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Bas pavehawks

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Pavehawks completed and released tomorrow.

Here is the readme file. Please use this thread for constructive feedback and bug reporting.

Quote[/b] ]


by Ballistic Addon Studios 1st March 2004

BAS_HH60G version 1.00

Models by SelectThis

Model Additions by SelectThis, Tigershark, DeadMeat

Textures by Ebud, Tigershark

Scripts by TJ, Rom

Special thanks to DocAFSOC, DeadMeat, Kat and Evis

Testing by BAS beta team

HH-60G,  HH-60G Block 152,  MH-60G



BAS_SOAR (Version 2)



This addon is for OFP: Resistance only.

There are no plans to make a 1.46 version.

Ballistic Addon Studios


*JAM is an initiative between various mods to create a Joint Ammo and Magazines addon. It's purpose is to enable a player to use units and weapons from different authors and mods while retaining the ability to share magazines eg a M4 from BAS would use the same magazine as a M4 from DigitalGrenades Mod. (see separate Readme files for JAM)

This addon is not to be altered or edited for any purpose without the express permission of the authors. Nor should it be distributed except in the form provided.


This is NOT an official Addon. You know the drill! Use at your own risk.


The following files are included in this package:




Ballistic  (this is the SP mission folder)

The addon pbo files should be located in your ofp/res/addons folder (though no ill effects have been noticed putting them in ofp/addons or in a @mod folder)

The new Pavehawks will be available under a vehicle class called BAS - Vehicles.



HH-60G - Current operational Air Force Pavehawk used for CSAR

classname: BAS_HH60G

weapons:   BAS_M134

magazines: BAS_M134

HH-60G Block 152 - Upgraded Pavehawk with center mounted radar and improved avionics

classname: BAS_HH60G_152

weapons:   BAS_M134

magazines: BAS_M134

MH-60G - Gunship grey (with few to no markings) Pavehawk used primarily for Special Operations missions

classname: BAS_MH60G

weapons:   BAS_M134

magazines: BAS_M134

Note: The paintschemes used for these Pavehawks were based on actual USAF maintenance manuals that detail the scheme and colors.




Custom island map:

this setObjectTexture [0,"<your_texture_in_here>"]

Custom island size

bas_60mapsize = <yourmapsize>                eg 512, 1024

Open Pilot Doors

this animate ["pilotdoorl", 1]; this animate ["pilotdoorr", 1]

Close Pilot Doors

this animate ["pilotdoorl", 0]; this animate ["pilotdoorr", 0]

Open Side Doors

this animate ["sidedoorl", 0]; this animate ["sidedoorr", 0]

Close Side Doors

this animate ["sidedoorl", 1]; this animate ["sidedoorr", 1]

AI Waypoint Fastrope

CHOPPER exec "\BAS_mah60\FX\BAS_AIRope.sqs"

Desert Dust


Windblown Snow


Remove the dust and other effects

BAS_60Effects = 0

Halve the dust and other effects.

BAS_60Effects = 0.5

Remove Dust coughing/blinking

BAS_noPPE = true

Cabin Lighting effects

CHOPPER exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\Cabin.sqs"  = Cabin Lighting

Landing Lighting effects

CHOPPER exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\Landing.sqs"  = Landing Lights

CAS scripting

[Chopper,Player] exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\BAS_CAS.sqs"

HMMWV cargo in WPs

[CHOPPER NAME] exec "\bas_mah60\fx\BAS_AiSling.sqs"

MP init line full effects

BAS_mpgame = true;This exec "\bas_mah60\mpfx\bas_mprotorwash.sqs";[this] exec "\bas_mah60\mpfx\bas_mpfx.sqs";[this] exec "\bas_mah60\mpfx\bas_mpppe.sqs";[this] exec "\bas_mah60\mpfx\bas_mpfire.sqs"

Disable Auto Facemask BAS_Mask = false


1) All Scripts available from MH-60L/MH-60K Addons

Please refer to the BAS Blackhawks Readme file for all the custom scripting and effects that are also available for these helos. You do not need to change the MH-60 references to HH-60. Simply call the scripts for this helo as would for the MH-60 Blackhawks.

2) Pavehawk Preset Markings

a) The Pavehawks have been built using a special texture system allowing you to customise your helo.

The following unit markings have been shipped with this version of the Pavehawk. Note these are all REAL WORLD units and aircraft. These tail codes exist today on real operational aircraft.

