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Ch-53e superstallion

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Hehehe... I can vouch for the Marine Corp pride thing. I'm not a Marine, I've only been in the Army Reserve, but I've known plenty of ex-Marines in my old unit, as well as Marines on active duty and indeed you'all do seem a bit arrogant and abrasive at times. But I hope Scorpio will take the advice and do the best job that he can with it. If he doesn't want to then well, that's his decision since it's his addon.... and there is the BAS CH-53's still on the way. For the non-Marines who aren't familiar with the CH-53E, overall I think it looks awfully close to the real deal, but I also would love to see some doorguns on it. Even though the OFP engine only supports one doorgun per helicopter, the others can be modelled but without a gunner kinda like the SEB NAM2 UH-1 Hueys with the two door guns where only one of them actually works.

But if the differences in the CH-53 that Scorpio made are just really tiny minor things, I wouldn't sweat it too much.

And to Scorpio... I didn't see Mr. Dragon criticizing your addon making skills... so that stuff in that note you posted at the end seemed a little overly harsh. I don't doubt that he knows his stuff and pictures often get mislabled on even the best military websites. In addition for training missions and airshows where much of the pics of CH-53 are taken, the weapons may not be mounted. For example here when I trained up at Ft. Hood, Tx, I very rarely ever saw a UH-60 blackhawk with door guns mounted on it even though normally they are equipped with door guns during combat missions.

I'm not sure why that is (I am assuming that they only mount them during gun testing, and gunnery training) but that's been my observation.

Anyhoo... nothing to get to ruffled up about. I hope you guys can work together and get this CH-53 as realistic as possible. So far it's not bad.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I envy you guys can fly those real helicopter  wow_o.gif

many people can only dream about this in their whole lives  sad_o.gif

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I envy you guys can fly those real helicopter  wow_o.gif

many people can only dream about this in their whole lives  sad_o.gif

We took our whole family on a helicopter ride last summer. 6 passenger Bell (needed 2 flights tounge_o.gif ). It was quite a thrill, even if I couldn't pilot and we let one of the kids sit up front each flight next to the pilot.

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I envy you guys can fly those real helicopter  wow_o.gif

many people can only dream about this in their whole lives  sad_o.gif

We took our whole family on a helicopter ride last summer. 6 passenger Bell (needed 2 flights tounge_o.gif ). It was quite a thrill, even if I couldn't pilot and we let one of the kids sit up front each flight next to the pilot.

I hope i'm the kids sad_o.gif

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Well, Punker's review, I do em on OFPEC hows about here? the CH53 I like it, a lot of work went into this, and it looks good, except for a few Bugs and although I've never seen a H53 in real life, I assume our Marine friend is right that the Model is a little lacking, but all in all I give it 4.25 out of 5 stars, and an A for effort, great work wink_o.gif

P.S. if it totaly sucked I wouldn't have said any thing, so it's pretty good smile_o.gif

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mom i dont want to go to school i have BAS-itis

Then you should be able to fastrope into school.

Excuse ignored! tounge_o.gif

Tough love....glad she's not my Mom biggrin_o.gif

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Dragon:  Chill man.  It sounds like you have a wealth of knowledge in regards to the CH-53.  Why not try to share that knowledge in a less threatening manner? wink_o.gif

EDC:  I forgot to mention, the previous picture was in the Air to Air configuration.

THIS is the Ground Attack config as seen on an earlier "D" version!  biggrin_o.gif   tounge_o.gif


If I'm not mistaken it looks like that helo is hauling an USN A-4 aggressor. Probably from the days when Top Gun was at Miramar.

Nice pic....but in fact, as it was a dissimilar air combat trainer it would have been as much use to you as the F-15C was...he he he.

Little known fact: Did you know that the Marines once operated the F-16?

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302_Dragon... first of all let me tell you that I never insulted you in any way, and wasn't intentionally doing so.

The note on the webpage foundhere was NOT meant for you. I handled you politely through e-mail. I never meant to insult you.. I understand you're a marine and you know most about these things, and you're protecting the United States and me (I'm actually a Brit though) - and I do appreciate that you're trying to help me. So please don't get the wrong idea. I see you've proved me wrong on the doorgun issue - these research sites these days are very old and sometimes false. However, I never really said that I wouldn't add one later on.

I just think you got the wrong idea, mate. I'm looking forward to your suggestions in helping to make it more accurate. smile_o.gif

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I envy you guys can fly those real helicopter  wow_o.gif

many people can only dream about this in their whole lives  sad_o.gif

We took our whole family on a helicopter ride last summer. 6 passenger Bell (needed 2 flights tounge_o.gif ). It was quite a thrill, even if I couldn't pilot and we let one of the kids sit up front each flight next to the pilot.

