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Hara Kiri

Which one is better, paint shop pro or photoshop?

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I have both as well. Sometimes I use Photoshop, others I use Paint Shop Pro. I do find the layers easier to work with in Paint Shop Pro.

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I've got Paint Shop Pro, and I love it, it's very good, but I've never used Photoshop.  There was one, quote I saw about them, I think it was something like this: "Paint Shop Pro is 80% as good as Photoshop at 20% of the price".  

So if you want a really good value, get Paint Shop Pro 7, since paint shop pro 8 is out you can get PSP7 for not much money (and from what I've seen, there isn't too much more in Paint shop pro 8).

I got paint shop pro 7 for $20 at CompUsa several months ago.

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  (edc @ July 02 2003,00:30) said:
I've got Paint Shop Pro, and I love it, it's very good, but I've never used Photoshop.  There was one, quote I saw about them, I think it was something like this: "Paint Shop Pro is 80% as good as Photoshop at 20% of the price".  

So if you want a really good value, get Paint Shop Pro 7, since paint shop pro 8 is out you can get PSP7 for not much money (and from what I've seen, there isn't too much more in Paint shop pro 8).

I got paint shop pro 7 for $20 at CompUsa several months ago.

Who said buying Photoshop use your imagine on the web  biggrin_o.gif

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I have a feeling that the majority of professional game developers use Photoshop, but im not sure.


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well put dna

paintshop is a toy for little girls


photoshop is a tool for professionals,

not to call you lil girls, only teasing, Klink learn photoshop's layers, theyre half my style ;)

p.s. im a graphic designer.

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Ulead PhotoImpact ownz joo all! tounge_o.gif

OK, I like PhotoImpact because I have been using it for years and am more used to the interface. I also use Photoshop and Corel PhotoPaint...each one has effects and features that the others don't. I haven't used PSP in a while, but that has it's merits too. It all depends on what exactly you want to do, but the underlying opinion of the I.T. industry is that Photoshop is THE graphics utility...

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For beginning digital artists, Paint Shop Pro is an OK choice. It's got some of the basic functionality of PhotoShop. Once you get into advanced digital art, though, you'll find that Paint Shop Pro just doesn't measure up to PhotoShop. There's a reason PSP is only $99, and Photoshop is nearly %600; PSP simply doesn't have the advanced tools that PhotoShop has.

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GIMP, its free, and it has practically everything im looking for. Just search the web for it.

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I prefer Photoshop. On the surface, PSP may appear to be comparable to PhotoShop, but it lacks many of PhotoShop's advanced features. I would not use PSP for anything more than basic image editing, if even that much.

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Hmm, you kids will look back someday and say to yourself about how immature my answers were.You just say Photoshop is better and continue to insult PSP.

Now if you would actually think for a minute instead of my Ferrari is better than your Hyundai.I used them both many years ago while you were still in diapers and I choose PSP over Photoshop and even then the price wasn't such an issue.Since then , Adobe is money hungry and charges 649$ for a product that PSP is at 129$ .Realistically is Photoshop 6 times better ? I think not,if you have any talent you can produce the same results.Just that Adobe likes to overcharge for their products,look at Adobe Acrobat...why 299$ for the basic ? thats nutz.

At 649$ I could buy a whole nother computer,you think Adobe will get my business? Even if I could afford it,you think I would spend that kind of money for some software for ocassional use? If I were using it 8-10 hrs a day and some contracts were depending on it and my company would buy it for me.Price wouldn't matter.

Its just funny because when I needed an engine for my Blazer ,I shop around and its for something I will use everyday (well I have more than one car tho).I found a partial engine for 250$ compared to 2500$ for a crate engine or 650$ for just a rebuild kit.Sure I would have loved the crate engine with warranty,but it costs more than I have into the truck and just about the value of the whole truck.

Not many users in these forums can afford to buy Photoshop where from what I see, many users need hardware upgrades instead.

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I just find PSP easier to use, and I do believe PS has more features-harder to use, also I believe it lacks some features of PSP.

Overall if i was a professional graphic artist, I'd be using both or given a choice PS.

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I use both, PSP for me is easier to use. PS you need a Uni course to work out how to use some of its features.

For me its a case of horses for courses.

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I prefer Ulead's Photoimpact to either PS or PSP...

<span id='ME'><center>Major Fubar runs!</center></span>

...seriously, though, I think a lot of it depends on what you learned on and what you are familiar with. I've got a friend that swears black and blue by Coreldraw, because that was the first package he used...

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I guess it depends on what you learn first. smile_o.gif For common OFP-related things, I guess both PSP or PS are good. But learning Photoshop from the beginning will give you better chance to use advanced functions in the future. With PSP, one day you could realize you'd have to learn new software because of something PSP is not capable of...

=> Go and get Photoshop. Version 6 is okay, my personal favourite.

BTW what is considered "advanced" in Photoshop? smile_o.gif

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]

BTW what is considered "advanced" in Photoshop?

Answer: The price.

Photoshop is vastly overpriced, mostly because it is used by professionals and businesses.

In my view whoever is using it makes no difference, there is no justification for the price.......except the greed for money.

I can live without Photoshop.........PSP does everything I want it to do, and with a bit of lateral thinking you can make it do things it isn't supposed to be able to do.....I'm sure.


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I personally prefer Photoshop but really have nothing against Paint Shop Pro, I really suck at making textures with both, so yeah nothing against PSP. biggrin_o.gif

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I have used both more photoshop but that doesnt really matter aslong as it does what you want it to. the day it dosent look at other software. GIMP is good and free smile_o.gif but if you know where to look so is PSP and Photoshop biggrin_o.gif

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