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Multi Gun Positions

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Hot stuff Klink old chap ! smile_o.gif

Hopefully the community can help on leads to remove those Cons.

(addon newbie thought) ... will a repeated SETPOS remove the pitch/roll issue ?

Quote[/b] ]Impossible. If it was in any way possible BAS would have done it ages ago ....

Well thats the spirit ! BTW ... how many boats did BAS do anyway ? rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ](addon newbie thought) ... will a repeated SETPOS remove the pitch/roll issue ?

No, I think that was specifically the thing that does NOT work, I think setpos cannot set pitch?

Quote[/b] ]Well thats the spirit ! BTW ... how many boats did BAS do anyway ? rock.gif

It is possible in boats, as demonstrated in the first post, I was referring to the second post. Specifically because boats don't need pitch. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I think setpos cannot set pitch

No ... I meant setpos to completely REMOVE any pitch or roll. Hence no need to compensate ....

I think for big boats/ships no pitch/roll would look ok.

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Damn why doesn't BIS develop a new Patch for us.

OFP 2 is so far away.

Or why can't we get any information from VBS Scripting??? crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifwink_o.gif

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We all know Kegetys right? ask him to make a patch with BIS permission lOL........na but this might work, sad though you can't have it work with tanks.

I know a friend that has been trying to get it working with tanks, he lives near me. Anyhow, he's been trying and i've messed with the abrams tank already once or twice, problem is don't try to go up hill or the 50.cal turret above you will bounce the tank around at times......we have to figure out a way to get around this you know, i believe its possible for if reflective water and other things are possible, isn't this in some ways?


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I'm under the assumption that this is achieved via a script, which immediately puts me off. As scripts aren't exactly efficient ways of adding new features. I can see something like that causing performance issues if you did a side by side comparison of one gun boats versus the two gun version.

Not to mention it just seems too buggy. Again. Hopefully OFP2 will have this shit sorted out. Until then. I'll just tough it out.

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Damn why doesn't BIS develop a new Patch for us.

OFP 2 is so far away.

Or why can't we get any information from VBS Scripting??? crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifwink_o.gif

Because then OFP2 will be even farther away and you will get new bugs. crazy_o.gif BIS can't make final patches every other month, 1.96 is the second "final".

Aye, this has been answered many times before in the General forum. smile_o.gif

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Damn why doesn't BIS develop a new Patch for us.

OFP 2 is so far away.

Or why can't we get any information from VBS Scripting??? crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif    wink_o.gif

what would you use VBS scripting in OFP too?? enyhow if you want VBS scripting buy VBS.


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col.klink i myself am no good at scripting but my brother is pretty damn good with good with computers and programming im sure i could get him to help sovle the cons of your gun boat such as pitch and roll but since the engine in flashpoint keeps ai from passing though each other i was thinking that maybe use could trick the ai into not seeing the added weapons in front of them via scripting they would know it was there but would follow waypoints what do you think

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btw how does this boat work differently from the Pauk-class destroyer addon?

I have no idea on that score as I have not seen the addon in question.

Seems this whole idea has caused a storm in a teacup. As I had said at the beginning it was an experiment. its not perfect, but works ok for what it is. I will keep looking for ways of getting it right. I may be successful, I may fail miserably.. nothing ventured.. nothing gained.

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You'd have to change more then scripting to get it to work completely without a bug.


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btw how does this boat work differently from the Pauk-class destroyer addon?

I have no idea on that score as I have not seen the addon in question.

Seems this whole idea has caused a storm in a teacup. As I had said at the beginning it was an experiment. its not perfect, but works ok for what it is. I will keep looking for ways of getting it right. I may be successful, I may fail miserably.. nothing ventured.. nothing gained.

the pauk was done by punkrocker, kabal and kriegerdaemon years ago. it was more an experimental addon though. but it was all just setpos'ed.

but on your addon the gunners seem to follow the orders of the driver. so yours is different to the pauk. maybe not a breakthrough, but something new. smile_o.gif

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What if...

Rather than modeling all the sections independently, you modeled them as one whole piece with anim turrets, mirror the sections with invisible setpos'd copies, and anim'd in scripts the main objects to reflect the tracking of invisible shadow copies? Worst case, you'd have really bouncy seats for the gunners. This could also allow for increased gap between sync time, and 'hide' the setpos jerks enough to be able to apply to things other than boats.

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Whoa....what as one??? and how do you expect to get it working then mate?  You have to config the model two times and thats not possible.  So then you'd have to config two gunners...and thats not possible.



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News from the Back! smile_o.gif

Fixed: AI can now take full control of the PT boat and it will follow waypoints.

Fixed: Forward gunner is now part of the main boat so behaves and looks good.

Fixing: rise and fall (bow and stern ends) should be able to fix this via function that tests for yaw/pitch roll by compensating up/down movement according to pitch angle. (This is a new area for this old guy so bear with me on this )

Speed comparisons.

The PT boat uses the same config as the Plibber (PBRII) and can still leave that for dead when the Plibber is part of the group (Cursed "where are you?" )

Handling is good. And apart from the going on ground bit I think this has interim possibilities (until OFP2).

For those giving positive encouragement, thanks.

Been thinking of starting a new addon studio KAS smile_o.gif Klink's Addon Studios biggrin_o.gif Nah just kidding.

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Congrats Col, knew u dah man!!! smile_o.gif At least now others will know there is another way to add features and overcome the engine 'limitations', an example to others who wanna do other stuff that with a lil' bit of brain cracking and persistance, anyone, not necessary the big boys, can bring ofp1 to a new level of fun and joy to others.

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This is excelent news Col.Klink !

I hope u pull this off, because Naval artillery support is much needed in OFP.

Now another issue:

Can this method be applied to other vehicle classes? i.e: planes?


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Jesus, why get OFP2 when we can just trick out OFP?!

This is awesome, we can finnally have 2 gunned Helo's, Spooky's and Spectre's, and Various other things. This is great man, once you kill the Pitch and roll bug, we can use Multiple gunners on ANYTHING!!

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I dont think this will actually kill the pitch and roll limitation but should go towards better armed water craft.

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A new riverboat would suit Meekong and Phuoc Tuy down to the ground wink_o.gif

Ok, erm, waterlevel?


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An ATC(H) (Armoured Troop Carrier (Helicopter)) would be a nice addition too



Best pics I can find sad_o.gif

Anyway back to the subject at hand, even if multiple guns are limited to just water craft then I still think it's worth it, good luck with it, I look forward to seeing a fully armed PT boat smile_o.gif

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Klink, make the weapons boat class, give them the same water contact points as the ship its going on, but move the actual weapon to its position on the ship, then mix setvelocity and setpos (setvelocity to give you the correct yaw/pitch - setpos to make sure the weapon doesnt get out of sync with the boat)

If my ideas do not work, at least take them and alter them, im sure its a way to work the pitch and yaw out.


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Great news Col.Klink!

I think you should start KFP (Klink For President) Addons unclesam.gif



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