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Faklands mod beta sea harrier release

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Yes it is a beta, and all feedback is encouraged and appreciated biggrin.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Bugs: VERY bad if none breaking, and missing textures... Thats all for now... <span id='postcolor'>

come again? missing textures? where?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ExtracTioN @ April 25 2003,22:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">this is beta right can you post bugs or ...... tounge.gif

Well anyway when the plane is on the ground and you start the engine and dont takeoff just hit in the menu the eject seat and than return to plane and you can eject with the seat so how many seats has this plane I say this only if you guys dont know this bug and if it is possible to fix you guys maybe can fix it or mayne it is a engine limitation dont know confused.gif

when you use VTOL and press increase alltidude after some height there is a sound wat is that I dont say this is a bug but I want to know what it is confused.gif

And when you takeoff and you are at 200 speed how can you slow down and land with the VTOL  confused.gif

Really nice textures I love it I saw the burn script but it does not dammage you I know the final version would be nice  wink.gif

Ash Kevbaz the next suprise maybe a Aircraft Carrier please wink.gif  tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

can you PLEASE talk some sense when you reply? try punctuation. thank you.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ExtracTioN @ April 25 2003,21:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It is just fantastic but at least you could released a US version of it hope you guys make a update on it and make it a US version wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

can you please tell me the point of making a US version of the harrier? apart from the fact that you will see a US logo on the tail? do you have any idea how long this harrier would have taken to texture, build and fine tune? i don't think so.

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Fantastic job. At first I loaded up my game and dropped it into Everon, started up the preview and *GACK* wow was it ugly. I thought, "omg bait and switch!" Then I realized that I had my textures turned down to 128, haha. Anyways, backed them up to 1024 and the thing is amazing looking, truly top shelf. I can count the amount of add-ons that are up to even BIS caliber on one hand and this is one of the even fewer that go beyond it. Bravo!

VTOL is actually quite nice. I don't know what's to gripe about. I guess it's a drag that we can't use W and Z to increase/descrease thrust when in VTOL mode but eh, it's cool. Also, I read the directions and promptly threw them out. Hehe. VTOL goes like so...

1. Engine on

2. VTOL on

3. Increase thrust til you're about 40 high

4. Hit E and start to pull up. Bingo you're flying

5. DO NOT set STOL to on otherwise VTOL disappears never to come back (bug I think). Instead just turn VTOL off and start flying.

I noticed the landing gear takes 2 clicks to raise. Bug? Like I said about, STOL set to on makes VTOL On disappear and never come back. Bug? Pilot error? The landing gear has a nasty habit of automatically coming down when I fly low. Annoying quirk. If you bank left/right when in VTOL above 110kph then slow below 100kph in VTOL and still banking the plane gets stuck in the bank. Weirdness that's easily corrected (line up straight when landing so you don't need to adjust).

Landing in VTOL is actually pretty easy... slow to stall speed (110) at about 40m and line up straight at your landing point cause you can't adjust after you go into VTOL. Turn on VTOL and start decreasing thrust til you eventually go nose-first into the ground (don't worry it won't hurt...bad) and cut the engine. Takes practice but it's definitely doable.

Now all it needs it to be painted like the USMC and given a bunch of ground-pounding weapons like LGBs and AT rockets and it will probably make it into the CTI tournament I'm working on. Whoo!

P.S. Get those rapiers released so I can replace the Vulcan in CTI with your missile system. Hehe. Prod prod.

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Sweet, I haven't quite downloaded it yet, but by the looks of things, there is a God!!!

BAS MH47E and this in the same week??? Wow!

Looks good Falkland Mod guys!!! Keep it up

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I've just been playing with it for a while and I've got to say the model and texturing is superb. Really first rate. I haven't really found any bugs. Is there any chance though that you would consider having some alternate loadouts? Two sidewinders and a cannon are okay for AA ops but make the aircraft fairly ineffective at ground attack missions. I realise that it is primarily a fleet defender but perhaps two ALARM missiles instead of the AIM-9's would be a good compromise?

Great work anyway. Thanks for all the effort you have put in; it's really paid off. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (smogmorph @ April 25 2003,21:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Not much can stop this, not even a solid mountain wall, I flew right into it and survived.<span id='postcolor'>

No one really did pay attention to what I said.

It's really hard to crash this thing, no matter how hard I try I can't make it crash.

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Great work, so long waited for!

VTOL is still hard to use, but more practice will help.

Model and texes are first class.

Many thx for this next milestone of OFP addons.

MfG Lee smile.gif

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Fantastic aircraft, well done, now we need some troops tp provide air support for.

biggrin.gif Just keeping you focused.

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OMG! The mh-47e , the harrier and the invansion demo all in the same week! This is ofp xmas! I cannot wait to test out the harrier. Im reinstalling resistance right now because for some reason the game kept stopping and going everytime i shot a gun or too much going on (first time this has every happened , and my add on folder doesnt have much in it, its been going on for almost a week)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([Ash] @ April 25 2003,22:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The Sea Harrier is only used by the UK.. The US AV-8B (Harrier II) on the other hand is already being made by Vit I think....<span id='postcolor'>

...and you take Vit's addons seriously? confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (AngusHeaf @ April 25 2003,01:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Landing in VTOL is actually pretty easy... slow to stall speed (110) at about 40m and line up straight at your landing point cause you can't adjust after you go into VTOL. Turn on VTOL and start decreasing thrust til you eventually go nose-first into the ground (don't worry it won't hurt...bad) and cut the engine. Takes practice but it's definitely doable.<span id='postcolor'>

That's pretty much how it's done in real life. Bring it to a hover maybe about 20 feet from the deck, and cut the engines. As thrust decreases, it drops, though not quite in freefall.

