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The Iraq Thread 2

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Media is an interesting creature. While it sets trends it also follows trends. There is a very strong feedback connection between what people want and what people get (and vice versa of  course).

Why is this report in the news now? Because of the recent WMD talk, Blair's current predicament etc. Why do they talk about WMD alltogeather? Because the US/UK forces have been in Iraq for about as long as the UN inspectors had been when they were accused of being "too slow". Now no WMD have been found and it's a good story to bring up.

This is bound to be interesting as USA is backing away from the WMD claims while UK is sticking to them.

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Media is an interesting creature. While it sets trends it also follows trends. There is a very strong feedback connection between what people want and what people get (and vice versa of  course).

Why is this report in the news now? Because of the recent WMD talk, Blair's current predicament etc. Why do they talk about WMD alltogeather? Because the US/UK forces have been in Iraq for about as long as the UN inspectors had been when they were accused of being "too slow". Now no WMD have been found and it's a good story to bring up.

This is bound to be interesting as USA is backing away from the WMD claims while UK is sticking to them.

I thought you were gone??


Our lovely Georgie Porgie announced last night, or rather was qouted as saying, now the US didn't go to war in Iraq because of WMDs. That wasn't the reason at all.


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Bush goes for long term...guess he is getting ready for long term excuses.(check the end of the page...Robert Blake trial...even politics have to be tagged by a holywood murder....)

Its absolutely pathetic isn't it? I swear there is a media-government conspiracy, whereby the media is ordered to put the information out, but then to distract us with smoke and mirrors (in this case tawdry hollywood gossip) so that we don't end up tossing the politicians out of office. This way it seems as if we still live in a free society because the average schmuck is too stupid to realize he's being jerked off by the government and the media.

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no. the problem is that Robert Blake got coverage so small. wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.giftounge_o.gif Kobe's new legal woes are the top news. wink_o.gif

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Did he give a reason at all?  rock.gif

can he reason at all? tounge_o.gif


/me reads his posts from the last months

No? rock.gif




No! tounge_o.gif

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Did he give a reason at all?  rock.gif

Maybe the pretzels he choked on were made in Iraq.

In other words no...he gave no reason and moved quickly along to other questions...

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I`ve seen George W. today on TV in Africa. He seemed a little uncomfortable. Maybe noone prepared him for so many black people being there. tounge_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Bah, people are indeed sheep. Instead of objecting against the war in the first place they start having second thoughts now when the country is in a complete mess and demands an external presence to bring order.

The sensible thing to do would probably be to (once again) let the UN clean up the post war mess. Not only because their greater experience but also to send in troops that the Iraqis don't see as an occupational force. I don't think that's practically possible though as the biggest contributor of UN personel (the EU) is already very much tied up in other post US-war areas.

So things arn't looking very good right now. Basic infrastructure is still not functioning and the Iraqis are celebrating their new liberty by killing off US and British troops on a regular basis. sad_o.gif

The WMD issue is important to prevent future unjust wars but the biggest concern is the mess that Iraq is in.

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Quote[/b] ]So things arn't looking very good right now. Basic infrastructure is still not functioning and the Iraqis are celebrating their new liberty by killing off US and British troops on a regular basis

I'm happy to say that the six Brits killed recently, seems to have been a isolated incident. The US troops on the other hand seem to having a hard time with casualties.

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Quote[/b] ]The sensible thing to do would probably be to (once again) let the UN clean up the post war mess.

Can you be any more predictable? tounge_o.gif

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I don't think the UN would be able to do much in this situation. With all the advanced technology in the world, you're still going street to street fighting with infantry with added civilians. United States, French, Germans, Spanish, I don't think the attackers care who or where they are or from.

I said this before in another post, but this is where us western countries fail. Alot of advanced modern countries use great weapons, but are useless in street to street fighting where infantry and small vehicles can fit. This is where an open bombardment, decapitation strikes, aerial pulverisation, and all that fancy crap ends. Too many civilians, hard to pinpoint targets, and you will probobly cause more damage and money than using infantry.

