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Are you balancing it to BIS standards or your own? In that case what are you balancing the Americans to? I like the idea but you can't just make uber Russian units like ORCS' VDV 2.0, which cannot be used ingame because the config says they're all their own rambos.

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Alright that is good you only have one thing on your list that we were planning to make, well you have a few but I was going to take them off anyway. Maybe at some point our two mods could cooperate for something.

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2 MSpencer

We're going to balance it with our works. For now.

When MOD will be released, you'll be able to play our our addons balanced with BIS units. It's only way to give you maximum level of realism.

2 Jakerod

I can give you my ICQ... See your PM.

We can try to cooperate...

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cooperating mods = little chance of succes.

i say make them realistic according to BIS standards , i really hate it because whenever the US is in a game, they re allway's the strongest!

well, still, good luck with your mod , hope you make some badass new idea's wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]i say make them realistic according to BIS standards , i really hate it because whenever the US is in a game, they re allway's the strongest!

I don't know the M60 sucks quite a bit. I would rather attack a Tank with my trusty hand grenades than ride in one of those or run into their base and steal one of theirs.

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Let's choose another theme of discussion. It's much more difficult to make balance between East and West, but as I said, we'll try to do it.

Understand me correctly. Discussion about ingame balance would cause possible closing of this theme. And I don't want to post constantly themes like 'SPETSNAZ MOD - 2','SPETSNAZ MOD - 3', ...... 'SPETSNAZ MOD - N'

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I think that the east ....... So uh..... what are you guys planning on doing after the two BRDM packs?

Why is it called Spetsnaz Mod by the way? I know that its all Russian/Soviet stuff but why Spetsnaz and not VDV or something?

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Well, VDV is one of the russian special forces units. All together they are called 'SPETSNAZ'(or 'SPECNAZ'). Our mod is producing not only SPETSNAZ units and vehicles, but our campaign would be about RF SF...

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Alright that makes sense was just wondering. BRDM-2 looks quite nice by the way nice work on them

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A propos smile_o.gif, you would be able to use option 'turn out/turn in' on BRDM-2 and other wheeled vehicles, produced by our studios..

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A propos smile_o.gif, you would be able to use option 'turn out/turn in' on BRDM-2 and other wheeled vehicles, produced by our studios..

Nice work guys!

Just curious...will we see a Ka-60 Kasatka (Killer Whale) biggrin_o.gif

Good luck!

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"- No humulation of russian vehicles in config"

......hehehe...hehehe...about time to turn the tables on the West side....lol! but seriously guys...it aint the weapons u make that will win..its the tactics u use that will win wars...saw it happened too many times...an afgan dressed in rags and yes! sandals, not even nike shoes too! using a cheap old stock russian left behind rusty rpg brought down state of the art apache armed to the teeth with the latest billion dollar equipment...and later when the troops got there..all they saw was goat herders crazy_o.gif

See ya all on MP servers! tounge_o.gif

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2 Falcon Six Two

We aren't working on Ka-60 now, but, in the future, if we would get enough amount of info about it, we'll try to start this project.

2 philcommando

Did you ever been in Russia? Or you are the independent specialist of it? If not, let's don't waste our time...

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Whats the point making the same things as RHS mod? They are already started with their T-72 pack and T-80 pack. Theres plenty of stuff in Russia that noones ever made to OFP.

Some mobile SAM vehicles like SA-6 or similar, maybe a soviet era soldiers or some nice helicopters like Mi-5 etc...

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They would never make authentic interriors. And BIS interriors are unrealistic(believe me, I have photos of T-72 Interrior...)

Also, can you try to make playable campaign for Russia only with SA-9 & Mi-5 & USSR Era soldier etc. and withour any third-party addons, exclude them? Yes? Show me it and, maybe, we'll try to cease all our projects and develop only rare russian vehicles.

Also, who said to you, that we wont' do your favorite rare vehicle?

PS.: "Dont' bore the artist" smile_o.gif

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Agreed Bucket man

Theres other gear that needs attention for the east, like

a 2S1 122mm SPG

A decent RPD LMG

an SA-8 Gecko

Groza weapons

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2S1 122mm SPG - projected

SA-8 - projected, would be after ZU-23-4

Groza - projected, but in far future..

RPD? I dont' know any russian unit which is armed by RPD. Remember, we arent making an 'OFP Museum'...

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Whatever these guys are making im definetly keeping a keen eye on, That Brdm looks very impressive and especially the interiors finally someone placed some attention to the old bis interiors,

Good luck with anticipation.

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hammen, thanks for the info..thats gear biggrin_o.gif

As for the RPD, its just a fav of mine wink_o.gif

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An A1 yes, and then you have the training aspect. A normal American crew gets much more training time than a Russian crew due to the state of the Russian military budget. Sadly, their hearts are there, but after the fall of the USSR, there is not enough money to hold up the glorious military that once was.

wow u seem to know alot about the russian army practice huh? hows more than 10 years of war in chechniya for practice sound to u?Believe me there they have to work alot harder and be very professional, its not like popping uranium shells at underpowered Asad Babyl's somewhere in the desert before the crew would know u were there.

Training no, combat exerience we got plenty.

Russians are not doing too well in Cechniya as you would like to belive, its clear that Russia has very little control of the countryside, they only control the cities (many of which are rubble, talk about combat discipline tounge_o.gif )

Russians always had a good Military, but their power is always in numbers, not the skill of the individual soldier. Russians have also been looked at as un-disiciplined soldiers for killing many civillians in all their wars, but I wont get into that.

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But specnaz is using it?

Nope, i guess you have it from the Shilin Gun Club page, well its just a article about a weapon from another country.

Russia uses the SVN-98/KSVK or the OSV-96/V-94


Ive seen that one, the Serbian army used that as a anti-human gun in Bosnia and Croatia.

Read the forum rules - remove image tags when quoting pictures - Fubar

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Well, with so many west addons coming out i think its great to have a team dedicated to authentic and realistic, quality russian units, East desperatly need some new transport Helos.

Best wishes of sucsess to the spetsnaz mod smile_o.gif .

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Thanks. In this point of view, we're agreed to BAS. "Produce so much quality, as you can". And we can....

About Helos. You'll see some. Mi-24 in progress(lead by the same modeller, as BRDMs), Mi-8 in project.

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You'll see many Helos...

About weaponpack. We're going to release it, but it wouldnt'be another one pack of AK-74... You'll see some russian SpecOp weapons(including rare types). Also, we're working on the RPGs pack. Models would be completely authentic(No elements rom KEGs RPG-7)

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