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Us orchestrated 9/11?

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I can`t find that poll on the website www.diezeit.de .

Does anyone know from when that poll should`ve been? If I remember correctly there was no information in the CNN article on when that poll was made.

On the other hand that isn`t too interesting. Go and do the same poll in France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Switzerland, ..., ... and you surely get almost the same results. It`s no pure German thing.

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Quote[/b] ]The wording is vague, but I think I'm still going to hang on to my self-righteous outrage for another half an hour or so. Plus I really like my pissed-off smiley

the_finger.gif  fuckyou.gif   flipa.gif   munky.gif   hjtwofinger.gif   thebirdman.gif

man i'm pathetic....

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The wording may be a bit vague and the poll might not be entirely accurate, but I wouldn´t find it surprising at all if what the poll results are accurate. The masses are always stupid wherever you go, and this proves it... To all those paranoid, pathetic people who think the U.S actually sponsored the attacks: cussing.gif

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I can't find the original Reuter's article on the Reuter's website. Looked through today, yesterday and the day before.

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CNN sensationalism ....

these polls aren't exceptional IMO , conspiration theories are popular with teenagers and people under 30 in general , i remember in my youth before i enlisted how we used to think about the state services and 11th shock troops operating and people disappearing

and seeing how germany and the "old europe" have been treated lately , it's not astonishing that a few people hold a grudge about the US , so these votes might just be anger vote or something in that taste

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Reasonably interesting article I just stumbled across while looking for someone other than CNN covering this "poll".

September 11th: Conspiracy-itis Just over a year old so apologies if it's not new to the forum smile_o.gif

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I've seen some pretty bad stuff out there. One of them suggested that a UFO shot a laser beam at the towers causing them to collapse.

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One of them suggested that a UFO shot a laser beam at the towers causing them to collapse.

This is by far the stupidest thing i´ve ever heard of.

I hope the poor guy who thinks so wasn´t German tounge_o.gif

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I am sure that if they would do a poll of wether pigs can fly or not they would get a result of at least 20% believing that it would be possible.

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i think he turned out to be an LSD addict or something

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1) As Bernadotte wisely pointed out the question was in German so there is a great probability of a mistranslation.

2)We don't know how the population was sampled.

3)There is a built in statistical uncertainty. 1,000 people out of 84 million is not entirely statistically reliable. A quick calculation of the confdence level gives a +-4% error.

4) Given the current Euro-Amercian relationship it is highly likely that a significant percentage said "yes" in the poll more because of their disliking of TBA than because they really believe it.

5) Given CNN's translation of the question there are several possible interpretations of it. The translation that CNN gave was "Do you believe the U.S. government may have sponsored the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington". USA did sponsor Osama and his merry men while they were fighting the Soviets. With that interpretation of the question, the answer is a categorical "yes".

6) People are nitwits. 11% of the US population can't locate the U.S. on a map. I think we can set at least 10% as a "complete nitwit" baseline. My reasoning for that is that no matter how bad your education was, you should be able to locate your country on a world map. While German nitwits probably had better education that forced them to learn geography better than American nitwits, I firmly believe that stupidity is world-wide. German nitwits just display their shortcomings in other areas.

7) People are nitwits. They believe in far more incredible things - as religion for example. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]11% of the US population can't locate the U.S. on a map.

Whoa whoa, stop stop. No way can this be accurate.

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The poll question was 'do you think the US govt could have ordered the 11/9* attacks' - not 'Do you think they did order the attacks.'

Half the problem in interpreting statistics is people not reading the answers properly smile_o.gif

*we put the day first and the month second.

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@ July 24 2003,23:48)]
Quote[/b] ]11% of the US population can't locate the U.S. on a map.

Whoa whoa, stop stop. No way can this be accurate.

yeah i suppose your right its probably a lot nearer 90%

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@ July 24 2003,23:48)]
Quote[/b] ]11% of the US population can't locate the U.S. on a map.

Whoa whoa, stop stop. No way can this be accurate.

yeah i suppose your right its probably a lot nearer 90%

*head explodes*


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Talking about world wide ignorance, look at the results of this National Geographic Survey. It has been posted here before, but I think it is important to remember how many ignorant persons in the world there are.

One question they had that was related to the WTC attacks was:

"The Taliban and al Qaeda movements were both based in which country?"

With the choices: Iraq, Pakistan, Israel, Albania and Afghanistan.

42% of the Americans could not answer the question correctly. 93% of the Mexicans could not locate Sweden on a map - and remember - these were all multiple choice and the difference between the choices was fairly large.

40% of the Swedes could not locate the pacific ocean on the map.

