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Söldner : secret wars

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Discovered a few more things about Soldner.

If you create a lan server and don't take the other points on the map, you can eventually get extra money just by waiting doing nothing. Then take your gobs of money and buy a helicopter then go and explore. The gaming area is super figgin huge. I eventually got bored of flying for 15 mins in one direction I bailed out. You have to pull the ripcord and the parachute is steerable. It seems there are no towns set up on the map, just vegetation and elevations.

I would have rather seen a single player demo however that highlights how missions work, I also think Co-op missions for this game will be cool to play as well.

I think I will get this game if the price is reasonable, no more than $40 Canadian and if the bugs are worked out.

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well the game itself have the potential, but it just bugs filled and the game play need a shitloads of tweak inorder to get up to BF level

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well the game itself have the potential, but it just bugs filled and the game play need a shitloads of tweak inorder to get up to BF level

Did'nt your mama tell you not to swear?

Don't use that dirty word again, please  tounge_o.gif

This is much better:

well the game itself have the potential, but it just bugs filled and the game play need a shitloads of tweak inorder to get up to a half assed OFP-level


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I wonder how the single player in on Söldner.

Becouse that is the only thing that can save Söldner from

been slaugtherd by OPF fans....I hope  wink_o.gif

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Must be one of the most unpolished demos I've ever played, but the most annoying thing is that trees are flickering badly on my Radeon 7200. Anyone got a clue how to fix this?

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Let's see how it works after the initial rush, in a week or so. I couldn't connect to an AA registration server in the first one or two week too and that game seems to work now (i've heard, never bothered to play it agai after those first two weeks). So i wouldn't judge the game by the first impression from that evening.

I was on two servers, but i did not like the gameplay much and the game crashed like 20 times in the process (or even while i was playing on those servers) forcing me to reenter all info and kill the jwdcom.exe manually in the taskmanager.

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well the game itself have the potential, but it just bugs filled and the game play need a shitloads of tweak inorder to get up to BF level

Did'nt your mama tell you not to swear?

Don't use that dirty word again, please  tounge_o.gif

This is much better:

well the game itself have the potential, but it just bugs filled and the game play need a shitloads of tweak inorder to get up to a half assed OFP-level


lol wow_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I'm getting the impression that this is a terrible game  sad_o.gif . I was really looking forward to it. I can only hope they rushed the demo out and the release version is solid.

Also, Blake, you are probably having problems with your 7200 because they didn't design the game for the 7000 series. Those cards are somewhat outdated now.

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I finally made it into a server last evening...it was deathmatch so that sorta sucked...but at least it gave me some indication of the game.

I posted some thoughts over at my own forums at digitalgrenade.com so I wont go through everything again here (read them on my forums if your interested). Bottom line is that the game seems to be on the right track, but it is NOT ready for release. It is unpolished, clunky and needs ALOT of work.

I also posted a link on the front page at digitalgrenade.com that contains instructions on how to connect to servers while bypassing the WingsNet crap that isnt letting people connect. Maybe this will help some of you get in and get a taste of what the gameplay is like.

On a side note...although I personally don't have alot of good things to say about the "beta-demo" of Soldner right now...I also remember the early days of OFP...multiplayer was horendous here too. Anyone remember how the servers used to crash when people got in helecopters? It was no picnic trying to play online around here for a many months after retail was released. Crash after crash after crash. Maybe if they fix ALOT of stuff in Soldner it will be a decent game...but like I said, its not read for public release yet by a long shot.

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Quote[/b] ]Also, Blake, you are probably having problems with your 7200 because they didn't design the game for the 7000 series. Those cards are somewhat outdated now.

How dare you insult my video card! It's only 3 years old crazy_o.gif

Anyway got it working now with lates ATI Catalys drivers. Not as bad as I initially thought with server connection errors & graphics glitches. But anyway I'm still a bit dissapointed about the rather arcade-style gameplay with those funny-looking mercs in elaborate clothes running around and vehicles only having 3rd person view. Graphics are OK but not that spectucular to me, OFP feels so much more down-to-earth to me. However, Söldner still has some potential unlike Joint Ops which really feels like BF 1942 in modern-day settings.

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However, Söldner still has some potential unlike Joint Ops which really feels like BF 1942 in modern-day settings.

I don’t agree, JO is not quite as arcadish as BF. I would say it’s somewhere between BF and OFP. At first I was really disappointed in JO but after playing on some 100-player servers I really enjoy it. It got some things I really wish OFP would have…the ability to walk around on/in vehicles that are moving and to have helicopters carry other vehicles (without any script). It works great in JO, its fun being able to snipe from the back of a Chinook.