Well when i piloted MH-60L in Somalia, that was a thrill, specially the insertion times...

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Yep... it's funny how a bunch of vertices and faces with a few colours slapped on and coded with a few characters could make everybody angry. wink_o.gif

But it's ok... Dragon, it was just a misunderstanding, sorry.

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I envy you guys can fly those real helicopter  wow_o.gif

many people can only dream about this in their whole lives  sad_o.gif

We took our whole family on a helicopter ride last summer. 6 passenger Bell (needed 2 flights tounge_o.gif ). It was quite a thrill, even if I couldn't pilot and we let one of the kids sit up front each flight next to the pilot.

Well when i piloted MH-60L in Somalia, that was a thrill, specially the insertion times...

Maybe so but we got a group discount! tounge_o.gif

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Helicopter piloting is some of the best flying around, you actually need to concentrate in contrast to fixed wing, they are simplistic and OFP style (:p) to rotary.

Plus it's nice to fly helicopters for a good reason, i keep advocating SAR here but that is what i believe in. I think we should have a really well coordinated international SAR service. The American national air guard that flies HH-60s out to Alaska and the middle of the atlantic are some of the (in my opinion) most courageous and dedicated group of individuals in the world, flying out relentlessly to help people of all nationalities showing no discrimination or waver in dedication at all. There are many of these individuals around the world of different nationalities and with different equipment who are just as dedicated and courageous, and all could be combined into a large force dedicated to doing good deeds (sounding like star wars here i know).

And i'm ranting SAR again, probably cause i love it, i don't know how people can advocate flying gunships and shit, their job is to destroy life and even if it is neccessary they should not enjoy it.

Uhh what were we talking about? smile_o.gif

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One point about the addon, it seems a little, well, i suppose my standards have increased since BAS started their massive addon making campaign (fighting the forces of TOW from the argument they had on the OFP.org forums tounge_o.gif ) but i am a little annoyed with it, considering most of the good parts of the addon are scripts by BAS, no offence , but in some places the textures really suck, such as the cocpit,

Good attempt,

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Yeah most of the community's expectaction for quality is too much these days.

Oh and yep, I agree with the cockpit texture actually... I never really like it myself tounge_o.gif . Maybe I'll redo it later on.

BTW... I've found a way round the roadway LOD issue. So in the update there will now be the ability to walk around the cargo area.

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Heheh... yeah the cockpit needs one of those little fans like in that Mi-2 helicopter addon. smile_o.gif Just kidding. smile_o.gif But if you can improve the cockpit that would be cool. Dragon I'm sure could help you with how the cockpit is layed out.

...ah now if only I could get the CoC frogmen AI to swim properly after jumping from this chopper. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]I've offered to talk to him on MSN about this and he says he will...haven't yet..understandable..time differences. I've sent him images...even supplied some within my review. I have a wealth of images, videos, and sound files...he knows because I've told him. I've been helping Colonel Klink and BAS with their model of the CH53E, CH53D, MH53E, and CH53J by supplying blueprints, images and anything they ask for. I've been consulting with Colonel Klink about the same issues as with scorpio. Colonel Klink takes my advise and uses it. Scorpio acts as if I was lieing to him. I have no reason to lie. I'm just stating the truth about this Aircraft because I work on in. Having someone tell my I don't know what I'm talking about is nothing but an insult. I can play stump the chump all day long when it comes to the CH53D, CH53E, & MH53E any day of the week and win. I am one of the most knowledgable Marines in my squadron on this aircraft and I've been recognized for this fact and I don't need a civilian to tell me otherwise.

I serve my country to give people their freedom and to have someone, I protect, tell me I don't know my job or to tell me I don't know about my aircraft, its a smack in the face. I am a United States Marine. I've been through hell and back in my 5 years in the Corps and I'm proud of what I've done to keep you, scorpio and every great civilian in the United States free and safe. I have a lot of pride when it comes to the Marine Corps and my CH53 so I'm sure you can unerstand why it upsets me.

Scorpio there is no doubt in my mind you worked very hard on this addon and I've said it before. the only thing I've stated is that your CH53E is wrong. I've prooven it even though I was told I didn't know what I was talking about. I've provided pictures and blueprints to help my claim...my only consern is to make it as close to the real thing as possible...it means a lot to the US Marines who play OFP that it is as close to the real thing as possible. It's like building one version of an aircraft carrier and it's a different version with addons. I'll bet my paycheck a sailor with come out with some of the same comments I have.

