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Just a Q for your DPV - will it include new crewmen?


Why that? Seals and other SF use them.

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Dear BAS,

Where is the "Known Bugs Page" on your site?


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We are working on it, give us a little bit more time, as perfecting these things (and minimising the amount of abuse they are susceptable to) is difficult.

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I understand that you guys at BAS are doing the best you can. In order to save you time, I would be willing to accept the role of a Beta Tester.... tounge_o.gif


Not gonna happen pup?

Not on your fuckin life?

Ah well, I tried.


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lol, hey, it was worth a try biggrin_o.gif


True tounge_o.gif

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Here's an idea for the upcoming armour pack:

It would be great if you could add a single "ride in back" seat to the tanks. That way people could simulate the 4th crew member (loader). For obvious reasons of max squad sizes of 12, you could leave the seat empty by default, so that tank crews are still 3 only. However, players have the oppertunity to place additional crew, which is not part of the same squad in that ride in back seat for the sake of realism. Furthermore, you could also use this spare seat to give some shelter to surviving crew of destroyed tanks. An AI advance wouldn't have to slow down to the speed of a crawling soldier, but could simply order them to ride in back and continue to advance. Just an idea, but I think that it would add something that's missing in OFP at the moment...  smile_o.gif

Sooo, any comment from behalf of BAS?

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just asking

i dont know about any scripting on addons, i was just wondering if ur scripts like the fastrope and the close air support could be converted to a built in script on a plane to release bombs on a map click?

if so

pls make the standard a10 bomber do it!!!!pls

sorry for that

i understand ive asked this question b4

i just really wanted an answer for the scripting bit

ignore the asking for an addon wink_o.gif

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Will the new D&R's weapons have new sights? Specifically the aimpoint ...

After another hour or so attempting ( following directions ) to edit every red-dot .pbo in the archive to increase its opacity, I still have yet to make even the slightest bit of difference to the dot in-game.

I know it seems a little niggle to non colour-blind people, but its a pain to see more than half your shots go nowhere near your target cause you can't see where you're aiming.

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Will the new D&R's weapons have new sights? Specifically the aimpoint ...

After another hour or so attempting ( following directions ) to edit every red-dot .pbo in the archive to increase its opacity, I still have yet to make even the slightest bit of difference to the dot in-game.

I know it seems a little niggle to non colour-blind people, but its a pain to see more than half your shots go nowhere near your target cause you can't see where you're aiming.

the only thing i think about the sight is that the dot are a little bit too big for me sad_o.gif

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I'd say thats a matter of personal preference though.

If you look at the 3d model on the Aimpoint website ( http://www.aimpoint.com/3d/3d.htm ) it actually looks to me that the BAS Aimpoint dot is perhaps too small.

I'd rather have realism over preference anyday.

And having the dot less/more opaque is a realistic request because you can alter that on the actual real sight itself.

I know BAS can't script in an option to alter the opacity ( they already explained why ) but I'm still trying to find some way to make probably my favourite weapon with my favourite unit a little more usable for me.

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Sooo, any comment from behalf of BAS?

Nope, it <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>MAY</span> be included, it may not, depends on testing, and other factors.

As allways you'll just have to wait and see smile_o.gif

(It would be a nice suprise wouldn't it smile_o.gif )

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WOuld it be over elaborate, for SATCOM and certain air units (Kiowa) to have in built map click activated cam create scripts, kind of like integrating the (who made it again) support pack?

Secondly I know that BAS has expressed no fixed wing intentions but would something of equal quality to Hudson and Pennywise' F/A-18 be considered for use alongside, i.e. integrated into campaigns and aforementioned scripts?

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Might we see a Colt .45 or similar handgun in any of the Jammed Delta/Ranger or maybe updated SOAR? I just think they're so damn cool.

But since this answer is proabably a NO, does anyone know how I could give one to a SOAR pilot instead of his Issue M9?

I suck ass at scripting, I suck long and I suck hard, so if you give me any advice. Please, break it down  biggrin_o.gif


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Sweety, I guess [removeweapon this "jam_m9"; this addmagazine "colt45_mag"; this addweapon "colt45"] should do it..

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@Sweet pup - it helps if you actually have a colt .45 weapon addon tounge_o.gif

If you do, I doubt that they are the correct codes, so it probably wont work...

@Espen - wait and see, they might, they might not. Again, the less you know now, the more of a plesant suprise it is come release time smile_o.gif

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Ohh you tricky shit... the code was fucked up... Deadmeat was right. I do have a Colt .45 addon, Taiwan Workshop.

Fuck it, I'll just keep the dead Civilian with a .45 and take it before I go off to fly.... Or just do what I've been doing all along. Not get shot down  biggrin_o.gif


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I think the code you need is: removeWeapon"M9"; (or whatever the original pistol name was) and then:  this addWeapon"otwM1911A1";

Oh, I meant to ask, how are the armed HMMWVs and trucks coming along?

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