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Benefits of Delaying the Release of the Enfusion Engine

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4 hours ago, Janez said:

Now, now, lets not get our panties in a bunch. It's a game mode editor. To simplify it, they are basically expanding the list of variables you can tweak. There are still regular maps, albeit pretty big, not an open world and they're adding factions, weapons, vehicles and whatnot from some of the previous games into 2042, which you can then mix and mach as you please in sort of custom server setting.


 Well if the video guy is correct -he said you can place the battle where and how in that level as you please -meaning you can create a 4 human vs AI House infiltrate mission against AI etc...if i can do that as well as also create huge tank battle somewhere else -thats open world to me. My panties will retain their bunchiness thank you very much -Good Day Sir !

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I repeat again BI has to port SOGPF vietnam in DAYZ SA. fit perfectly for the Enfusion engine and this game

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31 minutes ago, zukov said:

I repeat again BI has to port SOGPF vietnam in DAYZ SA. fit perfectly for the Enfusion engine and this game


Well actually it wouldn't be BI a decision. As Savage Games Design made the CDLC SOGPF, it would be their choice as they created it.

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5 minutes ago, R0adki11 said:


Well actually it wouldn't be BI a decision. As Savage Games Design made the CDLC SOGPF, it would be their choice as they created it.

it's just a brainstorming, it's obvious there would be an agreement. But mike force gameplay fit nicely with dayz format, thinks the animations and knife combat would be fantastic!  sickness alligators...

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The longer it takes to reach the market the greater a chance of a competitor appearing - and that's a positive.

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1 hour ago, stburr91 said:


I don't think that would even be possible, the Dayz SA engine isn't developed enough to support much of what's in  SOGPF.

i don't believe that so weak for SOGPF

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2 minutes ago, zukov said:

i don't believe that so weak for SOGPF

 I thought Enfusion couldnt handle Arma style infantry AI -like at all ?? Heard it only capable of handling simple agents like Zeds and what not. Could be wrong as ive never really played Dayz since the arma 2 mod dayS

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2 minutes ago, froggyluv said:

 I thought Enfusion couldnt handle Arma style infantry AI -like at all ?? Heard it only capable of handling simple agents like Zeds and what not. Could be wrong as ive never really played Dayz since the arma 2 mod dayS

i wrote for SOGPF because is more focused on PVP multiplayer and some feature on Dayz can improve the gameplay (common rose gesture animation etc etc)

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15 hours ago, froggyluv said:

@Battlefield 2042 -did he say Co-op vs AI ...on THAT ENGINE? In OPEN WORLD?!?


 Holy smokes and hot Jesus ! !


11 hours ago, Janez said:

Now, now, lets not get our panties in a bunch. It's a game mode editor. To simplify it, they are basically expanding the list of variables you can tweak. There are still regular maps, albeit pretty big, not an open world and they're adding factions, weapons, vehicles and whatnot from some of the previous games into 2042, which you can then mix and mach as you please in sort of custom server setting.


I swear I read something like being "able to create your own game mode" and/or being "able to establish victory/defeat conditions".  If those are true it'll be a huge boon for sandbox lovers everywhere!  But how does Battlefield AI hold up in terms of just plopping some units down in an editor and pressing "go" to start simple missions, etc?  Will we have fine control of respawn/death and camera while dead?  (Will we be able to prevent insta-respawn?)  Will it have the equivalent of selectPlayer?  If it somehow ticks all these boxes, will be a tremendously exciting thing (even if you're not particularly into BF), b/c logically more AAA game creators will follow suit!  Kind of like when Unity or Unreal went free (for initial use, etc), the other quickly followed suit.  Also, any word on how mod-able it'll be? (like equivalent of Arma addons)  Probably all wishful thinking, but a guy can dream.

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1 hour ago, zukov said:

i wrote for SOGPF because is more focused on PVP multiplayer and some feature on Dayz can improve the gameplay (common rose gesture animation etc etc)


I want the DayZ RENDERER and animations system ported to ARMA 3 engine so we can use it!


It seems to be way smoother for some reason when I compared Chernarus from CUP in EDEN in ARMA 3 vs DayZ Chernarus+.


It could be the actual FOV and quality settings as there do not seem to be corresponding rendering distance settings from DayZ to match ARMA 3 though.


