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Current conflict usmc

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suchey @ April 13 2003,22:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...how far out is the unit?<span id='postcolor'>

Quite a bit out. 150-200m.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">did this only happen when it was at a far distance?[/quote

...did the vanishing act seem to prevail durring the "flash" of the muzzle?<span id='postcolor'>

That makes sense.

Darn! I cannot recreate this now. Argh! crazy.gif

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Any views on those vests?

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The goggles are fixed....I guess I wasnt looking closely enough at them, but I think I identified the bug and squashed it.  

vests- we may have something coming...for now consider these Marines underfunded with a request into Congress biggrin.gif

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so you mean, these marines will never have like Officer, Machine Gunner, AT Soldiers thing?? darn.. i really like these soldiers.. plzz in the next version put them in classes.. with differnt loadouts.. im to lazy and "COMPUTER ILLIT" to do it.

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For now we are concentrating all of our efforts on the MARPAT pack...that pack WILL include a variety of classes, loadouts, custom weapons, and some surprises.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Landwarrior87 @ April 13 2003,23:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">so you mean, these marines will never have like Officer, Machine Gunner, AT Soldiers thing?? darn.. i really like these soldiers.. plzz in the next version put them in classes.. with differnt loadouts.. im to lazy and "COMPUTER ILLIT" to do it.<span id='postcolor'>

All of these can be done using the INIT field, as I did in the Ambush USMC mission.

The big exception is the medic.

Speaking of Ambush USMC, did anyone try out corrected version 1.1? Is it working OK for you now?

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The ambush mission is great. I've converted it to STT Desert Malden. Changed the jeep to the HMMWV and used the otw M249 PIP MG instead of the M60. I also changed the Carl Gustaf to the M136AT4 from Kmarns-mod (mods.kmarns.net).

I've also changed the skilla bit (higher for the USMC and lower for the russians) to simulate the high skill of the USMC.

I also wanted to change the soldiers to iraqies, but then the sound is wrong (early in the mission the officer talks about the russians).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Cpt. FrostBite @ April 14 2003,13:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The ambush mission is great. I've converted it to STT Desert Malden.<span id='postcolor'>

Then I would consider converting the USMCs to BAS' desert troops and weapons. smile.gif

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Could someone make a small pack (with permission of course) to add weapons and all that lot to them hoprfully the ones that will be included with the marpat marines into a seperate pack as it would be great for missions set in Operation Iraqi freedom.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suchey @ April 14 2003,03:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">For now we are concentrating all of our efforts on the MARPAT pack...that pack WILL include a variety of classes, loadouts, custom weapons, and some surprises.<span id='postcolor'>


This would be a nice surprise smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (tankieboy @ April 14 2003,16:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This would be a nice surprise  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

There's nothing inside!

Oh........................... the outside. biggrin.gif

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he AvonLady,

No I would NOT use the BAS troops on STT Desert Malden instead of the USMC. As you may (or may not) know, the current USMC are DESERT troops. They wear woodland MOPP gear but they sure are the same as seen in Iraq. That's the main reasen why I converted "your" mission to Desert malden, since I didn't like to use the desert marines on a woodland map.

To tankieboy;

suprises like that give me hartattack biggrin.gif

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Hey Frost...Id sure like to check out that mission do you have a link or could you send it to me via email?

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Sorry if this has been posted b4 but is there a way to replace the campaigns US forces to use these Marines??

(Im a brit but these units rock good job guys)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ReaperY2K @ April 15 2003,20:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sorry if this has been posted b4 but is there a way to replace the campaigns US forces to use these Marines??<span id='postcolor'>

Sure. Just UnPBO the campaign and very meticulously edit all the missions individually. You'll have to do a lot of INIT statement coding to restore the original weapons inventory of each NATO soldier.

Rotsa ruck! smile.gif

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working on a liitle bug right now. The mission can't finish after the armor comes in and you get in the UH60. The blackhawk heads south and starts hovering over the see next to the "military" island. Do you people encounter this aswel (for me it' the same for the original mission by avonlady)?

Shoudn't the bird head north and get shot down?

As soon as I fixed this I'll send it to you. Expect it in the next few hours.


Well, It should work now. I've dePBOed BIS' mission (I first just edited the mission from AvonLady) and merged it on Desert malden and then changed things. It shoudn't make a difference, but it might just work around that bug. (I may have made a mistake when I edited the AvonLady's mission).

I haven't tested it fully, though. Only checked if the loadouts on the soldiers were correct. But if there is a bug, blame BIS, because I've only changed the soldiers.

I'm sending you the mission file and the M136At4 addon. So you do need to dePBO avonlady's mission (yes, the AVONLADY's mission, NOT BIS; because of the flagtexture) and copy all files into the missionfolder i send you (expect the mission file, duh). Then you can PBO it again.

I'm sorry that I have to send it this way, but I don't have a site where I can upload the file. Feel free to host it at your site (if you like it).

A list of what I changed:

-all US troops changed to current USMC (like in Avon's mission)

-loadouts changed (8 riflemags and 2 handgrenades)

-jeep changed to HMMWV

-Carl Gustaf changed to M136At4 (by mods.kmarns.net)

-M60 changed to M249PIP (by taiwan workshop USMG v2.2)

-changed the island to STT desert Malden (by SelectThis)

I don't have iraqis, so the russians remain. The sound in the mission also speak of russians, so it would be strange to change the troops to iraqis and in the mission you hear they're russians. The iraqis also wear green uniforms so the main colour of the uniform is correct.

The M113 should be changed to AAVP7A1, but nobody made one yet(consider this a reguest).



And he hides his email adress  mad.gif  So I send it to your contact mail adress of your site (digitalgrenade)


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Frost...thanks man...Ill grab it from my email now...in regard to the email address, I created this account before I had the digitalgrenade.com site, and never thought to change it here...thanks for the heads up.

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Hey Suchey any plans on adding custom sounds to the Marines? One thing I miss is the sound of the gear a soldier's carrying shaking around as he runs. That and some other custom sounds (like when a Marine is hit) would be extremely cool.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Cpt...I havent had the opportunity to check it out yet...some stuff has been going on in real life that required my attention (unfortunately) but I plan to give it a whirl very soon!

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i was playin a mission i made and i saw that the Marines attack enemy soldiers alot faster then other units like BAS D/R's  (it may just be me)

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ok then suchey,

Don't forget to give your PBO-file the following name;

"name of mission".sttabel_desert (when you pbo'ed it)

Or put all the files in a map with that name.

I noticed that BAS D/R attack slowly sometimes.

However, the difference you discribe may be in the design of the mission; The combatmode;

in "Aware" the soldiers won't attack as fast as they would when set to "COMBAT". This may cause your 'problem'

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