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Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

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hi warriors,sorry if you consider my reply not good for the argument,

but i really would told u (Footmunch)that u are great like Boenig,Looked,Northtrop & Alitalia toghether! biggrin_o.gif

thanks for your job man

and sorry for my english rock.gif


do you thought about new version of F14 Tomcat?

it 'ld be nice made by U,for make our Nimitz working better tounge_o.gif

bye ,


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Quote[/b] ]but i really would told u (Footmunch)that u are great like Boenig,Looked,Northtrop & Alitalia toghether! biggrin_o.gif

Looked, never knew a Looked defense contractor tounge_o.gif   Piss poor spelling is not an excuse for saying top quality aircraft defense contractors.  The correct spelling is Lockheed Martin bro, and don't forget it otherwise they may see you as a drain on society and JDAM bomb your car.    crazy_o.gif

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The Tomcat is soon headed for the boneyard. The F/A-18E/F Superhornet, and the new F/A- 35 will replace all Tomcats by the end of the decade.

So, I'd rather see an accurate F/A-18E/F, and possibly an EA-18F ( F/A-18G ) "Growler".

Perhaps four aircraft with four mixed loadouts: air superiorty, stand-off/strike, CAS/interdiction, and SEAD.

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The Tomcat is soon headed for the boneyard. The F/A-18E/F Superhornet, and the new F/A- 35 will replace all Tomcats by the end of the decade.

A damn shame, because the Tomcat is still the best naval air superiority jet in the arsenal. If more of them had been upgraded to -D specs, I imagine they'd still be going strong.

Though if anyone ever makes a new F-14, I have front and rear cockpit pics I took myself, though the bird was on display in a museum and it's a little battered.

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can you make that the wings flipover like in the picture


Quote[/b] ]I've been chatting with "Sefe" (many thanks), and with his advise I've got the wings folding. They do need a little bit of a tidy up, but with this "new" knownledge" I'll be adding the tailhook and a couple of other features.

Here's it in action;




And the real thing;


I hope that what I've found is of help to others.

More information located here!


Please don't quote images - Hellfish6

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Very cool addition this to the plane smile_o.gif

You should look up Hudson and Pennywises F/A18 addon too it has a similiar wing folding thing.

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Very cool addition this to the plane  smile_o.gif

You should look up Hudson and Pennywises F/A18 addon too it has a similiar wing folding thing.

The trick is making sure that the model's wings fold in the correct manner and the CPP has the correct speed.

Plus you have to disable the wing folding when flying!! :P

Note that some Naval planes with folding wings, but have the same axis points for it wings.

If a remmeber right the S-3 Viking has one wing fold along the front of the wing and the other along the back, so each wing sits next to each other over the plane.


F/A-18 with wings folded.


E-2C with wings folded.


Just a few examples smile_o.gif


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we've been askin footmunch for a nice tomcat for months now, and no dice...

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The Tomcat is soon headed for the boneyard. The F/A-18E/F Superhornet, and the new F/A- 35 will replace all Tomcats by the end of the decade.

A damn shame, because the Tomcat is still the best naval air superiority jet in the arsenal. If more of them had been upgraded to -D specs, I imagine they'd still be going strong.

Though if anyone ever makes a new F-14, I have front and rear cockpit pics I took myself, though the bird was on display in a museum and it's a little battered.

Well, actually, when you consider that the F/A-18E/F can carry eight AMRAAM, and two sidewinders, the F-14D loses some of it's appeal. Remember, the Pheonix AAM was retired years ago, and was never meant to take out fighters, so unless you're loading AMRAAM on the Tomcat, the Superhornet kills more fighters. And of course, the F/A-18E/F is much better suited for air-to-ground strike/interdiction.

BTW, if more Tomcats were upgraded to -D models, their age would make them too cost prohibitive to maintain. The time has come to turn the page.

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ok,but you know that F14 could be the Dad of F18

i enjoy flying Old Glory,end F14 is much more sexy smile_o.giff-14-deck6.jpg

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I'll grant you that the Tomcat is probably sexier. But then, if given the choice of the 1976 Ford Gran Torino, vs. the Infinity J30t, I chose the latter- because I had already owned the muscle car. wink_o.gif

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Ahem.. the F/A-18E/F can carry as many as twelve AIM-120 AMRAAMs. The C/D can carry ten.


BTW Footmunch, do you use blueprints for modeling or do you just draw them by heart?

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Ah, yes. I appreciate the correction. I was actually referring to nominal loadouts. You won't typically see a Superhornet carrying that many AMRAAM's, especially at the expense of the two 'Winders at the wing tips.

We've already had this conversation several times on the HULL ( Harpoon Users League List ) and the question was asked if this load of AIM-120's was feasible, because the limited numbers of AMRAAM's available in the carriers magazines at any one time. We estimate there were only enough missiles for a squadron or two to make a couple sorties at best. Having been stationed aboard the Lincoln, and having seen UNREP's take place, I can safely say there just aren't enough AMRAAMs available to allow a Superhornet to carry that many AMRAAMs.

Thankfully, we haven't yet had to find out if that degree of air superiority can be sustained.