The VTOL will do fine if forward speed can be adjusted, and some directional control added.

It is possible to remap keys in ofp. could the controls be added as keyboard commands, perhaps via scripts?

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great AC been playing it since release but they Kellies Heroes Came on TCM so i had to go and watch that biggrin.gif but anywya im still trying to master the VTOL but i do like the STOL, also to get VTOL back after selecting STOL just click the cancel STOL on the menu (what i think i had anywya) but there is one thing lacking the X and C keys for the helicopter to turn would be greatly appreciated.

Also when you release the mod i would sugges getting together a little .pdf on how to use the Harrier its a tough beast to fly, but the rewards are great biggrin.gif D:

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wonder @ April 26 2003,00:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([Ash] @ April 25 2003,22:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The Sea Harrier is only used by the UK.. The US AV-8B (Harrier II) on the other hand is already being made by Vit I think....<span id='postcolor'>

...and you take Vit's addons seriously?  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I would never knock any addon makers work..Good or bad...

Even the most simplistic addon from anyone still makes this (dying) ofp community exist.. Think about it..

Col Klink is a genius (god knows how many times I've told him!wink.gif, let him be an inspiration to up and coming addon makers....

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I love the eject seat!!!! It's 100% sure this addon will be a model of future airplane addon!!!!! biggrin.gif

great job!!!!!!!!!!!

ps: will u guys make dust effect for the VTOL mode and consider a USMC version harrier in the future? (I know, i know someone has made it, but there are plenty of Col.Klink fans will die for it biggrin.gif ) smile.gif

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Looks good but I want to be able to stay in teh ejection seat the whole time, not switch out to parachute.

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i'd like the ejection seat to remain and not to dissappear , would add a nice touch to CSAR missions

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I love the VTOL it's amazing. But I am having trouble turning and stopping for landing. you should be able to turn 360 degrees on the spot. Maybe being able to use the helicopter keys insted of the Action Menu? Is that possible? It would be so much easier. Thanks... biggrin.gif

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I'm sure they're trying to make it fly better in VTOL mode, but the OFP engine doesn't allow for that very easily. Thank your lucky stars that they're able to get VTOL and STOL capabilities at all. I just tried this addon and I found it to be an outstanding piece of work. It is much less buggy then I expected it to be. In real life VTOL flight is also very very difficult in the Harrier. In the USMC, the Harrier has a fairly poor safety record and is considered to be a rather difficult aircraft to fly.

As far as bugs go however, the main one I noticed was that old problem of the AI pilots in the Harriers flying into the ground when doing strafing runs. Please try lowering the point of aim to see if that fixes the problem. Also a gunsight using the "V" key would be cool if that's possible.

Oh by the way... I found that one way to slightly lessen the amount of times the AI pilots smack into the ground is to make their waypoint speed set to "limited". smile.gif

Still I hope this problem is fixed in later versions.

As for the ejection seat, it works exactly as real life ejection seats work. In real life, the seat itself actually pushes the pilot out of it and just falls to the ground. So the ejection seat in this addon is actually very realistic.

Keep up the AWESOME work Falklands MOD team!!!

I also hope to see a USMC version and hopefully more RAF versions with rocket pods, flares, and maybe a few bombs.

Chris G.

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I can´t get this Plane vertical landed.

When getting under 100 and slower the planes is not more steerable it´s terrible. The harrier is not more under control by the player. crazy.gif

Ok, thats a way to realise vtol in OFP but I think it´s not the best.

Is there another way to make vtol functional with steering?

Did you try the "helicopter-mode" like vit has?

It´s an absolutly fantastic work but close to unplayable for me. sad.gif

MfG Lee confused.gif

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Vit's harrier does not have any "helicopter mode". Perhaps you're thinking about the Russian YAK VTOl/STOL aircraft that someone else made. Those fly like helicoters because basically they are helicopters that simply have a airplane model. There is no ability on those addons to fly in level flight. Hopefully in OFP2 perhaps BIS will allow for aircraft to switch between airplane and helicopter modes of flight easily.

But so far, this VTOL/STOL script in this addon is our best hope. Also remember it's still in beta so it may be improved as time goes on.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ups, meant that YAK addon.

I know that it´s only a helicopter with plane model.

Just a stupid idea:

Is it possible to make two Harrier versions:

First: a real Plane.

Second: a helicopter with Harrier outfit.

Or just 2 configs?


Switching to "vtol flightmode", starting like a helicopter(thats what playable to me for an vtol aircraft).

Then switch via action menu to "normal flight" mode.

By selecting "normal flightmode" the real plane or a config or whatever will be loaded and you can fly it as a plane.

Don´t know if OFP allows such switching of configs/models but it would make vtol aircrafts 100% playable.

MfG Lee wink.gif

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