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Schwarzenegger to run for governor

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Simon drops out of California recall race


Quote[/b] ]LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Republican Bill Simon, who was a prominent rival to Arnold Schwarzenegger in California's race to recall Gov. Gray Davis, dropped out of the running Saturday.

"I come before you today to announce that I am withdrawing as a candidate for governor," Simon said in a videotaped statement recorded in Sacramento. "I strongly believe the desire of Californians must come before the aspirations of any single candidate. There are too many Republicans in this race and the people of our state simply cannot risk a continuation of the Gray Davis legacy. For these reasons, I think it is wise to step aside."

well, hopefully that rich kid learned his lesson this time. he was trailing in polls anyways.

Huffington Campaign Manager Resigns


Quote[/b] ]LOS ANGELES -- The campaign manager for independent gubernatorial candidate Arianna Huffington resigned, saying his work as a tobacco company lobbyist in Minnesota shifted attention away from her campaign.

in other words, jumping off the ship before it sinks. tounge_o.gif

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Hmmm. Now who do I vote for? I might have to write my own name in.

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Its a shame there isn`t an american "monster raving loony party" wink_o.gif

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not being racist or culturally incensitive, but some funny piece.

from Late Late Show With Craig Kilborn

Quote[/b] ]Here's a transcript of the closed-captioned translation of Schwarzenegger's ad:

"Dis hysterical erection his come bout becuz deres a tree men dos dis connect between da peep hole of Cauliflower and da readers of Cauliflower..."

"Weed a peep hole arrr! dewey hour job, verking hod ... and paying toxics. But de pomegranates Arnold mooving tear jobs. We candle butter den dot. After fall, we are Colin Farrell.

"I stand for fiscal irresponsible government ... reap-hilling California's eco-gnomic enzyme, potting the knees of children thirst and informing our political sister so dat da puppet interest comes before spetzel internss.

"I want to eat the peep hole's governor."

and the original ad, which shows Arnold just walking around and talking in some nicely decorated room.

Quote[/b] ]This historical election has come about because there is a tremendous disconnect between the people of California and the leaders of California.

We the people are doing our job, working hard, raising our families and paying taxes. But the politicians are not doing their job. We can do better than that. After all, we are Californians. Always in forefront of innovation, our farm products feed the world, and our technology is second to none.

I'm running for governor to lead a movement for change, and give California back its future. I stand for fiscally responsible government. Rebuilding California's economic engine, putting the needs of children first, and reforming our political system so that the public interest comes before special interests.

I want to be the people's governor. I will work honestly, without fear of favor, to do what is right for all Californians.

he can't act in movies, he can't act convincing in ads either... tounge_o.gif

Arnie's website: http://www.joinarnold.com

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Arnie says no to debate

Quote[/b] ]LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger won't take part in a debate among the leading California recall candidates scheduled to take place this week, a campaign aide said Sunday.

well, guess his acting can't help on this one. tounge_o.gif

Arnold's Economic Advisers Come From Conservative Think Tank - Hoover Scholars Advise Schwarzenegger

Quote[/b] ]PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger has been vague about his economic plans for California, but clues may come from his advisers, many of whom hail from a conservative think tank whose members helped develop President George W. Bush's economic plan.

Stanford University's Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace espouses a free-market approach in which private enterprise trumps government intervention. Its political connections are nothing new -- Herbert Hoover was elected president nine years after founding the institution in 1919.

Quote[/b] ]Many Hoover researchers on Stanford's palm-studded campus insist that a small-government approach -- and deregulation of the energy industry and income tax cuts -- will fix California's deficit and create jobs.

sure. we already got deregulated electricity market that provides us with enough electricity... rock.gif

Quote[/b] ]Hoover director John Raisian emphasized that his institution's economists are just one element in Schwarzenegger's Economic Recovery Council. The two dozen advisers include Warren Buffett, a political moderate and billionaire investor; Ray Lane, general partner at venture capital firm Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers; and Jerrold Perenchio, chairman and CEO of Univision Communications Inc. and a past donor to Davis and Bustamante.

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Arnie says no to debate
Quote[/b] ]LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger won't take part in a debate among the leading California recall candidates scheduled to take place this week, a campaign aide said Sunday.

well, guess his acting can't help on this one. tounge_o.gif

C'mon, you know he'd just get pissed off and start busting heads unclesam.gif

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Well, Simon's gone, Arnold is still clueless. There's allways old tom McClintock...


ANYONE but Cruz Bustamante. My wife's family [edit] (was related to him some how through some past marriage)[/edit] - particularly, her grandma knew him and she doesn't speak to kindly of old Cruz.

Add to that that he has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from Indian tribes who run casinos (see: quid pro quo) and his big plan to save California is to raise taxes even more, electing him would send us further into the Abyss. crazy_o.gif

I'd rather stick with Davis than have Bustamante in office.

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Quote[/b] ]From http://www.drudgereport.com/matt.htm:

Wayne, who is black, told ABC NEWS that Schwarzenegger made the comments regarding South Africa's former Apartheid system:

"If you gave these blacks a country to run, they would run it down the tubes," Schwarzenegger allegedly said.

Not the most reliable source I have ever seen but.. tounge_o.gif

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Though it was a poor choice of words, that statement doesn't neccesarily point to him be rascist or thinking all blacks are incompetent.

Poor arnold has the handicap of not thinking like a politician his whole life. The end result is all of these past interviews where he wasn't worried about being Politicaly correct when he gave his oppinion.

