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New vietnam island

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end of the weekend. No matter what smile_o.gif

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already did. it's the final version before letting it get sent far and wide.


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I noticed that a lot of the grass didn't properly wrap to the ground. But the plant textures were very nice biggrin_o.gif .

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I noticed that a lot of the grass didn't properly wrap to the ground. But the plant textures were very nice biggrin_o.gif .

if your talking about the grass in the forests, I removed that.

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1.2 uploaded. It was very nice to wake up this morning. biggrin_o.gif


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Very nice Island!

One bug I found: The palms have a wrong Fire-Geometry LOD -> it is possible to shoot through them.

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Oh, what a great looking island ! Awesome job, Ebud!

You know, i was in the process of swapping jungle p3ds from other jungle islands with the ones from JungleEveron1.2 for a private lan session. But now this here is much better.

Boy, when comparing JE1.2 and this island you can really tell OpF has come a long way. Keep it up, Ebud !  smile_o.gif


Something i noticed: you can walk & shoot thru huts

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VERY nice island!!!!

but wow_o.gif ;

Quote[/b] ]I removed the small grass from the forests. Lagged too much.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  This was the best part! I LOVE the grass in the forests! Could you make a second high-spec version with the grass, or will be the grass squares be in the object list, so I can place them in the forests myself?? sad_o.gif

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Oh sweet jesus, there was a reason I didn't post it on the main sites... like ofp.cz

This is a BETA test. Final won't be til end of the weekend. My god you;d think I'd learn.

PLEASE no one host it on a main site as final

Poor Ebud. tounge_o.gif

Anyway, I found a maajor bug:

I've only been playing in the northwestern part of the island so don't know about other areas, but the grass there is bulletproof! I and the AI constantly kill ourselves by chucking grenades only to have them blow up in our faces! Bullets often just hit the grass, too. Also, the AI seems to have trouble seeing enemies that are in PLAIN view for human players, eg. not obscured by grass at all.


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well Ebud,

i have to give you props for having the balls to release an unpolished project.

seems like the norm now adays is to release screens till the next millenium then release a severly overrated project.

Good job! and i think it shows character to release something with appearant shortcomings that you know people will be hacking you for, all in all theres some real nice work on this island, if not fully developed. The ground work for something good is in place, have patience everyone.

There are many things i dont particularly like, but there are some good ideas on this island and i would like to give you your props. smile_o.gif

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New version uploaded for Hawkins. This IS the final version.

And a bit about this as a whole.

I jsut made it to have something different to play with besides Ia Drang. I'm posting it because I thought a few others might like it as well. I'm pretty happy with it as it was a few days of work... not 6 months. If some people don;t like sone things about it, so be it. Fix it up as you'd like as I'm not binarizing anything. I'm not going to have time to spend countless more hours on it, so it is what it is.

And Drow. If there are things you don't like, it would have been nice to see those comments here as I might have been able to address them.

And thanks everyone for testing this, without your help it wouldn't have been finished. Especially about the fire and geo lods. Thanks again guys.

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I agree with others about the grass in the forest. I love it and I have had absolutely no problems with lag even with very large battles that include many troops, CoC artillery, and helicopters. It's pretty intense fighting in the forest with the grass... makes for some very hectic battles. What I wish however was that the SEB Nam pack would be updated to include stuff like AP RPG-7's like in the Tonal pack... always fun to see RPG's wooshing by your head or exploding nearbye.

All it needs is an airbase and the bug fixes and it would be good to go I think. Keep up the excellent work!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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sorry grass gone, island done. No airfields. Work on Monday sad_o.gif

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Thanks Hawkins smile_o.gif

No more time to work on this thing. If you want the old forests with the grass, just depbo the pbo that had it and place it in this pbo. Mix and match all you like.

Also if you want to take this island apart and use the pieces go right ahead.

Hope some of you like it.

Also if this one is "broke" for you, you'll have to fix it yourself. It should work like a charm now though.

Now I have the whole RSSZ to lay out. Cya in a year.

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Wish u luck, Ebud. smile_o.gif

Hope your RSSZ will be more 'open' AI-wise than the meekong delta island. AI soldiers seem to have problems navigating in tiny swamp islands.

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Where can I download the first version? I really liked this forests with grass, but I deleted it by mistake.  sad_o.gif

Now I want to do some engineering and swap forests in the latest version. Somebody help me please...  rock.gif

Edit: Actually all I need is p3d files. If sombody could send me these at: kpalka@pf.pl, I'd really apreciate it.

