been up all night tuning and tweaking just to find N-E-W issues.

What? You say. Well only...

-Wound textures decided to go awal.

-Custom Ammobearer decides to go nuts and drops his ar** and bergen.

-(The misses are getting too little attention in the bedroom...)

Any good came out of this? You say. Well...

- The LOD has improved a lot for one...

- The poly and texture count is getting sexier.

- Still f***ing with the 1st person right hand but i'm getting there. *Curses default anims*

Once again, cheers mates for your undying support. It's gonna be a looong thank-you-list in the manual.

Too friggin tired to post any pics. See you soon.


MP Scripter to team up with this poor sod. File under desperately seeking.

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You might want to look at the BAS OPFOR goverment scout units. These have rolled up sleeves and the maker (can't remember which BAS member did it, I believe it was TJ), attached the hands to the arms. This way you won't have this ugly hand issue, hopefully.

You can open it in O2 to see how he did it (the maker gave permission for this to an other addonmaker having simular problems). I'm not sure if it will help, but you can give it a try.

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You might want to look at the BAS OPFOR goverment scout units. These have rolled up sleeves and the maker (can't remember which BAS member did it, I believe it was TJ), attached the hands to the arms. This way you won't have this ugly hand issue.

You can open it in O2 to see how he did it (the maker gave permission for this to an other addonmaker having simular problems). I hope this helps a bit.

Uh, that would be Ebud I think. Already talked to him few months ago and recieved a working sample. I'm not overly satisfied with the outcome though. Trying that and other approaches...there goes my vocabulary. need sleep. blues.gif

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Damn, yes it was ebud. Too bad you already treid it and that it didn't work out sad_o.gif

That will make it quite difficult to come uo with a good solution

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Have you seen the New Aussie units someone made , i think it was Skegman or SASR Sabre ? They made a few SASR and RAR units from the ADF which also sport half sleeved guys and they work fine smile_o.gif .

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I ain't your pro addon man here(dunno crap about making them), but isn't Wilco the anim God on the forums. He had this script for GITG scout sniper with this elite prone anim, maybe the same can be done for the pistol anim.

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Have you seen the New Aussie units someone made , i think it was Skegman or SASR Sabre ? They made a few SASR and RAR units from the ADF which also sport half sleeved guys and they work fine  smile_o.gif .

lol. Yeah I've seen it. Those units are based on my BETA models. Correct me if i'm wrong but they all use gloves don't they? Not really attached to the arms. I could do that and it would mean every bloke, para and eventually RMC will walk around with big gloves. IMOP throws away the aestethic and random look. Last resort tho.


Will talk to the SFP guys (in the brutal tounge of the north).

Anyone feels up to the task of MP scripting? Or help me with the major issue :

1. The ammobearer "createvehicles" the ammo. Needs to be done on the server only. How is that implemented on addon level. I know you fix it by placing a gamelogic in the mission ed. But I really want it to be ready to go in an MP environment without the user being forced to write MP scripts.

2. Random units uses Init-handler to "setobjecttexture" things like boonie and stuff. Need a server only script.


Rik Mayall is a random unit. He gets a boonie and no bergen. Local that is. He's MP friends sees him differently (no boonie nor bergen).

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Rik Mayall is a random unit. He gets a boonie and no bergen. Local that is. He's MP friends sees him differently (no boonie nor bergen).

Is that before or after Adrian Edmonson drops a fridge on his head? biggrin_o.gif

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