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EECP - Enhanced ECP

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Addons Mod´s everywhere ...

Yesterday i say to a friend i will copy "fast" my Directory for you...

SHIT it was now 8.6 GB because testing so much addonsMODS etc.

But thats what you say .... alot of these, but not so many Missions for it :-)

excuse my bad english lol "older one" hehe

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personally, I am against of adding fdf recoil values to EECP..fdf recoil is unrealistic...it's like a lil baby holding a gun, not a soldier..however, I am for a new recoil values (just not fdf)...

Also, I have a problem with this MOD, when I load up OFP it says no entry config error: M72 Launcher...something like that..can't tell exactly what error..when I come home I will post here an exact error message...

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personally, I am against of adding fdf recoil values to EECP..fdf recoil is unrealistic...it's like a lil baby holding a gun, not a soldier..however, I am for a new recoil values (just not fdf)...

And you base this on......?

Movies, perhaps?

FDFs recoil is a hell of a lot more realistic than any other mods, in the most part. What is unrealistic is medium machine guns from standing on full auto having almost no recoil, in other mods.

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I'm sorry. Although I probably should have, I didn't realize my comment would stir such hard feelings. I guess it just goes to show how passionate we are about this game.

I am hereby apologizing for disrupting your thread. Please, no one else debate on this further. I never meant for this to go off topic. If there was any benefit out of this though, at least you got responses from certain people (even if they weren't the answers we wanted).

Kegetys hit the nail on the head. The things I mentioned (recoil, aimprecision, aidispersion coef, rate of fire, speed, armor, zoom) are all easily modified. And don't need to be ripped.

In the interest of helping, I could send you some example configs with different recoil values and ai values. Maybe you'll see something you like and then improve it from there.

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I use the delta ranger 1.55 and havent had any problems except being unable tp load the 85 campaign and the odd dump to desktop upon aborting missions

note these missions dont use any ranger addons

everything has been reinstalled so bugger knows what it is

im not reinstaling it all over again

I got the same problem as you but my CTD problem will happen after single mission introduction cutscenes as well...

It will dump me out of the game after video has finished before launching the game.Example mission will be'Ambush' and 'Vulcan' and I also notice that there won't be any CTD problems if I use the original ECP config.bin file instead of the EECP config.bin file in the Bin folder.

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Yeah btw,you guys know where else I can lay my hand on the RHS T-55 Pack 1.0.The package hosted by Flashpoint.cz is corrupted. sad_o.gif

Many thanks. smile_o.gif

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Yeah,I also notice that ECP can't run on version 1.96 patched directly from 1.91.It can only run on beta patches.

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I am hereby apologizing for disrupting your thread.

No apology needed.

In reality, this was a pretty mild and civil digression. I recently went through the Tonal thread again looking for some missions that I misplaced, and that had some quite ugly ones. tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]In the interest of helping, I could send you some example configs with different recoil values and ai values. Maybe you'll see something you like and then improve it from there.

As for that, feel free to send them to. I has messed with the recoil values on my own for a couple of hours in the past, but I have yet to strike a balance that I liked. The main hurdle with recoil values is the fact that something like that is time-consuming to test. I'd have to go through and play a mission or two with a weapon affected by the new recoil values in order to decide if I like them or not, which means that I have less time to test and implement other features, which slows progress. This is why I initially went to the FDF mod - their values worked and would have provided me a solid base to work from and further tweak.

It isn't because I'm "lazy" or because I "don't know how," but because I only have so much time to stick things in and test them, and recoil values have been a much lower priority than scripts and balance changes thus far. So if you'd like to provide values that you feel work well, go ahead. I may be able to work them in.

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Hi Kurayami... your Mod is great !!

I has downloadet your Mod yesterday in the afternoon, and i was amazed !  smile_o.gif

Here's any tipps for the new version:

The CSLA Team has made great UAZ and URAL's, that's a good chance for replace the old ones

The Black Apache from Helifreak is a good replacement for the old one

FishKopp has made a Preview Hummer too the new version of his Hummer Pack...

I thinks he looks better than the old one who you use in your Mod

Pablo from the Combat! Mod is working on a M113 Pack It looks great and i hope you will use it  wink_o.gif

Ok thats was my proposals to your greate Mod

Greez: Hawkeye 1985

ps:sorry for my bad English, it's not my nationality Speak..sorry  biggrin_o.gif

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I got the same problem as you but my CTD problem will happen after single mission introduction cutscenes as well...

It will dump me out of the game after video has finished before launching the game.Example mission will be'Ambush' and 'Vulcan' and I also notice that there won't be any CTD problems if I use the original ECP config.bin file instead of the EECP config.bin file in the Bin folder.