If you want someone who is in bed with racists, look no further than Cruz Bustamente.

He is a past member of and currently supports MEChA. An organization which is IMO the Mexican version of the KKK.

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small news but in one of the papers he got hit by and egg so he asked for some bacon to go with it :P

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McClintock is the way to go, a good honest republican, pro gun, anti freak and anti illegal immigrant, a good republican who can clean up this state, my only worry is that voting for him might take votes away from arnold, and if im forced to choose between arnold and bustamante, its deffinattly arnold.

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anti freak

Could you enlighten me what does "anti freak" mean? rock.gif

BTW. Is there any particular reason why you call him a "good republican" twice? tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]pro gun, anti freak and anti illegal immigrant, a good republican who can clean up this state


I thought the state was ruined. Wouldn´t it be good to have someone for the job who knows how to cut expenses an bring money to the state account ?

I love these classic stereotypes:

- pro gun

- illegal immigrants

- clean up the state

Man don´t you have more on your mind when it comes to electing people for an important job ?

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They can`t fix things !!! how will they get r e-elected if there isn`t something to fix or clean up tounge_o.gif

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well, if it wasn't getting wierder, The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that recall election should be postponed due to chances of voter problem like that of last presidential election, using punch card system.

friday, most people were expecting that the suit brought by ACLU would be dropped, but i guess not. wow_o.gif


there will be chance to appeal the decision in a week.

also, Arnie will appear on Oprah with his wife Maria. There will be a funny reaction from Maria when Arnie talks about that group sex interview. tounge_o.gif

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well, if it wasn't getting wierder, The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that recall election should be postponed due to chances of voter problem like that of last presidential election, using punch card system.

friday, most people were expecting that the suit brought by ACLU would be dropped, but i guess not.   wow_o.gif


there will be chance to appeal the decision in a week.

Oddly enough, these same counties were using the punch card system back when Davis was reelected; no suit was brought then. Can you say 'politics'? And of course the fact that the California chapter of the ACLU is little more than an extension of the local Democratic infrastructure doesn't make things any better.

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my only worry is that voting for him might take votes away from arnold, and if im forced to choose between arnold and bustamante, its deffinattly arnold.

It's sad, but I think McClintock will end up being another Ralph nader if he doesn't drop out.

One of the republicans needs to drop out (preferably Arnold), or Cruz Bustamante will be our next <s>furor</s> - errr Governor.

If there are still two Republicans in the race when election time comes up, and they are both close to eachother in the polls, I will consider voting against the recall, because IMO, Cruz Bustamante is 100 times worse than Gray Davis.

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@ Sep. 15 2003,23:09)]Oddly enough, these same counties were using the punch card system back when Davis was reelected; no suit was brought then. Can you say 'politics'? And of course the fact that the California chapter of the ACLU is little more than an extension of the local Democratic infrastructure doesn't make things any better.

and the margin of error was? the whole debacle at florida was that the margin of difference was so small it was open to any interpretation.

and same thing with republicans.

Census => statistical inference is not correct

Florida => statistical inference says recount is useless.


personally i don't give a damn about the decision of the court. it does not give major advantage to anyother side. if davis does not mess up things if the election is postponed, than who knows. however, on the flip side, if Davis messes up, republicans get reinforcements to their argument.

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this one event had a lot of reactions from candidates and others

The California official responsible for elections, Secretary of State Kevin Shelley was totally blown apart and said 'You gotta be kidding!' when he was informed of the decision during a press conference.

McClintock called it an "outrageous decision" by the "laughingstock" of the federal judiciary. and said Federal court has no right to intervene in state level constitution.....and presidential election was decided by....?


Quote[/b] ]Monday's court decision relied heavily on the paid testimony of Roy Saltman, an election systems expert who warned in a 1988 government report that punch-card balloting was highly flawed and should be banned. The report was largely ignored and Saltman's advice mostly unheeded until the 2000 presidential election.

the ACLU's argument was based on 2000 election. they argued that different vote counting methods violated equal protection.

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Doesn't matter. The point is that it is patently obvious to anyone with enough neurons to form a synapse that this is nothing but a stalling tactic on the part of the Democratic powers that be in California. A sudden alignment of the California ACLU, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (the 9th! For Christ's sake), and a pending recall vote on a Democratic governor of a swing state a year before a Presidential election- and you want me to believe that this is being done with the interest of the average Californian citizen's suffrage at heart? Please.

I don't disagree that punch cards are an anachronism, and should be removed from the electoral system. However, if the California ACLU was so goddamn interested in punch cards pre-recall, then why wasn't this suit brought prior to Gray Davis' reelection (during which punch cards were used in the same counties as named in the suit)? This stinks just as bad as Daryl Issa (sp?) financing the recall campaign out of his own pocket- he's also prepared to pay all legal fees necessary to get this case in front of the Supreme Court ASAP (who will of course smack the 9th Circuit down like the irresponsibly activist mockery of a court that it is, again).

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@ Sep. 16 2003,07:31)]I don't disagree that punch cards are an anachronism, and should be removed from the electoral system. However, if the California ACLU was so goddamn interested in punch cards pre-recall, then why wasn't this suit brought prior to Gray Davis' reelection (during which punch cards were used in the same counties as named in the suit)?

actually, this was not unexpected move for ACLU, but the result was unexpected. as soon as the recall petition limits were met, ACLU announced that they were going to challenge on the basis of equal protection.

unfortunate thing is that our state's voting system was in progress of upgrade(which i personally see no advantage), and suddnely this recall thing comes out of no where.

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