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The Iraq Thread 2

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Stick to the topic of the thread please. I'm sure Denoir will be happy to receive cards/flowers/gifts in private smile_o.gif

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I had always considered MSNBC to be a bit right leaning, but since Fox News has come about, I'd argue that MSNBC is more centrist than anything else. I don't watch it anymore, so I could be wrong. I'm still looking for a good TV news channel, but so far all I've got is BBC America which is good, but it's, well, not American. sad_o.gif

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I watch CNN and yell at it for a little while, then I turn to Fox and yell at them for a while- never watch MSNBC though; lately they've been trying to out-Fox Fox, but it ain't working.

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MSNBC is a bit right wing. still hasn't changed since pre 911.


CIA director takes responsibility for incorrect information in State of the Union address about alleged Iraqi attempts to obtain uranium in Africa. Details soon.

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So Tenet is taking the fall for this one. Doesn't surprise me much. He willingly bent over and accepted responsibility for the supposed intelligence failure around the WTC attack. First you cut their funding for 15 years and then you accuse them of fucking up...

Politicians. mad_o.gif

I hope that Tenet's actions won't be representable for the rest of the intelligence community. That they do have some back-bone left.

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So Tenet is taking the fall for this one. Doesn't surprise me much. He willingly bent over and accepted responsibility for the supposed intelligence failure around the WTC attack. First you cut their funding for 15 years and then you accuse them of fucking up...

Politicians.  mad_o.gif

I hope that Tenet's actions won't be representable for the rest of the intelligence community. That they do have some back-bone left.

*Looks at FBI* Uh Denior, I am afraid they are representable of the rest of the intelligence/federal agancies.

After Waco, Ruby Ridge, all that good stuff, I think the rest of the federal agencies have absolutly no backbone left. And its because of those stupid senators/congressmen who get mad when the ATF, DEA, FBI, NSA, NRO do their job mad_o.gif

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i'm kinda amazed that Whitehouse lacks any idea of reposibility. For a State of Union adress to be made, I'm sure they would re-examine a lot of reports, and choose the best argument that is sound, yet blame CIA for not proofreading. rock.gif


guess he got an offer he can't refuse.

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@ July 12 2003,01:00)]Wow, that was fast. Usually administrations can't find Patsies this quickly.

I think that they are trying to settle the matter as quickly as possible before it really blows up in their face. The uranium case was however just one claim in a sea of statements that don't have anything to do with reality.

Just look at Powell's presentation at the UN. Not a single one of his claims have been confirmed. On the contrary just about every has been proven wrong. And that's State Department, not CIA. The common link between them is the administration that was the most outspoken proponent of the war.

I can't believe that they expect people to actually buy the story that it was all a big intelligence misunderstanding.

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I can't believe that they expect people to actually buy the story that it was all a big intelligence misunderstanding.

Well lets see, is anyone here going to buy it? smile_o.gif (I really hope not)

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I can't believe that they expect people to actually buy the story that it was all a big intelligence misunderstanding.

Well lets see, is anyone here going to buy it?  smile_o.gif  (I really hope not)

i will for about 5 bucks. go on history as one of the biggest idiocy. tounge_o.gif

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I can't believe that they expect people to actually buy the story that it was all a big intelligence misunderstanding.

Well lets see, is anyone here going to buy it? smile_o.gif (I really hope not)

no, you wont find someone: FSPilot isnt here at the moment... tounge_o.gif

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I can't believe that they expect people to actually buy the story that it was all a big intelligence misunderstanding.

Heh. It would be funny if the whole war turned out to be because of a typo.

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looks like Tenet is going to take the fall. I wonder if an administration official got hold of his gonads to get him to do that...

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Every day I'm hoping Colin Powell will come forward and spill his guts, but he won't- he's too good a soldier for that. He's just going to continue to take his orders, which coincidentally involve taking it up the ass for an administration that's making him one of the biggest tools in recent US government history.

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Baghdad Bob moves

Quote[/b] ]ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (Reuters) -- Iraq's former Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, nicknamed "Comical Ali" during the U.S.-led war on Iraq, has made a sudden appearance in Abu Dhabi.

"When I leave I always have in my mind that I might not come down this road again, but I hope and pray to God that I can return to Baghdad one day," he said on Abu Dhabi Television Friday.

