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Hi there... after some time of inactivity, I have resumed Arma Modding. Here I present my WIP projects.... two of Damen schelde LST ships (LST 100, like the ones built for Nigeria and Argentina) and an LST 120h (this one comes with a Helicopter hangar.


In the end of the screen you can see the recently presented Navio Multi Funtional Luso, the A888 Joao II of the Marinha Portuguesa.... It is a 107 metres drone carrier.


All of them are fairly WIP, although the LST 100 already has most of it functions enabled.

The lST 100 can carry around 8 IFVs or  trucks, or12 light vehicles. It can unload the directly on a beach. The davits for the RHIB and LCVPs work and both can be loaded/unloaded in the ship (via attachto, not vehicle in vehicle). The plan is that all whips will be fully walkable. As of today, the GEO and Roadway lods are fairly stable.


I also have Navantia's Kodal class Littoral Ship, a 37 meter LCM





I hope I will be able to release something after christmas.... Even if it is an alpha

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Great to see you back modding and some great stuff already afloat!

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  On 12/3/2023 at 11:01 AM, chops said:

Great to see you back modding and some great stuff already afloat!

Yeah @chops... the stem cell transplant was a hell...


Hardest thing I've done in my life...


The last two months I have been weak as a kitten but now I fell much better...

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It looks great so far! Also happy to hear you are on the upswing and feeling better. I don't know of anyone personally that had such a procedure, but can imagine it is not a pleasant experience to undergo. But....seeing you posting and starting to feel better is certainly a testament of your inners strength and willpower. All the best to you and hope you continue to feel better and better.  🙂

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Some progress....


I have enabled the Davits for the RKSL LCVPs (My idea will be to also enable gunboats in the same place). I still have to texture some parts, but before I have to add more details on the bow. I'm also working on the loading ramps (bow and stern). 


Have patience... I don't have much time for modding right now.


For  COOP landing ops... the idea will be:

- First, launch the helicopter and the RHIB...

- Secure landing área and environs

- Signal launching of the LCVPs

- Amphibious IFVs can also be launched from the stern

- Lastly, beach the LST and unload tanks and trucks


bear in mind that this is an small ship (100 meters) and the cargo capacity (due to the limitations of Vehicle in Vehicle) is vastly reduced from reality. IRL it could transport at least 6 or 8 more light vehicles plus 4 or 5 more tanks or heavy vehicles. Arma is that way...


After I finish the LST 100, I will continue working on her bigger 120 meters brothers. Those can carry half a dozen more vehicles.



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G'day @mankyle,


Great to see you're back modding again and even better to hear that your health is improving. 


The new ships are looking really good and your ideas sound very promising.


Keep up the good work, but don't wear yourself out.





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Today I have completely reworked Geometry and the ship is still very stable.


FYI I have loaded 6 trucks and 3 Stryders in the ViV space plus the two LCVPs and the RHIB in their attachto spaces. 4 more stryders or trucks could fit between the LCVPs davits but they wouldn't use ViV space.



Next to do:

- Now that the GEO has been improved I can add a weapons store and an small Hospital for 4-5 beds. I don't know anything about ACE medical system or other medical systems but if they tell me how to set other systems, I could make this ship compatible.

- I'm also going to add some kind of command center behind the bridge (I don't have the interior plans, but it seems the logical location for it) with 3-4 computer posts and a big screen.

- I'm also going to add a couple cabins too.




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  On 12/14/2023 at 1:06 AM, EricJ said:

ACE3 Documentation:



It's not hard adding ACE3 functionality, though I would recommend not making it a dependency, just my 2 cents though.

'Arma 3' 2.14 added support for conditionally loading further code when a supported addon is installed, so adding a dependency, even if there's no such thing as a soft dependency, wouldn't hurt. ACE3, CBA, ZEN, just to name a few, are using it.

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Ahh didn't know that.

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Vehicle Deck loaded with 6 vehicles. Theoretically it can fit 4 Gorgons and 3 stryders or 6 Trucks and 3 stryders. The 120 meters version will have mor cargo capacity.





Infirmary WIP. More med devices and thingies will be added.





This will be the Armory. I still have to add more details like arm racks, lockers, etc...







Here you can see one of RKSLs LCVPs loaded on the starbord davit and being readied for deployment. 







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I'm still working on these ships...


Next week I will post a couple more screenshots of a side project I'm working on...


Not dead (neither the project nor me...)

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G'day @mankyle,


Glad to hear you're still with us and progressing on a project.


Hope you're condition is improving and you are feeling better.


Keep up the great work my friend.

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I present you some WIP images of the Joao II class Multi Purpose Support Ship. I have set her in AAF faction

She can carry a light helo (I have plans for being able to load a Hellcat in the hangar) and 4 RHIBs and an small landing craft.






Everything is still very WIP but for the moment the ship's GEO works very well and it is fully walkable. As you can see there are still areas that haven't been modelled or textured yet.


If you pay attention you will be able to see that I have modelled and already enabled a Davit on the starbord side. It can carry RHIBs or SDVs. It is fully animated and can be used to load/unload boats. 





Don't expect her very soon... GEOmetry works very well, though....


I have got my hands on a previous iteration of this ship's plans (by sheer luck) so I'm trying to model her the best I can (which isn't very much next to other modders here).


