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Mister Frag

OFP videography

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I think maybe it's time we created a OFP Combat Videography thread. I'd be interested in seeing video from other members, especially previews of mods that people are working on.

Here is my first contribution, a convoy attack by an Apache from "Ground Attack II" -- click on the still image to see the video.


The ~11MB file is in Windows Media (WMV) format, and should stream as long as you can handle ~900Kbps download speeds. Otherwise, save it locally before opening it.

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Will get mine up as soon as I get a host.

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Nice, I've got a few clips but nowhere to host them sad_o.gif

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I think that was the video I was looking for Mr.Burns wink_o.gif

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Naval Warfare (26 Mb.) (click picture)

the beginning of a large scale attack, involving some collateral damage (for which we apologize of course) :-)

I'll never get around to ironing out the mistakes so why not post it here in its preliminary version ...

hope you like it too

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Yeah I think "if you build it they will come" worked in reverse with regard to videos smile_o.gif

I think this can be pinned for now, we'll see what the activity level is like.

Obviously due to their nature it won't be necessary for the thread to be anywhere near as restrictive as the photography thread, just follow the regular rules and Placebo will be happy smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]§4)No Spam

We deem spam as making a thread or posting a reply that has no real worth, is irrelevant, useless and offers nothing to a discussion. Spam is not limited to text, posting an image as a means of spam or a spam'esque URL will also result in the same response from a moderator. With spam being hard to define, it is another example of something left to moderator's discretion, if in doubt ask yourself "does my reply add to the discussion in a way for the discussion to continue further"? If not then think of something "meatier" to add to the thread. Repeated spamming will result in any/all of the following:- Post count reduction, warning level increase, temporary restriction from posting.

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Heres my FTP with some of my movies. The FTP might not always be up but should atleast during day time.

ftp://user:[email protected]:444/

feel free to give feedback.

Be aware that some of these movies are over 2-3 years old which means they suck  tounge_o.gif

EDIT: Total 1.53GB of movies and 90% of them are recroded from MP.

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My first little ofp video:

Air attack (4.1mb) (edit: Just copy/past the link)

=) Forgot to record the sound.  smile_o.gif

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My first video ever...not exactly combat, unless you consider oil barrels to be evil for some reason...

-860kb-Blow up them damn barrels!!!

It's my first vid, so if you have codec probs please let me know (pm) Thanks smile_o.gif

*edit*also, If anyone knows how to get rid of the 'rec' in the top left corner (from fraps 1.9a), please pm me as well smile_o.gif

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Quick question, how do you take a screenshot of a video? When I save it always disappears.

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Quick question, how do you take a screenshot of a video? When I save it always disappears.

If the video playback is hardware-accelerated, you will just get a black picture.

Some media players will allow you to save the current frame to the clipboard, but unfortunately the ubiquitous Windows Media Player isn't one of them. However, if you have FRAPS, you should still be able to capture an image to a BMP file even with hardware acceleration, since WMP uses DirectShow.

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First Part of the Mission

Second part, directly relatet to the first one

And the "very sad" ending ;)

Taken out of a mission made by myself

ah, and don't care about the text, it's in german, and the radio messages don't fit to to the text, because I'm using the CWC radio sounds tounge_o.gif

I used DivX 5.1.1 , is there any possibility, to compress the files to a smaller size, with the same quality?

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Not consistently, and not by much. In fact, why use RAR (or any other compressor) on top of a very efficient codec? rock.gif

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Because rar compressed the third part for example from 6.22 MB to 4.55 MB ;)

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try to make some feeling with the vids, not just rec of playing a coop. Take the best part out from it, add some sounds ect ect. It gets boring in the long run to just watch a guy play :P

but gj !

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Seeing that the old post was locked, i am just moving this over to here.

Some guys down a ogn suggested that i posted my music videos here. Seeing they loved them so much.

I used fraps, and just used primier 6 to morph them all together into a wonderfull music video.

Shuka fly

I'm on a roll

arse hole

All 20 megs each ( Right click and click save as )

I recommend the arsehole song.

Wish you all luck.

if you wish to contact me my email is.

[email protected]

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chad I saw these vids on OGN and they are the best OFP/Music vids I've seen. Good work.


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Hehe, you shout put the video shuka fly into the OFP 2 suggetions forum, in the thread about new physics, then I think, BIS would now, what they have to improve ^^


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Chad the arse hole is the BEST and funniest OFP movei I have ever seen the tears came out of my eyes biggrin_o.gif

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I agree, that arse hole video was hilarious. Great job!


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