79% of the British could not pick the only two countries that have populations of over one billion people from a list.

Ignorance and stupidity is world wide.

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@ July 24 2003,23:54)]
@ July 24 2003,23:48)]
Quote[/b] ]11% of the US population can't locate the U.S. on a map.

Whoa whoa, stop stop. No way can this be accurate.

yeah i suppose your right its probably a lot nearer 90%

*head explodes*


ROFLMAO biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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@ July 24 2003,23:48)]
Quote[/b] ]11% of the US population can't locate the U.S. on a map.

Whoa whoa, stop stop. No way can this be accurate.

Full result of the survey (old thread)



Among 18- to 24-year-old Americans given maps:

87 percent cannot find Iraq

83 percent cannot find Afghanistan

76 percent cannot find Saudi Arabia

70 percent cannot find New Jersey

49 percent cannot find New York

11 percent cannot find the United States

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Young Americans may soon have to fight a war in Iraq, but most of them can't even find that country on a map, the National Geographic Society said Wednesday.

The society survey found that only about one in seven -- 13 percent -- of Americans between the age of 18 and 24, the prime age for military warriors, could find Iraq. The score was the same for Iran, an Iraqi neighbor.

Although the majority, 58 percent, of the young Americans surveyed knew that the Taliban and al Qaeda were based in Afghanistan, only 17 percent could find that country on a world map. A U.S.-led force attacked the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan in October 2001, and President Bush has said he is prepared to use force to rid Iraq of any chemical, nuclear or biological weapons programs.

The survey asked 56 geographic and current events questions of young people in nine countries and scored the results with traditional grades. The surveyed Americans got a "D," with an average of 23 correct answers. Mexico ranked last with an average score of 21, just three points from a failing grade.

Topping the scoring was Sweden, with an average of 40, followed by Germany and Italy, each with 38. None of the countries got an "A," which required average scores of 42 correct answers or better on the 56 questions.

"If our young people can't find places on a map and lack awareness of current events, how can they understand the world's cultural, economic and natural resource issues that confront us?" John Fahey, president of the National Geographic Society, said in a statement.

National Geographic is convening an international panel of policy makers and business and media leaders to find ways to improve geographic education and to encourage interest in world affairs, the society said.

Other findings from the survey:

• Thirty-four percent of the young Americans knew that the island used on last season's "Survivor" show was located in the South Pacific, but only 30 percent could locate the state of New Jersey on a map. The "Survivor" show's location was the Marquesas Islands in the eastern South Pacific.

• When asked to find 10 specific states on a map of the United States, only California and Texas could be located by a large majority of those surveyed. Both states were correctly located by 89 percent of the participants. Only 51 percent could find New York, the nation's third most populous state.

• On a world map, Americans could find on average only seven of 16 countries in the quiz. Only 89 percent of the Americans surveyed could find their own country on the map.

• In the world map test, Swedes could find an average of 13 of the 16 countries. Germans and Italians were next, with an average of 12 each.

• Only 71 percent of the surveyed Americans could locate on the map the Pacific Ocean, the world's largest body of water. Worldwide, three in 10 of those surveyed could not correctly locate the Pacific Ocean.

• Although 81 percent of the surveyed Americans knew that the Middle East is the Earth's largest oil exporter, only 24 percent could find Saudi Arabia on the map.

The international survey was conducted for the National Geographic by RoperASW. The results are based on face-to-face interviews with at least 300 men and women aged 18 to 24 in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, Britain and the United States.

The questionnaires were in the local language, but the content was universally the same.

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Talking about world wide ignorance, look at the results of this National Geographic Survey. It has been posted here before, but I think it is important to remember how many ignorant persons in the world there are.

One question they had that was related to the WTC attacks was:

"The Taliban and al Qaeda movements were both based in which country?"

With the choices: Iraq, Pakistan, Israel, Albania and Afghanistan.

42% of the Americans could not answer the question correctly. 93% of the Mexicans could not locate Sweden on a map - and remember - these were all multiple choice and the difference between the choices was fairly large.

40% of the Swedes could not locate the pacific ocean on the map.

79% of the British could not pick the only two countries that have populations of over one billion people from a list.

Ignorance and stupidity is world wide.

Yeah, but what's the context of all this? High school kids? College kids? Longshoremen? Seems to me the percentages would vary wildly if you asked these questions in a mall instead of a college. So where's all the data on that NGS survey, as I'm curious to see how they handled that problem.

edit: Thank you smile_o.gif

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I read an article on a survey they did in NYC, they took the Title off the U.S. Bill of Rights and asked people what they thought of it. A good percentage said it was communist garbage. crazy_o.gif

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