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Seal - Thanks for those Mudhen pics. I had a couple of them,

but the others will come in handy.

Intruder - Fubar (thanks again) has identified some scripting

problems with the A-6. A new version will be uploaded soon.

I did have folding wings on some of the planes (check the

old Bucc and Sea Vixen, IIRC). The main problem is to make

the AI fold and unfold them. The basic solution is to have the

wings fold 'automatically' when the engine goes on or off: this

also avoids any action menu clutter. The other problem is

that the ailerons have to be swapped in and out, and that

the weapon pylons have to be adjusted slightly. I'll take a

look at the model, and see what I can do.

(Oh, also, the nav lights _won't_ swing with the wings, so

you don't get that sweep like the pictures Drago posted).

Tomcat - You know, if you keep asking, you may get it





or not  biggrin_o.gif

One problem is that I have to do two cockpits for the plane,

which pretty much doubles the modelling time. So it's not

gonna be this Friday, at least  wink_o.gif

If I _did_ do one, I'm guessing we would want a Bombcat

version also? I probably _wouldn't_ model Phoenix missiles -

they are just too impractical for the engagement ranges in

OFP (Plus, there are no Bear's or Blackjack's for targets)

Wonder - Most of them are from the detailed blueprints at


When there aren't blueprints like that available, then I have

to use the less detailed images at Onno van Braam's site, plus

some guesswork.

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First of all I'd like to say that your latest fighters are great. smile_o.gif

I have but one problem with the Su27, and that is that it flies way too fast. I know that the issue of fighters having high speeds is to add realism to OFP. Unfortunately it is difficult for me to use these fighters in my missions since I usually use them in a AI controlled CAS role, which is a shame since IMHO they are the best fighters available.

My suggestion is to have two different versions of the fighters. One for players and MP, and one for AI (and those of us who are lousy at engaging ground targets at high speed  wink_o.gif )

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First of all I'd like to say that your latest fighters are great. smile_o.gif

I have but one problem with the Su27, and that is that it flies way too fast. I know that the issue of fighters having high speeds is to add realism to OFP. Unfortunately it is difficult for me to use these fighters in my missions since I usually use them in a AI controlled CAS role, which is a shame since IMHO they are the best fighters available.

My suggestion is to have two different versions of the fighters. One for players and MP, and one for AI (and those of us who are lousy at engaging ground targets at high speed  wink_o.gif )

Phoenix - The AI Su-27 _shouldn't_ engage ground units, as it

has irScanGround = 0. The AI can't see tanks and apc's so

it should just fly over them. If it spots a plane, or a heli, then

it'll do it's stuff. It's horses for courses, really - if you want

AI CAS support, the Su-25 or the MiG-27 is much more

appropriate (the Flogger is getting a new paint job right now,

and an updated Frogfoot is being done by RHS). The Flanker

can fly 'escort' for those guys, and intercept any Hornet's or

Harrier's that happen to be around.

As there aren't very many flight model variables to play with,

in order to make the Su-27 maneuvarable, and yet still quick

to regain energy, the topspeed does have to be set quite

high. Maybe it is a little _too_ high, but we still haven't got

a standard sorted out (yet...)

I promise that if I do a dedicated 'Ground Attack' Flanker

(which is still a good possibility), I will reduce the speed -

around 70% of current speed, yes?

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wow footmunch, all i can say is excellent work, and i really hope a tomcat would work out eventually biggrin_o.gif

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...especially at the expense of the two 'Winders at the wing tips.

Unlike the F-16s, Hornets cannot carry AMRAAMs on wingtip stations, so the sidewinders have the wingtips all to themselves. Here's what a maximum possible loadout would look like:

       \   /


  23 456 78

1 wingtip:     1xAIM-9

2 underwing: 2xAIM-120

3 underwing: 2xAIM-120

4 fuselage:   1xAIM-120

5 centerline: fuel tank

6 fuselage:   1xAIM-120

7 underwing: 2XAIM-120

8 underwing: 2xAIM-120

9 wingtip:     1xAIM-9

The E/F version has two additional underwing stations both of which can carry one AMRAAM each.

Whether or not this loadout is normal is irrelevant. The point is that if the hornet can carry and shoot this amount of amraams if the situation requires it.

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Phoenix - The AI Su-27 _shouldn't_ engage ground units, as it

has irScanGround = 0. The AI can't see tanks and apc's so

it should just fly over them. If it spots a plane, or a heli, then

it'll do it's stuff. It's horses for courses, really - if you want

AI CAS support, the Su-25 or the MiG-27 is much more

appropriate (the Flogger is getting a new paint job right now,

and an updated Frogfoot is being done by RHS). The Flanker

can fly 'escort' for those guys, and intercept any Hornet's or

Harrier's that happen to be around.

As there aren't very many flight model variables to play with,

in order to make the Su-27 maneuvarable, and yet still quick

to regain energy, the topspeed does have to be set quite

high. Maybe it is a little _too_ high, but we still haven't got

a standard sorted out (yet...)

I promise that if I do a dedicated 'Ground Attack' Flanker

(which is still a good possibility), I will reduce the speed -

around 70% of current speed, yes?