I must say, the iraqi suicide bombers are smart. They've pinned the American and British troops in a place where they can't use all of the advanced hardware they usually use. A challenger is useless and vunerable in a street and an APC is still vunerable.

UN or not, alot of soldiers will die until they will root out the "insecurity situation".

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The Blame Game

Quote[/b] ]U.S. Said to Doubt British Intelligence

Fri Jul 11,12:15 AM ET

By JOHN SOLOMON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - U.S. intelligence officials had doubts about the quality of a British intelligence report alleging Iraq (news - web sites) was seeking uranium from Africa in the weeks just before and after President Bush (news - web sites) made the allegation in his State of the Union address in January, senior U.S. officials said Thursday.

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It`s ridiculous. As if two stupid children would blame each other after playing someone else a bad joke. Shame on them! mad_o.gif

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Tony Blair has changed tack just recently with his stance on the WMD in Iraq issue. Before the war, during the war and just after the war, he was busy enthusing about how the coalition would definately, 100% find weapons in Iraq. Now however, he's sublty changed his wording to be more along the lines of "we will find EVIDENCE of weapons PROGRAMMES". You can read a bit about it here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3055061.stm

Dun dun daaaaha! Anyone not been expecting that? smile_o.gif

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This post-Iraq war situation is ridiculous. Both Bush and Blair are trying to make pathetic excuses for why they didn't find WMDs and why they attacked Iraq in the first place.

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If it weren`t for the Iraqi people I`d wish that any US attempt to get UN aid for Iraq would fail. Would just be fair to let them end the shit they started on their own.

3,9 billions lost any month, regular casulties of US service men, possible growth of general Iraqi uprising against US invaders, USA and Great Britain becoming the joke 2003 with their pathetic attempts to justifiy the invasion. Bush and the Hawks surely did a great job!

Go Americans, go!! Reelect those nuts!! crazy_o.gif

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I don't think the UN would be able to do much in this situation. With all the advanced technology in the world, you're still going street to street fighting with infantry with added civilians. United States, French, Germans, Spanish, I don't think the attackers care who or where they are or from.

I said this before in another post, but this is where us western countries fail. Alot of advanced modern countries use great weapons, but are useless in street to street fighting where infantry and small vehicles can fit. This is where an open bombardment, decapitation strikes, aerial pulverisation, and all that fancy crap ends. Too many civilians, hard to pinpoint targets, and you will probobly cause more damage and money than using infantry.

I must say, the iraqi suicide bombers are smart. They've pinned the American and British troops in a place where they can't use all of the advanced hardware they usually use. A challenger is useless and vunerable in a street and an APC is still vunerable.

UN or not, alot of soldiers will die until they will root out the "insecurity situation".

the difference is that all the countries you've given the name are quite experienced in this kind of warfare , look at the past UN/NATO missions done by these countries , remember places such as Sarajevo and Mogadishu

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Does anyone here watch the daily show with Jon Stewart?  They had a mock debate between Governor GW Bush and President GW Bush using clips from an interview before the Iraq invasion and the campaign trail in 2000.  Jon asked their stance on foreign policy and Gov. said "Our troops should not be dedicted to what I call nation-building."  Then they ran a clip from the White House interview where he said the exact opposite.  *sigh* Its not funny when I say it but they did this on about six different issues (economy, budget deficit, etc.) and it was hilarious and incredibly depressing at the same time.  Anyway, it exploited a lot of hypocrasy and broken promises, but hey, I guess thats politics.  My point is that we didn't elect him because he was all of these bad things (many say we didn't elect him at all) he promised the American people things that he couldnt or didn't want to deliver.  Now we're left holding the bag because we fell for the ploys of a politician.  Will we ever learn?

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As I said a couple of months ago, I'm pretty certain that the intelligence agencies will be the scapegoat. And it has already started.

As the politicians will never admit to decieving the public the only remaining option is to blame it on bad intellignece. And today in the post-cold war eara the intelligence community doesn't have teeth to bite back.

Nasty business, politics.

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