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Ai thread

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That'd be an extreme improvement right now selecting for vehicle A.I is very tedious, there are some things that Bohemia put in which really just don't make sense.

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ZeosPantera how the system/AI should know who is who if you tell "2 stop, 3 go left, 4 go right.." ?

Another thing that would be horrible with showing stacking units - what if more than 2-3 units are in a vehicle, ship or aircraft - will you like to see your screen cluttered up with these?

Interface design isnt that easy to master and many developers are still searching for the perfect non-intrusive and userfriedly interface. ;)

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I would also like to question the realism. The vehicle/tank commander is the one that controls the tank and his men, not the tank platoon commander. Setting gunner to combat mode and driver to aware, is that even supported by the engine? I've always been under the impression that behavior mode was a group thing rather than an individual thing.

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what if more than 2-3 units are in a vehicle, ship or aircraft - will you like to see your screen cluttered up with these?

Well the internal units would be hidden until you select a vehicle. So you would have less clutter.

I would also like to question the realism. The vehicle/tank commander is the one that controls the tank and his men, not the tank platoon commander. Setting gunner to combat mode and driver to aware, is that even supported by the engine? I've always been under the impression that behavior mode was a group thing rather than an individual thing.

It does work. All units are individuals. I almost wish they weren't. I buy a tank it should be a tank not 3 men and a tank. Just give me 1 man under my command and let the other 2 spots be general AI.

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I've experimented a little in the editor, and sadly the concept of behaviour is a little more complex than that. Going from aware to stealth is "legal" for a single member, but assigning one to safe affects everyone. Similarly if we are in safe, assigning one to stealth affects everyone. And setting one unit by the ingame interface, can fail to reflect that change when checked with the debugger. Unit #2 may show as being in aware mode, but will actually trail me in a column even if the formation is line.

Get it? Neither do I. And probably why I experience such a shitload of problems trying to script behavior - nothing is what it seems... Just by scripting commands in the debugger, I'm able to break the whole formation system with a few individual commands, with four guys at the Utes flat airport. Jeezus! I would love to have a peak in the BIS rulebook about this stuff.

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How about your Ai ignoring other damaged or injured units and moving at the pace of the slowest unit. It would be nice if they would stay on roads instead of driving into reservoirs and other places they should not go. Last night in one game, I had to disband 2 M-1's just to keep my formation moving. Also had an Apache crash land and all the other units wanted to stay in formation with that one. It get's tedious trying to fight and keep your units fighting.

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Sadly to see the AI driving skills still havent been improved in 1.07. Not even in 9 years.

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Sadly to see the AI driving skills still havent been improved in 1.07. Not even in 9 years.

You know what? In OFP there were NO PROBLEMS with AI driving. I absolutely can't get it why now, in modern games era AI can't do such a basic thing. Maybe because of "micro AI" ?


I also agree that there should be AI as a highest priority thing. It ruins whole gameplay.

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You know what? In OFP there were NO PROBLEMS with AI driving.

Thats because its in the past. And back then everything was better.

Really, there were problems with OFP driving, but in ArmA and ArmA2 driving became much more difficult because the object density is much higher compared to OFP. At least in ArmA2 the AI sortof knows there are 2 sides on a road, and the AI who walk now know that they are supposed to walk next to the road, not in the middle of it.

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It would be nice if what's been accomplished Here:

http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80032, in the Hybrid Command System should be a standard feature. You should be able to take a squad or larger, split it into Fire teams very easily, command the fire teams using High command mode, and then put them back under you in squad mode for long movements.

Also more High command options to make this game a true Company Commander simulator, where you can give an AI Plt Leader orders and it will command sub squads in a reasonable manner.


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Thats because its in the past. And back then everything was better. [/Quote]

People who have no idea about games say this kind of thing to me but when I play games like Startopia and Dungeon Keeper 2 all of why I want games to be good again comes back.

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seriously .. why isnt the ai using the buildings? In operation arrowhead the buildings appear to have very usefull interior.. let the AI-enemy use them for cover .. and shoot thru the windows .. maybe its too hard to implement .. idk

they should also try more aggressivly to find cover if under attack .. and not let a single sniper wipe out 50 ppl with ease

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I don't think the AI really need cover. It seems that prone + 200m distance makes them pretty much invulnerable. You can shoot at them, see blood spray with an entire clip, and no dice. I don't know whether this is lag, but I've had it happen many times (although it doesn't happen all the time).

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I only have two things on my wish list


AI use buildings in combat


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The only thing really wrong with the AI is the fact they are super-human.

In the fact that they never seem to get that human feeling of just being scared of dying. I dont think ANYONE, no matter how much they are trained or anything, would run directly into a stream of bullets. On D-Day veterens say they were scared as hell. Why can't today with all the tech we have make the same effect?

The rest of the AI is pretty decent.

