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Real life photography/photo editing

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Race Day

I'm rowing two seat in both races if you know anything about rowing. The picture with eight was a professional photographer and the picture of the four was taken by my brother.


2 (over 100kb)

I know I didn't taken these picture, but they are not just some random shot off the web

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I like what I'm seeing. This topic has been really interesting to follow. There has definetly been a change of quality (for the better). Now, I would love to contribute with some nice stuff as well, but I really don't have a good digi cam, nor talent for it, and on top of that I'm far too lazy to shoot and edit pictures.

Keep up the good work every one!

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http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b392/mr_dbr/DSCF1657.jpg - Taken yesterday smile_o.gif (103kb.. damnit)

Slideshow of photos I've tooken over the last, hm, year or so? (You can click to go to the next picture also)

I'll redo it soon, so theres a site around it.. But for now it's just a slideshow tounge2.gif


- Ben

Edit : Image didn't autolink..

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Yeah I noticed the German name.

@J W: Jag är ganska jättesäker pĺ att det inte är islandshästar, de är kortare och typ robustare. smile_o.gif

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How do you get depth of field like this when shooting at a longer distance? I can only make it work on short distances macro style. huh.gif

Beautiful smile_o.gif



Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

Using your Aperture settings smile_o.gif

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ok, a couple of pics i took in june....

not the best quality though..

photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 4

Photo 3

oh, and yes... they are all over 100kb wink_o.gif

no comments on my pics? sad_o.gif

Try photo 4 on a cloudy night with red skyes. wink_o.gif

That should look awsome smile_o.gif

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you talk about the one NAMED photo 4 in my post or the last one (named photo 3)?

in any way, i got 20km there, the sun sets behind me (from where the photo is taken), and it´s impossible to make low light photos with that sucky 2.1MP camera....

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All taken about 2 hours ago, only edits are levels, brightness/contrast, and CreepyHill used a photoshop filter (Can't remeber what one icon_rolleyes.gif )









- Ben

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Using your Aperture settings smile_o.gif

Yeah that works on small things, short distance, macro style. But I can't make it look like that canoe picture. It gets a little bit blurrier but even that's probably only because of the longer exposure and hand shaking.



Thinking of being professional, like photographing for magazines and galleries?

(OK, ingen hästmänniska tounge2.gif)

Thanks biggrin_o.gif Nah don't think so. Who knows, not decided on anything yet, but most likely not.

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Put this together a few minutes ago :


Dont really like the layout (Photoshop Gallery thing, and then editing a bit), but it's not the important bit tounge2.gif

- Ben

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