Ok. I didn't just mean the Su27 flies too fast, but also your other fighters (F4 etc)

What I meant to say was the I'd like to see your CAS aircraft in 2 versions. Glad to see that you will look into it and sorry for not making it clearer in my previous post wink_o.gif

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...especially at the expense of the two 'Winders at the wing tips.

Unlike the F-16s, Hornets cannot carry AMRAAMs on wingtip stations, so the sidewinders have the wingtips all to themselves. Here's what a maximum possible loadout would look like:

\ /


23 456 78

1 wingtip: 1xAIM-9

2 underwing: 2xAIM-120

3 underwing: 2xAIM-120

4 fuselage: 1xAIM-120

5 centerline: fuel tank

6 fuselage: 1xAIM-120

7 underwing: 2XAIM-120

8 underwing: 2xAIM-120

9 wingtip: 1xAIM-9

The E/F version has two additional underwing stations both of which can carry one AMRAAM each.

Whether or not this loadout is normal is irrelevant. The point is that if the hornet can carry and shoot this amount of amraams if the situation requires it.

Jesus! I appreciate the feed back, Wonder. That's amazing.

That's a crazy ammount of AMRAAMs, when you consider how effective they are against other fighters.

Basically, each Superhornet can shoot down an entire squadron of enemy fighters, and still retain their dogfight AAMs for mopping up, or covering their egress.

The moral to this story? Do NOT mess with Big Blue.

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...ok Footmunch,take all your time! perfection is a detail

thanks for answer.:)

and,take a look at this prevew of OFP2,F14 is a standard air units..



sorry!..Joke blues.gifcrazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Sure ganging up on Footmuch spamming him to make these aircraft dispite he has said no on a number of occasions. so the ones already being made by Footmuch won't get finished. Its a hobby Footmuch _is not_ required/obligated to make anything for anyone. Maybe a moderator should intervine in on topics that run out of control like this. A bunch of FA-18s around like Pennywises, and the one I've seen in screens from the FDF mod just you have to have the mod for the plane and FDF being smart refuses to break up their mod so folks to have one single addon out of it. For what ever reason folks can't be happy with that.

F-14 Tomcat I'm watching those come into the boneyard IRL to be scraped at AMARK. Seen four already bite the death by the nasty backhoe they use to bust up planes. At least three of those preexsiting addons floating around, that need mild model tweaks. I rather see an effort put into resuerecting a lot of the already avialable stuff, get them upgraded and everything standarized. Less wasted efforts that way, even more so because a good addon people turn their noses at because its not textured pretty enough. Reskin it? what is so hard about that?

Might even do the foot work to ask Pennywise if Footmunch could make better skins for the plane and optimize it, most of the lag is due to it flying so fast in the game the comuter can't redraw the horrizin fast enough make the bird a bit better, sure Footmuch could enjoy cooperation as well as less of a drain on his life making crap that will be cast off if another person makes a prettier version. The FA-18 is still very advanced OFP addon with its damage scripts. Its overdue for a facelift texture wise. Too bad there isn't somebody who could just crank out new textures and just textures to make them look better. Replacing the JPG skined stuff that lags a little.

OFP is not a flight simulator even if folks have busted their rear ends to bring very nice choices of aircraft to the game engine, it was only built to support the A10 Cessena and SU25.

Badagering a addon maker on and on for stuff is wrong, even more so when it was stated no a while back. I'm sure if Footmunch knows what the other aircraft he made looks like he most likely already has more information than needed for the FA18 and F14.

There are other addon makers who make aircraft you know.. Most likely the reason the other planes never got an upgrade is the makers read about their stuff being bad mouthed, and decide why bother.. Give the poor guy a brake, hes up to his chin in projects already at the rate hes working your gonna break him....

Or better yet try and make it yourself, you know where all the photos are and blueprints, and where to dowlnload O2 and texview and paa tool, tons of addon making lessons..... With all that information avaible even a retard can make a addon. Just most don't wanna cause they rather let somebody else do all the hardwork.

Dawdgdamn sounding like Deadmeat again..

Back to topic, the actual released aircraft.

Been runnin around the SU-27 as usual, my main gripe is maybe a menu tag when I scoll down in the editor I must have 15 SU27 in the menu tab. Same with the F16s, and F4s, its getting diffcult to distingush them from say the old SU27 flanker and BKMs and everyother SU I've gotten over the last three years. That and a _lot_ of SU27 betas that never got released.

Not sure it cause problems with missions made using the aircraft. That and the planes are so identical looking now, other than one is tiny and easy to figure out its another mods. So far happy with the plane, you know most of the unfinished stuff so not bother mentioning it. Glad the counter-measures are automatic, and the lack of the spammy unrealistic radar jammer, no conflics with the FlashFXmod either. Wondeirng if the damage smoke is on the addon or being supplied by FXMod? It often doesn't bother third party addons and just works on default bis units.

FPS came up a bit, and the texures don't turn white anymore in the distance which is a plus.. Air combat over Nagova squadron vs squadron is do able, with a few sam site as boundery keepers.

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