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Lets talk usmc

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Well folks the USMC mod is about dead.Theres to much to do and not enough people to do it.Yeah I know its a personal problem but it doesnt matter,or does it?You decide the out come.


maybe OFP2 will be enough time for me to finish this mess.

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awwww dont let it die sad_o.gif we can't have suchy's Marines riding around in army equipment sad_o.gif

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sadly this is what happens to many addons because of lack of co-op but hopefully some guys will help you out..those addons just need alittle love...

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why not finnish just the land vehicles, or just the aircraft ?

I would love to help but my skills are still less than good.

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Gosh, look at all that work! wow_o.gif

It'd be a shame to let it gather dust now. sad_o.gif

NZXSHADOWS, I beg of you not to let it go now. Keep chipping away at the addons. Theres no need to release the addons in one big pack. Finish them off one at a time, no matter how long it takes.

We won't complain if it takes long, but will be disapointed if you give up now.

Regards, Ozanzac.

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Well you see the problem is NZXShadows is the only modeler that stuck with the Mod team...everyone else just faded away so he got stuck pulling the load....Yes we need help..If you guys want to see this Mod succeed please email myself at [email protected] or PM myself or NZXShadows.

We want to see this Mod finish but it's hard when there is no help.

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maybe merge with another mod tales of war was making marine stuff as well

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crap........now all NZXShadows could do is to do it one by one, and slow, till someone hop up and said they could help.........

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Oh wow that chinook is really nice looking , i'd want that one.

But this has me wondering USMC has such great appeal to Ofpers in general this Mod should be full of people instead of being empty whats the matter dont people like USMC stuff ? I see lots of support for Sucheys marines so guys plz help these guys too.

It'd be shame if these things werent completed sad_o.gif

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look at all those beatiful addons that we have been asking for for so long now they are all about to die that is a shame

come all oyu guys that can texture and model help this mod out

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Quote[/b] ]if you die... can i have the CH46 ?
CHRIST! He isn't even dead yet and already people are trying to tear his cloth and take his boots! I'm sure you meant something else, but your post isn't really great.


I'm very sorry I can't help you out with this. I'm too bussy with RL and another mod. It would be a real shame to let this mod die. I hope that when the mod does die, you just continue as an addonmaker and complete the addons one by one and releasing them. You know I've been looking forward to the AAV7 since the first day you started working on it. Shame on the guy's who abandoned the mod!

I hope someone with the right skills to model vehicles (and has the time) is willing help NZXshadows out. Even one guy can help a lot.

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