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Woodland hummers

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He means the 75th and the 1st SFOD

Well, whenever you wanna send it to me, do it over msn. I can upload to the DEVGRU FTP, and only give the link when it's released. I'll definitely use it on our RTS3 conversion.

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I'm really itching for a good Hummer Tow AT with good model and skin, good engagement range (+2500 meters), not a very taxing addon to use in a mission, and the Hummer having two salvo smoke grenades launched when trying to retreat or flank in a direction out of harm's way.

As for the M2, m249, and Mk19 types of Hummer mounted gunner weapons, that's up to whoever gets it done best and right.  I don't care who makes it as long as all versions have a choice between a woodland and a desert scheme.

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....personally I'd rather use more modern units like the BAS US Army soldiers .....

umm naaa... much outdated.. and m4's sound like toys. im all 4 the usmc troops.

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Quote[/b] ](Miles Teg @ Feb. 11 2004,18:41)

So for the least amount of hassle, I would highly recommend having the humvees crewed by the default BIS US Army soldiers.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I will release a config.cpp with bis standar in few minutes (im testing that it has only those units) remember that the config.cpp is only for desert humvees. (until next week i could not get the woodland version)

Quote[/b] ]Nope. I have no idea who is hosting that old desert pack now. I'm also curious about those M113's in the pack with the animated doors. It would be wonderful to see those in the pack
no links.. all of them where removed due to the bugs.

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New config.cpp, now humvees and m113 crewed by the default BIS US Army soldiers:


But the humvees still using the des_usmc.pbo because of the machine guns mounted on some models.

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@ Flaber

If you want, I will send you config.cpp for rfl_hmwv.pbo >>> it is compatible with desert Hummers (I will send my config.cpp for desert Humers too).


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Quote[/b] ]If you want, I will send you config.cpp for rfl_hmwv.pbo >>> it is compatible with desert Hummers (I will send my config.cpp for desert Humers too).


Great, my email is [email protected]

(but i dont have the rfl_hmwv.pbo sad_o.gif , @cero is trying to send me, Muchas Gracias @cero)

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oki :-)

I will send you link for rfl_hmwv.rar too >>> this is version with repaired config >>> working.




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When can we get a link to the fixed addon? I never found a place to download the entire thing. sad_o.gif

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This Woodland Hmwv Pack is with some bugs >>> I think by two models bad geometry (or bad cargo position) and no shadows. I stopped my work on both packs (w+d) after Blackdog's e-mail. I thought, that Blackdog with Rifleman release both packs without all bugs (as promised)...

I uploaded "woodland pack" on our ftp (for Flaber only - so far). I hope , that Flaber finished both packs without bugs. I am working on WW2 addons now.

fighter :-)

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Flaber, in Oxygen it's actually easy to rename the texture paths for the SAW to a new directory in the des_West.pbo file. I'm definitely not going to have a 45 meg .pbo file just for one Humvee with a SAW.

Whatever you do please don't binarize these addons.

Also that .cpp file you posted was a copy straight from the .pbo file. In its current form I'm not sure if it's usable as its all coded and looks NOTHING at all like the .cpp file in the des_west pbo that I have unpacked.

Please post a copy of the .cpp from an un-PBO'ed version of the working humvee pack.

If not I guess I'll wait until someone has a complete working copy. Whoever does get a working copy of these Humvee packs please post them. Also if you have any knowledge of Oxygen, please rename the texture paths on the SAW and move the appropriate textures from the des_usmc.pbo over to the des_west.pbo. If nobody knows how to do this then as soon as somebody posts a working copy of the .cpp I will do this myself in order to finally once and for all create a working humvee pack that doesn't need ANY other .pbo files especially not one that's 45 megs in size just for one machine gun.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Lt Phoenix:

Quote[/b] ]Has the cargo anim for the open version also been fixed?

i have fixed the m249 (open) cargo positions error (customanim.pbo didn't fixed completely, at least for deserts) the woodlands that figther send me doesnt have this problem.

you could help me telling me if there is other cargo positions errors, in other versions of the humvee.

and image before fix and another one after fixing them

Miles Teg

Quote[/b] ]Also that .cpp file you posted was a copy straight from the .pbo file.  In its current form I'm not sure if it's usable as its all coded and looks NOTHING at all like the .cpp file in the des_west pbo that I have unpacked.

I have download my own files from here,both, and they works fine and i also put in comments where is the problem of CTD.

Which program did you use to open the .cpp (if you use the windows default notepad -> the one to edit .txt, you will not understand anything)

I use ultraedit, you can also use MS wordpad.

(someone else has this problem? maybe i'm doing wrong.)

Today was the first time i use Oxigen2(to fix cargo positions, fire geometry and cargo views) but i will try to change the path of the saw.

Quote[/b] ]Whatever you do please don't binarize these addons
Dont worry i not going to do that.

using makepbo i have reduce the file to 17MB, and using winrar = 5.7MB (not to much for internet sharing.)

this numbers only for humvees, no soldiers.

