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Invasion 1944 demo

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Q: I can't hear the Kar and Garand sound when shooting

A: Uninstall the mini-demo. Either delete the inv_minidemo_data.pbo from /addons or use the uninstall program exe in your OFP directory

Q: I get the error 'no entry in the configuration file for recoil'

A: Uninstall the mini-demo. Either delete the inv_minidemo_data.pbo from /addons or use the uninstall program exe in your OFP directory

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Guest BratZ

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ale2999 @ 28 April 2003,03:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BratZ @ 27 April 2003,22:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh I would like to point out some user made SP missions already that I been having fun with:

Made by Hyperbart in the Inv44 forums:

Sp Mission

SP Mission

SP Mission<span id='postcolor'>

this links r soooo broken  tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Ya he changed them to zip format. I fixed my links and the ones in this quote.But you should visit the Inv44 forums as he has made one more that I know.

Invasion 1944 Forums

BTW these are just a few campaign missions converted but fun nevertheless

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hehe...even though im a dedicated russian player in all sims...im really enjoying the german side and the tanks...great job...looking forward to the final product...aint this a grand game??!! smile.gif

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Now, that I44 has put together a standard zip file, letting me manually install everything, I've taken the plunge.

This is much more exciting than when the mini-demo came out. Some comments:

1. Need an American flag with 48 stars. smile.gif In fact, someone should produce a WWII Allies/Axis flag pack.

2. The polish on those boots blinds me. Could use a little scruffing up.

3. I noticed as I came near several other living AIs on my team that the action menu would pop up and I could take grenades from them. Ha! Try that in real life! crazy.gif

Those halftracks and tanks are such a big improvement over whatever WWII vehicles had been tentatively available until now.

I am genuinely impressed. Looking forward to a campaign and hopefully, a few islands.

Thank you, I44. smile.gif

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Thanx for the demo invasion44 team  tounge.gif

Only several small critisicms i have (plz dont flame me for this!!wink.gif

1) Being in a DoD clan i feel that with permission those weapon sounds would have been better (the bass on the BAR and the thud of the grease gun)

2) While holding the Thompson in first person mode, go to freelook and look at the rear sights on the model.....they r V shaped yet when you go to iron sight view the sight is round with a triangle.

3)The US troops are meant to be paras so the M1 Carbine should have folding metallic stock (think its the M1A1 Carbine) not the wooden one.

4) Muzzle flash is still visible on the springfield.

still a gr8 job though  biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ReaperY2K @ 28 April 2003,11:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">4) Muzzle flash is still visible on the springfield.<span id='postcolor'>

Download the new zip from their site, i think its fixed there.

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Avon, ive got a nice ww2 flag pack ready for release, I'll get around to it in a couple of hours after work, should be released through ww2ec hopefully, but I will post a link on here as well.

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It's been brought up before but I'm still not understanding why the Tiger and some of the other units are in desert cammo!?

The tank is great but if this is supposed to be "realistic"....was there a reason for the sandy look?

If there's a DAK campaign, its a step in the right direction though. wink.gif

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Not sure if anyone has said this before (i'm not gonna read 15 pages of posts), but where are all the missions? I was told their was gonna be 1 SP and 2 MP missions, but i cant find any in the folder wink.gif

On the whole, great work, and is their any kind of approximate date for the full Mod, and will their be any upgrades made to the demo?

Also where can i find the script needed to use the Trip-pod and MG together?

Great work. smile.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SFG @ 28 April 2003,04:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">http://home.hccnet.nl/bart.van.engelen/files/INV44_Alert.zip


http://home.hccnet.nl/bart.van.engelen/files/INV44_CombinedArms.zip<span id='postcolor'>

There are some Missions made by Hyperbart. On the Invasion 1944 Forum should be more usermade Missions.

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Here's more SP missions for yas, all mirrored by lil' ol' me:

Mirrors for HyperBart's converted 1985 campaign missions:








Steal The Kommand Car

Back when the I44 mini demo came out, I converted the official Steal The Car SP mission to use the mini demo's addons. Now I've updated the mission to use the new demo's addons. You can download the mission from here:


AndOne's I44 Test Mission

OFP veteran AndOne produced this nice mission when the I44 Mini Demo was released. I updated it to work with the new demo:

http://www.filefront.com/?filepa....ion.zip (approx. 1.2MB)

NOTE: Resistance required.

A Bedtime Story

Originally produced for the Invasion 1944 Mini Demo by the Invasion 1944 Mod team.

Adapted to the April 2003 Invasion 1944 Demo by The Avon Lady.

Story line: Ambush German relief forces during Operation Husky (the invasion of Sicily).


Enjoy! smile.gif

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This is certainly the best WW2 mod yet and I salute the I44 team for that. smile.gif

That being said, I´ve found a boatload of bugs and stuff:

1. LOD textures for U.S soldiers: Am I the only one having this problem? The second LOD looks like they´re partially wrapped in blue/white paper and they stick out VERY VERY well. They aren´t completely white as if they were missing their textures, some parts are brown and some are a mix of white and blue. I think this is due to the textures being too big, i.e the textures occupy space that should actuallty be empty. You can see this on some low-quality weapon mods for OFP, and also in Mailman´s Russian weapons pack. I don´t have the vis quality and framerate settings on max, but if I do they still turn into snowmen a good distance away, otherwise they turn white about 10-20 meters away. And this is only for U.S soldiers, not Germans.

2. Muzzle flashes: Not sure about this, but why do for example Grease guns, Thompsons and MP40s have star-shaped muzzle flashes? Their barrels are round and solid at the ends, so shouldn´t they have round muzzle flashes? I know the M16 has a star-shaped muzzle flash because the end of the barrel has small "exhaust-ports" (someone please tell me what these are called) to the sides.