All I've done is correct anything Scorpio has said that was wrong...each time I get the sense of attitude in the replies. If I seem rude in my replies I'm sorry, but thats the Marine Corps pride in me. Even though I sound harsh and abrasive I am still interested in helping Scorpio fix his addon and make the best he can make it.

haha, this actually made me kinda laugh.. hah... *ahem* I probably look like a dickhead to you, and maybe i am being a dickhead, but i just can't take it seriously when you Captain Americas get all serious about defending the United States. Way to go! You defend a country that is arguably the most powerful in the world and has nothing to fear from anybody except maybe a handful of islamic extremists. But that is offtopic, and flaming won't get us anywhere. So please all, PM me if you got a problem with me. I guess i should've had too.

Scorpio: Nice work so far, any plans for a desert camo version?

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I'm really wondering how you fixed that roadway bug ;)

looking forward to the updated version

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I'm really wondering how you fixed that roadway bug ;)

looking forward to the updated version

Hehe... At first it didn't allow some of the scripts to work. But when I made a new Geo model the handling improved, and I was just wondering if that roadway LOD still had an affect. So I added it back on and everything seemed to be fine.

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haha, this actually made me kinda laugh.. hah... *ahem* I probably look like a dickhead to you, and maybe i am being a dickhead, but i just can't take it seriously when you Captain Americas get all serious about defending the United States. Way to go! You defend a country that is arguably the most powerful in the world and has nothing to fear from anybody except maybe a handful of islamic extremists. But that is offtopic, and flaming won't get us anywhere. So please all, PM me if you got a problem with me. I guess i should've had too.

Scorpio: Nice work so far, any plans for a desert camo version?

You obviously don't know many U.S. Marines.  They are like airborne soldiers (paratroopers) in that they believe they are the best and will happily kick your ass if you disagree.  That's not a bad thing though because they're good and aggressive soldiers.  

I'm also ex-U.S. military, and while I don't agree with all my country's foreign policies (like the whole Iraq mess) we do alot of peacekeeping where nobody else has the balls to do anything about it (example Yugoslavia which I know Russians were not happy about).  I know also that many in the Russian military are surprised that U.S. forces did not get slaughtered assaulting Baghdad using tactics that got Russian forces massacred during the last assault on Grozny in Chechnya. By this I mean the initial assault where large armored columns entering Grozny were ambushed and destroyed by Chechnyan rebels (a handful of Islamic extremists as you say).  The similar armored assaults deep into Baghdad were extremely daring but were also highly successful.  Alot of that is due not only to better U.S. armored vehicles, but also due to extremely good training and professionalism on the part of our armed forces.  

They are not conscripts, rather they are volunteers and treat soldiering as a  serious profession just as doctors and lawyers are experts in their professions.  Really few people who have not been in or worked and trained with the U.S. military, realize or understand how many skills they have.  A typical Marine or Army infantry squad is like a well oiled-machine that is a masterpiece of  military human engineering and a terrifying thing to behold when put into action.   They know almost every trick in the book when it comes to fieldcraft and tactics... but the real key is the creativity that company and platoon leaders are allowed to display in order to counter new situations they had not been prepared for.    

Our military has every right to be very proud of their abilities and skills.  The proof is in the immediate results of our more recent military exploits.  Unfortunately the long term results are often not good due to poor diplomacy, poor planning, and poor foreign policy on the part of our politicians.   sad_o.gif

But your're probably right... it's a discussion best left for PM's.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hey one little Bug I noticed (could be my Computer Sux but you may want to look at it tounge_o.gif ) the Interior Textures sometimes show on the out side, of the chopper, if I have time I'll post a pic wink_o.gif

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As an upcoming soldier in the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps, I can only say we marines take are job seriously.

And yes, we do protect the people of our countries. Perhaps you still remember 9/11? That is just one example of what that "handful of islamic extremists" can do. The dangers to the United States and the Western world are greater than you think. And trust me I know.

You should be proud of the people that still want to risk their lifes by standing on "the wall". People like you make me sad. The saddest thing is that I'm prepared to go to war and die to protect your way of life and you don't even respect me for it.

*sorry for the off-topic*

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to punker,

I think this has been noticed before. It had something to do with the rotor blur and paa or pac textures on the chopper.

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... I was just wondering if that roadway LOD still had an affect. So I added it back on and everything seemed to be fine.

Thats cos most of the scripts are optimised for a model with roadway wink_o.gif

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