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I love how you left it open - i could then add hills to assault and swamps at my own pleasure. I really hope this catches on.

Miles Teg - for Tonal RPGs in Sebnam units and M16A1s etc...

make a sqs called RPG.sqs and have =

_badguy = _this select 0

removeallweapons _badguy

_badguy disableAI "AUTOTARGET"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_E762_30HDmag"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_E762_30HDmag"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_E762_30HDmag"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_E762_30HDmag"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_E762_30HDmag"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_RPG7APRocket"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_RPG7APRocket"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_RPG7APRocket"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_RPG7APRocket"

_badguy addmagazine "JAM_RPG7APRocket"

_badguy addmagazine "handgrenade"

_badguy addmagazine "handgrenade"

_badguy addweapon "JAM_Vz58"

_badguy addweapon "JAM_RPG7Launcher"

_badguy selectweapon "JAM_Vz58"


Then add this - [this] exec "RPG.sqs" - in every unit you want to have an RPG and old AK.

Other useful ones -

JAM_M16A1 - JAM_W556_20HDmag


JAM_MosinNag - JAM_E762_5mag (nasty - use sparingly)

JAM_RPD - JAM_E762M_100HDmag

(Remove HD for non HD weapons)

With these quick weapon scripts copied and pasted into units init fields you can convert the dull thud thud of original sebnam pack to the exciting crack crack tracer heaven of JAM. Unfortunately the models of the sebnam weapons are so much better and varied than JAM - it's a balance.

For CSAR missions and more advanced stuff -

The sebnam units do not have JAM event handlers so by default the marker grenades don't fire etc. so you can add this

this addEventHandler [“Firedâ€,{if ( (_this select 1 in

[{Throw},{JAM_AT4Launcher}, {JAM_RPG7Launcher},

{JAM_M72LAWLauncher}]) or (_this select 4 in

[{JAM_MarkerGrenadeammo}]) ) then {_this exec


In the init.sqs or make an array and execute this on the array.

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Awesome! Thanks Jinef! It'll take a bit of work to implement jam into all of the units, I understand your script now. But does that mean that I have to make a .sqs script for every type of unit or is there a way I can combine them all into one script? I'm mainly worried about lag issues where dozens of units are all using .sqs scripts at once. But perhaps it won't be an issue since I guess its not continually using the script throughout the game...only at the beginning to tell the game what weapons a soldier is carrying... at least I think. Anyhoo...I'll mess around with it.

Thanks again!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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What is the _badguy disableAI "AUTOTARGET" good for in the script? It will disable automatic targetting of the unit.

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I am just about to download this island. First I need to download SEB Nam pack 2 again. Would anyone be as kind to tell me how I could get the aformentioned forest "tile" grass back onto the island once I get it downloaded? I understand I need the .P3D files, but what else?

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What is the _badguy disableAI "AUTOTARGET"  good for in the script? It will disable automatic targetting of the unit.

Yeah I noticed that. The RPG guy kept making a suicide run into my camp like he was a VC sapper trying to put a satchel charge into the HQ tent or something. LOL! I'll try removing that from the script to see if it works right.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I'm not going to have time to spend countless more hours on it, so it is what it is.

And Drow. If there are things you don't like, it would have been nice to see those comments here as I might have been able to address them.

I take it back now,

i just thought some things were kinda ugly looking, texture wise and otherwise, but as you said, it was a small project you decided to share, not an obsession of something to build over months then heed the glory of release LOL

anyways, its something cool, maybe we can use some of your bushes and patty trials with a little polish, i hope to add a lowlands (delta/rice patties) area to our island, and the high lands (mountains/jungle) we already have in the works.

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I have been reading this thread with quite some interest...I think all but a few have failed to get the whole point of Ebud's exercise in releasing this island (Jinef gets it).

He specifically left this open source so that you the community could:

a) Share in something that might have otherwise just sat on his hard disk

and more importantly

b) Take it..and use it as a basis of a new improved island developed by, contributed to and ultimately produced by the OFP community.

Instead...I see a lot of people complaining about the lack of effort put in to making it workable.....is it just me...or are there are more people taking than giving in this community.

Are people too lazy to learn to make some of these improvements themselves?

Perhaps throwing yourself into this community project would give you and appreciation for what it is island makers go through to produce a working and relatively bug free product.

I don't know....I just don't get it......I know some people think they are being helpful....but everyone is pointing out bugs and then leaning back in their chair thinking they've done a good job and expecting someone else to fix them.

The point is you....yes I'm pointing at you....YOU need to actively get involved and fix them.

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