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Island or Continent?

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Mine does the same thing only they are more of larger hills. And the roads disappear over the top of them and the river when it reaches the end does a weird S curve thing so you cant see there is ocean there when looking from the normal map. Its kind of cool with roads leading off 300 meter cliffs into the ocean... its going to be fun. (although you are not ment to see those but people who enjoy jumps can go off of them)

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Hi, i'll like more than a continent, a big city, with some of the allready exsisting objects pack and an airport at the outsides; with the 3FWX Objects, mapfact barracs and the BIS objects i think that the possibilities of make make a city that looks like real grow; but i don't know how the AI's will act in it... but if it'll came from you sure that it'll be awesome, like Ivansky Beta, like St. David and like Avignon.

We haven't any real large city, so we can't practice the CQB or urban kind of missions, we can't do more civil like missions (terrorism) and will be really great to have a big, big city to conquer hood by hood at blood 'n fire. I don't know what my AMD processor think about this... but i like the idea.

P.D: Makin' islands yar God.

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I was thinking about making our own buildings. I have a few good ideas for some.

Low Poly ones

Low Poly open ones with only windows for snipers in them no way to real get to them without setpos (dont really like that but if it comes down to it may have to do it)

and several others that im keeping to myself smile_o.gif

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I really like the building designs of israel and pakistan. I think that the apartments n stuff and the close quarters feel combined with the hilly terrain and the really super urban feel to it all is a perfect mix of country and city and a good spot and a new feeling of war in ofp. I wouldn't mind some new buildings something on the lines of tonals with with a more modern middle eastern feel to them. Several stories up, unenterable, some shops on the streets, stuff like that. Any island using tonal objects I immediately say this is one of the best islands because their buildings are so real and so where i want to be fighting. Places where theres destabilization n stuff like on the news always look like those buildings that you see in the tonal pack. You can't use the same buildings because in the middle east they use grey tones more i believe. talk with someone have them share some pics or watch a movie like ghost in the shell where fully developed nations deal with terrorism and can't fight well because of the feeling of crowdedness. You got to have the perfect mix though. You know you can't have a city full of ai walking n moving n stuff, but if you make it seem like a slim row of shops here and there and an alley full of closed corridors like we here in america see on movies like ghost in the shell or training day and other spy movies where they go to the middle east you have alot of shops in a slim row going down. I've always wanted to see something like that but with chinese junk boats n stuff in the harbor too and you could go from boat to boat just walking and they sell stuff off them, then you got crowded market areas. Just basically watch some movies. Old jackie chan, history channel, stuff like that about crowded areas if thats what you want.

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I *need* someone to make a nice 25.6x25.6 "island" with a big land mass. If I say that Tonal is a way too small island, you get the picture... It needs an extensive and "feel real" road network and other places. Don't just stretch a 12km world where towns are placed 10 km apart.

I'm thinking something the size and feel of a four times St:David island. Or picture four FDF East Borders laid in square.

When that is done, its time to move on to a 52x52 island. tounge_o.gif

Sick of all the small TDM-sized islands these days. (They are however, very nice and I'm awed by the abilites of the people who create islands)

So...Jake, seeing your previous works, I say THINK BIG blues.gif

/me continues to dream about Fulda Gap ´85 scenarios on a large island

PS. For this island, can anyone re-do the BIS Nogova bridge and remove those #%$€@!! lamp posts. We all know how much the AI:s love to zig-zag into them at every opportunity. Widen the sucker.

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I think the size at which I have it now is big enough. Any bigger and it would get laggy and would also take me ages to complete. Atleast this way I can get it done and release it then if I feel like a bigger one I can copy and paste that into it and already have a lot of it done.

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Maybe a companion island for Nogova? More rural, with lots of mining/lumber camps and farms. Perhaps a prison too. Basically just an island that supplements Nogova and provides with some more services (Prison, economy, agriculture).

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a nice idea is the archipelago, i live in one.

Azores belongs to Portugal, but its too big for ofp, the island where i live in (im making it for ofp) its 21km x 14 km (im using 512x512), and my island is the medium size of the 9 nine islands, so imagine the rest :P

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I haven't noticed this topic before, lol.

I voted for a peninsula, but it could be used as a continent aswell.

I was thinking about something like the Caucasus area that is between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, with a bunch of mountanious terrains in between, alot of gerrilla fighting happaning in there.

It don't have to be based in the Caucasus, I'm only using it as an example.




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No one has made U.S. maps.

So I vote on my home state, "Florida!" (USA)

It's a peninsula. And it's has the only river in North America,

that flows north. (The St. John's River)

I live down the road from Tyndall AFB. (Home of the F-22 Raptor Sqn. I also work there as a Service Tech. for Mediacom.


Make, "Florida!"

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"


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Wouldn't a continent look like perhaps Tonal anyway? Afaik you always have to place water arround the land.

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How about a large desert map like Iraq where we can use the RHS and COMBAT goodies?

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How about a large desert map like Iraq where we can use the RHS and COMBAT goodies?

I'll second that..the only reason I said Bosnia or Korea earlier is because we already have serb and korean opfor(well some alteast) but no map to have realistic missions built for them...

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I decided on a Continent along time ago which I started on several months ago (I believe). Problem is I need new buildings for it but all my modelers (minus 1) is working on other things and I do not have a texturer who is able to do buildings at the time. Could also use some new land textures as well. Also need some new plants and possibly roads and a bridge or two so its going to be quite complicated.

If anyone can help:

[email protected] (MSN/Email)

Jakerod90 (AIM)

www.tacticalblunder.com/~bloodydays (Forum)

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