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The Bastige Island 6

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<span style='color:red'>DOWNLOAD Bastige Everon Capture and Hold Mission V1.21     800KB</span> (15/02/2005)

<span style='color:red'>DOWNLOAD Bastige Nogova Mission V1.15     800KB</span> (2004)

<span style='color:red'>DOWNLOAD Bastige Island Mission V1.31    800KB</span> (2004)

ALL REQUIRE WGL 4.12 and Kegetys Editor Addon 1.02

WGL thread


Latest AI OD folder for mission makers:

CoC AI ON Demand

Updated Bastige Island Specs:

Quote[/b] ][*] MP Coop 3-41 players (includes a mortar section, special forces unit, and airlift team)

[*] WGL 4.12 units/weapons

[*] Over 700 enemies to neutralize

[*] CoC AI on Demand system Revision 32 which removes un-necessary AI until needed (fixes all known bugs)

[*] Respawn at 90s, unit leader can move spawn point to his position via an option and holding for 30s

[*] Total player respawn for entire mission is 60(veteran) 90(cadet), after which you get a controllable camera

[*] Adjustable Terrain Detail and View Distance (for squad leaders only, not recommended above 1500m for server FPS)

[*] Difficult to predict enemy behaviour from run-run

[*] Projected time to comlpete entire mission in coop: 3-10h, depending on number of human players

[*] Enemy AI yells out differnt orders and screams when needed

[*] Enemy AI can surrender when in really bad situation

[*] Enemy AI can regroup to strengthen defense

[*] Fortification Suite which allows soldiers to build up defenses for battle (drop weapons to use)

[*] Unit markers move with each Unit for situational awareness

[*] Option to tie weapons to respawning players. (non-team player protection)

[*] Enemy AI will use flares during the night under some circumstances

[*] A small level of insurgent activity

[*] Revolutionary training/punishment system for human players.

[*] Estimated time left estimated by enemy and friendly losses.

[*] Enemy AI suffers shock when wounded just like you do in WGL.

[*] Enemy AI bleeds when wounded, according to size of wounds, bleeding may stop.

[*] WGL rotor downwash disabled.

V1.1 RC2,3 Update (actual V1.095)

Quote[/b] ][*]Special feature set 1 has been expanded to be even more realistic.

[*]Special feature set 3 added.

[*]AI On Demand upgraded to reslove group with vehicle(s) issues.

[*]Weapon loadouts changed.

[*]Team composition changed, including the additon of a mortar team.  Now 35 players max.

[*]Team markers added.

[*]Enemy strength adjusted for better combat flow.

Thanks to the Zeus server guys for some good testing runs, and again to Balschoiw for providing that great content.

Thanks to Jinef for his tips/scripts on teams/loadouts, and Killswitch for sharing his team marker scripts which I butchered to fit my needs.

I will not expalin the special feature sets, as it detracts from the experience you will have while playing the mission.  However I assure everyone who tries this mission, you have not played one like this before.  :;):

V1.1 RC1 Update  (actual V1.093)

Quote[/b] ][*]Added option to tie weapons to respawning players. (non-team player protection)

[*]Respawn point synchronized better across groups.

[*]Boats loaded out with ammo and 2 60mm Mortars

[*]Removed binoculars from team members. (AI problems)

[*]NSV ammo added manually

[*]Special feature set 1 (discover on your own)

[*]Special feature set 2 (discover on your own)

[*]81mm Mortar HMMWV added to reinforcements

[*]Mission should work with WGL 4.11 and 4.12RC3

[*]Renamed to Bastige Island at request.

[*]Some changes to enemy behaviour.

[*]AI night fighting feature added.

Special thanks to Balschoiw for some fun content in mission.

Release Candidate 1 update

Quote[/b] ][*]Slightly improved AI and Player respawn.

[*]Some possible small surprizes added to mission.

Beta 3 update

Quote[/b] ][*]CoC AI on Demand prototype system v0.921

After a report on Beta 2 from the Zeus guys I decided to revisit the main loop of AI-OD, hence Beta 3 mission.  Thanks Killswitch for the report.

