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The best war movie ever

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I guess there are two ways to classify movies as war movies. The Pianist and Schindler's List are great movies but they are not great war movies. They aren't really about the actual war, but more about the consequences of it. In my oppion The Pianist has more in common with movies like Shawshank Redemption than with SPR.

On the otherhand, what about movies like Braveheart and The Last Samurai? I wouldn't classify them as war movies but maybe I should.

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Indeed. While one of my favorite movies, is "Three Kings" a war movie? And more or less relevant now then after GW1?

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my current favs:

Glory, Civil war movie about all African 54th Regiment. it also had 2 of my favorit African American actors, Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman. Cold Mountian is also another Civil War fav in which Jude Law played in, although it was mostly a love story and showed mostly of the hard ship of the civil war rather than the actual war itself, i still found it to be pretty good. Hamburger Hill is great, imo its the best Vietnam movie since it drops all the dramatic heroic crap in favor of a more grim authentic approach.

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Glory always ends up stirring me...especially the final charge.

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How many non-finns have actually got their hands on the original long version of Winter War (Talvisota)?

It's 195 minutes long and not 125 as the versions with Winter War as the title. Try to find the version titled 'Talvisota', it has english subtitles too. It's also much cheaper than the short version.

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Though many posts have progressed since the original incident, Akira and SFWanabe, both consider yourselves offically warned. The amount of back and forth bickering between you two has virtually ruined the thread.

SFWanabe, your attitude has been far less than exemplary since your start on these forums, and many of your posts are little more than useless spam. I believe Placebo has already warned you about this. Next time we have to warn you about anything it will be accompanied with a PR and WL increase.

To everyone else, please continue to discuss movies in a civlised manner.

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Anyone seen the trailer for "Stealth"?


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I believe most of you have seen the film Gettysburg. I think it is worth mentioning too. Well dont expect to have a nice short popcorn evening with it. It is damn long and I believe relatively accurate so you need to keep your ears open while watching!

gettysburg1.jpg  gettysburg.jpg

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Anyone seen the trailer for "Stealth"?


Now I have and now I also despise you for even mentioning it. banghead.gif

At least it had explosions and titties in the beginning though. yay.gif

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I believe most of you have seen the film Gettysburg. I think it is worth mentioning too. Well dont expect to have a nice short popcorn evening with it. It is damn long and I believe relatively accurate so you need to keep your ears open while watching!

Images removed

I watched Gettysburg when it originally aired on TNT. Didn't expect to like it, but I actually enjoyed it alot. I mainly liked Jeff Daniels (pictured on the poster) and C. Thomas Howell's characters. The battle scenes were good, and the characaterizations excellent. I had a little problem with Sheen as Lee though. Some of the actors in it were B-rate at best, but they all really shone in this movie.

Did anyone see "Gods and Generals"? I wanted to see it but never got around to it.

EDIT: changed to C. Thomas Howell...always get him and Timothy Hutton mixed up for some reason...

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Aside from 'Glory' I've never been able to get interested in ACW movies - the entire war seems boring, old and totally uninteresting to me and I'm not sure why. I'd much rather watch a movie about nearly any other war, foreign or domestic.

Speaking of, does anyone know of any good Napoleanic or Victorian era war movies? Zulu and The Four Feathers are good, but there's gotta be more out there.

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The one problem I found with "Gettysburg" was the fact that some of the close combat scenes looked a tad amateurish;  I suppose that's what happens when you use thousands of re-enactors.  On the other hand Pickett's Charge was done very well; with some excellent performances by Stephen Lang and Richard Jordan (who died not long before the film was released).

A thing which bothered me though was they didn't exactly overplay the defense of "Little Round Top".  From the film you wouldn't get the impression that Colonel Chamberlain had saved the Union Army that day and thus saved the entire Union, yet that is what happened.

EDIT: Napoleoinic and Victorian movies? "Waterloo"; a film with hardly any SFX and some of the most realistic battle-scenes ever (courtesy of the Soviet Army), then there's Zulu Dawn, about the Battle (or Massacre) of Isandlhwana. Just as impressive as "Zulu" itself.