2x Davis Montham AFB 305th RQS (assigned to 939 RQW) - Tail Code DR- Seen in action in Iraq

1x Moody AFB 347th RQW - Tail Code MY - Lost in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom

1x NAS Keflavik 56th RQS - Tail Code IS - Recently seen action in Liberia

1x ANGB AP Colonel Francis S. Gabreski 106th ARSS - Tail Code LI - Perfect Storm HH-60G.

2x Nellis AFB 422nd TES (Test, Evaluation Squadron) - Tail Code WA

1x Kadena AFB, Japan - Tail Code ZZ

b) The Moody AFB and ANGB AP Colonel Francis S. Gabreski contain special tributes in the cargo area that have significance. DocAFSOC explains:

“That Others may live†this is the motto of the USAF Pararescueman. The tributes you will find on two of the aircraft included in this pack represent the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. One in the war on Terror  ..The others doing battle with the wind and water.

The aircraft in this pack with the LI tail code is in memory of TSGT Arden “Rick†Smith who was lost to us on a dark and stormy October night while on mission to rescue the crew of the swordboat “Andrea Gail†.  Rick gave his life to rescue others …A PJ till the very end. Rick was lost in what they called “the perfect stormâ€. Rick was a member of the 106th ARRS based out of Long Island New York. to the crew of Jolly 110 and TSGT Smith’s family go the Thanks and This Tribute the we at BAS have dedicated to a brave man …and last but not least ..a good friend to those who knew him. This also goes out to the crew of Jolly 110.Pilot Dave Ruvola, Co-Pilot Graham Buschor,Flight Engineer Jim Mioli and Pararescueman John Spillane.


The second airframe tribute is to the Crew of Komodo One One lost on mission during operation Enduring Freedom. The mission was a med evac of two afgan children

The aircraft and crew were lost on 23 March of 2003 the air crew was out of Moody AFB in Georgia. The names of the crew are as follows.

Pilot :Lt. Col. John Stein, 39, Bardolph, IL

Co Pilot: 1st Lt. Tamara Archuleta, 23, Los Lunas, NM

Flight Engineer: Staff Sgt. Jason Hicks, 25, Jefferson, SC

ParaRescueman :Master Sgt. Michael Maltz, 42, St. Petersburg, FL

ParaRescueman :Senior Airman Jason Plite, 21, Lansing, MI

Flight Engineer:Staff Sgt. John Teal, 29, Dallas, TX

This also goes out to all of the brave men and women who have taken this creed to heart and “done these things we do ..That others may live†…

- DocAFSOC …BAS member and active duty AF

Thanks on this go to Tigershark and the Rest of the Bas team for turning a small request in to a long lasting friendship.

“wherever a pilot in his jet may roam …a jolly can always bring him homeâ€

3) Default Units in Mission Editor

When you first add a Pavehawk in the mission it is pre-programmed with a default unit marking to save you having to individually set all the various textures around the aircraft. By executing another script you can easily change these markings but each Pavehawk variant has a set marking setup to begin with. These are:

HH-60G - Tail Code DR 90224

HH-60G Block 152 - Tail Code WA 87011

MH-60G - Very little markings...most removed.

4) Using preset markings

To change the markings on your Pavehawk to one of the preset markings provided by BAS simply place this line in the initialisation field of the helo:

[this, "#marking#"] exec "\bas_hh60g\scripts\set_markings.sqs"

In place of the #marking# use one of the following:

dr  (Davis Montham AFB - DR 90224)

dr2 (Davis Montham AFB - DR 90228)

wa  (Nellis AFB - WA 87011)

wa2 (Nellis AFB - WA 87012)

is  (NAS Keflavik - IS 94109)

li  (ANGB AP Colonel Francis S. Gabreski - LI 89110)

my  (Moody AFB - MY 94011)

zz  (Kadena AFB)


[this, "dr"] exec "\bas_hh60g\scripts\set_markings.sqs"

5) Customising your aircraft manually

Each custom marking texture can be set individually by you. You may choose to either set the texture with one supplied by BAS or you may also design your own for inclusion. This means you may actually make your own tail codes and airframe numbers if you wish and these to individual aircraft in the mission editor.

To set an individual texture on the aircraft you must use this command in the initialisation field of the unit.

this setobjecttexture [#texturenumber#, "#texturename#"]

eg. this setobjecttexture[8,"\bas_hh60g\b\tail_dr.paa"]

The images HH60G_back.jpg and HH60G_front.jpg list the numbers for each texture that can be modified on the Pavehawk. Please refer to these images to obtain the #texturenumber# value.


For additional help with these scripts please request TJ directly, at TJfx@ballistic.com, but these are meant for ADVANCED mission makers.

Budding mission makers can find plenty of advice about script implementation in the various OFP forums and at www.ofpec.com.