I'm fully concentrated on this project now (But I haven't abandoned the LST and I keep all the source files in my hard drive and in two places online)


I will try to post once a week or so to show how she is progressing...






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GEO and Road LOD WIP... She is walkable along her full length... Bu I still have to refine mass values and mass distribution. 


You cannot see in the picture but there are a couple more men entities in the multi mission bay and on the stern...




In front of the mohawk you can see the helicopter hangar. I have modelled it so it can house a Hellcat. I want to use scripts to load/unload the helicopter via scripts.

There are 4 boat bays for RHIBS and she will be able to transport some land vehicles







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GEO LOD is progressing (I'm adding details to the bridge, solving general GEO LOD problems and such... 

I have improved the ships Plans I got from an youtube video (they had crappy resolution) and now I can work better with them


The best part is that the ship is ROCK solid along her total length.... NO road or GEO LOD problems!!!! Horaay!!!

Thanks to RKSL Rock this week I will start modelling a couple of rolling doors for the hangar and other structures...


After that I will start propulating the interior. I have reenginered a couple labels, props and such from the Liberty Destroyer that I think will improve the looks a little bit (for the moment, the insides are bare)


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I finished the Helicopter Hangar Rolling doors. It has been a nightmare to animate them until I'm more or less satisfied with the results... It is not perfect, but hey.... it is good enough for me... 


I probably won't be able to post updates until next week due to RL issues

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Just wanted to say that you still working on Arma 3 stuff while having really serious life issues is deserving utmost respect and admiration! I hope it gives you solace in this hard time, and I wish you all the best!

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I know that at least three other members of these boards have suffered (or are currently being treated for) a cancer...

I'm not the only one in this situation.


I hope I will finally be able to release a worthy addon. 

Right now I'm texturing the interior of the ship (really boooring)

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Small update...


I have got the schematics of 2 portuguese UAVs that will probably be embarked in this ship in the future.

I'm very bad at modelling (and null at texturing) but I'm going to take a try at modelling the tekever UAVs

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MPPS at the Pyrgos port



Helicopter Hangar with closed door (already enabled)




OPS room WIP



Hospital WIP




Armory WIP



Next step is to continue modelling Bridge and Pri Fly center (with panels of instruments) and cargo bay. RHIB Davits are already enabled and working, But I still have to texture the davits and add geometry to them. 

then I want to add an scripting system for loading/unloading the helicopter in the hangar....


She will still require a LOT of work to be playable






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G'day @mankyle,


Those screen shots look great. I'm looking forward to seeing her completed and operational.


Hope your health is improving.


Keep up the good work.

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Thanks @wansec_6


I'm now redoing the bridge and pri fly windows so they look better (then I will have to remake the whole island), and them model the basic structure of the bridge and primary flight control interior.

After that I will model the lower cargo bay (below the multi purpose deck, where the boats and vehicles are stored). According to the plans I have there are stairs between these two decks in the port boat bay. I will have to add those stairs and remake the GEO and Road LODs, but I don't forsee many problems with that.


I have also seen that there are two ladders that communicate the multi purpose deck and the flight deck. I can add them, and they would make sense, because otherwise you would have to go 30 meters to the bow to go to the flight deck, but due to how ladders work in Arma I think I'm going to model them but not make them functional.


Next step will be to texture the davits and finish the boat bays doors. The basic structure is already done, but I want to model some hydraulics that can animate when the doors are opened/closed.

After that will go the Roll On/Roll Off ramp and some other details.


I'm having problems with the helicopter hangar rolling door frame. I will probably have to restart it from scratch so I'm going to make an excel to calculate the position of all axes depending on the animation state (it won't be very complicated, I hope)



One Idea I have had:

BIS Hellcat helicopters are based on the Arma 2 UK forces expansion P3Ds. I have downloaded the samples and I was thinking about doing the following.


Via scripts I could set dammage 1 to the helicopter main rotor and then attachto to the Main rotor position a folding rotor (taken from the Arma 2 samples and edited so it can animated to a folded state). Then the helicopter would fit inside of the ship's hangar without the rotor blades goin through the walls.


Also via scripts the folded rotor could be unfolded, then erased and then the helicopter main rotor could be set back to normal state using set dammage 0


Have patience, this is going to take MONTHS at the least






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  On 9/24/2024 at 2:42 PM, mankyle said:

One Idea I have had:

BIS Hellcat helicopters are based on the Arma 2 UK forces expansion P3Ds. I have downloaded the samples and I was thinking about doing the following.


Via scripts I could set dammage 1 to the helicopter main rotor and then attachto to the Main rotor position a folding rotor (taken from the Arma 2 samples and edited so it can animated to a folded state). Then the helicopter would fit inside of the ship's hangar without the rotor blades goin through the walls.


Also via scripts the folded rotor could be unfolded, then erased and then the helicopter main rotor could be set back to normal state using set dammage 0


Have patience, this is going to take MONTHS at the least

Would this be a ViV hangar? Or a more "physical" hangar?


That's a whole lot more complex than I did for a ViV hangar for the LHD, in which the helis just have their blades unfolded and clipping into their neighbors.

It's not a problem for ViV, but relying on arms physics would be a problem 

Immersion breaking? Yes, but one doesn't really spend much time below deck

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