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Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

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I vote we frag him?

Anyway think its still Footmunches choice what gets made badgering him is only going to make yourself become disliked. Besides the FA-18 is still under works and was/is good as well as spamming the thread with plane pics, think Footmuch knows what a FA-18 looks like. Don't Footmuch have enough s**t to make?

Armchair jetjockies.... I rather see some of the older stuff updated to current spec then more birds, you can only fly one at a time..

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Hey hey, c'mon now peeps, i think we should let foot decide what he wants to do.

Anyway, foot doesn't just do planes y'know, he did a really good nh-90 few months back.

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Great work as always footmunch smile_o.gif However, I'm not sure if I'm having complete success with the reflection effects crazy_o.gif on the F86 for example, initially I couldnt notice any reflections type effects at all, so I messed with the config and changed all the numbers to higher values, with no visible difference sad_o.gif any ideas on whats going wrong?

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All - I won't be doing an F/A-18 - Hudson & Pennywise's is

plenty good enough in my opinion. A Tomcat is not likely

either, I'm afraid: the existing addons are good, and really

just need a little updating. An F-22 or JSF, on the other


Ironsight - The AI calls all bombs TOW's. I'll try and track

down where that happens (it's somewhere in cfgammo IIRC)

and make changes where necessary.

A6 LOD's - I'll check and see what the problem is there.

A6 Gear - I'll kick the AI into shape, and make sure that the

gear goes down. It's a difficult thing, because it's done on

speed and height, so sometimes the AI will drop gear during

an attack run.

Crip - I'll check the shine on the Sabre. Are you running HW

T&L in OpFlashPref?

I'll try and update the F-16 with specular, and the F-15 is

getting the effect now.

New Hunter Beta:


Zipped PBO

6 Versions - Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground pairs for each skin:

Green/Brown/Sky Blue;



Roundel is settable, but defaults to the Swiss. Also, the

RedTop AA missiles will be replaced with early Sidewinders in

the final version (they won't be much more accurate though).

Finally, some 'teaser' pictures:



Cockpit work has started. Beta's in 3 weeks (approx tounge_o.gif )

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Problem sorted smile_o.gif note to anyone else who cant seem to see the effects:- you must be running with hardware T&L on! cheers fotmunch biggrin_o.gif

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A Tomcat is not likely either, I'm afraid: the existing addons are good, and really just need a little updating. An F-22 or JSF, on the other hand...

Good F14rock.gif? The Hellden's F14 looks like a toy plane crazy_o.gif , and there are no other F14's

But it's your choice what you make wink_o.gif

I really love your new hunter smile_o.gif

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I'm wondering if that hunter has my engine in it. Excellent as usual footmunch.

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NOw that is going to look more like the thing i call a buccaneer. Great work! Footmucn what jkind of camo´s are you going to use with the buc? the south african, RAN, RAF or desert scheme´s?

Maybe you should also add a buccaneer with the white flash paint sheme used in the cold war. Don´t know the details but it could be nice.

Anyway keep up the great work..

Kaz unclesam.gif

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I've had some ideas about how to do the V-22 props, but it's

a long way from completion.

Iron -

I thought the F-14 was better than that. I'll re-download and


Kaz -

Buccaneer will come in RAF (as above), Desert, Royal Navy

Blue-Grey and SAAF light-blue. I think the white paint was for

the 'nuclear' Bucc's, which I'm not doing for now.

Jag will come in Green-grey (like the Bucc), Desert (as above),

Grey (like the Phantom), 'Black' and possibly a green and

white 'arctic' scheme.

Bloke -

I think the Hunter uses one of your engine wav's:

number 3 if memory serves. You'll get credit in the readme.

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I've had some ideas about how to do the V-22 props, but it's

a long way from completion.

Idea's are good, especially with people like Klink and you in the community.

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Thats odd, it doesn't sound like one of mine, maybe i should increase the volume on it. Anyway thanks for the beta, it's exxcellent.

Actually i think i made an engine especially for the hunter a while back, give me a second or two and i'll get the link for it.

thought i'd made one: Hunter Engine

Btw, are there any plans for a two seater hunter? it's just it would make it easier for people to attack targets, one concetrates on flying the other uses the weapons.

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Maybe you should also add a buccaneer with the white flash paint sheme used in the cold war. Don´t know the details but it could be nice.

AFAIK only the V bombers (Victor, Valiant and Vulcan) used the white paint scheme. Good job on the Banana, love that bird biggrin_o.gif

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I've had some ideas about how to do the V-22 props, but it's

a long way from completion.