Bush stands by Tenet

Quote[/b] ]ABUJA, Nigeria (CNN) -- President Bush said Saturday that he remained confident in George Tenet after the CIA director took responsibility for the now-discredited line in the State of the Union address alleging that Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Africa.

"I've got confidence in George Tenet, I've got confidence in the men and women who work at the CIA," Bush told reporters Saturday during an appearance with Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Is it me or is he playing another pathetic game?

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Bush stands by Tenet
Quote[/b] ]ABUJA, Nigeria (CNN) -- President Bush said Saturday that he remained confident in George Tenet after the CIA director took responsibility for the now-discredited line in the State of the Union address alleging that Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Africa.

"I've got confidence in George Tenet, I've got confidence in the men and women who work at the CIA," Bush told reporters Saturday during an appearance with Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Is it me or is he playing another pathetic game?

Well, it's pretty obvious- Tenet can step up to the plate, take the fall, and continue to enjoy the support of President Bush. Or, he can have the carpet pulled out from under him by the administration- either way, the White House sees him as the scapegoat that's going to get them out of this scandal and into the White House for another 4 years.

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Not with my vote. At this point I don't care who the democrats run, I'd vote for Al Sharpton, Joe the guy down at the gas station who stutters and just doesn't look quite right, or even Donald Duck before I vote for Bush and his cronies.

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I`ve seen George W. today on TV in Africa. He seemed a little uncomfortable. Maybe noone prepared him for so many black people being there.  tounge_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Or he was confused because he never saw elephant porn before. biggrin_o.gif

France and Germany are willing to send Troops to Iraq if UN decides to help the USA. But I doubt that the UN will get involved soon. Looks like US and Uk have to clean up their mess alone this time...

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Not with my vote.  At this point I don't care who the democrats run, I'd vote for Al Sharpton, Joe the guy down at the gas station who stutters and just doesn't look quite right, or even Donald Duck before I vote for Bush and his cronies.

donald duck seems a good choice IMO , i've always been a fan of him

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From BBC article:

Quote[/b] ]A new opinion poll shows that public support for Mr Bush's handling of the conflict has fallen nine points to 58%.

58%! crazy_o.gif

If you are one of those 58% send me a PM. I have a bridge to sell you wink_o.gif

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From BBC article:
Quote[/b] ]A new opinion poll shows that public support for Mr Bush's handling of the conflict has fallen nine points to 58%.

58%!  crazy_o.gif

If you are one of those 58% send me a PM. I have a bridge to sell you  wink_o.gif

Well, unfortunately there are people who don`t watch their bought horse into the mouth. Here on the forums are a few examples for persons like that. It`s easy to become brainfucked by a president who`s cousin is a high ranking member or even owner of CNN (I read that somewhere lately, can anyone confirm this?) and who built his reign on fear. When he got into the White House the people called him names. He even wasn`t able to walk his triumph walk like the other presidents before, he had to escape the crowd in his limo while the crowd screamed "Hail to the thief!". Then after September 11th all that changed. The US citizens became victims of their fear. They had a president who mentioned lots of countries and people to fear and fortunately he was the strong man to charge against these evil forces. He gave his citizens more and more reasons to fear and now suddenly his argumentations and facts (which were criticized and criticized by us foreigners) become unstable and collapse. At least a small amount of the US public seems to wake up. Then there are the others who can`t be helped. sad_o.gif

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I think that as Joe Sixpack finally realizes the bill of goods he was sold by the Bush administration, that that approval rating will plummet.

COnsidering all the furor over Clinton and a blowjob, I dont think this is just going to go away. I also dont want to believe that people are gullible enough to believe it is the fault of Tenet and the CIA. Especially considering htat Tenet never saw the State of the Union address before Bush made it.

The next few months should be really interesting, as all the chickens come home to roost smile_o.gif

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From BBC article:
Quote[/b] ]A new opinion poll shows that public support for Mr Bush's handling of the conflict has fallen nine points to 58%.

58%!  crazy_o.gif

If you are one of those 58% send me a PM. I have a bridge to sell you  wink_o.gif

something tells me you are not the real denoir, but an impostor. crazy_o.gif real denoir would have read one of the links i provided a few pages ago which has same article.

how dare you!


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