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ah bugger i thought it was released early, but the readme looks promosing.

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Thx for the information.

We all know it will be very good, as every addon from BAS.

Do you have a little preview screen?

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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Same as MLF, I thought it was an early release! We'll just have to wait until tomorrow. Readme looks promising though, especially with all those effects (even though most are from MH60) biggrin_o.gif

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Moving to Discussion until download links are available.

For future reference, please do not make threads in "A+M: Completed" for preview, please make them once a download link is available.

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They certainly look excellent. If I can bring myself to use them despite the fact that they look incredibly high-poly. I know I'll enjoy them. I'm not keen on the idea of giving up an extra 8-13 or however many soldier's worth of frames per second it'd cost for something that high detail. But I'll probably cave and play with it some anyhow.

The tail-codes feature is especially interesting. I'm assuming it isn't just client side though? So everyone would have to possess the same modifications for the custom graphics? Or would it be like custom faces? How does that work?

As far as the scripted effects. Are there any special things you need to do to make sure they're multiplayer compatible anymore? Such as initstrings?

... don't get me started on windshield wipers crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

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the level of adaptability is incredible... to be able to change so many textures and markings is great smile_o.gif

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Sweet Davis-Monthan birds, that is where I currently am. I drive by the Pavehawaks almost daily. Great job BAS.


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The tail-codes feature is especially interesting. I'm assuming it isn't just client side though? So everyone would have to possess the same modifications for the custom graphics? Or would it be like custom faces? How does that work?

Theres a set of scripts (well, actually 1 script) that you simply type into the init line of the helicopter to have it display one of a set of pre-defined codes.

If you want to have your own custome numbers, simply put the files into the mission folder, and reference them inthe init scripts. (out of respect, we will not be providing "custom" images for the pavehawks, we also dont want to encourage the use of custom images to replace those which we provide with the addon other than the clan logo - since all these images directly relate to real people who have given their lives in order to save others, its a respect thing wink_o.gif )

Quote[/b] ]As far as the scripted effects. Are there any special things you need to do to make sure they're multiplayer compatible anymore? Such as initstrings?

Its all automatic, everything in the pavehawks runs as in the blackhawks, so no major learning curve for the new features smile_o.gif

Now, who wants to see some pics?

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Ok, hold on to your hats kids, here we go:






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These camo schemes make all those little details so much more apperant then it would in an all black scheme, like the Blackhawks. smile_o.gif

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hey deadmeat, did you guys still leave the tail rotor and the tail rotor assembly all black and ugly like in the blackhawk? tounge_o.gif

hope you didnt, cause the rest of the chopper looks great. thanks guys

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Looks good, thanks for posting the readme in advance , may encourage some people to actually read it!

The dedication is also nice and for the adult players it bring home that although this is just a game it is based on real life.

A quick question, in the prerequsites, it states you need:

Quote[/b] ]


BAS_SOAR (Version 2)



It is my understanding that some of these addons will be updated in the coming week. In preparation for BAS week I did an uninstall and fresh install of OFP to clear out all my "junk" I had accumulated in the various directories.

Will there be any affect in putting the existing (previous) versions of your BAS addons back in to my addons directory when you release the updated versions of them?

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Nice work guys.

There are about 90 minutes to 1st March wink_o.gif



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It is my understanding that some of these addons will be updated in the coming week. In preparation for BAS week I did an uninstall and fresh install of OFP to clear out all my "junk" I had accumulated in the various directories.

Will there be any affect in putting the existing (previous) versions of your BAS addons back in to my addons directory when you release the updated versions of them?

All the updated addons overwrite the exisitng ones, so whack everything BAS into your addon folder, and simply replace as you go along (being careful to check the readme, just incase)

If you get the new rangers, and then revert to an old version (tho god alone knows why you'd do that :P ) then you will simply lose the new aspects of the addon. I.e. with the littlebirds, you will revert back to the old cargo anims etc.

As for backwards compatability with other addons, the SOAR for example, you will need the newest version in order to operate. Since the original SOAR addon does not contain the code for the new pilots, it wont work with the new addons, but the popup messages will warn you of anything wrong as you go along.

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Nice looking screens DM. can't wait to get this baby over the jungles on Tonal tounge_o.gif

I think dedication to lost pavehawk crews is also a very nice gesture. Good stuff BAS

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Hey guys, you can D/L the Pavehawks at OFPEC Addon Depot! Go get them!

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yeah it´s true .. gonna be a long night here..

btw: the d/l counter said "0" when i downloaded it biggrin_o.gif

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