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Isabel - overrated?

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Good luck man, I couldn't even get realtime sat shots while serving in the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command as a an assistant forecast duty officer!  

When the Iraq war started I had access through the Swedish military datanet to near-realtime (two minute delay) images of Iraq from a French military bird. It became however a bit too popular so they severely restricted the access. Well, it was fun while it lasted (a few days).

Quote[/b] ]Here's a great source for the regularly scheduled weather charts and analyses:

National Weather Service Fax Charts

Sat Shots:

NWS GOES-East images.

Yeah, same crap three hour delay. There are some METOSAT images of Europe that have "only" a 30 minutes delay, but they're infrared and at a crappy angle.

I just don't get it. There are several hundred (if not over thousand) satellites in orbit of our dear little planet. Why can't they just mount webcams on a couple of them.  mad_o.gif

It would be a good PR thing for various space agencies.

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Here are the names untill 2008.


2008: Gustav

2004: Ivan


i tell ya, there is some conspiracy regarding Nordic invasion... ghostface.gif

Don't forget Karl and Lisa smile_o.gif.

Hmm: Don't they normally translate Karl to Charles in English? Like Charles XII etc?

Wonder why they don't have a Hurricane called Neil.

Then at least you know what album you would play while waiting in the basement  blues.gif

And Denoir; Did you check out the NASA site i provided? It is basically what you ask for. It's as good as it gets for public consumption at least.


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I just don't get it. There are several hundred (if not over thousand) satellites in orbit of our dear little planet. Why can't they just mount webcams on a couple of them.  mad_o.gif

one word: bureaucracy.

i bet those weather services do not think it is that important to get such attention in real time. to be perfectly honest there are a lot of people who still view a lot of atmospheric science stuff as useless guessing.

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The Yankees and the Orioles tried to play their baseball game in Baltimore today, they changed it from a night game to a day game and only a couple of hundred showed up. After the 5th inning the rain started up and it got cancelled with the game still tied. The Orioles get to stay home for their next series but the Yankees are supposed to head to Florida for a game tmmw. night. This is very funny seeing that they had the chance last night to cancel this game and make it up next week when the Orioles come to NY. Instead the tried to play it, it got cancelled, and now the Yanks will prolly cancel tmmw. nights game because they wont be able to leave B-more now when they could have left after last nights game.

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I couldn't imagine a baseball game being played in full storm.

Talk about tough curve balls smile_o.gif. Though if you hit you could get some serious Home Runs biggrin_o.gif


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Yes BUT; Those things allways look bad on images but when they clash with the inland climate they usually drop most of their power. At least AFAIK.

Yeah they "drop their power" upon the inhabitants of the land. :P

It's times like this I'm glad I live in California. Here there is no flooding, no hurricanes, no tornados - just the occasional earthquake to deal with - which aren't of much concern since 99% of buildings in my area were built after 1983, and are up to code.

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I meant more on cliffs and forests though. Don't know how forested the area is but usually they take up most of the "clash". Not being a big fan of skyscrapers I still think they would provide a well enough cover for New Yorkers. Would prefer being there than in a desolate space near the coast at least.

Regarding Quakes; Yes but what most seem to fear is the BIG Quake which so far hasn't turned up. The earth cleft is after all where it is.


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Wind gusts through those skyscrapers can be downright nasty, and this is on a day when there is no hurricane. Some streets will create a wind tunnel effect, imagine walking down the street and all is calm then you get to the corner and BAM the wind hits you from outta nowhere.

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And Denoir; Did you check out the NASA site i provided? It is basically what you ask for. It's as good as it gets for public consumption at least.

Yeah, the newest images are five hours old. They claim to have updates every 30 minutes but the pictures are quite old. Some are from several days ago.

It's the same story everywhere. They claim real-time and show pictures that can be over several days old. :/

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And Denoir; Did you check out the NASA site i provided? It is basically what you ask for. It's as good as it gets for public consumption at least.

Yeah, the newest images are five hours old. They claim to have updates every 30 minutes but the pictures are quite old. Some are from several days ago.

It's the same story everywhere. They claim real-time and show pictures that can be over several days old. :/

Winters;Didn't know it was that heavy but I still think the actual building density and height should at least slow it down a bit.

Denoir;Even the video? I thought it said "Geosynchronous satelites".


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It looks quite nasty indeed.

Looking at this picture one wonders what sort of life living on the Azores would be. There seems to be plenty of nasty storms over the Atlantic.

In fact life in Azores is plain boring smile_o.gif

Give or take your usual "normal" storms, earthquakes and the ocasional volcanic eruption tounge_o.gif

These hurricanes very rarely go that far east,they usually wonder around Gulf of Mexico and the Carabean Sea, then again with all this global warming business these kind of natural ocurences are becoming more frequent and upredictable...cientists predict many more hurricanes coming as each year passes,while other areas in the globe will suffer drought (a constant El Nino)

O.T: They made a computer generated prediction and half of my country (Portugal) will become a desert in less than 50 years  crazy_o.gif

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Ah. Thanx for that info on Azores.

Look on the bright side. Siberia will finally be a viable travel destination smile_o.gif.

Wonder if buying real estate in Siberia would be a good idea?


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When I got home from school, my mom told me about a news reporter that got blown off by the hurricane tounge_o.gif

One was standing out in the high winds (Just like every other hurricane) and got blown over and a few hundred feet away biggrin_o.gif

Fianally got what one of them deserved.

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We used to lash ourselves to the side of the ship to take surf/weather observations in hurricane force winds. The fun part is getting the ship hatch closed in that type of weather. They actually have to turn the ship so the side with the hatch open is in the lee of the wind. Its seriously risking a rollover in that type of surf too, unless you are on a carrier.

Denoir, we could get real-time sat shots, but it meant tasking a DOD satellite for the job and that meant a classified answer, so the info wasn't meant for distribution. The NWS satellites only download ever few hours. I think the closest spacing we ever got from a satellite without using a DOD bird was like a one hour space between shots.

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If it hasn't been said already... it's probably because no satellites are exactly real time. It takes a while for data be transfered to computers on the ground.

In my opinion, it is overrated now, but it wasn't earlier. It used to be a category five, but now near/on land it is only a category two... the reason they haven't stopped making so much crap up about it is because they can't just stop in a story even if it isn't as strong as before..

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A more general question: Does anybody know any page with real-time satellite data. And I mean real-time. Just about every page that claims to have it features images at least a couple of hours old.

Well, it isnt related to isabel.... but here is a 20 min old radar scan from Oklahoma, but we have some of the best weather equipment in the world.


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A geosynchronous Sat is merely one that is stationary relative to a point on the earth's surface - it doesn't change how fast it updates smile_o.gif

I know but I meant that "how often it updates on that particular area" rather.


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they come up with names A-Z before hurricane season starts, and the first hurricane has a name starting with A, the seconde with B and so on.

Ok but how about...Ivan The Terrible, that would fit better smile_o.gif


Funny thing you mentioned Ivan the Terrible and the adjective overrated ;) A few weeks ago I heard in a lecture at my university that he actually killed only 4000 boyars and stole their property. As a comparison, Elizabeth I killed something like 88000 members of the English nobility.

Well, Ivan has certainly earned his reputation by other means ... can you think of any other leader of Russia who has had a huge frying pan installed in the Kremlin, just for the cause of frying his enemies? crazy_o.gif

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Elizabeth I killed something like 88000 members of the English nobility.

She must have been very popular with the peasants! wink_o.gif

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