Vehicle control/physics needs work in both JO and Soldner but I think JO is doing a better job with both control/physics so far.

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However, Söldner still has some potential unlike Joint Ops which really feels like BF 1942 in modern-day settings.

I don’t agree, JO is not quite as arcadish as BF. I would say it’s somewhere between BF and OFP. At first I was really disappointed in JO but after playing on some 100-player servers I really enjoy it. It got some things I really wish OFP would have…the ability to walk around on/in vehicles that are moving and to have helicopters carry other vehicles (without any script). It works great in JO, its fun being able to snipe from the back of a Chinook.

Vehicle control/physics needs work in both JO and Soldner but I think JO is doing a better job with both control/physics so far.

This is extremely fun. I'll be getting JO over Soldner...Soldner was a bit boring...I saw no vehicles, and most servers only had 16 people on them..

JO I find very fun, and the new patch makes the game amazingly smooth with no framerate reduction. I don't know what they did, but they did something that worked amazingly..

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I thought Soldner was fun but Ive only been on a server 3 times, the first time everything was good but I crashed after about 30 minutes. The other time I went AFK when I tried to join a server, got in and was kicked by the admin (for being AFK). The 3rd time it was so laggy that I shot 50+ shots with my pistol without losing any ammo.

The game is good once you are inside and can play, the problem is that its almost impossible to get into a server, and when you do its most likely laggy as hell.

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Out of all the servers i have joined i have had no lag at all ... its just getting in servers sad_o.gif

I can join servers first time in the morning but at afternoon time its hard ...

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...i play yesterday lan on my work place (5-6 pl) and i'm satisfied with general game play.

...think i have 256k conection and WILL TRY to set up ded. server later this day just for pl from OFP forum...

simple, name will be ofp or  bla bla server and the pass will post later if i manege to set up server   smile_o.gif

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I am glad they delayed the game release, because this game would have hella sucked otherwise.

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I am glad they delayed the game release, because this game would have hella sucked otherwise.

What has been changed to make it not suck?

Yeah, please enlighten us, Milkman smile_o.gif

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I am glad they delayed the game release, because this game would have hella sucked otherwise.

What has been changed to make it not suck?

Yeah, please enlighten us, Milkman smile_o.gif


- Several Client and server crashes fixed

- Several particle emitter fixes

- Several fixes for the Commander mode

- Added allocation info to server stats

- Now it's possible to carve the team logo all over the houses

- Several connection state messages included to inform the player of a bad connection

- Fixed damage-check for buildings on ladder creation

- Added configurable max altitude for flyer objects (Sky has limits now !!!)

- Several changes to Sound FX like missing sounds, volume changes, distance changes and replaced placeholders with "real" sounds

- Zoom Steps reduced on extreme sniper and sniper zooms

- Fixed antisitropic filtering bug

- Activated dynamic vehicle steering controller for wheeled vehicles

- Changed terraindamage calculation for vehicles

- Resitance and Blast radius Changes on nearly all Vehicles/Flyers/ (Balance)

- Several improvements to the portal (Sending server list to client increased ect.)

- Reduced tree resistance values (factor 0.5)

- Fixed a bug where during death match a commander vote would be displayed when any other vote had been cast

- Playermap can be made transparent ( Default key is "Numlock" )

- Fix for jumping in MP

- Implemented log queue

- Removed the "Jesus" position short before you die

- Clients with a bad Ping will get disconnected now - If Chat is open when you get killed, the chat will be closed automaticly now.

- flyer steering changes related to romans input modifications

- no crates around spawn points

- recenter first frame of movement animations

- Changed the Speed from Supply Vehicle and Transporter04

- Fix for out-of-center reticle

- Riverside: Moved Flags for GameMode CTF into Headquarters

- Adjusted the PSG1 (Can you smell the "Nerf" ?)

And those were the third series of patches to the demo. There are various issues such as vehicle mass and inertia that must be solved still.

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I don't see general shite game bug fixed anywhere rock.gif

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I don't see general shite game bug fixed anywhere  rock.gif

Okay wise guy, you have completely misinterpreted what I have said, all of it. When I meant it suck I meant it was too buggy to play, not that there was a flaw in design. I like the game, and I will buy it when it hits shelves in the US. But when I first downloaded the demo all I could say was "They called is a 95% finished product?"

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Now I have two swearwords in my book. Before I only had BS1942, now I can add Söldner aswell wink_o.gif

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