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Ah ok. Sounds good. I will try using Wordpad instead of notepad.

As for the SAW textures. Simply highlight the SAW on the SAW Humvee and and then press "E". You can then scroll through the file paths of the textures on the SAW. Instead of doing them individually you can highlight a few of the same files and then click on "filter by" to only filter that particular file. Then you just change the file path. Below is an example for the texture "body.pac" which is found under the gun folder in the des_usmc.pbo file.

You would change the file path for that texture from:




Then just move the folder "gun" from the des_usmc folder (the DePBO'ed des_usmc.pbo) and move it into your des_west folder.

It's quite easy once you get the hang of this. Just make sure to do this for all the LOD's otherwise you'll get white blocks on some of the LOD's. Also double check to make sure you didn't accidentally skip any of the texture paths.

If you did change anything on the .p3d file for the M249 humvee, I'd be happy to change the file paths for you if you want me to. However if you made any changes to the model, it would be better if you fixed it.

But let me know if you want me to do this.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Sorry was working on east wheeled attack addons of my own, do you still need the woodland pbos sent? I have the M113 APCs also. I do not remeber what the issue was with them, think one had a texure problem if riding inside you could see through the inner wall to the outside or something odd lof that nature. Another HUMVEE had a cargo problem where a guy stands on the rear corner and floats above the vehicle, I recall the M60 or SAW gunner might do that. Reminded me of driving a real hummer how people riding in the back often get airborne over rough terrain.

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the config.cpp for the desert ones works very well Flaber, i found the old des_west.pbo(desert hummers) on an old backups cd, exchanged config and no more ctd's smile_o.gif

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Can someone please fix ALL "bugs" on both, woodland and Desert Packs and release it with permission from every important person.

And please someone try t oadd shadows to those vehicles.

3 Years of OFP and no working/bugfree hmmwv pack has been released yet.

I am tired of waiting for long announced packs....

Thanks for understanding that this is no bitchin.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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thanks for the explantion of how changing the texture path.. i'm working on it.(thanks miles teg)

there is only two models with those textures.. but.. the have only LOD 0.000, or every fire geometry .cargo views has need to be changedż'

BobCatt666 i finaly have the woodland pack, thanks to Fighter that send it to me.

lee_h_oswald, if i found how make shadows, i will put them in the pack. sorry but i have a very limited knowness about using O2 nearly zero.... sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]there is only two models with those textures.. but.. the have only LOD 0.000, or every fire geometry .cargo views has need to be changedż'

dont answer, i yet know the answer is yes tounge_o.gif

fixed one of them... no more des_usmc.pbo needed.

the open version will be fixed tonight.

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what i would like to see is a trailer addon lol

Something simple like the bas ch47 where a jeep can drive on and be "locked into place" using bas scripts

And using that pak40 truck&trailer script :P

edit: Or something like this for selectthis's klr


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Quote[/b] ]there is only two models with those textures.. but.. the have only LOD 0.000, or every fire geometry .cargo views has need to be changedż'

dont answer, i yet know the answer is yes  tounge_o.gif

fixed one of them... no more des_usmc.pbo needed.

the open version will be fixed tonight.

Hehehe.... you answered your own question before I could. Darn! Hehehehe...

Yeah you are correct. The only bad thing is that it takes patience to change all the texture paths. Also to test it to see if it works, make sure the des_usmc.pbo file IS NOT in the same addons folder that you are testing the new des.west.pbo file in.

Because if you skipped a texture path, it will still get the texture from the old source (des_usmc).

But it sounds like you are learning quickly.

THANK YOU for you your hard work. We all appreciate it.

If Blackdog and Rifleman release their versions they should add the MK-19, M240, and smoke grenade launchers to it, as well as some with sandbags and ballistics shields over the front of the M2 and M240 machine guns.

But for now I'll be very happy to see this fixed version of the desert Humvee pack.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Miles Teg, i have removed the des_usmc.bpo of the game.. so i can see if there is anything wrong with the textures.

i have run the game and the open version has white machine gun, and the other NOT. i'm already changing the path of the open version, it will be finished in half an hour since this post.

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Keep up the good work Flaber! I can't wait for a actual bug free hummer pack. smile_o.gif

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I have finish changing texture paths.

i'm studing how adding shadows (any idea out there?).

Nathanz, i think i can make a home video next week, but about doing a new model that could carry the klr... i Don't know how doing it, but if any of our readers is interested and has 3D skills is wellcome, i think i can give him the models.

If i make a video -> could someone host it żż?? my server is limited to 3 MB files.

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Quote[/b] ]i'm studing how adding shadows (any idea out there?).

Doesn't OFP automatically create shadows if the model is pretty simple? Don't mock me if I'm wrong, I'm still working out how to use O2 completely.

*Note To Ex-RoNiN: This Isn't Spam

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