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Quote[/b] ]And that is fine. I respect your opinion...unlike your inability to accept my opinion of AN
I can understand AN until after the village attack then I just loose track of WTF is going esp. when he meets Kurtz then I just get so pissed off that I want to kill Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando.(Yes I know Brando is dead R.I.P.) Speaking of Marlon Brando I saw a movie awhile back where he played a German Officer during WW2 but I forgot the name of it.

Here ya go.

It was that one. wink_o.gif

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Aside from 'Glory' I've never been able to get interested in ACW movies - the entire war seems boring, old and totally uninteresting to me and I'm not sure why. I'd much rather watch a movie about nearly any other war, foreign or domestic.

Speaking of, does anyone know of any good Napoleanic or Victorian era war movies? Zulu and The Four Feathers are good, but there's gotta be more out there.

theres a whole bunch of War and Peace movies. the one i saw was kinda lame. think it was the one w/ Audrey Hepburn and Henry Fonda.

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i dont know if it counts as a war movie per se...

but "the duellists" is set during the napoleonic era, and is an excellent film.

oh. add "stalag 17" to my movies list

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 i dont know if it counts as a war movie per se...

 but "the duellists" is set during the napoleonic era, and is an excellent film.

oh. add "stalag 17" to my movies list

Although set during the Crimean war (some 50-60 years after the Penisula/Napoleonic wars) Charge of the Light Brigade may be what your looking for Hellfish, great movie.

edit- IMDB Info

The last battle scene is absouletley amazing, especially when you consider the film was made during the 1930's. However, over 200 horses died during its filming.


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Another good but under rated flick is Spielbergs Empire of the Sun.

Although it's not an out and out war pic, it's got just enough to make the story great.

It's a great film for anyone who's looking for something a little different.

P-51 CADILLAC OF THE SKY ! God I love that Scene notworthy.gif

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oh. add "stalag 17" to my movies list

"Being a POW has never been this much fun." wink_o.gif

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Empire of the Sun is quite a good war film in some ways; Did Spielberg actually film the Japanese over-running the Bund in Shanghai? That's an awesome scene-very well-done.

Stalag 17-damn fine performance by William Holden.

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I don't know if it counts as a war movie but I thought the recent german film "Der Untergang" was truly amazing. Granted, it isn't as much a war movie as it is an authentic drama, but it's a rare insight into the people we tend to demonize into monsters. Hitler was a kook, but that only makes it even more interesting that you actually feel sorry for him as he sits in the bunker watching everything he dreamed of crumple before his eyes.

On the more common side I think Platoon was a great movie for showing how shit war truly is if you happen to be caught in it on the wrong side of the TV set, and Apocalypse Now will always be in any movie collection I ever gather, for taking the absurdity of war and all the aspects of that and twisting it into a movie that's so sad that it's fun (or so fun that it's actually sad, I've never been able to decide).

And for Robert Duvalls role in that movie, of course.

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War of the worlds baby. (The old one) Thats the uiltamate war movie. Humans vs. Aliens. yay.gif

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And its not even the humans that "win" the war! tounge2.gif

Empire Of The Sun is one of my favorite movies of all time. Christian Bale was amazing...and thats saying something opposite John Malkovitch.

It did a great job also of showing how war and war machines seem romantic and glorious, but only bring death and suffering...a lesson Jim learns the hard way.

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Not really a movie, but Band of Brothers...IMO it's waaaay better than any other war movie. Else, Der Untergang and Thin Red Line are quite good.

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Not really a movie, but Band of Brothers...IMO it's waaaay better than any other war movie. Else, Der Untergang and Thin Red Line are quite good.

I second Band of Brothers. Bought the DVD-pack as soon as it came out. Maybe it isn't a movie per-se but in that respect it's alot better since you get 10 hours (if I remember correctly) of really good quality war entertainment.

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