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I don't think the AI really need cover. It seems that prone + 200m distance makes them pretty much invulnerable. You can shoot at them, see blood spray with an entire clip, and no dice. I don't know whether this is lag, but I've had it happen many times (although it doesn't happen all the time).

Even if ur hit with an old rusty ductaped smg from a mile away in the helmet or bullet proof west .. ur out of action .. at least for a week. No one can keep on fighting. If u only get a scratch on the arm.. or get dirt in your eyes from bullet impacts in front of u .. It's game over. :)

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

The only thing really wrong with the AI is the fact they are super-human.

In the fact that they never seem to get that human feeling of just being scared of dying. I dont think ANYONE, no matter how much they are trained or anything, would run directly into a stream of bullets. On D-Day veterens say they were scared as hell. Why can't today with all the tech we have make the same effect?

The rest of the AI is pretty decent.


It's really smart for being unscripted AI, and it got much better in O.A but still ..there is much more to improve .. to make it a more tougher opponent, and to have more self preservation without compromising its combat ability .

It also needs to get better at detecting and avoiding obstacles when driving. :)

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seriously .. why isnt the ai using the buildings? In operation arrowhead the buildings appear to have very usefull interior.. let the AI-enemy use them for cover .. and shoot thru the windows .. maybe its too hard to implement .. idk

they should also try more aggressivly to find cover if under attack .. and not let a single sniper wipe out 50 ppl with ease

One thing, never, ever underestimate the AI, they will do all means necessary to hunt you down, kill, and send the pictures to your virtual families. On OA they use buildings, even in ArmA 2 Ive been chased into and killed by AI searching buildings w/o using scripts

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In general the default AI dont chase their targets through buildings or search rooms for it. Scripted or addon solutions are still needed to force the AI to hunt down their targets in urban areas.

Cross fingers that BIS are going to take a closer look on AI issues/bugs. Perhaps it would help if devs would have to use+play A2+OA 24/7 with and against AI. :p

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Here's food for thought.

I like the way AI does not chase you into buildings (much), because lets face it, its bloody scary and dangerous. Much better to sit somewhere and aim at the front door. The only gripe i might have, is just to have AI lob a grenade in a building that a suspected enemy is in. because as things are you can camp in a building for a long time and live even though the AI is just outside :)

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Would like to see the AI helicopters behave normal and follow orders and waypoints for a change!

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Maybe someone mentioned this before, but i had a 10 man team i was leading and 2 times we were hit when inside a vehicle and all injured. Alive but needed medic attention. And everytime i as a leader have to tell my medic to take care of each and every unit. So: "7, heal that machine gunner". "7, heal that marksman". "7, heal that...". You get the idea.

Wouldnt it be better with a command that heals all injured? Like "7, Take care of the wounded." And so the medic - in his own time - takes care of them 1 by 1. Just like now, but without we as leaders having to press 47 million buttons to get it done.

Just an idea. Might be worthy of a feature/suggestion ticket.

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Yeah or better still the medic should just get to it without commands.

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Maybe someone mentioned this before, but i had a 10 man team i was leading and 2 times we were hit when inside a vehicle and all injured. Alive but needed medic attention. And everytime i as a leader have to tell my medic to take care of each and every unit. So: "7, heal that machine gunner". "7, heal that marksman". "7, heal that...". You get the idea.

Wouldnt it be better with a command that heals all injured? Like "7, Take care of the wounded." And so the medic - in his own time - takes care of them 1 by 1. Just like now, but without we as leaders having to press 47 million buttons to get it done.

Just an idea. Might be worthy of a feature/suggestion ticket.

Or even better:

The squad leader issue an all hold order, which make all AI take a knee, take a breather, check their ammo/equipment status, report it in, medics heal automatically any unit requiring healing and AT/Machinegun crews automatically re-ammo from nearby backpacks.

I mean, why should you even have to order a medic to heal? Is he mentally impaired somehow? Does he not see that one of his squadmembers is wounded?

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Wouldnt it be better with a command that heals all injured? Like "7, Take care of the wounded." And so the medic - in his own time - takes care of them 1 by 1. Just like now, but without we as leaders having to press 47 million buttons to get it done.

Just an idea. Might be worthy of a feature/suggestion ticket.

It would be you'd think but then someone would complain the medic healed an AI across the battlefield before the player. Or that the medic went into the line of fire trying to get to someone. Or that the medic wouldn't heal the guy he told him to since he was working on someone else.

I'd just be happy if the medic healed who I told him to when I told him. There's a lot of danger and sneaking around delay as it is now.

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agreed something in between like nettrucker said

altough I think the ai should be able to spot other targets further away but not engage them until they get closer unless they have a machine gun or sniper rifle to supress with

but I actually see nothing wrong the way it is now, I enjoy the game alot more with combined operations, combat is more intense in towns and more lag free in chernarus by some reason ;)

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