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Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

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Can anyone tell me. Since I'm couldn't find it in the features section or anywhere in the readme. At least that wasn't an obvious place to check. If the smoke grenades actually work against AI? I was looking at the scripts and it looks like the script calls some kind of object that might be see-through however may act as a simulation to obscure ai-vision when using them.

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Smoke grenades work against AI. They have saved my ass from a pissed armour crewman gunner more than once...


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Nice! These are the kinds of things that really make FDF a standout piece of work.

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Just as a reminder, camcreated smoke does not block the vision, some mission makers learned this the hard way. wink_o.gif

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Just as a reminder, camcreated smoke does not block the vision, some mission makers learned this the hard way. wink_o.gif

That's true, since AI vision blocking smoke is created in fired-eventhandler of Men class. However, if you're creating your smokes by scripting you can create also those invisible magic objects and delete them after some ~60 seconds.

This is how it's done in script called by eventhandler:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_v = _this select 0

_a = _this select 4

?!(local _v) : exit

_kranu = nearestObject[_v, _a]


_pos = getPos _kranu

_box = "FDF_SmokeBlocking" createvehicle _pos

@!isNull _box

_box setPos _pos

;hint format["smoke on\n_v = %1\n_a = %2\nbox = %3\npos = %4", _v, _a, _box, getPos _box]


?!(isNull _box) : deleteVehicle _box

;hint format["smoke off\n_v = %1\_a = %2", _v, _a]

In that code, _v is player (or AI) throwing grenade, _a is ammo type ("SmokeShell","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen").

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i was wondering if it's possible to know if a flare tripwire is activated or not through variables, so that events can be scripted under such conditions? I looked to FDF forum and the readme of the 1.2 but i found nothing about it. What i want to do is that some AIs react when a player triggers a flare tripwire.

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The ai tends to avoid tripwires so they're pretty much MP only. Which was a bit disappointing. Still I guess making a mission in which you have to avoid them and the AI does something in response would be cool.

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i found another way to do what i want (i should have thought of it sooner), with a small trigger put on the tripwire. But if someone can answer to my question i'll be glad to hear it... smile_o.gif

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Not sure, but I guess a 'getdammage' might do the trick? Isn't the tripwire destroyed when going off?

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Like all other flares, the flaretraps should execute onFlare.sqs when the flare is lit.

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There is a slight bug in FDFMod 1.2, which causes noticeable lag (and annoying noise =) ) in multiplayer games when lots of tanks are simultaneously burning. Bug causes explosions to be created not only where vehicle is local but in all clients, which for example in game of 24 players causes 23 extra explosions to be created.

You can download hotfix here


Uncompress this archive and copy extracted scripts.pbo to finmod\dta directory under your flashpoint installation directory, overwriting old one. DO NOT copy this file into OFP's Dta directory.

This fix does not cause incompatibilities between patched and non-patched clients, unless server is configured explicitly to check for scripts.pbo, although it is recommended that all players joining game do have this patch installed since every patched client reduces amount of lag generated by extra explosions.

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Thanks for the heads up on that. Me and my friends have only DM'ed on Ghie as of yet so we haven't encountered any burning tanks, but we're working up to a good FDF-powered co-op. That would've cast quite a pall on the game if it lagged out with explosions.

Any FDF guys want to tell me where I can find that satchelvehicle array so I can make specific vehicles "satchel compatible"? Please? smile_o.gif

I've been getting complained at by the people I play with who want to be able to attach satchels to just about every vehicle possible.

Yes. Even bicycles.

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Any FDF guys want to tell me where I can find that satchelvehicle array so I can make specific vehicles "satchel compatible"? Please? smile_o.gif

There isn't any, the actions are defined in the vehicle configs for all root classes (tank, car, etc.) separately.

Quote[/b] ]I've been getting complained at by the people I play with who want to be able to attach satchels to just about every vehicle possible.

Yes. Even bicycles.

Apart from planes and motorbikes/cycles you should be able to add them to any vehicle, except any addon vehicles which overwrite the useractions of the rootclasses.

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That might be why the BRDM isn't cooperating, being as it's an addon. Not sure about the useractions bit.

Thanks much.

I added the useractions to the BAS BRDM. So that works out just fine. The BAS UAZ/MG's already had it due to inheritance from the base class define in the config.cpp I guess.

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I've got another question. Primarily to the person(s) who were charged with the duty of engineering the radio voices for FDF. I am interested in making my own voice pack using my own voice and those of my friends for our personal use, just for the fun of it. I was wondering if I could get any info on what was used/how to process the voices so they sounded remotely similar to that of the OFP radio voices in terms of how they sound.

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FDF mod single mission Rukajarven sissit.

After two and half hours game time - and almost as long real time - I finished up with a score of -2240!.

This because the five artillery pieces I had to destroy to complete the mission were listed on the statistics screen as civilian kills with an apparent loss of 400 points per gun.


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Wow. Did your squad try to kill you because of it?

Quote[/b] ]Uncompress this archive and copy extracted scripts.pbo to finmod\dta directory under your flashpoint installation directory, overwriting old one. DO NOT copy this file into OFP's Dta directory.

This fix does not cause incompatibilities between patched and non-patched clients, unless server is configured explicitly to check for scripts.pbo, although it is recommended that all players joining game do have this patch installed since every patched client reduces amount of lag generated by extra explosions.

Are only the vehicle burning scripts replaced in this update?

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Wow. Did your squad try to kill you because of it?

No. Though by then my 'squad' was one man - the other ten had bravely given their silicon lives so that I could survive.  smile_o.gif

You can imagine how pleased I was after that amount of time.


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Quote[/b] ]This fix does not cause incompatibilities between patched and non-patched clients, unless server is configured explicitly to check for scripts.pbo, although it is recommended that all players joining game do have this patch installed since every patched client reduces amount of lag generated by extra explosions.

Are only the vehicle burning scripts replaced in this update?

Yes. Actual patch is just few bytes =)

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FDF mod single mission Rukajarven sissit.

After two and half hours game time - and almost as long real time - I finished up with a score of -2240!.

This because the five artillery pieces I had to destroy to complete the mission were listed on the statistics screen as civilian kills with an apparent loss of 400 points per gun.

Just completed it again, score: 12600!

This time I did all the shooting; last time most of the shooting was done by my squad. I only took one man as a weapon carrier and kept him out of the action, to limit my casualties.

Game time was 4h 27min, with some use of time acceleration.

I'm thinking of trying again: I left a tank and, I believe, a BMP undestroyed.

Do you think I taking this game too seriously  smile_o.gif


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This is probably the wrong forum, but does anyone know of any CTI missions for FDF?

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Itpsv 57 27.3.2004

Three Finnish Itpsv 57s lined up for anti-air duties as a part of Armoured Brigade's annual exercise. They are used to keep battalions' equipment safe from distrubing factors coming from above. Itpsv 57s (aka ZSU-57-2) are built on shortened T-54 chassis with only four road wheel pairs. Vehicles are armed with two 57mm guns with practical rate of fire around 70 rounds/minute from both barrels. Maximum engagement range is between 3 - 4 kilometers. Nowadays these vehicles are consired almost obsolete and will face retirement or heavy modernisation in near future.


More at http://koti.mbnet.fi/~fdfmod/

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Wernt those used in vietnam ? crazy_o.gifrock.gif Im sure i have seen them before....

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