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Ch-53e super stallion

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Adammo @ Jan. 29 2003,01:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Miles Teg, that was a nicely put non-bias answer!


Hey guys some of the model is mine.. and some is

Scorpios.. and Too Tall has now worked on it and someone elses.. (I'm not sure who)

Scorpio told me it was a friend of his that worked on parts of the model ..

either way I havent heard the originator complaining..maybe they should if there is a problem.. but i doubt there is.. I rewrote some of the model because it had way to many faces.. so either way..

Scorpio can't take all the credit and he hasn't.. I cant either.. i have only some parts of the models also.. its a collaberation of a bunch of people for this model.. so what the big deal?  well there is non..

so just relax..and enjoy the game smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I also had a hand in the addon :-) did the animations on the gear and added the chaff launcher. Still trying to get around to fixing the window animations. Anyway the addon is looking great and like addammo said alot of people have worked on this addon, Scorpio has never once told me that it is "his" addon. Yes he has made some mistakes in the past but I dont think he deserves all this grief over this ch-53, its a beautiful chopper ingame.

Oh yeah, when scorpio sent the chopper to me I also wanted to post screenies all over the net. But I tried my best and didnt press the submit post tab. I must confess I did have to send a screenshot to a friend :-( But I think posting the pics was a bit wrong. The addon had not even been mentioned in public as far as I was aware of. Next time too tall you should ask first.

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now i see why col klink doesnt post in forums anymore. becuz of you ppl. all of you make me sick.

scorpio ur a theif and aliar.  not to mention ur an asshole (born that way so i wont fault you)

pvzg(the perfector) i dont like u cuz ur an asshole but u worked it your whole like so i CAN fault u for that. you go after every minute detail and NOTHING is ever good enuf for you is it?

hudson (the backstaber) thought i could trust someone . . but i guess u cant anymore.

oxpecker aka peckerhead (the jackass) you never give up do you? you think you are ALWAYS right dont u? or so u liek to think in the forums

and to anyone i missed. . . there are a handful of you out there that are still good. the rest of you. . .you all make me sick. .buncha pathcetic fools you are. and its stupid ppl liek you that make me hope for WWIII so i can see the world end. . .becuz there is too many stupid ppl in this galaxy. . we need to start over.

and in closing.



smile.gif  thank you (you sad sorry sons-a-bitchs)

this is my final post because i cant deal with you stupid people. stupid people are everywhere. and all seem to flock to this forum.


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Guest BratZ

At Ease Soldier!

BraTTy issues multiple rest commands

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Been there, done that,

Up yours ya little wuss, can't handle flames? put down the matches.

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Awwww,now the only speck of intelligence in this forum is gone... sad.gif

Calling people assholes for no good reason shows off your vastly superior intellect then? confused.gif

Anyway,model looks good,I hope it'll be finished (soon) smile.gif

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hmm .... bye bye too tall ....

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Aw c'mon, you seriously think this spoiled brat lil' motor mouth can stay away from the forums? If he's not back under the name ~too tall~ he'll just register a new name to whine under. wink.gif

Anyway, back to the topic, Scorpio, will this sweet addon have a door minigun?

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IP ban then , hoping he doesn't have a changing IP

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He calls the rest of us assholes... Yes thank you, I love you too. tounge.gif

About the addon. I hope this one will be released very soon. At least I have a ride for me marines then. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Jan. 29 2003,07:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyway, back to the topic, Scorpio, will this sweet addon have a door minigun?<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah, this was the one problem I had with the addon, no gun. Please Scorpio can we get one?

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Ok guys...I was away from this the whole day...and I havn't got a chance to read the whole thread. Some things to address...

TooTall - I was first asking you (or persumablely to get to your 'friend' to make some descent flares ingame). I was unware of your stupidity and behavior on the forums, let alone everywhere. I couldn't do flares myself...I tried before but I didn't succeed. But now I had a go at it, and it works fine.

Also, I should point out to you, that:

- Beta testing requires sercrecy, and does not include posting pictures all around. I was apologising to BAS on behalf of you posting the CH-53E on the BAS thread...because they are still my friends now, and I even asked you Politely to take off the screenshot. Instead, you react with the most unthinkable retaliation.

- I have admitted many times before, and I will admit again...I have had many bad occurances in the past. I apologised for that, and now I'm out of that. I'm not one of those guys who goes stealing models and then just fakely says sorry, and then does it again and again.

- You obviously ahve a reading problem - That model is not all mine. The nose model is from the De Espona library model, in which I asked Aljedro Majanda, of De Espona, for the nose model only. After some talk, we finally came to an agreement. The rest majority of the model is mine, and also, some is made by other people that helped.

Here is part of the list of credits which I would of intended in the readme and setup file:

Cpt.Moore/Adammo - Was my partner in this project, which he offered another nose model in a different LOD.

Gexking - For help with the skin quality.

Hudson - For help with the event handlers and gear.

Vektorboson - For his excellent scripts

Sole - For the ingame icon and lighting solutions.

Deadsoldier - For the lettering.

US Marine - For help with the config.cpp file.

Deadmeat - For help in general.

Miles Teg - For the mission.

Aljedro Majanda - For the nose model.