This problem has occured for several other people and has been solved the following ways

1: Check for any duplicate addons (Ex: Delta/Ranges 1.55 in @ECP\Addons and 1.0 in Res\Addons)

2: A corrupt addon. If this is the problem, you should be able to determine what it is by playing around in the editor.

3: The wrong version of an addon is in use. Somebody recently PMed me about CTDs in every mission using my config. It turned out that they were using a version of Marfy's M925 that had a differnt PBO name than the one that I linked to. Once they replaced it with the proper version, their problems went away.

There are no flaws with the config that should cause any sort of crashes as long as everything is installed correctly and nothing is corrupt.

Yeah btw,you guys know where else I can lay my hand on the RHS T-55 Pack 1.0.The package hosted by Flashpoint.cz is corrupted. sad_o.gif

Many thanks. smile_o.gif


As a side note, starting with the next version, each requirement will have links to multiple sources to prevent problems like this. I'll also probably compile a list of PBO names and checksums so that people can check it to ensure that they have the proper addon and that it isn't corrupt.

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The CSLA Team has made great UAZ and URAL's, that's a good chance for replace the old ones

I'm planning on waiting for RHS' UAZ pack to replace those. RHS has been very supportive of this project and has given me preempitive permission to utilize their work, so if RHS makes something, you can bet it'll show up here.

As for the Urals, unless I'm looking at the wrong one, the only difference that I see between the CSLA and BIS one is an addition of a licence plate on the right side of the truck. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Quote[/b] ]The Black Apache from Helifreak is a good replacement for the old one

I'd like to replace it with the AH-64D from Battle Over Hokkaido, but the BoH guys seem to be hard to track down (either that or my email sever is on the fritz again.)

Quote[/b] ]Pablo from the Combat! Mod is working on a M113 Pack It looks great and i hope you will use it wink_o.gif

If I get permission, I fully intend to. He also is working on the M113 ambulance, which is nice. That was the only thing missing from the CSLA BMPs. The BIS BMP ambulance looks terrible next to CSLA's awesome BMPs (I still can't get over how great their BMPs look. I've seen them a hundred times, but I'm still impressed by them.)

Quote[/b] ]ps:sorry for my bad English, it's not my nationality Speak..sorry biggrin_o.gif
You did fine. tounge_o.gif

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Hi Kurayami,

Just wanted to say that I've played about 60 hours of EECP OFP in the last 3 weeks.. Lost sleep, showed up late for work once (THAT is saying something), etc, etc.. So I think I like it..  biggrin_o.gif

That said,  I have just a suggestion.  Since you are cooperating and integrating with many Mod groups, would it be possible for you to convince Sigma-6 to let the Combat team re-texture his tanks?  His tanks are awesome.  They have a great feel, heavy, powerful, and they seem (I'm no expert, but have read enough 'Janes' specs to know the potental of most military hardware) to be realistic.  However, the Combat group have the most shockingly real textures. And the combination would be killer.  


Would you put that bug in someone's ear nicely, please?

Thanks for a great mod!


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As for the Urals, unless I'm looking at the wrong one, the only difference that I see between the CSLA and BIS one is an addition of a licence plate on the right side of the truck. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Most of parts of CSLA Ural is new modeled except cabin which is based on BIS demo model.

If I get permission, I fully intend to. He also is working on the M113 ambulance, which is nice. That was the only thing missing from the CSLA BMPs. The BIS BMP ambulance looks terrible next to CSLA's awesome BMPs (I still can't get over how great their BMPs look. I've seen them a hundred times, but I'm still impressed by them.)

Completely new AMB-S (BMP Ambulance) will be available in CSLA update 1.

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I got the same problem as you but my CTD problem will happen after single mission introduction cutscenes as well...

It will dump me out of the game after video has finished before launching the game.Example mission will be'Ambush' and 'Vulcan' and I also notice that there won't be any CTD problems if I use the original ECP config.bin file instead of the EECP config.bin file in the Bin folder.

This problem has occured for several other people and has been solved the following ways

1: Check for any duplicate addons (Ex: Delta/Ranges 1.55 in @ECP\Addons and 1.0 in Res\Addons)

2: A corrupt addon. If this is the problem, you should be able to determine what it is by playing around in the editor.

3: The wrong version of an addon is in use. Somebody recently PMed me about CTDs in every mission using my config. It turned out that they were using a version of Marfy's M925 that had a differnt PBO name than the one that I linked to. Once they replaced it with the proper version, their problems went away.

There are no flaws with the config that should cause any sort of crashes as long as everything is installed correctly and nothing is corrupt.