Beta 2 update

Quote[/b] ][*]CoC AI on Demand prototype system v0.92 (if no spawns occur monitor CoC_ADdbg1 and CoC_ADdb2 on server for changes, faster response)

[*]Respawn countdown timer

[*]AI in team now respwans with their body's gear

[*]AI respawn ON/OFF switch in MP Parameter

[*]Fixed crate contents to remove original ammo

Note 2: If you do not wish to hear the countdown blings, jsut turn your music down during that phase, fademusic has no effect on this anymore.  fadebling?



in a sudden spirit of gaming and I guess D-Day I have prepared this Beta version of Bastige Battlefield 6 for more general consumption.  tounge2.gif

Bastige Battlefield 6 Beta 1 (non-UA version)


Quote[/b] ]

[*]MP Coop 1-24 players (2 squads)

[*]WGL 4.11 units/weapons (no mortars)

[*]Over 700 enemies to neutralize

[*]CoC AI on Demand prototype system v0.91 which removes un-necessary AI until needed

[*]Respawn at 90s, respawn point moves with squad leader every 60s

[*]Adjustable Terrain Detail and View Distance (for squad leaders only, not recommended above 1500m for server FPS)

[*]Difficult to predict enemy behaviour from run-run

[*]Projected time to comlpete entire mission in coop: 3-10h, depending on number of human players

I recommend you do not over-do the viewdistance setting as it can cause more AI to be present than the server can chew on.

Thanks to Killswitch, Jinef, and all people who helped with the early testing of the mission and AI-OD.

Cheers, suggestions welcome, promises>none  biggrin_o.gif

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Not ATM since the version I have is used for testing the new internal UA versions. However adding 8-M109's at NE island and a cruise missile launcher using UA1 should be very easy, for me or someone else.

If I have time I'll scratch up a UA1 ver.

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You see, that's exactly how I think, hence the insanely large/long mission. tounge_o.gif

EDIT: I'll see if I can bug KS or Jinef to put it up on Zeus once more, they run WGL at times. (whatever is on there now is not the same version, different)

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EDIT: I'll see if I can bug KS or Jinef to put it up on Zeus once more, they run WGL at times. (whatever is on there now is not the same version, different)

Et voilá! It's up. Took the liberty of renaming it to "wgl_co_24_bastige_bfld_6b1.pbo" to have it sort among the other WGL missions we have there.

Incidentally, as I type this, Zeus Resistance (aka Zeus Normal, zeus.gotf.net:2302) is running WGL... wink_o.gif

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The classic question: Will there be a Sinle Player version? Kinda hard to find those right servers.


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Hi KS, actually another member might have put the mission up before you, I'm not sure personally but I think you guys can figure out if you have a duplicate around. smile_o.gif Thank you to all Zeus admins who have been helpful about this.

Speedy Donkey, I believe you can put the mission in your SP folder and go through it with your squaddies (although there may be an idle second squad), but don't expect to get too far without a respawn at all. Actually the best thing if you wish to play alone is to start your own MP session and disable the second squad there, it will play well. smile_o.gif If you mean Intro's and cutscenes, I don't have the drive for that kind of stuff ATM. smile_o.gif

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I put the mission onto GDT server too, although we are having a password atm and are not running wgl at all times. But the new and faster server is already ordered and should hopefully be ready in a few days and then the pw will be gone again and you should be able to play it there too.

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Heh, great, thank you. The more Bastige Battlefields the better... biggrin_o.gif

(bn880 waits for bug reports filling the thread tounge_o.gif )

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(bn880 waits for bug reports filling the thread tounge_o.gif )

We just tried it. Here's one:

Not a single enemy on the entire island crazy_o.gif

Lots of empty vehicles and abandoned towns

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Well chin up KS.

It was an excellent training session.

We executed a perfect multi stage landing and pincer movement.

We quickly cleared several towns and encountered a pleasant amount of resistance, we were on our way to taking the island.

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Well, we just tried it two times and there were enough enemies. More than enough actually. But we were only 7 players or so. And as we all have no experience with wgl even hitting the tanks was difficult at first...

A little countdown while dead would shorten the wait...

Besides that i can't say much as we did not even take the airport yet. But i scheduled a big test for thursday biggrin_o.gif

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Heh, yeah I'm working on Jinef's report, will need to be present to debug that one.

@Benu: The countdown, OK I'll do it finally(for next beta), you're the second one who requested. Glad you at least saw enemy. smile_o.gif

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Yes, the countdown would be really nice.

We played it for about 200min nowe and just had 2 problems:

- The spawn-point was different for some players. I always respawned at the place where i died (I was commander), but some of the other players spwned at or near the airport, some between Monti and the airport and some at my position (we finished the first 2 objectives)

- 2 Players (benu was one of them) crashed while they were trying to pic up a weapon (afaik it was a weapon from a dead player who was waiting for respawn (one time a DVD, the othere time a RPO-A) ... i was the player and i had an error-message at the beginning [Cannot load mission: missing addon wgl_weap] .... but i used the same version like all othere [4.11])

But great mission ... really big fun!