I can still model, but I can't do everything in modelling and in other areas. I managed to amaze even myself at how this chopper came to be...I really didn't want the credit all to myself, so please don't jump to conclusions.

This has been a very bad day for me...and it really wasn't necessary. I suddenly feel quite upset to the nerve and bad attitude TooTall had, but I won't really express all of it, because It'll probably get me in trouble for insults, but I would agree on what other people have said about him.

Anyway, since this thread has gone from a work in progress thread, to a flame-zone...It won't have any point for itself.

Thanks for reading.

oh, and I would prolly guess correctly that TooShort will be posting a -"You f***king bastard! you have no life! I have more friends than you! I R UBER 1337 CS N00B! Go to hell! Weee, WWIII!" heh... smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hudson @ Jan. 29 2003,17:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Jan. 29 2003,07:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyway, back to the topic, Scorpio, will this sweet addon have a door minigun?<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah, this was the one problem I had with the addon, no gun. Please Scorpio can we get one?<span id='postcolor'>

I can try...maybe a CH-53D aswell as the addon goes on.

What I was aiming at is a CH-53E(grey, green and desert paint schemes), CH-53D, CH-53A(Nam chopper), MH-53E(almost finished), and the MH-53J (just started). It'll be a big project though, and obviously will take a long time. I can decide further on whether to release them seperately or not...

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in the beginin of this topic u said many talented ppl helped u but u never said who and we would've probably never known if we havnt started this arguement.

Still if the issue with Crakinshot is a coincedence then its a hell of a huge coincedence + crakin told me that scorp tried to steal it, but as I STATED IN MY POST i have no evidence and cannot prove my case so im just making assumptions.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Soul_Assassin @ Jan. 29 2003,19:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">in the beginin of this topic u said many talented ppl helped u but u never said who and we would've probably never known if we havnt started this arguement.<span id='postcolor'>

Just tell me someone who listed all people that worked on one specific addon in the very first post in a thread.

I would've been pleased if I (Vektorboson) was just mentioned in the readme. I don't understand this argument about not telling who did work on this addon. Hey, it wasn't even released yet, so cool down children.

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scorpio, way to go shooting down that war hating liberal, too tall, i laugh cause he is such a dumbass (Too Tall: oh i like to steal callsigns from movies ahh) i have to just beat on him now after his bitching like the liberal he is. anyway...... are you conna make the sea version with torpedos or something like that and also a marine version, that would be sweet. did you put the full 11 man crew on the MH-53 PaveLow, and also a new pilot model i hate the BIS model.........

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Soul_Assassin @ Jan. 29 2003,19:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">in the beginin of this topic u said many talented ppl helped u but u never said who and we would've probably never known if we havnt started this arguement.

Still if the issue with Crakinshot is a coincedence then its a hell of a huge coincedence + crakin told me that scorp tried to steal it, but as I STATED IN MY POST i have no evidence and cannot prove my case so im just making assumptions.<span id='postcolor'>

Why air your assumptions publicly to stir up trouble?

Can't you guys just leave Scorpio alone to make his addons?

If you are so concerned contact this mysterious Crakinshot and let him and Scorp work it out, else can it.  mad.gif

Why do people think that causing trouble and ill feelings toward people think this will help ANYTHING?

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If you can't get a gun try to get a radar station on the inside that someone can watch which can pick up things from farther than current ofp vehicles so in multiplayer it could be of the same use it is in the real military. The radar blockhouse addon has a little radar thingy on the inside of it that works pretty nifty but i doubt that its active. An active high power radar station is what it needs. Maybe even a little bed that can lower down for rescues or a little ring or hoop that can raise and lower people from the helicopter.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (joshnolan225 @ Jan. 29 2003,21:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">scorpio, way to go shooting down that war hating liberal, too tall, i laugh cause he is such a dumbass (Too Tall: oh i like to steal callsigns from movies ahh) i have to just beat on him now after his bitching like the liberal he is.  anyway...... are you conna make the sea version with torpedos or something like that and also a marine version,  that would be sweet. did you put the full 11 man crew on the MH-53 PaveLow, and also a new pilot model i hate the BIS model.........<span id='postcolor'>

Hey, I'm a war hating liberal as well. Please don't insult us liberals by calling Too Tall one. tounge.gifcrazy.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Frisbee @ Jan. 29 2003,12:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Awwww,now the only speck of intelligence in this forum is gone...  sad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hey! I resemble that remark. LOL. tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Scorpio @ Jan. 29 2003,17:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Here is part of the list of credits which I would of intended in the readme and setup file:

Cpt.Moore/Adammo - Was my partner in this project, which he offered another nose model in a different LOD.

Gexking - For help with the skin quality.

Hudson - For help with the event handlers and gear.

Vektorboson - For his excellent scripts

Sole - For the ingame icon and lighting solutions.

Deadsoldier - For the lettering.

US Marine - For help with the config.cpp file.

Deadmeat - For help in general.

Miles Teg - For the mission.

Aljedro Majanda - For the nose model.



Now thats what I call a README! LMAO.<span id='postcolor'>


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Gee, I didn't get any credit from deadsoldier for providing the cockpit textures or webspace. I feel hated, used, and generally not taken seriously.

I think I'll go and... continue browsing the forums now.

Hrmph  mad.gif


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