The DayZ animation improvements are great.


I cannot wait for ARMA 4 sandbox engine with Enfusion improvements! 

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21 minutes ago, Valken said:

I want the DayZ RENDERER and animations system ported to ARMA 3 engine so we can use it!


 Not tryna be devils advocate - but im honestly curious whats so great about Dayz's animation system , i mean i get that they look a tad smoother than Armas but lets be honest thats not saying much especially for almost 2022 gaming. The entire reason i never got into DayZ was just how horrible this engine is at Melee -it may be the worst ive ever seen -no joke. Absolutely no fluidity, totally non accurate hit boxes a total vacuum of sense of force, inertia, momentum or anything really that is involved in melee combat. Now again -this was Arma 2 Dayz - id assumed that with the newer engine and all this time it would have evolved leaps and bounds but from what ive seen on YT and things like this recently on Reddit

..sounds like its as bad as ever! I just dont get it - Bad Bensons Dinosaur attacks were pretty spot on and he really nailed down proper orientation of the attack and other large object mass issues -especially doing it on Arma3's NOT Dayz's engine. Now you have that new Improved Melee Mod for Arma featuring lightsaber duels and pretty responsive maneuvering AGAIN on Arma3's engine??! What in the world is Bohemia's excuse? Id love to be wrong here and someone tell me DayZ is leaps and bounds above any of this and is really fluid engaging combat -i mean Zombie worlds are all about up and close battles you just HAVE to get that right or it aint fun in my book


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8 hours ago, froggyluv said:

Well if the video guy is correct -he said you can place the battle where and how in that level as you please -meaning you can create a 4 human vs AI House infiltrate mission against AI etc...if i can do that as well as also create huge tank battle somewhere else -thats open world to me. My panties will retain their bunchiness thank you very much -Good Day Sir !


1 hour ago, madrussian said:

I swear I read something like being "able to create your own game mode" and/or being "able to establish victory/defeat conditions".  If those are true it'll be a huge boon for sandbox lovers everywhere!  But how does Battlefield AI hold up in terms of just plopping some units down in an editor and pressing "go" to start simple missions, etc?  Will we have fine control of respawn/death and camera while dead?  (Will we be able to prevent insta-respawn?)  Will it have the equivalent of selectPlayer?  If it somehow ticks all these boxes, will be a tremendously exciting thing (even if you're not particularly into BF), b/c logically more AAA game creators will follow suit!  Kind of like when Unity or Unreal went free (for initial use, etc), the other quickly followed suit.  Also, any word on how mod-able it'll be? (like equivalent of Arma addons)  Probably all wishful thinking, but a guy can dream.

Hehe, OK I know it is exciting stuff but this is what is actually known so far:

EA Play 2021 presentation

Battlefield Briefing: Exploring Battlefield Portal


In BF3 and 4 there were plugins for servers that allowed you to dictate settings like player health, vehicle respawn time, amount of spawn tickets, number of players and so on. There is a lot of ambiguous fluff in that blog post that sounds exciting but I'm afraid there is not going to be any plucking down nor modding here. Developer of Frosty Mod Suite works for EA now and does not maintain the project any more and VU for BF3 is generally alive because there is BF4. This will most likely be an expansion to previously mentioned options, substantial expansion that I welcome very much and is a great step forward but expansion non the less.

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Whens the last time BF used bots? I had fun with them in BF2 but then after a modder increased a battle map level size -i placed the Bots in the expanded map and they couldnt move -like at all. They were totally dependent on being scripted to an exact level im guessing. Next in BF3 campaign, they got rid of MP bots (much to my disappoint) and implemented "cheat bots" into the SP campaign. They were so scripted if you were behind  them while they were in a hallway firefight 20 m from the enemy -they wouldnt take any damage whatsoever until you went up front *nauseating*

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59 minutes ago, froggyluv said:

Whens the last time BF used bots? <snip>

That's right, in BF2 they were Counter-Strike like, waypoint based bots and PR had no support for that afair. BF3 and 4 campaign had completely scripted sequences with pop up targets, CoD like.


1 hour ago, froggyluv said:

Next in BF3 campaign, they got rid of MP bots (much to my disappoint)

Yep, sad days ever since but they'll be back now. Hopefully, core game doesn't suck ass.