3. Thompson LOD texture: The second LOD for the Thompson makes the wooden parts look a lot more orange than it is. Same goes for the MG42, but in that case it looks very blocky.

4. Sounds: The .30 cal sounds a bit muffled, the Thompson and MP40 sound a bit unnatural  and the Kar sounded a lot better in the demo, now it sounds a lot weaker and poorly recorded.

The .50 cal sounds a bit weak and quiet, too.

Also, some reload sounds, like the Kar one, have some hissing static noise in the background. The MG42 and most of the other weapons have kickass sounds, though!

5. No Pak36?

6. The Tiger: Why is it in desert camo? And the inside of the tank looks as clean and lighted as some Star Trek spaceship! The textures on the Tiger really sticks out like a sore thumb, even in desert maps. Those textures need some work, methinks.

7. The Springfield: Why is it so shiny? I doubt that it could be kept that clean in combat without constant waxing and polishing. Also, why is the glass on the sight red-tinted? When you look through it it´s just normal glass.

8. Medics: They start with a "rifle" but aren´t holding anything in their hands. IMO a very major bug.

9. Ranks: Some of the Platoon commanders etc. in groups have rank "private" and  skill 0.

10. Nonfunctional (?) tripod.

11. Grenades. Why don´t you remodel your hand grenades? I know of at least one crappy old WW2 mod that had real stielhandgranate. The grenades that U.S troops have on their uniforms aren´t the ones they use!

12. Editor: I would REALLY like it if the units were under I44-units in the editor. It takes a HELL of a long time to scroll in my East men list to get to the wehrmacht and fallschirmjaegers.

13. Blood: Some faces can´t get bloodied. Also, why do blood textures look more orange/brown than red? The Fallschirmjaegers´ blood textures look ridiculous, like someone sprinkled them with orange powder!

14. Iron sights: At least the iron sights on the MP40 and STG44 have given me problems on one occasion each. Once, when I switched to the MP40´s sights, the pin in the middle of the sights was replaced by a black box that obscured only the middle part of the sights, but it was gone in a second. Another time, the sights on the STG44 nearly crashed OFP. The same thing happened, only this time the box kept flashing back and forth, causing an fps "hickup" every time it changed from pin to box.

15. Jeep muzzle flash: If you turn the .50 cal on the jeep around 360 degrees while firing, you´ll note that the muzzle flash turns blue when it´s pointed backwards and to the right. Also, it seems to turn blue in 3rd person view.

16. Faces: Is there any way to make a customized random face selection for the troops instead of the default East/West faces? The U.S forces should really be rid of the african-american face and the guy with the goatee. The East units have that low-res-sneaky-rat-type face that I HATE, and not enough Aryan-looking guys.

17. Scripts: There are a lot of nice scripts that could be implemented, like one for random tank numbers, burning and tank shock dust, but you say you won´t implement them because of 1.46 users? Doesn´t the "lower windshield" option on the jeep require 1.85? Also, why not release a 1.46 version and a 1.91 version separately? And what´s the point of making the demo compatible with both OFP and OFPR when the final version will be Res only? That´s just torture for 1.46 users! smile.gif

18. No pistols?: Haven´t you posted pics of the Colt and P38 on the site months and months ago?

Phew, I can´t think of anything else right now.

Understand that overall, I think this is a great mod, I wouldn´t want anyone to think I´m whining. I know that I can come across crude at times, but I really really like this mod and appreciate all the work that you´ve put into it. I only want to make it better!

Kudos to I44. smile.gif

Edit: added some stuff. This must be my sixth edit!

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erm i have not been reading all the other posts but how do you use the tripod?

i did dload the res version so why can i not use it.

@gollum: yes i get the blue gys at long range to

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (punishment @ 28 April 2003,18:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">@gollum: yes i get the blue gys at long range to<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, it´s the same LOD textures for everyone, except if they have their vis settings so high that they don´t use any LODs wow.gif

Man, this is really starting to bug me! sad.gif

SFG, help us, please! confused.gif

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Thanks dudes (Mr Burns and theavonlady), but are their any MP missions? Thanks for the SP Missions though anyway smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">5.No Pak36<span id='postcolor'>

pak 36 you can get at the download section of http://ofp.axlegames.com/~ww2ec/

as far as I know it aint from I44

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ShadowY @ 28 April 2003,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">5.No Pak36<span id='postcolor'>

pak 36 you can get at the download section of http://ofp.axlegames.com/~ww2ec/

as far as I know it aint from I44<span id='postcolor'>

Invasion44.com says that they got permission to use that Pak in their demo and that it would be included.

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That can be, I dont visit the i44 news and forum that often anymore.

My suggestion is download it from the page I posted and you`re happy again I guess wink.gif

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Guest BratZ

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gollum1 @ 28 April 2003,19:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ShadowY @ 28 April 2003,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">5.No Pak36<span id='postcolor'>

pak 36 you can get at the download section of http://ofp.axlegames.com/~ww2ec/

as far as I know it aint from I44<span id='postcolor'>

Invasion44.com says that they got permission to use that Pak in their demo and that it would be included.<span id='postcolor'>

I read something on Invasion site that they will be releasing a patch and include some units that weren't in the demo.So apparantly more is to come!

And I believe the Pak that is currently on the WWIIEC website is the beta version released earlier that is just a stationary artillery piece,but should be updated anytime with the current progress version that is towable!

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ok i have a request, can you please, in the next release make sure that every single PBO have the same 3 letter tag! the ones in the zip are all messy, some dont have a tag some are i44 and other inv! please please keep it all the same

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