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Csla 2

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Patch is cca 7.5MB big (packed). It is fixing bugs in MOD and fixing/updating campaign.

Sounds of Sa-58 are lil tweaked, but we don't have brand new sounds yet sad_o.gif

I think that those Sa-58 sounds will be replaced in first biger update pack with new units.

We replaced BMP's sounds with new ones (thanx to Inquisitor & Jim)

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Thats good hear. 45 min download for me. But i got to go ta skool sad_o.gif Maybe fake a sickie biggrin_o.gif

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As promised, two photos of Mi-8 with nosegun.



Bad quality as they photographed two times smile_o.gif.

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CSLA II. MOD Update 2.01



fixed - OT-62 Command > moving of commander turret

fixed - Mi-24P > wrong tracer position

fixed - Mi-17 > problems with the lowest resolution LOD

fixed - RadioMan > medic sign on helmet in far resolution LODs

added - added new groups and separed armour and infantry groups

added - BS-3 AT gun added to EAST side too

added - RPG-7 Soldier and RPG-7V Soldier added to EAST side

added - addon PRIM (which is present in original CZ resistance version)

updated - english names of units

updated - RPG-75 launcher > modified ballistic curve and tweaked


updated - animations for islands

fixed - single player mission s05_NavalAttack

fixed - single player mission s04_TheTrooper

added - single player mission s09_Fox

added - coop multiplayer mission 1-6_C_CSLA_Assault

fixed - OT-64A, OT-64C, OT-64AMB > updated damage model (RPG shot went

through APC hull)

added - new sounds for BMP (thanx Inquisitor and Jim)

updated - little bit tweaked sounds of Sa-58 (thanx George Spoock)

added - exe startup files for ATi Radeon graphic cards (added -nomap)



added - english subtitles for all localizations (German, French,...)

fixed - many bug-fixes and improvements in ALL missions.

added - all missing texts (like letters and newspapers) are fully translated to english



Mad Murdock for patcher

Ace Mojzish for startup files

George Spoock for Sa-58 sounds update

Inquisitor and Jim for BMP's sounds

BIS for his game, models and textures

and thanx whole comunity for playing CSLA smile_o.gif



Please DON'T use BIS campaign cheat in CSLA2 Campaign !

Attention !!! It is needed to have as least 350 MB of free space on HDD and it is needed to have installed full installation of MOD (MOD and campaign) !



Copy csla2_radeon.exe, csla2_fpbeta_radeon.exe to your OFP folder

Copy missions from MPMissions to your multiplayer missions folder


Copy missions from Missions\csla to your Missions\csla folder

Copy anims.pbo from csla\dta to csla\dta folder

Copy prim.pbo from csla\Addons to csla\Addons folder (NOT needed for czech

Resistance version users!)

Copy complete folder Update.201 into folder of CSLA MOD

(usually: OFP\csla)

Run csla2_update.exe in csla\Update.201\ folder

Run file OFPMDE_Update.exe in csla\Utils folder for utility "OFP Mission Development Environment" update (only czech version !)

D O W N L O A D (8MB) - OFP Tiscali.cz

D O W N L O A D (8MB) - OFP.info mirror


Plz if you have patch downloaded today (18.2.) between 11:00 - 12:15 CET (GTM+1) then download it again plz, because file may be corrupted. Sorry for that sad_o.gif

P.S. Patch CAN't be applied more then one time! If you want to apply patch again you must reinstall CSLA II. MOD before patching.

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Quote[/b] ]Copy complete folder Update.201 into folder of CSLA MOD

(usually: OFP\csla)

I don't see this folder anywhere...

EDIT: NM, its the name of the zip archive...

thanks, just installed!

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I get a Error messege when running the updater: "Error: CSLA Mod is NOT installed"

I've followed the instructions. rock.gif

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1. Have correctly installed OFP?

Because Updater looking in registry for path where is OFP instaled.

2. Have CSLA MOD installed in CSLA subfolder in your OFP folder?

Updater don't working when CSLA folder is renamed.

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2x yes on that, thats why I'm so confused.

Might it have something to do with it being the GOTY edition? (I acctually have both editions smile_o.gif but installed the GOTY one. )

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hmm, it is strange sad_o.gif

Can you plz look at your registers and send me via PM path key?

Instalation of CSLA MOD was working for you without problems under GOTY?

Plz have somebody problems with patching under english or GOTY version too?

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Yepp, the 2.0 version works with my GOTY install.

PM sent

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Don't think anybody else has mentioned this though the forum search isn't working for me right now to check.

The MOD works fine except right at the start I get an error "Cannot load texture flags/czech.jpg". When I OK it runs fine except that the flag on the opening intro is a little strange.

This ring any bells with anybody?

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@Jotte: Thanx

@John C Flett:

Have installed official BIS flag pack?

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Flag pack. How obvious! Somewhere along the lines I've missed that ( surprised its not actually included on one of the addon disks ). I've had a few more missing texture messages. Hopefully they're all tied to this.


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Ahhh. The flag pack comes wit Red Hammer. If you people brought it. wink_o.gif

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I did buy it, the flags do seem to be installed and I still have the problem.

I'm infact getting a number of missing texture messages. Various .jpg files which I've checked and they're in the appropriate mission files, just for some reason my game can't seem to read them.

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If you have installed BIS flag pack then you must have file "Flags.pbo" in RES\Addons folder.

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I do, it is. However I don't think this is the problem, simply that its hitting a flag on this occasion.

I actually remember having a similar problem about a year back with one of Samson's campaigns. Audio clips produced "not found" messages even though they were there. For some reason my machine/install/game wont open files embedded in some .pbos. In this case its your flags but I suspect the problem lies much deeper.

I'm running a PIII 667 256MB G Force 4 Windows 98. It is a pretty reliable machine ( by PC standards ) but is prone to periodic hangs on OFP. Hopefully I'm getting a new machine within a few weeks but it might be nice to figure this out in the meantime.

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I found the problem. The standard install path for CSLA lacks a spce between Operation and Flashpoint (ie OperationFlashpoint) compered to where mine really is installed (../Operation Flashpoint ). I had copied it into my real folder afterwards but this totally slipped my mind. Sorry to have cause you unnessecery headache.

A clear case of SBK on my side. crazy_o.gif

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It is good to hear that it is not bug in our patcher smile_o.gif

Thanx for report!

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I found the problem. The standard install path for CSLA lacks a spce between Operation and Flashpoint (ie OperationFlashpoint) compered to where mine really is  installed (../Operation Flashpoint ). I had copied it into my real folder afterwards but this totally slipped my mind. Sorry to have cause you unnessecery headache.  

A clear case of SBK on my side. crazy_o.gif

How did you fix the problem though?

I have the same problem sad_o.gif

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Same problem for me ... on a GOTY editio.

I tried ti change the physical path from "Operation Flashpoint" to "OperationFlashpoint".

I looked into the registry to see if the path were correct ...

And it's a fresh install ... sad_o.gif


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