Yeah btw,you guys know where else I can lay my hand on the RHS T-55 Pack 1.0.The package hosted by Flashpoint.cz is corrupted. sad_o.gif

Many thanks. smile_o.gif


As a side note, starting with the next version, each requirement will have links to multiple sources to prevent problems like this. I'll also probably compile a list of PBO names and checksums so that people can check it to ensure that they have the proper addon and that it isn't corrupt.

Thanks. smile_o.gif

I will see whether I can solve the problem this way.

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Most of parts of CSLA Ural is new modeled except cabin which is based on BIS demo model.

I see now. I just compared yours side-by-side with the BIS one and found that it has much better proportions and is actually more than a few cm off the ground, like a real truck. I hadn't noticed prior to this since I've never seen them side-by-side and because the textures are similar.

Quote[/b] ]Completely new AMB-S (BMP Ambulance) will be available in CSLA update 1.

Good to hear. I'm looking forward to it.

I should probably finish the CSLA2 campaign first, though. tounge_o.gif

I always take forever to get through a campaign. I just got around to finishing Insurgency and the FDF 1.2 campaign a week or two ago.

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Quote[/b] ]I always take forever to get through a campaign. I just got around to finishing Insurgency and the FDF 1.2 campaign a week or two ago.

Hehe,I still haven't finished CWC!

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Quote[/b] ]I always take forever to get through a campaign. I just got around to finishing Insurgency and the FDF 1.2 campaign a week or two ago.

Hehe,I still haven't finished CWC!

Your not aloud to post on these forums until you finish it mister !!  mad_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  smile_o.gif

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It was that dam MARF NATO Addons i was missing.

The other MARF truck addon caused my game to crash all the time - piss on it.

Thanks for finding that out guys and sharing it with us.

Oh well its works finally on all missions now and all i can say is your mod KICKS ASS!!!!!!


is the link if it hasnt been put up

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I'm planning on waiting for RHS' UAZ pack to replace those. RHS has been very supportive of this project and has given me preempitive permission to utilize their work, so if RHS makes something, you can bet it'll show up here.

Well your wait on the UAZ pack is drawing closer to an end at least.

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I get the following error when i get to the main intro screen....

Error loading ecp_effects\objects\brass.p3d (magic)

....anyone know why?

Thx smile_o.gif

*Edit* I just noticed i had an old version of ECP crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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It was that dam MARF NATO Addons i was missing.

The other MARF truck addon caused my game to crash all the time - piss on it.

Thanks for finding that out guys and sharing it with us.

Oh well its works finally on all missions now and all i can say is your mod KICKS ASS!!!!!!


is the link if it hasnt been put up

It was that for you as well?

Do you know where you got the one that was causing the problem? Or at least the name of the RAR or Zip? I'll put a note in the readme about it. Also, the MAF M925 will no longer even be required if I can ever get permission to release my M925 pack...

In any event, I'm glad it's working now. tounge_o.gif

Well your wait on the UAZ pack is drawing closer to an end at least.

That's good. It seems like RHS is getting ready to release a lot.

I get the following error when i get to the main intro screen....

Error loading ecp_effects\objects\brass.p3d (magic)

....anyone know why?

Thx smile_o.gif

*Edit* I just noticed i had an old version of ECP crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Yeah, an old version would definetely cause that. I can't stress enough that you need the current version of ECP installed as well. tounge_o.gif

In 0.4, all of the core ECP scripts are required and unchanged, so you'll see all kinds of problems if you're using the wrong versions of anything.

This will change a bit in 0.4.1. Included will be a new ecp_effects.pbo since I was forced to alter a few scripts in order to fix some problems and to get some of my new eventhandlers working properly, but everything else will still be required.

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Hi kurayami !

what about the incoming version of your config ?

please can you speak us about changes...

and thanks

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Its called 103-MAF M925 (5t Truck) ZIP

AT OP CZ site  u have the choice of this or the nato version

if u search for "M925" both come up

your link went to the 103 - MAF zip as per named above

Thats why some missions worked for me and others didnt

The missions that worked didnt have the truck in it

Im not blaming you for this or anything-its a simple error - one gets with all the mods out there.

For some reason there was a different version.

Im glad its sorted as this was probably causing grief for a number of people who like myself had done everything according to instructions and the game then crashed when they tried to load it.

Cheers K

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Im missing some sounds when playing this addon.

Specifically, I've notcied:

1. When mines blow up, they dont make a sounds.

2. No sound when driving the URAL

These are just two I noticed in todays mission, any ideas? (I installed the DR sound pack, of course...)


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