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Us rangers balance pack by orcs

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i don't see why people keep on saying "they steal" as they specified the authors in their readme.IMHO it's not stealing.

But i agree it's better to ask before doing it.

Anyway they are good units you should try.

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man, i love the sounds from these units, especially the M60 sound, it´s just great...

the other sounds are really like those ine MAP (same?) and the sights are the same... this makes them really nice..

and i really dont care if they are stolen, altough it´s really sad that/if they are..

now, could anyone make som new vietnam era regular GI´s (and special units ofcourse)... yes, i know that SEB has some and thay are quite good, but i still want updated ones, with all the new fetures possible, and ofcourse new textures..

maybe the team behind SEB NAM pack can make them too? (update their old stuff)

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i don't see why people keep on saying "they steal" as they specified the authors in their readme.IMHO it's not stealing.

But i agree it's better to ask before doing it.

Anyway they are good units you should try.

I don't think they stole but if you read the README and i quote

"If you want to use something from this addon, contact yours truly for written permission."

and they didn't evan have the integrety to do the same.

Its double standards

but aside from that its a bloody good addon. To bad they didn't make a desert version which in today's world will be alot more heathed.

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Well maybe its time you guys give it a rest.

Let them fight about it themselfs.....for all I can say I dont give a sh*t tounge_o.gif

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Maybe you dont give a shit but hell the guys who spend nights over addons sure care a lot crazy_o.gif

Thats why theres written "Ask for permission..." in most readmes cause as a Author who put so much in a addon i should at least be able to decide who does what with my work!

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Neither do I, y'all wouldn't last a 1/2 hour in the mainstream flightsim mod community,

Credit in the readme is ALL you deserve, what else is there? control? "no, I don't like you, you can't use my stuff"

<veers back on topic>

as for the lighter lime-greenish tint, I actually have BDUs that look like that <3 years of planet Ord sun and loads of detergent> so ya can't tell. smile_o.gif

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Sorry but that is a cheesy statement...

Maybe we all should protect our Pbos now like CSLA did, that makes it impossible to edit the config for most people but hey if thats the only way to control the work of my hands...

In this community im used to ask people if i cna use their work, RHS never used anything without asking the author and other mods did the same, like FDF and CSLA asked for some tanks... thats the way

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Please, the addon creator and the creator who's textures were borrowed seemed to have put this behind them, how about the rest do the same?

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Im not talking about this addon, Laser knows what i think we talked about it.

I more wanted to put my own view here since this is it ok to use others work without permission discussion...

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No problem Shadow (my comment wasn't directed specifically at you), but if people want to continue a discussion about intellectual property and OFP addons, this isn't really the thread to do it in.

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Maybe it's not but you know the mods will lock it and say "this is not the place to work that out" if a new topic is started.

This should be worked on and there should be some kind of "community" solution to it. This stuff wrecks addon threads and it doesnt stop on it's own.

IMO, if people dont make addons and dont understand some common sense...that's mostly their problem.

If people want modmakers to keep making mods....send a friggin email and ask permission. It takes what...1-2 minutes?

EDIT: To my credit, I did post about the actual addon itself earlier.  wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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While I think that making an addon to be released to the public using work that another person has made without taking the courtesy of asking permission is inconsiderate and against the idea of co-operative sharing that has made the end-user community flourish. I wouldn't have any compunctions about fiddling with an addon for my own personal use.

I actually like this addon, I'll be able to discard the weapon pack and re-write the cpp to use default bis or whatever weapons I want and retain the relatively small unit addon for my own personal use. All politics aside.

It would have sucked if they had included fifty million other types of units all into one pbo. All in all I think they're good. Not incredibly high poly, yet they don't look awful. So that's just perfect for me.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe we all should protect our Pbos now like CSLA did, that makes it impossible to edit the config for most people but hey if thats the only way to control the work of my hands...

The day this becomes a common practice is the day I stop playing ofp. Sure. Taking textures, without asking isn't very courteous but the only reason you could possibly get truly upset about something like this is if you had some kind of ego attached to what you're doing. It's going to end up benefitting the community in the end. Boo hoo, you don't have your name in lights.

I don't need some pompous twit telling me how to play a game. I want to be able to do what I want with it. I know I'll never play CSLA. It sounds like those guys are just stroking their E-penises rather than trying to benefit the community. That's more despicable than liberating a few textures here and there. I don't know how anyone can justify protecting their addons when the very game that the addons are being made for are possible because the game company itself was open minded enough to allow people to make modifications.

ORCS, BAS, DKMM. Like I give a shit where it comes from. Whether I find it enjoyable to use is the key and only issue. I don't care if Saddam Hussein started making OFP addons. If they're enjoyable. I'd still like them.

Grow up.

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OK, I tried asking politely, and that obviously didn't work...

This thread is about Laser's ranger addon. It is not a thread about addon piracy or anything else.

If you can't stick to the topic at hand, don't post here. If you choose to ignore this warning, expect to be punished.

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While I think that making an addon to be released to the public using work that another person has made without taking the courtesy of asking permission is inconsiderate and against the idea of co-operative sharing that has made the end-user community flourish. I wouldn't have any compunctions about fiddling with an addon for my own personal use.

I actually like this addon, I'll be able to discard the weapon pack and re-write the cpp to use default bis or whatever weapons I want and retain the relatively small unit addon for my own personal use. All politics aside.

