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Real life photography/photo editing

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Some random photos today:


Jens Of Sweden MP-120 MP3-player. If you would like to buy it from me, please contact me, cause I might considering to sell it


A pair of Dolge & Gabbana


Book-supports from Nybro glasswork


Crystal glass collection (actually worth alot of money), from Orrefors glasswork


Close-up on Orrefors's signature

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And now for the conspiracy.

The BI guys seemed to have done something else before starting to produce games...



They've got it all. Bohemia, Czechoslovakia.

Even pbo!!11!!!ONE!!1!!!ONEONE!!1!!11!!!ELEVEN!!1!!


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Are there any decent digital SLRs for around Å300-Å400?

As I really need a newer camera for rallys and airshows.

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Well, since you are the über-pro at this, the almighty god at photographing, please tell us how to do?


And for a question;

Does my watermarks take it away from the image itself? The only picture where the 'watermark' is 'in the way', is the Jens Of Sweden-player, and the glasscollections (but you still see what's on it).

Besides, you just had to 'rack on us', with doing large text all over the picture, and red too (wich is more visible then black semi-transparent). Then of course we get distracted from the image itself.. You silly tounge2.gif

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Are there any decent digital SLRs for around Å300-Å400?

As I really need a newer camera for rallys and airshows.

@sniperuk: A Canon EOS 300D costs about 200-300€ (with the basic pack), it's from 2003, has 6,3MPixel. I own one, if you're not a professional, this camera is enough...

@bd: rofl.gif

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It takes away just a little bit. Try a smaller font that is antialiased...

For me, watermarks just take away from a photo...




Then again JPEG compression doesn't really help either but...

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Have to agree with blackdog, watermarks are a bad trend here.  It makes for much less pleasant viewing.  There are websites full of gifted photographers who aren't watermarking... http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/  It's like getting an alarm system for your house when all your neighbours leave their front doors open.  An alarm system that really annoys some of your visitors :-P






We had some really severe storms roll through last night.  We caught only a tiny corner of the system, which ripped up houses and trees across ontario and killed two people who were camping.

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I agree, many photos here really arent good enough to warrant watermarking them. There are of course, some exceptional photographers who post here who of course should protect those exceptional images they post up, but the majority, it's just an annoyance that serves no purpose, as nobody is going to nick your picture anyway!

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If your livelihood is photography, you take precautions smile_o.gif

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It's like getting an alarm system for your house when all your neighbours leave their front doors open.

Well, you don't have to be stupid just because your neighbours are.  tounge2.gif And unlike them, you might actually have something worth stealing.

But like I said before, most pictures here aren't good enough to require any form of protection and there are better ways of protecting them than using big fat watermarks.

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Just lock your door?  See killagee's photos: a nametag so worthwhile customers can find him.

Your neighbours are not poor: flickr, webshots, photobucket, fredmiranda... you will quickly see that they offering all kinds of quality, and these are unmarked images, often at much higher resolutions than we can show here with a 100kb cap.

Less talk, more look:


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Holy schmoly Earl those storm shots are stunning! Did you go for the "long exposure + hope it striked during" method? Great captures smile_o.gif

On the watermark issue... I think it is important if you have a unique image to watermark it... There are actually alot of advertisers and graphic design business's that use google etc to find their "royalty free" images (ie: steal yours), instead of a profesional stock image agency. If its a picture of your dog or your car or something, dont worry about it. But if your image is not labeled when it originates online, you have no legal rights to owning the image...

Boom Shanka...

P.S. Did any of you get to Farnborough? Lucky buggers... I'm 10000 kms away sad_o.gif

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Yeah, tripod & remote shutter release.  Shots are anywhere from 5 - 45 seconds long, basically hold the shutter open until something fun happens.  I should save them in a way that preserves EXIF data.  Another look at the same thing, just over-manipulated... http://www.baconbomb.com/img/storm_x.jpg

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Wow - Some amazing shots here since I left for my vacation. earl and killagee especially, really kickass shots!

And me, well I've been shooting with the lensbaby. As usual, this time at one of Swedens biggest festivals;


Two of my acqauintances at one of the gigs.


Someone shaking it.


During one of the largest gigs of the festival.


My favourite band performing.


Same as above.


A few friends of mine performing at the stage for unsigned bands.

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Awesome pics Goob! I love the colour, especially in the first pic.

Righto, I got my new camera and sorta figured out how to take decent pics with it:



Field Out back of house

Field 2


Sunset 2




I got a fuji finepix s5600 with a 55mm telephoto lens and macro lens, i love macros :P

Feedback would be appreciated, but do bear in mind that i just got this camera so im getting used to it!

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Hi bob. I like your landscape shots, you are really showing some nice compositions using symmetry smile_o.gif

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Wicked Goob, the fourth one is a killer...

Good Composition ranger bob. Lines drawing into or across the inages and horizon off centre. you got all the basics there mate!

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That's actually a fly in camouflage, not a bee tounge2.gif

Nice picture though

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