Iron -

I thought the F-14 was better than that. I'll re-download and


I got a V-22 made that I doubt will be finished if you need a test bed. Even has skins for the military and resistance.

There are a couple f-14s floating around actually but not really complete, Became over shadowed by the many F16 and F15s the brewed out..

The Quake Gamers F-22 I never really used it till I got a 1 gig system then played with it a lot, before going back to addon projects.

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an F-14 would be awsome, its one of my favorites. the only good one i ever heard of was by operation gulf war crises, about a year ago, never heard much about it in a while...

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I think the OGWC Mod's F-14 is still work-in-progress, like many mods all projects have certain areas where a ton of work gets done, then other areas decently, then others little or none.

Jeeze footmunch, new versions of these addons...  I'm gonna have to retest all these bloody aircraft and review them for my OFP fixed wing aircraft library and resource site.  

The torture, the pain, the endless hours of misery.    biggrin_o.gif   Sucks though now, left my CD-RW's at home and it won't probably be until next week until I can download them and get them onto CD.

Has anything been done in the recent updates to make the aircraft landable by the AI?   I know the way certain aircraft addons are designed that they won't ever be able to land as long as the ILS/Autoland system for OFP aircraft is so unforgiving and constrained.

On another issue about aircraft, I think Quakergamer has unofficially stated that he won't update or modify his Beta F/A-22, so probably a short and nice request to finish his work wouldn't be much of an issue.  Here's the link if you want to see some proof:  OGWC F-14 Topic that drifts to F-22 replies


My advice is for some good aircraft addon maker to ask for permission and start working on that bird.  Mainly the acceleration, top speed, adding an afterburner to it, and giving it a good selection of loadouts.

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I've never really liked the F-22 that much, it's like the JSF, all too ugly and futuristic, instead of the simplisticness of aircraft such as the Mirage, Grippen or even the Lightning.

That brings onto another point, Are you plannig on doing a SAAB Grippen footmunch? I mean you have done a Draken.

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Well it's Friday, and there appears to be no footmunch. Anyway, any chance of some Lightning and Coaler screenshots to wet our appetite's?

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Hi FootMunch, any tidbits of info to pass along?  smile_o.gif

Foot?  Hello?.. Hello? *is this thing on?*  tounge_o.gif

(Must be taking a well deserved break)

When you do come back (I certainly hope you do!), would you please update the first post with the latest links and info? I've searched all the pages of the post to try and get them, and it would be either very time consuming, or easy to miss one of your great future updates.

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I have few suggestion (orders) again. First could you update your homepage. There is no IL-28 and Hawker Hunter. The SU-27 and MiG-21 are both old versions. There are brobably some more outdated files in there. It would be easier to go there and download all you need than to hunt them down from different places.

Second Id really love to see a MiG pack. Maybe ground attack version of MiG-21 and AA version of MiG-17 with AA-1 Alkali missiles. Add in MiG-23 and 27 with all the latest thingies in your newer planes like the texture tweak you use. Theres Bucket Mans suggestions (orders) this time.  biggrin_o.gif

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Well, i think foot's site is to display his finished (ie, non beta) projects.

Also, i think foot is a bit tied up with the other projects as well.

Anyway, wouldn't mind a small progress report. oh and foot, *Use The File On The Previous Page For The Hunter's Engine*

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Sorry guys, I've been taking a little break, real life and all that.

The LOD problems are fixed (it was binarize's fault, honest),

and the last couple of bugs are being squished. A-6, Hunter,

Sea Fury, RAF_Phantom, Hunter and 15C are almost ready to

go, but it'll be next week before they make their debut.

The homepage is the location for all _released_ planes. When

(for example) I release the Su-27 v1.1, the old one will come

down, and I'll update the pictures and links at


I'll try and tidy up the web-space. I _won't_ be handing

out links to the Beta directory, as there are 'other' betas in

there which are not for public consumption but which will be

released at some point in time wink_o.gif

The Beagle is still not up to a standard I'm happy with. Same

goes for the Canberra. I'm still working over both of these, as

well as the Vulcan.

The Sturmovik is also getting an upgrade, but it will probably

be passed to a WW2 mod for final polishing.

The MiG's are getting a face lift. No promises on timing, but

the -21, -17, -23 and -27 will all have improved textures

and models some time this summer.

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Coaler, Buccaneer, Jaguar and Lightning are 3 weeks (approx)

away from beta.

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Coaler, Buccaneer, Jaguar and Lightning are 3 weeks (approx)

away from beta.

Can't wait for the coaler smile_o.gif

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