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1 hour ago, froggyluv said:

Whens the last time BF used bots? I had fun with them in BF2 but then after a modder increased a battle map level size -i placed the Bots in the expanded map and they couldnt move -like at all. They were totally dependent on being scripted to an exact level im guessing. Next in BF3 campaign, they got rid of MP bots (much to my disappoint) and implemented "cheat bots" into the SP campaign. They were so scripted if you were behind  them while they were in a hallway firefight 20 m from the enemy -they wouldnt take any damage whatsoever until you went up front *nauseating*


Before now? Bad Company 2. The next one (2042) will have them as an option.

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10 hours ago, froggyluv said:


 Not tryna be devils advocate - but im honestly curious whats so great about Dayz's animation system , i mean i get that they look a tad smoother than Armas but lets be honest thats not saying much especially for almost 2022 gaming. The entire reason i never got into DayZ was just how horrible this engine is at Melee -it may be the worst ive ever seen -no joke. Absolutely no fluidity, totally non accurate hit boxes a total vacuum of sense of force, inertia, momentum or anything really that is involved in melee combat. Now again -this was Arma 2 Dayz - id assumed that with the newer engine and all this time it would have evolved leaps and bounds but from what ive seen on YT and things like this recently on Reddit

..sounds like its as bad as ever! I just dont get it - Bad Bensons Dinosaur attacks were pretty spot on and he really nailed down proper orientation of the attack and other large object mass issues -especially doing it on Arma3's NOT Dayz's engine. Now you have that new Improved Melee Mod for Arma featuring lightsaber duels and pretty responsive maneuvering AGAIN on Arma3's engine??! What in the world is Bohemia's excuse? Id love to be wrong here and someone tell me DayZ is leaps and bounds above any of this and is really fluid engaging combat -i mean Zombie worlds are all about up and close battles you just HAVE to get that right or it aint fun in my book



I suggest you try it when DayZ has a free weekend.


I purchased DayZ SA RECENTLY after playing Ravage with Enhanced Movement and Melee. I have to say DayZ SA is now on par yet different as those enhancements are built in but it does not have the advanced scripting or AI of ARMA 3.


Animation is not Kludgy at all, not saying the ARMA 3 mods are kludgy but feels more smoother due to having resources directly from BIS to make it. In ARMA 3, I need to use the animation fix and REAL mod to speed up animations or it feels "slow".


Melee is used for PVP combat when you run out of ammo. There are tons of melee weapons mod on Steam Workshop now for it as well. I feel way more "immersed" running DayZ Cherno than ARMA 3 Cherno for example. The development team really tuned it for being there. I think it is the nuances of the idle animations or the way the character bobs that make it feels more there.


The DayZ TODAY is NOT the old 0.xx versions. That was basically DayZ mod ported with Cherno+ terrain.


DayZ SA now is a work of love for what it is... Sound system is awesome. I love it over ARMA 3 default gun sounds. 


While the DayZ engine is a stripped ARMA 3 engine with new animation system and renderer, those enhancements are worthy of enhancing ARMA because of better techniques hence I am looking forward to what BIS will bring to the FULL FAT ENFUSION engine for ARMA 4.


Lastly, it seems to run better for me but as I stated, I do not know if DayZ EXTREME is the same as ARMA 3 ULTRA settings. Same PC, no difference.


BTW: DayZ is literally a COOP game to have a good time. I play with only 1 other player who had it and it is was incredibly fun. It is super hostile as a solo game due to PVP.  ARMA 3 you at least had access to an AI squad as your backup or to draw enemy fire while you snipe at them so the "experience" is totally different.


But we are not comparing that. Just the game engine enhancements and improvements we would like to see for ARMA 4 and competitive engines.

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13 hours ago, -Joe- said:

Bad Company 2.

It had mediocre although a lot more open campaign compared to BF3 and 4. There are supposedly some bot mods for MP.


13 hours ago, -Joe- said:

The next one (2042) will have them as an option.

It seem like it wont necessarily be an option in core game. Bots will fill empty server slots up to 64 bots. Some maps support up to 128 players. Now interpret what exactly all that means however you like, it is unclear for now.

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