Mfg MEDICUS  smile_o.gif

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Right, well the spawn is moved every 60s to position of commander, and there are 2 spawn points, one for each group. So if you had two groups it could be the reason they respawned in diff position. Perhaps...

Hmm, crashing when picking up from a dead player: note taken, however I do not play any tricks on that dead body, it is just a dead body really, unmodified, after time expires it is probed for weapons and deleted. It could just be "not my bug", but I'll keep it in mind. (don't steal from your dead comrades? tounge_o.gif ) EDIT: Yes the error message you got about non matching weapons.pbo could be the reason.

Thanks for reports, and I will think about the respawn thing, I added the movable options rather quickly.

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i played this solo in a MP server, me as commander, got flogged trying to take the airport. i will assault it from the north next time biggrin_o.gif.

AI teammates respawn with m16 and 1 mag, are you able to give them 'kit-on-death' ? it was annoying getting them to rearm all the time.

after the airport there was little to none resistance until montignac. was a few AA APC's on the way but they were just idle.

found several vehicles had spawned on top of each other, it made the 2 t80s at the airport useless. AI wont getinto a repaired tank, OFP bug.

great mission tho, its kinda like the dynamic campiagns.

was very lag free considering all the units. COC ai-on-demand seems to work a treat.


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Yeah, i picked up an SVD from a dead body and ctd'ed, so i could write my report while the others were still playing. This could be related to Medicus getting an error message though, this is always a sign of a broken addon dependency. I think it was wgl_wep though.

We were all in one group though, being only 7players for a spontanous test of the mission.

We always respawned with exactly the weapons we had at death and full ammo. That's why i will only carry carl gustav and not m136 next time wink_o.gif

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@ June 09 2004,03:00)]i played this solo in a MP server, me as commander, got flogged trying to take the airport. i will assault it from the north next time biggrin_o.gif.

AI teammates respawn with m16 and 1 mag, are you able to give them 'kit-on-death' ? it was annoying getting them to rearm all the time.

after the airport there was little to none resistance until montignac. was a few AA APC's on the way but they were just idle.

found several vehicles had spawned on top of each other, it made the 2 t80s at the airport useless. AI wont getinto a repaired tank, OFP bug.

great mission tho, its kinda like the dynamic campiagns.

was very lag free considering all the units. COC ai-on-demand seems to work a treat.


Spawned on top of each other, well this had nothing to do with AI-OD by the way, that's just probably because I have some vehicles being placed randomly in mission editor. It will happen from time to time that they clash, I will check those specifically.

If I had my way I would prevent AI from respawning, I think maybe there is a setting in description.ext for that? I will see about the ammo on death thing for AI.

ANyway, next beta is not coming just yet, maybe in a few days, this one should keep people busy as long as AI-OD doesn't have the no AI bug. tounge_o.gif

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Beta 2 is up, please check the first post of this thread. smile_o.gif

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Beta 3 is up, check the first post again.

yes again smile_o.gif thanks to a quick report tounge_o.gif

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Could you make a sample mission - without any user made addon - to see how your AI-OD system works?


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Not in the next few days sorry, unless it's just a system demo on deser island, which is mostly for debugging purposes really. It takes a long time to make a mission that is playable.

Take care, oh and initial reports from Zeus guys are that the B3 is doing better on their server.

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Just played the beta3 ... and it rocks!  tounge_o.gif

It's nice that you added the countdown to the respawn, but i think it would be ok, if you only get a message every 10 or 20 sec. This *ping,ping,ping,ping,ping,ping,ping,ping,...* every second is a little bit annoying if you die 3 times in a row ... i think i'll get bad dreams couse of this  wink_o.gif

The rest is just very good! Great job!

Btw ... there is a TOW at the island .... is there any possibility to use it? (sorry if this is a stupid question, but i'm not so used to wgl  sad_o.gif )


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Hi, for the ping just turn your music off.

For a final version I could do something in the chat area which is silent, it would basically be white and scroll up. smile_o.gif

The TOW, nah you can't use that particular one on the small island, however the mission does contain TOW's you can use in the field. If you go through the mission steps you will find out. biggrin_o.gif

I've had a few reports that this mission is working well, so next ver should be Release 1.0.

Cheers (and yes I like playing the mission too...)

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