It would have sucked if they had included fifty million other types of units all into one pbo. All in all I think they're good. Not incredibly high poly, yet they don't look awful. So that's just perfect for me.

Quote[/b] ]Maybe we all should protect our Pbos now like CSLA did, that makes it impossible to edit the config for most people but hey if thats the only way to control the work of my hands...

The day this becomes a common practice is the day I stop playing ofp. Sure. Taking textures, without asking isn't very courteous but the only reason you could possibly get truly upset about something like this is if you had some kind of ego attached to what you're doing. It's going to end up benefitting the community in the end. Boo hoo, you don't have your name in lights.

I don't need some pompous twit telling me how to play a game. I want to be able to do what I want with it. I know I'll never play CSLA. It sounds like those guys are just stroking their E-penises rather than trying to benefit the community. That's more despicable than liberating a few textures here and there. I don't know how anyone can justify protecting their addons when the very game that the addons are being made for are possible because the game company itself was open minded enough to allow people to make modifications.

ORCS, BAS, DKMM. Like I give a shit where it comes from. Whether I find it enjoyable to use is the key and only issue. I don't care if Saddam Hussein started making OFP addons. If they're enjoyable. I'd still like them.

Grow up.


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Are your rangers using 100%cotton RIPstock BDU or 50%cotton/50%nylon BDU I realy can't tell excatly?


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a bit off-topic, but its related to LSR\Orcs work; Im having trouble with the PKM in the russian airborne pack 1.5, im getting a missing PKMrecoil *something* when i first shoot the pkm, and then the pkm has no recoil whatsoever :\ In a way its the best supressive fire weapon ive ever had...but not realistic at all sad_o.gif Has anyone solved this config bug? I tried to do it but to no avail sad_o.gif

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@Baphomet- bad form sad_o.gif

Common courtesy and respect is all the addon makers are asking, is it really that hard to do? Its because of retarded comments I see in this thread is why we have lost addon makers.

"give a mouse a cracker and he will demand a glass of milk"

TO ALL ADDON TEAMS= Please dont let some of these immature POSTs detour you from all the hard work and effort you have put forth. The majority of the community (myself included) are very grateful and appreciative of the work you do. Myself lacking the skills to do this kind of work rarely POST unless their is a bug to report and I am sure that goes for 90% of the rest of people who enjoy addons.

I used to POST things showing gratitude and thanks but people even frowned upon that calling it useless spam. But we are here and in full support.

Please people dont ruin it for the rest of us.

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Quote[/b] ]Please people dont ruin it for the rest of us.

That sounds like fear talking.

Anyhow. Comments were not leveled at any particular person but the potential outcome that would result from closing an open community, and those who might be responsible for it. Apologies for the predominantly off-topic nature of the post.

This is my last word on the subject.

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well, could anyone give a working link for the misions pack?

I couldn´t find any of then working, not on OFP.info neither any other News page. Thanks.

Good work on that Laser ;)

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2 Tigershark_BAS:

The statement dealing with permission e-mails I'm talking about was made long before the AH source code was released. It was somewhere at the time when BAS Deltas/Rangers came out. Again, correct me if i'm mistaken.

The reason why I did insist on the apology is because you said that I stole ALL of BAS' texture stuff from your Rangers pack... although it's clearly seen that BDU and other textures are different for these two packs, even by the way they are mapped on the models. And if you gave yourself a little trouble to open the PBO and see the difference for yourself - I think you wouldn't accuse me like that.

Yes, I know that taking even the smallest part w/o permission is as good as "stealing" the whole thing, but then again, I honestly thought that readme credit stuff was enough. Plus, I still think that this conflict could be resolved in a more "civilized" way. It's not good when misunderstanding grows into something like we have in this thread.

Talking of the "double standards" thingy... this line in the readme is there just because every addonmaker writes it in their readme's. I guess that if someone would "borrow" some stuff from one of my addons, he would do that anyway, with the permission or without. It already happened to me several times before and will definitely happen again... but I'm not and I won't be edgy about that at all. Like AKM74 said, the best way of recognition is when someone deems your work worthy and uses it for himself. This line will not appear again in my readme's, if that isuue gives people so much trouble. I hereby state that "readme line" concerning my input into someone's future addon is enough, no permission, written, spoken or otherwise, is required.

I still cannot understand why I can't use GR textures. If someone else is doing it (Codeblue, I even found some in Suchey's Marines pack), why can't I? I don't intend to sell these addons, so the copyright for Red Storm remains reserved.

And last, but not least... the update is underway which will not include ANY of BAS texture files, so that problem will be completely out of discussion. The update will be released as soon as I find decent texture references.

Some technical stuff. The models are quite high-poly, plus textures are 512x512 or even 1024x512, so it's no wonder that they lag a little. There's always a problem of balance between beauty and performance, I guess this time it's more beauty. smile_o.gif

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I think using Ghost Recon textures, while possibly illegal, is fine by me. I agree, no one is making OR losing money by this. The artists got paid, RS got paid, etc. It's not like your taking $$ or "fame" away from anyone by doing this. A lot of people will disagree with this, but the game has been out for as long as ofp, so anyone who was goign to buy that game would have already. Making addons using those textures won't cause me to lose any sleep. Go for it, their textures are nice, and everyone knows where they came from.

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Since people chose to ignore my very clear warning and couldn't stick to the topic at hand, this thread is now locked.

If someonme wants to start a new one about the ADDON itself, and not copyright issues, feel free. Otherwise, and new threads will also be locked.

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